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Messages - Onyx Sentinel

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314 ... 29
The Flood / Do you guys harbor pure hatred for anyone?
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:58:47 PM »
I have pure hatred for one user on

The Flood / Re: Just made a coworker puke
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:55:45 PM »
lmao, tho kinda sickening.

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:45:35 PM »
Feds are taking this way to seriously.

Uh, no.
Uh, yeah. That they've cut of funding to NC to bully them into following their policies.

Gaming / What should I review next?
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:44:02 PM »
And any things I should work on?

Serious / Re: US Attorney General on the North Carolina bill
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:38:12 PM »
Feds are taking this way to seriously.

Septagon / Re: When is the next Anarchy?
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:18:33 PM »
it's boring now
Well for someone who hasn't experienced it yet, it's something to do.

The Flood / Re: Do you guys think Solonoid is recruiting in jail
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:09:42 PM »

Septagon / When is the next Anarchy?
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:08:31 PM »
I somehow missed the one on April 1st, and am interested to see what it is like. Also so I don't miss it again, can I get a pm when it is active.

I'm afraid of "Flesh Eating Bacteria"!

The Flood / Re: Winona Ryder isn't adorable
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:24:08 PM »
Who are you even talki about?

The Flood / Re: Got a new keyboard
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:22:47 PM »
Nice keyboard.

Fuck her right in the pussy since you're such a player. Your affair is inevitable.

Shes a big dyke. She doesn't fuck men.
She's also a robot, so I doubt there's a snatch down there *shivers*
Snuke in the Snatch.

I don't drink, so...

In the US of A...

The Flood / Re: How do I acquire Mythic
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:41:23 PM »
I spend most of my time lurking here, not much that interests me. So It will be awhile before I rank up.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:18:24 PM »
Posted in tis thread.

The Flood / Re: Rate the avatar above you and explain your own
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:16:50 PM »
5/10 using pic from a new game.

Mine is from my favorite character.

Gaming / Re: do you like old videogames or new videogames
« on: May 10, 2016, 03:14:21 PM »
There are only a few New games that I like, these days.

Tommy, because he wears a cool shirt.

The Flood / Re: by the end of this week, i will be a vegetarian
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:54:12 PM »
Kinda pointless being a vegetarian. Live your life to the fullest extent.
why do you think it's pointless? i'm not trying to say that as to be confrontational, just out of curiosity. because, personally, i feel i will be living my life to the fullest extent after i go through this dietary transformation.
I mean it as, restricting yourself from enjoying certain foods - would be pointless.

The Flood / Re: by the end of this week, i will be a vegetarian
« on: May 09, 2016, 11:27:57 PM »
Kinda pointless being a vegetarian. Live your life to the fullest extent.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars Gamenight - Friday
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:41:51 PM »
Shit its been a long time since I last played Halo Wars. Is it backwards compatible on Xbone yet? I really don't have the patience to hook up my 360 again.

If so I'm down.
It's backwards compatible, it's be great to play some Wars again.

Alright then, I'm down. Just added you btw.
I'l add you when I get on xbax

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars Gamenight - Friday
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:38:55 PM »
Shit its been a long time since I last played Halo Wars. Is it backwards compatible on Xbone yet? I really don't have the patience to hook up my 360 again.

If so I'm down.
It's backwards compatible, it's be great to play some Wars again.

Gaming / Re: Favourite Video Game Track/Song
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:36:50 PM »

Gaming / Halo Wars Gamenight - Friday
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:30:06 PM »
If anyone is up to play Halo Wars this Friday, add me on Xbox if you haven't already. DBD Halo Legend -Tag-.

I usually play custom 3v3s,, but I am open to some Ranked play, any other modes.
So if you're down, cool. I'll see ya this Friday.

- I'l also be doing MCC with Deci on Saturday.

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC gameday this weekend?
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:23:23 PM »
I'm up for it. Incase I forget to add you/ my tag is DBD Halo Legend

Awesome. If no one else shows up, we will just play campaign then.

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC gameday this weekend?
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:01:29 PM »
I'm up for it. Incase I forget to add you/ my tag is DBD Halo Legend

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:05:48 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
did you just stat check someone for a forum argument in the year of our lord 2010+3x2

Problem? He's bad and I can prove it with math. It's relevant to OP, too, since it's quite obvious that he doesn't really understand the game. Bad player, bad review.
1v1 Bro
Pay for my xbox live and Reach download and sure. If not, I cannot acquiesce. And, once again, the "1v1 me bro" thing is one of those things people say when they're really fucking bad and can't defend themselves with stats or logic.
Wow... why don't you have XBL or Reach?
I had a disc copy of Reach from when it came out but I dunno where it is now. I haven't had xbox live in a little over a year because I don't play console games anymore.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 09, 2016, 07:57:13 PM »
Reach is a well polished FPS,that offers the classic Halo gameplay
i disagree
that offers the classic Halo gameplay, with the addition of Armor Abilities.
Only insofar as there are guns. Armor abilities weren't the only diverging mechanic. Loadouts alone - There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything. - with were a huge step away from core classic Halo gameplay. Across the board, map design was extremely different too - Yea, the maps were not the best, but Reach did have some really good maps, like paradiso, Spire, Countdown. Map quality is not a feature of classic halo. - (reach's maps were the worst the series had seen by a long shot before halo 4 came out). Then there's the addition of bloom & different player physics. Again... read the whole review, bloom is mentioned,

Maybe you're talking out of your ass because you never really played the good Halo games - I have played every single Halo game (spartan Assault/Strike/Halo Online are jokes so they don't count) , or maybe you have played them and are just bad/retarded - I could beat your ass anyday on Halo 2 Classic, or Reach. , but anyone with half a brain who has played CE/H2/H3 can see that Reach's default multiplayer is almost NOTHING like them. It takes some steps away from them, but is not that different.
what the fuck is this post formatting? are you high?

There are no loadouts.... I have already mentioned in the review, that people start of with a armor ability, you can not choose weapons or anything.

False. Tons of playlists in Reach where you choose different weapons via loadout menu. Paradiso and Spire were awful. Countdown wasn't terrible but it wasn't good. The only good map in that game was Zealot, and even then they had to remove the space level to make it playable from a competitive standpoint. You couldn't beat me in any Halo game because I'm actually good and you have a bunch of water in your skull where your brain should be.
*Sigh*  Invasion is literally the only mode where you can choose your loadout. You spent way too much time in customs. Paradiso was an awesome, map. It was vehicle focused map. Spire offered many types of engagements.
I could easily beat you.
Invasion was not the only loadout playlist, what the fuck are you talking about? I almost never played custom games. Those maps were fucking garbage.

And, just for the record.

Your Reach page on HTR.

And here's mine.

Notice a difference? I do. You're terrible.
did you just stat check someone for a forum argument in the year of our lord 2010+3x2

Problem? He's bad and I can prove it with math. It's relevant to OP, too, since it's quite obvious that he doesn't really understand the game. Bad player, bad review.
1v1 Bro
Pay for my xbox live and Reach download and sure. If not, I cannot acquiesce. And, once again, the "1v1 me bro" thing is one of those things people say when they're really fucking bad and can't defend themselves with stats or logic.
How come you don't have XBL or Reach?

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