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Messages - mojo

Pages: 1 ... 232425 2627 ... 106
The Flood / Re: free verb
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:30:48 AM »
o shit i just played through dishonored
the first one?

both are super good but I prefer the second
yeah my friend bought the first one by accident and gave it to me so i played it and all the dlc

i really enjoyed it

i like low chaos; not killing anybody and never being detected

I did two separate runs. Low and high. High chaos, get to the final section of the game.

Friendly, mild mannered moral compass boatman pulls out a gun and tells me I'm a miserable cunt in a polite manner, shoots up into the air and leaves me to my fate. Died a little inside.
lol. i should do a high chaos run just to see those little differences. should be pretty quick and easy since i dont have to sneak around

Apparently I was super high chaos. I talked to other people who high chaos and while samuel talked down a little bit to them, he didn't straight up condemn them like he did me. Probably because I went into terminator mode and killed every living thing I came across.
if i were to do high chaos i'd do it that way too, just so i get as radically different an ending/events as possible

I almost did a no spotted/ killed nobody run once.

My conscience got the better of me when I stumbled onto a group of civilians hiding in a building while tall boys patrolled outside. They wanted to make a run for it but the tall boys were waiting for them.

Once I realized that you couldn't put them down with sleep darts and the one that was waiting to ambush them never drew his line of sight off them I sacrificed that flawless playthrough.

The next run was high chaos so samuel condmning me to rot in hell and firing his gun off shore to alert everybody hit me like thomas the tank engine.
is there any special ending/event you get if you go flawless? i wasnt flawless but i was pretty damn close

The Flood / Re: Your interpretation of this drawing
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:27:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:27:03 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;
i'm reporting your report.
im not sure that is possible

anything is possible
im not so sure

what i do know is that it is possible for me to reach 3000 posts


The Flood / Re: i dont shit post
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:24:52 AM »
i just post shit.
shut up loser

dude you're such a fucking butt plug
oh dear me

oh jee willys
thats a cool expression

its too k00l 4 sk00l
oh you betcha my man

would you let an astronaut cum on your ass lmao?
yeah i would wbu?

duh huehuehuehuehuehue
yeah astronauts are cool

specifically when they die,
um that is mean

lol ikr
its not good to be mean

lick my hairy ass
hey man i mean im not saying im not gay but yeah thats weird to say

i want every dingle berry slurped up.
thats yucky y do u have so many yucky things to say

just cause.
i suppose thats fair enough

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:24:24 AM »
Fix it.
This company was supposed to come today and replace it but they called me up and told me they forgot to order the glass. No idea what I'm supposed to do now since the weekend is almost here and I have to be in Georgia for school by Monday.

Duct tape.
duct tape is really good for fixing things from my experience

Bad for weather though. Tuct tape holds a better seal.
what is tuct tape?

Canada's gift to the world.
damn so like super weather-juggernaut duct tape?

I patched an entire window on my motorhome with it. Tape's been on there for two years and counting. Seal held over two winters and springs, never leaked or broke.
thats crazy! you live in canada too right? hot damn!

Yeah matey.
i am going to have to buy me some of that stuff

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:23:38 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;
i'm reporting your report.
im not sure that is possible

The Flood / Re: Proof that Italians are Arabs
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:22:30 AM »
You forget pepperoni.
those are pretty good on pizza

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:21:59 AM »
Fix it.
This company was supposed to come today and replace it but they called me up and told me they forgot to order the glass. No idea what I'm supposed to do now since the weekend is almost here and I have to be in Georgia for school by Monday.

Duct tape.
duct tape is really good for fixing things from my experience

Bad for weather though. Tuct tape holds a better seal.
what is tuct tape?

Canada's gift to the world.
damn so like super weather-juggernaut duct tape?

I patched an entire window on my motorhome with it. Tape's been on there for two years and counting. Seal held over two winters and springs, never leaked or broke.
thats crazy! you live in canada too right? hot damn!

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:19:55 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:17:37 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:17:06 AM »
Fix it.
This company was supposed to come today and replace it but they called me up and told me they forgot to order the glass. No idea what I'm supposed to do now since the weekend is almost here and I have to be in Georgia for school by Monday.

Duct tape.
duct tape is really good for fixing things from my experience

Bad for weather though. Tuct tape holds a better seal.
what is tuct tape?

Canada's gift to the world.
damn so like super weather-juggernaut duct tape?

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:13:05 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?

The Flood / Re: i dont shit post
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:12:30 AM »
i just post shit.
shut up loser

dude you're such a fucking butt plug
oh dear me

oh jee willys
thats a cool expression

its too k00l 4 sk00l
oh you betcha my man

would you let an astronaut cum on your ass lmao?
yeah i would wbu?

duh huehuehuehuehuehue
yeah astronauts are cool

specifically when they die,
um that is mean

lol ikr
its not good to be mean

lick my hairy ass
hey man i mean im not saying im not gay but yeah thats weird to say

i want every dingle berry slurped up.
thats yucky y do u have so many yucky things to say

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:12:01 AM »
Fix it.
This company was supposed to come today and replace it but they called me up and told me they forgot to order the glass. No idea what I'm supposed to do now since the weekend is almost here and I have to be in Georgia for school by Monday.

Duct tape.
duct tape is really good for fixing things from my experience

Bad for weather though. Tuct tape holds a better seal.
what is tuct tape?

The Flood / Re: free verb
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:11:31 AM »
o shit i just played through dishonored
the first one?

both are super good but I prefer the second
yeah my friend bought the first one by accident and gave it to me so i played it and all the dlc

i really enjoyed it

i like low chaos; not killing anybody and never being detected

I did two separate runs. Low and high. High chaos, get to the final section of the game.

Friendly, mild mannered moral compass boatman pulls out a gun and tells me I'm a miserable cunt in a polite manner, shoots up into the air and leaves me to my fate. Died a little inside.
lol. i should do a high chaos run just to see those little differences. should be pretty quick and easy since i dont have to sneak around

Apparently I was super high chaos. I talked to other people who high chaos and while samuel talked down a little bit to them, he didn't straight up condemn them like he did me. Probably because I went into terminator mode and killed every living thing I came across.
if i were to do high chaos i'd do it that way too, just so i get as radically different an ending/events as possible

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:09:38 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:06:30 AM »
Fix it.
This company was supposed to come today and replace it but they called me up and told me they forgot to order the glass. No idea what I'm supposed to do now since the weekend is almost here and I have to be in Georgia for school by Monday.

Duct tape.
duct tape is really good for fixing things from my experience

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:05:01 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey u reallyy NEED to apologize that was avery insensitive comment

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:02:54 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

Pages: 1 ... 232425 2627 ... 106