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Messages - mojo

Pages: 1 ... 212223 2425 ... 106
The Flood / Re: hey
« on: January 05, 2017, 02:17:30 AM »
yo what up brother dog

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:55:30 AM »
i was under the impression that that's an ability common to all people of normal mental faculties

The Flood / Re: Can you visualize things in your head?
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:55:06 AM »
I can do close-to-perfect visual, auditory, and sensory imaginative sessions. My only challenge is keeping the scale of the specific entities (such as the Sangheili in my halo imaginations) the same and keeping a line of thought consistent for a long period of time.

I am a heavy daydreamer, though... That may be the reason why.
lmao wtf

The Flood / Re: ýou are all bastard men
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:52:00 AM »
Dennis is a bastard man

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:51:03 AM »
I will surpass Verb in post count in a year, just you wait.
i believe it!

keep it up!

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:50:02 AM »
Rhodesia was taken from us too soon.
i agree history is cool

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:48:59 AM »
this shit should be illegal
haha good one

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:47:47 AM »
We have a very similar post per day count dude, keep it up
o cool bro

The Flood / Re: S-Skype chat?
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:46:25 AM »
Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my skype (DrtraumaTy)
So add me maybe?
skype sucks

discord is objectively better

The Flood / Re: S-Skype chat?
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:45:54 AM »
Discord is objectively better for VOIP and text in design, performance, quality, etc...
My only gripe is that there's not a find function or a way to quickly go to where you were @mentioned without scrolling through everything. Other than that it kicks Skype's ass.
they said they're adding that stuff with the next update

soon it will be perfect

The Flood / Re: Petition to Dan Schneider
« on: January 05, 2017, 01:43:36 AM »
Pink Season is such a great fucking album

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:31:09 PM »
ok honestly this has gone too far, just stop it guys
stop these nuts
thanks for backing me up bro!

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:30:53 PM »
ok honestly this has gone too far, just stop it guys
yo what lmao stop these nuts

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:30:30 PM »
Hungry hungry hips
yeah like "hungry hippos" the game

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:30:09 PM »
That this land and all its people
Will never disappear
haha good one!

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 02:29:45 PM »
This thread is still going strong
damn right thanks for the post my dude!

The Flood / Re: Proof that Italians are Arabs
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:36:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:24:15 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;
i'm reporting your report.
im not sure that is possible

anything is possible
im not so sure

what i do know is that it is possible for me to reach 3000 posts


it's a journey.  along perilous journey. but not an impossible one.
everything is possible

what will u do with your posts once u get there

create the ultimate nameplate
whats gonna be in it?

divine memes.
what kind?

mufasa quantum ding dongs. It's the ultimate technique of The Han.
haha sounds  weird and probably nsfw

ask me what im going to put in mine
its sfw. what's yours?
no idea lol still thinking

just wanted an extra post outta that

probably something retarded ya know?

i have an idea
yo lets hear it

make it like a splash of lavender, blue,green and pink. with an oddly obscure text.
yo that sounds pretty creative

like some esoteric text or some shit right?

like the word "esoteric" but the text font is in the shape of a giraffe head/neck
wow that sounds really creative

any other ideas?

the default bar...except a SLIGHTLY lighter shade of grey
holy shit thats actually a good idea

where do you get all your bright ideas?

on the back of taco bell mild sauce packs. kek.
bro those are pretty good but i like diablo sauce better

ever had that stuff?
too  chicken to try it rofl. is it spicy?
yeah it's pretty spicy but not bad if youre used to spicy food

u like spicy food or nah?

i do. just not TOO spicy if you know what i mean?
yeah i know what you mean

i usually eat em straight from the packet cause im metal as fuck ya know

thats more metal than seaborgium
thats on the periodic table haha science

lol ikr. im such a smarty pop tarty.
yeah thats pretty cool u know stuff like that

i dig it

narly. im glad you dig my mad wizard science shiz
yeah my wizard

hey man nice talking to you tonight but im off for now my man

lets do this again laterr

« on: January 04, 2017, 01:23:22 AM »
my boy ozzy a true artist

The Flood / Re: i dont shit post
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:22:54 AM »
i just post shit.
shut up loser

dude you're such a fucking butt plug
oh dear me

oh jee willys
thats a cool expression

its too k00l 4 sk00l
oh you betcha my man

would you let an astronaut cum on your ass lmao?
yeah i would wbu?

duh huehuehuehuehuehue
yeah astronauts are cool

specifically when they die,
um that is mean

lol ikr
its not good to be mean

lick my hairy ass
hey man i mean im not saying im not gay but yeah thats weird to say

i want every dingle berry slurped up.
thats yucky y do u have so many yucky things to say

just cause.
i suppose thats fair enough

yea boi
hoo doggy

ever wonder why ppl shit post bro?
probably cause they think its cool but theyre actually assholes

maybe its thier way of projecting thier deepest emotions.
thats a good analysis

u a psych major?
lolno howerver i did make a B in psych last semester.

psych majors are for scrubs like tblocks
yo thats p good man did u like it?

i did. it was an interesting class. really makes you think ya know?
yeah sounds like a cool class

get inside peoples heads ya know?

it was more like

"parts of the brain bla bla. sleep bla bla bla. mental disorders bla bla" none of that inside peeps heads shit.
ah thats mad gay ya know?

shoulda had more of the cool shit ya know?

i never wrote any notes in that class. all too easy.
haha cool.

hey man i think we done with this convo for tonight ya dig?

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:20:39 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;
i'm reporting your report.
im not sure that is possible

anything is possible
im not so sure

what i do know is that it is possible for me to reach 3000 posts


it's a journey.  along perilous journey. but not an impossible one.
everything is possible

what will u do with your posts once u get there

create the ultimate nameplate
whats gonna be in it?

divine memes.
what kind?

mufasa quantum ding dongs. It's the ultimate technique of The Han.
haha sounds  weird and probably nsfw

ask me what im going to put in mine
its sfw. what's yours?
no idea lol still thinking

just wanted an extra post outta that

probably something retarded ya know?

i have an idea
yo lets hear it

make it like a splash of lavender, blue,green and pink. with an oddly obscure text.
yo that sounds pretty creative

like some esoteric text or some shit right?

like the word "esoteric" but the text font is in the shape of a giraffe head/neck
wow that sounds really creative

any other ideas?

the default bar...except a SLIGHTLY lighter shade of grey
holy shit thats actually a good idea

where do you get all your bright ideas?

on the back of taco bell mild sauce packs. kek.
bro those are pretty good but i like diablo sauce better

ever had that stuff?
too  chicken to try it rofl. is it spicy?
yeah it's pretty spicy but not bad if youre used to spicy food

u like spicy food or nah?

i do. just not TOO spicy if you know what i mean?
yeah i know what you mean

i usually eat em straight from the packet cause im metal as fuck ya know

thats more metal than seaborgium
thats on the periodic table haha science

lol ikr. im such a smarty pop tarty.
yeah thats pretty cool u know stuff like that

i dig it

The Flood / Re: i dont shit post
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:19:54 AM »
i just post shit.
shut up loser

dude you're such a fucking butt plug
oh dear me

oh jee willys
thats a cool expression

its too k00l 4 sk00l
oh you betcha my man

would you let an astronaut cum on your ass lmao?
yeah i would wbu?

duh huehuehuehuehuehue
yeah astronauts are cool

specifically when they die,
um that is mean

lol ikr
its not good to be mean

lick my hairy ass
hey man i mean im not saying im not gay but yeah thats weird to say

i want every dingle berry slurped up.
thats yucky y do u have so many yucky things to say

just cause.
i suppose thats fair enough

yea boi
hoo doggy

ever wonder why ppl shit post bro?
probably cause they think its cool but theyre actually assholes

maybe its thier way of projecting thier deepest emotions.
thats a good analysis

u a psych major?
lolno howerver i did make a B in psych last semester.

psych majors are for scrubs like tblocks
yo thats p good man did u like it?

i did. it was an interesting class. really makes you think ya know?
yeah sounds like a cool class

get inside peoples heads ya know?

it was more like

"parts of the brain bla bla. sleep bla bla bla. mental disorders bla bla" none of that inside peeps heads shit.
ah thats mad gay ya know?

shoulda had more of the cool shit ya know?

The Flood / Re: Everything I do on this website is for my post count
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:17:35 AM »
excuse moi

shouldnt she be in the kitchen?(all due RESPECT)
hey man u should apologize for being a misogynist

dont worry i respect women
oh ok thats good

i worship the female body

female bodies worship me.
haha good one my man

because you are an attractive boy

with a healthy sized DONG
well thats getting a bit graphic for my tastes but it does help wouldnt you say?

i would say so. big dicks get hot chicks
i mean thats objectifying women a bit but yeah i agree

how  many chicks u get on avg?
thats a number and it broke the forum

i am now the legend that broke sep7. it's forever in history books.
im reporting this to cheat;
i'm reporting your report.
im not sure that is possible

anything is possible
im not so sure

what i do know is that it is possible for me to reach 3000 posts


it's a journey.  along perilous journey. but not an impossible one.
everything is possible

what will u do with your posts once u get there

create the ultimate nameplate
whats gonna be in it?

divine memes.
what kind?

mufasa quantum ding dongs. It's the ultimate technique of The Han.
haha sounds  weird and probably nsfw

ask me what im going to put in mine
its sfw. what's yours?
no idea lol still thinking

just wanted an extra post outta that

probably something retarded ya know?

i have an idea
yo lets hear it

make it like a splash of lavender, blue,green and pink. with an oddly obscure text.
yo that sounds pretty creative

like some esoteric text or some shit right?

like the word "esoteric" but the text font is in the shape of a giraffe head/neck
wow that sounds really creative

any other ideas?

the default bar...except a SLIGHTLY lighter shade of grey
holy shit thats actually a good idea

where do you get all your bright ideas?

on the back of taco bell mild sauce packs. kek.
bro those are pretty good but i like diablo sauce better

ever had that stuff?
too  chicken to try it rofl. is it spicy?
yeah it's pretty spicy but not bad if youre used to spicy food

u like spicy food or nah?

i do. just not TOO spicy if you know what i mean?
yeah i know what you mean

i usually eat em straight from the packet cause im metal as fuck ya know

thats more metal than seaborgium
thats on the periodic table haha science

The Flood / Re: i dont shit post
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:14:20 AM »
i just post shit.
shut up loser

dude you're such a fucking butt plug
oh dear me

oh jee willys
thats a cool expression

its too k00l 4 sk00l
oh you betcha my man

would you let an astronaut cum on your ass lmao?
yeah i would wbu?

duh huehuehuehuehuehue
yeah astronauts are cool

specifically when they die,
um that is mean

lol ikr
its not good to be mean

lick my hairy ass
hey man i mean im not saying im not gay but yeah thats weird to say

i want every dingle berry slurped up.
thats yucky y do u have so many yucky things to say

just cause.
i suppose thats fair enough

yea boi
hoo doggy

ever wonder why ppl shit post bro?
probably cause they think its cool but theyre actually assholes

maybe its thier way of projecting thier deepest emotions.
thats a good analysis

u a psych major?
lolno howerver i did make a B in psych last semester.

psych majors are for scrubs like tblocks
yo thats p good man did u like it?

i did. it was an interesting class. really makes you think ya know?
yeah sounds like a cool class

get inside peoples heads ya know?

Pages: 1 ... 212223 2425 ... 106