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Messages - mojo

Pages: 1 ... 697071 7273 ... 106
Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:18:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: I still associate this site and its community with Bungie
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:59:36 PM »
Another reason why, over on, I sometimes can't stand even my friends in groups I'm in sometimes. I at least try my best to remain open-minded. Not too many of them could say the same.
thanks faggot

The Flood / Re: Adderall is the key to life
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:44:01 PM »
Yeah amphetamines are pretty fucking awesome.

I take Vyvanse, which is basically adderall but without the crash at the end. The effect slowly builds up over about an hour, and then slowly lessens after about seven hours. Makes it harder to get addicted.

The Flood / Re: Beards
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:36:29 PM »
get captain price facial hair

No as long as you don't fuck em

The Flood / Re: I still associate this site and its community with Bungie
« on: January 31, 2016, 04:26:11 PM »
I agree bro. We all come from bnet. We all played halo.
except TBlocks. He only played gaylo 4

The Flood / Re: Have you seen Lazer Team?
« on: January 31, 2016, 04:14:42 PM »
Haven't seen it yet

I do plan on it though

The Flood / Re: So I went to see her at her work
« on: January 31, 2016, 04:13:57 PM »
is this the roman expansion pack?

The Flood / Re: Do you guys think I'm a bad user?
« on: January 31, 2016, 04:10:47 PM »
did he fuckin change the title lol


That's a god send Boss.

No problemo, I put all the latest ones up there and left the 2nd one as it is so we can add more. When they're all ready we'll have to go over them to make sure the spelling is right and they follow the same sort of wording. Probably have to balance them out, too.
I used mostly the same wording all throughout so that should be good. Balancing can be done when we're done or after the game is made and we test it and stuff.

Also I miscounted. Apparently we have 52 member cards. I totalled 63 in the other thread but that number can go up or down by 3. (I'm not entirely certain.)
It's looking good. Btw how many Instance and Thread cards do you think is needed?

Shitposting and Quality Discussion are the two main ones. I'm gonna get at least four Gaming threads, and maybe an Anime thread.

As for Instances, maybe 36
Did you see the one I made, trist?
Yeah. I'm gonna clean it up a bit but the basic idea is a good one.
yeah I'm not completely sure about how the rules work but yeah if you could make it a bit less wordy that'd be great

I just want to be a really annoying card that can't attack but just sits there like a fuckin snorlax with all fat and no muscle


That's a god send Boss.

No problemo, I put all the latest ones up there and left the 2nd one as it is so we can add more. When they're all ready we'll have to go over them to make sure the spelling is right and they follow the same sort of wording. Probably have to balance them out, too.
I used mostly the same wording all throughout so that should be good. Balancing can be done when we're done or after the game is made and we test it and stuff.

Also I miscounted. Apparently we have 52 member cards. I totalled 63 in the other thread but that number can go up or down by 3. (I'm not entirely certain.)
It's looking good. Btw how many Instance and Thread cards do you think is needed?

Shitposting and Quality Discussion are the two main ones. I'm gonna get at least four Gaming threads, and maybe an Anime thread.

As for Instances, maybe 36
Did you see the one I made, trist?

The Flood / Re: I still associate this site and its community with Bungie
« on: January 31, 2016, 03:59:42 PM »
I agree bro. We all come from bnet. We all played halo.

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 31, 2016, 03:09:26 PM »
The offtopic forum is currently crumbling, and we are migrating here.

Bro it crumbled a few years ago

hope this meets the criteria my man

The Flood / Re: Post shitty jokes that nobody but you will get ITT
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:48:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post shitty jokes that nobody but you will get ITT
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:45:59 PM »
6. Years.


The Flood / Re: Post shitty jokes that nobody but you will get ITT
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:42:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post shitty jokes that nobody but you will get ITT
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:37:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post shitty jokes that nobody but you will get ITT
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:36:49 PM »
You wanna see some big black LAZY dick?
lol that's from the vid of the dude fucking himself, right?

The Flood / Re: What do you think of abstract art?
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:34:01 PM »
It's gay

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:32:00 PM »
I'm new here. Haven't seen many others though.
looking at the place before never posting again,
After certain interaction with a particular member number,The statement is now 100% truthful, Thanks for the fix.
yea I hear member #7 is a real d-bag

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:27:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:18:30 PM »
I've been here 9-10months just never did anything.
fuckin gaywad lol
Insert example #1
Now I am fine with the occasional hateful exchange of words, but when most newer users can't find a place for themselves because they are pushed by a certain set of older members to leave it feel unwelcome they tend to not want to return.
Rant over.
you are right to be intimidated by me since I am the 12th member to register on this site

That makes me an elite special snowflake who just so happens to be infinitely better than you
Dude, stop scaring away the new folks.
im sorry cheat please don't remove my secret mod powers

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:13:48 PM »
I've been here 9-10months just never did anything.
fuckin gaywad lol
Insert example #1
Now I am fine with the occasional hateful exchange of words, but when most newer users can't find a place for themselves because they are pushed by a certain set of older members to leave it feel unwelcome they tend to not want to return.
Rant over.
you are right to be intimidated by me since I am the 12th member to register on this site

That makes me an elite special snowflake who just so happens to be infinitely better than you

Yeah but you just started posting again today >.>
Long time no see.
sssshhhh <.<

Lol yeah I'll usually post for a few hours and then be gone for a week or three

Never more than a few weeks though

Lord no

I'm not some cringey edge master

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:05:10 PM »
I've been here 9-10months just never did anything.
fuckin gaywad lol
Insert example #1
Now I am fine with the occasional hateful exchange of words, but when most newer users can't find a place for themselves because they are pushed by a certain set of older members to leave it feel unwelcome they tend to not want to return.
Rant over.
you are right to be intimidated by me since I am the 12th member to register on this site

That makes me an elite special snowflake who just so happens to be infinitely better than you

The Flood / Re: woah why are there so many new members
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:59:13 PM »
It's actually really nice to see so many new faces! ^.^
I wonder how long they'll actually stick around.
From personal experience, They may stick around for a week or two then disappear.
omg I wish I was as experienced as you in the ways a forum works

It's not like literally everyone here knows that

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