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Messages - mojo

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The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:02:30 PM »
the priests pray for more pain becasue they are masochists

should have more pain in a page

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:01:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:57:04 PM »
     Theocratic Caste-Based Dictatorship

Fuck yeah.
boy u know it

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:05:50 PM »
The fact you took the time to do that REALLY shows how you don't have a life
bro i basically just copy/pasted from wikipedia and copied prehistorics template lol

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:54:54 PM »
Yuuzhan Vong


     Theocratic Caste-Based Dictatorship

Head of Government
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong

Head of Church
     Most High Priest Vongvong

Leader of the Navy and Armies
     Warmaster Thrawnvong the Fearsome One


     Yuuzhan Vong
     Another secret language is spoken by members of the Deception Sect

Population/Military/Transport Resources
     1 God
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     10,000,000,000 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     28,000 Warriors
     100,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts)
     50,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

Initial Territory
     Planet Lwhekk

Information and Culture
     The Yuuzhan Vong are fully dedicated to their Gods and basically worship pain. They love finding new ways to inflict pain upon themselves. They are the 1990s creation of the most edgy, evil antagonist imaginable. They hate all inorganic technology. All of their technology is purely biological; starships, weapons, gadgets, etc.
     Their culture and government is defined by a rigid caste system. The castes are as follows: Supreme Overlоrd, Shapers, Priests, Warriors, Intendants, and Workers.
     The Chazrach race is a race enslaved by the Yuuzhang Vong comprised of reptilian humanoids. They are used as slave soldiers and workers.
     The Deception Sect is a special forces Illuminati-type organization that specializes in covert operations, deception, and manipulation.
     The Shapers are responsible for developing organic technology through biological manipulation.
     The current Supreme Overlоrd, Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong, secretly wants to turn the Yuuzhang Vong into a super galactic media organization/peace cult comprised of pop stars, celebs, and trap producers.

The Flood / Re: Answer these 50+ questions
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:06:29 AM »
What was your favorite food when you were a child?
Grinners Cereal my man

What’s the #1 most played song?
For me I guess 'Not if you were the last Junkie on Earth' by The Dandy Warhols.
What is one of your favorite quotes?
'woah man I thought the Hymen was like a bone or something'
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
Indoor would likely be vidya/tv/chatting to any nigs who'll listen and Outdoor would be Hiking or any form of exploring tbh
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Anything that involves inhaling not-quite-fresh air really.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
I like most forms, but I find Rock Climbing/intense obstacle courses the most fun.
What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
Summer daytime and night.
What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
Trains, the public transport authority in my area has a horrid sense of 'on time,' 'aesthetics,' and 'high speed.' It sucks because I'm a huge fan of the older passenger trains that run to other areas of the country/state.
What is your favorite body part?
Um Toes I guess
What sound do you love?
I actually like the sound of people mowing their lawns early in the morning. That, along with a Nokia 3315's 'Sunny Walks' ringtone, the Combat noises from Smash 64 and Halo CE's ambient MP noises are among my favourites.

I might come back and do the rest later.
o my god im going to have to change mine to include ambient halo mp noises

people still use the trollface?

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:01:48 AM »
I would take part but I have no idea how these games work.
me neither fam im just gonna meme it up and see what happens

The Flood / Re: Guys which of these is prettiest
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:00:32 AM »
this one
Tyger if I saw your girl in this I'd just pick her up and take her. This is the final stage of fashion.
you right

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:28:02 AM »
i got dibs on the planet Lwhekk

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:10:22 AM »
Just in case there was any doubt that I was prepared for this...
um i dont think a nerf gun is going to help you in a STAR WARS battle nerd

um LASERS ok

The Flood / holy shit cheat can you please make pms better
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:25:51 AM »
i hate that its a constant list of everyone youve pmd with no organization and you cant even look at what you wrote

like do something like bnet how we have separate pm things and we can VIEW our own pms like a little instant message thingy

i agree fuck pms i have questions and lots of them

i need to know my limits and i have no idea whatll piss tblocks and korra off which id like to not do

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:18:51 AM »
Keep it within the universe. Stop clogging the thread with useless stuff. If you have any questions PM Korra or I.
ok holy shit fuck pms can we please talk somewhere else

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:13:26 AM »
Keep it within the universe. Stop clogging the thread with useless stuff. If you have any questions PM Korra or I.
ugh i hate the pm system on here but ok

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:05:09 AM »
not sure what that means tbh

Push it to the limit
Walk along the razor's edge
But don't look down, just keep your head
Or you'll be finished

Open up the limit
Past the point of no return
You've reached the top but still you gotta learn
How to keep it
Hit the wheel and double the stakes
Throttle wide open like a bat out of hell
You crash the gates
(Crash the gates)

Going for the back of beyond
Nothing gonna stop you, there's nothing that strong
So close now you're nearly at the brink
So, push it, ooh yeah

Welcome to the limit
Take it baby one step more
The power game's still playing so
You better win it

Push it to the limit
No one left to stand in your way
You might get careless, but you'll never be safe
While you're still in it

Welcome to the limit
Standing on the razor's edge
Don't look down just keep your head
Or you'll be finished

Welcome to the limit
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)

Push it to the limit
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)

(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)

Push it to the limit
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)
(The limit)
i feel like he is threatening me

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:02:42 AM »
are there any unspoken rules i should know about

i'm the kinda guy that needs to know his exact boundaries or he'll end up crossing them
Just don't go crazy with the numbers.

In other words, don't build 40000000000000000000 troops in six pages.

yeah but what if i wanted to like change my national anthem to like push it to the limit from scarface

how much of that could i get away with
not sure what that means tbh

what if i create my own lore that is totally original (i.e. the totally original character blonic)

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:59:27 AM »
are there any unspoken rules i should know about

i'm the kinda guy that needs to know his exact boundaries or he'll end up crossing them
Just don't go crazy with the numbers.

In other words, don't build 40000000000000000000 troops in six pages.

yeah but what if i wanted to like change my national anthem to like push it to the limit from scarface

how much of that could i get away with
this tbh

how memey can we be tbh

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:58:36 AM »
hey can we mix n match
lol i knew youd ask what i meant

like can we use characters as leaders and shit  that arent necessarily ya know part of that faction at all
ehh... nah. Try and stay within.
um oh

so i cant make foreman emir wat tambor my leader?

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:57:00 AM »
hey can we mix n match
lol i knew youd ask what i meant

like can we use characters as leaders and shit  that arent necessarily ya know part of that faction at all

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:53:19 AM »
hey can we mix n match

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:50:41 AM »
ok so does our info have to be entirely lore friendly?
It doesn't have to be exact. Try to make it based off of it mostly though.
ill claim yuuzhan whatever thingies

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:49:54 AM »
i know fucking jack shit about star wars so uh am i allowed to be a little liberal with my details
Yes. You can make stuff up. Just be fair about it.


i have a feeling napalm is just gunna have a shit ton of word documents open with many pages detailing his faction so i'll wait to follow his example lol
lol u right

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:47:11 AM »
ok so does our info have to be entirely lore friendly?

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:44:14 AM »
ill claim yuuzhan whatever thingies

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:40:40 AM »
Casper yoinked ya there.
damn i wanted to have the techno Union to produce dank trap beats

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:39:50 AM »
or wait can i be THE FORCE if thats an option

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:38:39 AM »

The Flood / Re: He deserved it for being a thug™
« on: July 25, 2016, 12:10:09 AM »
preach it brother, these albinos will never know what it's like even though they want to.

One nigger went to jail
One nigger was killed
One nigger was raped

And many laughs were had you fucking chimp


you seem to spend alot of time on here

ur life must b in shambles

you IRL


lol welcome to the fuckwit squad. I bet you look down at ur phone during social confrontation you pinky cumstain fuck

who's alt are you

i'm no ones alt.
haha every user after the first couple hundred or so are all alts obviously

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