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Messages - mojo

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The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 03:41:34 PM »
I am so sorry, I have been busy. Please tell me I am not fucked.
youre not. theres a rule about that, remember

however, tristan basically went and did what you wanted to do lol

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:16:27 PM »
Vongvong is angered by the promotion of Boss Nass to Warmaster, "he is not even a Vonger", exclaims Vongvong

Wat Tamborvong questions Vonvvong's loyalty. "i am questioning your loyalty, Blindy", says Tamborvong, "you are blind so that means youre dumb and have no rights, BLIND BOY"

Vongvong slips into a deep depression

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     7 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     4,000 Living Battleships
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Meat Armada specifications
2 unknowns
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     47,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - En Route to Ilum

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot expedition: Page 28
     New ship research and development: Page 28
     3,000 Living Battleships: Page 28
     1,000 Subaltern Elites: Page 28
     20,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors: Page 28
     Mass conscription details: Page 28
     10,000 Yuuzhan Warriors: Page 29
     Expedition to Ilum: Page 29.
     Search for signs of a Lost Civilization: Page 30
     Mass conscription completion: Page 30

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:48:29 PM »
For the growing need of a large military Darth Revan and Sicarius begin mass conscription on Byss and Tython.
Numbers will rise but the details off how many are unclear. The amount will be disclosed on Page 28. The recruits will be serviceable by Page 30.

The Veil of Darkness and Hyperlane blockades signify for the people that their efforts are paying off and the Empire is prospering. Even with the conscription there is no large-scale rebellion that might have taken place had this been done only a few years ago.

The Veil of Darkness has been sent to Yag 'Dhul to assist in the annexation.
Emergency mass searches for force sensitives in all owned territories has begun. New apprentices to be announced on Page 30.
ah yes brilliant um me too im also on a secret search for any LOST CIVILIZATIONS that may or may not exist in my territory

um yeah itll  be done by page 30 too

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:26:42 PM »
For the growing need of a large military Darth Revan and Sicarius begin mass conscription on Byss and Tython.
Numbers will rise but the details off how many are unclear. The amount will be disclosed on Page 28. The recruits will be serviceable by Page 30.

uh me too

mysterious numbers of troops will be created in those same pages

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 03:01:41 AM »
Signing off for the night.

Yuuzhan Vong Report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     7 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     4,000 Living Battleships
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Meat Armada specifications
2 unknowns
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     47,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - En Route to Ilum

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot expedition: Page 28
     New ship research and development: Page 28
     3,000 Living Battleships: Page 28
     1,000 Subaltern Elites: Page 28
     20,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors: Page 28
     10,000 Yuuzhan Warriors: Page 29
     Expedition to Ilum: Page 29.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 02:50:01 AM »
Construction begins on 3,000 Living Battleships. Finishes on Page 28. 1,000,000,000 gungan slaves consumed.

Training of 1,000 Subaltern Elites begins. Finishes on page 28.

Military conscription of 20,000 Chazrach Slaves. Finishes on Page 28.

Training of 10,000 Yuuzhan Warriors begins. Finishes on Page 29.

Expedition to Ilum begins. 2nd Meat Armada and all 5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors are taken on the trip. Arrival on Page 29.

+1 clone because new page. plus one more cause i forgot one on the last page

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     7 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     4,000 Living Battleships
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     47,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves -1,000,000,000
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot expedition: Page 28
     New ship research and development: Page 28

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 02:42:34 AM »
Now introducing 2 new Fleet/Squad types!

Meat Armada
2 of the new ships that are in development
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Meat Armadas are used to fuck shit up. Nuff said.

Dark Infiltration Corps
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
5,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps are used for special ops missions. They are outfitted for stealth but also contain a fair amount of offensive power to use as back up if plans fall apart. Low numbers of ships to ensure quick entry and exit into and out of systems.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:49:33 AM »
Construction of 3,000 "battleships" complete.

Research and development begins on a new species of biological ship more powerful than the "battleships". Details unclear at the moment. Should be complete by Page 28

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     4,000 Living Battleships +3,000
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     48,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot expedition: Page 28
     New ship research and development: Page 28

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:21:10 AM »
Zonama Sekot has begun its first stealth expedition. It will arrive at its destination on Page 28.

A fleet of 1,000 "battleships" and 500,000 "fighters" are left at Lwhekk to protect the planet from anyone stupid enough to come.

In other news, just before Zonama Sekot left, a shipment of 2,000,000,000 Denonian slaves has arrived from a benefactor whose identity shall remain anonymous. "thank you my mysterious friend", commented Wat Tamborvong

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     48,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves +2,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     3,000 "battleships": Page 25
     Zonama Sekot expedition: Page 28

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:07:19 AM »
"boy o boy page 24 already" says tamborvong, "here is everything that has reached completion on this page"

Zonama Sekot gains a stealth upgrade. Can now travel without its location being known, at the cost of longer travel times

the Naboo expeditionary forces have returned home to Zonama Sekot. "the boys are back in town", says Tamborvong

The Yuuzhang Vong have successfully SECRETLY completed OPERATION FIND THE STAR FORGE

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     The Star Forge
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     48,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     3,000 "battleships": Page 25

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:46:40 AM »
the Shapers use the genetic material from 1,000,000,000 gungan slaves to build 3,000 "battleship" aliens

will be complete by page 25

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     48,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers -1,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24
     Returning home to Zonama Sekot: Page 24
     3,000 "battleships": Page 25

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:40:08 AM »
Wat Tamborvong is happy and orgasms for the first time since before he was a god

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     49,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24
     Returning home to Zonama Sekot: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:35:39 AM »
A letter to the Sith Empire from the Yuuzhan Vong:

"o glorious darth revan, i am very sorry to hear you chose not to take Naboo. you made  a wise decision. feign defeat so your enemy thinks youre weak but PSYCH BITCH U THOUGHT. cool.

itd be totally wizard of you if you would formally be my ally in this galaxy. um yeah thats all bye

your friend, Wat Tamborvong"

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:18:52 AM »
"wew lads that was close", says tamborvong

meanwhile it is now page 22  so that means the Yuuzhang Vong have successfully comlpeted annexation of Rakata Prime, a largely unknown system in the unknown regions so that means NOBODY KNOWS about it and there is NO CONTACT between it and the rest of the galaxy

The Vong now are beginning the super secret program titled OPERATION FIND THE STARFORGE that is totally secret and not given away by its title in any way. it hopefully should be complete by page 24

+1  Wat Tamborvong clone
current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     3 Wat Tamborvong clones +1
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     49,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24
     Returning home to Zonama Sekot: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:08:54 AM »
The Jedi and Republic fleets meet the Siths...a standstill occurs as neither fires a shot...just yet.
This planet has been gifted to the Sith from the Vongs! You're trespassing.

We as a Republic do not recognize the ability of murderers and slaveholders to willingly gift planetary systems. Stand down
"already gone bro lol" says Tamborvong

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:03:59 AM »
"Revan you are a good man" says tamborvong, "i hope you find Naboo useful to your regime"

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:00:51 AM »
The Jedi Fleet arrived on Naboo to find the Sith also trying to take it.
"muahaha" says Tamborvong as he twirls his nonexistent moustache, "now these idiots will fight each other according to plan"

Tamborvong also left 1 billion Gungans on Naboo to trick the Jedi and Sith into thinking he didnt take them

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     2 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     49,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers -1,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24
     Returning home to Zonama Sekot: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:57:58 PM »
"me o my look at the time im leaving naboo bye"

the Vong pull out of Naboo

will arrive home on page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:56:59 PM »
The Jedi Order cannot stand idly by and see a massacre happening! The Vong will stand down and retreat from Naboo or they will be met with the full force of the Light Side of the Force.
"wow um rude i stopped the genocide already bro" says Tamborvong, "now theyre my slaves and im taking them back to my labs k"

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:43:10 PM »
Naboo is officially annexed by the Vong.

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass


     The Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     2 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors +5,000,000
     50,000 Gungan Catapults +50,000
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields +1,000

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     50,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers +50,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:35:24 PM »
the convoy of Vong ships reaches Naboo

Wat Tamborvong heard from a little bird that the race called "gungans" are also a species which prefers using biology over technology, which is why he chartered the expedition. finally having reached naboo, Tamborvong is not pleased with what he finds

"meesa jar jar binks. whoa yoosa?"

"i want a genocide now" says tamborvong

the Vong commence a genocide on the gungans, killing 50 billion of them

Boss Rugor Nass pleads to Tamborvong to stop killing his people. he reminds Tamborvong that they also hate mechanical things.
then Tamborvong changes his mind about the genocide and says "sorry lol"

the Vong proceed to enslave what is left of the gungan population

also Boss Rugor Nass is promoted to Warmaster by Tamborvong cause fuck it the military needs a commander and this guy is like space richard nixon

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     2 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors +5,000,000
     50,000 Gungan Catapults +50,000
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields +1,000

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     50,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers +50,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:17:27 PM »
1,000 subalterns, 5,000 warriors, and 10,000 slave troops complete.

New page. +1 Wat Tamborvong clone

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     2 Wat Tamborvong clones +1
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish) +1,000
     32,000 Warriors +5,000
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts) +10,000
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Journey to Naboo: Page 21
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:07:35 PM »
Did I do good ma and pa? Let me know!
I hate to be that guy...
But Raxus is my starting planet
Fixed on the post.
Also I found a map that outline the Hyperlanes
um that is a very tiny and low res image

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 09:14:18 PM »
Community Chest:

an unexpected error has occurred in PROJECT WAT TAMBORVONG CLONE

1 Wat Tamborvong clone will spawn once every page

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1 Wat Tamborvong clone +1
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors
     59,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1,000 Subalterns: Page 21
     5,000 Warriors: page 21
     10,000 slave soldiers: page 21
     Journey to Naboo: Page 21
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 09:11:45 PM »
Research and Development begins on a stealth upgrade for Zonama Sekot: Should finish on Page 24.

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors
     59,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1,000 Subalterns: Page 21
     5,000 Warriors: page 21
     10,000 slave soldiers: page 21
     Journey to Naboo: Page 21
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 08:49:02 PM »
solonoid is taking too long so he'll have to find a different planet lol gotem

annexation of Rakata Prime begins now. will finish on page 22.

wow i feel like such a  normie accually expanding my territory

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors
     59,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1,000 Subalterns: Page 21
     5,000 Warriors: page 21
     10,000 slave soldiers: page 21
     Journey to Naboo: Page 21
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 06:52:20 PM »
100 "battleship" aliens, 20,000 Warriors, 1,000 Deception Sect members, and 500,000 transport vessels are sent to Naboo. Will arrive on page 21.

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors
     59,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1,000 Subalterns: Page 21
     5,000 Warriors: page 21
     10,000 slave soldiers: page 21

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 06:34:43 PM »
Construction of Zonama Sekot is complete. it actually has been done for a while now lol

Zonama Sekot is a living, mobile planet

it has no offensive capabilities just like any normal planet, however it can fly through space like any other ship

Zonama Sekot is the new capital of the Yuuzhang Vong Empire

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors
     59,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Worker Slaves (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1,000 Subalterns: Page 21
     5,000 Warriors: page 21
     10,000 slaves: page 21

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:17:07 PM »
o um I get troops now i think it's page 19

Uh +5,000 warriors and +10,000 slaves

current statistics

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     27,000 Warriors +5,000
     59,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts) +10,000
     25,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

     Planet Lewhekk

Current Projects:

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:12:12 PM »

the secret will now be revealed

believe it or not, the sole purpose of CODENAME WAT TAMBORVONG CLONE was to create a method of cloning Wat Tamborvong through the use of midichlorians

Wat Tamborvong descends from GODHOOD and now is alive once again and says, "my midichlorians are off the charts"

"Vongvong you must step down"

"no" says vongvong

"wow um rude" says Tamborvong, "by the power of the GODS you will resign"

Vongvong flees and commands Warmaster Marshmellovong to attack Tamborvong

"Marshmellovong", he commands, "i am an evil alien and i want you to destroy the resurrected body of Tamborvong"

"I will not do that thing", says Marshmellovong, "you are an very evil alien"

Vongvong murders Marshemellovong PLOT TWIST Marshmellovong possessed the power of INFINITE BASS which exited Marshmellovong's lifeless body

INFINITE BASS blinded Vongvong who screamed "oh no I'm blind and really gay now"

Tamborvong took his rightful place as OVERLORD and took pity on Vongvong

He proclaimed, "Vongvong you are a bad man but you can still be my holy priest"

Vongvong returned to his position as HIGH PRIEST

once again a power vacuum is created in the military without a WARMASTER to command it

Marshmellowvong ascends to godhood as the first T R A P GOD

-1 God
+1 God

current statistics

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:


     The Empire

Population/Military/Transport Resources:
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     2,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     22,000 Warriors
     49,000 Chazrach Slaves (grunts) 
     25,000,000,000 Workers (all workers are willing to fight in the name of their God, but they are untrained and would only be useful as a last defensive force on the home planet)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Drifts-Among-Human-Corpses

     Planet Lewhekk

Current Projects:
     10,000 slaves: Page 19
     5,000 Warriors: Page 19

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