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Messages - mojo

Pages: 1 ... 373839 4041 ... 106

The Flood / Re: saw suicide squad while high
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:19:37 AM »
The movie didn't have much plot or development anyways, I think weed would've made the movie better
o it most definitely did

The Flood / saw suicide squad while high 10/10
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:12:08 AM »
i have absolutely no fucking idea what was going on in that movie

like not even a basic plot outline

i couldnt even figure out how to make the seat recline in the theater

i think i had a transcendental experience tho

like one of life's hidden truths was revealed to me by the gods but i don't remember what it was

harley quinn was pretty hot i guess


The Flood / Re: Do you guys have users you don't take seriously?
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:44:58 PM »
i dont take myself seriously

Incorrectly throwing out fallacies doesn't make you correct.
Or is this another "I don't like it so therefore it's objectively wrong" episode from Verbatim?
what the fuck

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:34:35 PM »
The Republic executed Order 69, detonating nukes at the core of every planet but Coruscant.

Game over

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: August 04, 2016, 08:22:20 PM »
Tamborvong says "this game is dead but I'm pretending like it isn't lol"
Darth Sicarius has morphed into a young Tom Cruise. "Hi."
"how neat is that", says Tamborvong

"That's pretty neat!"

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: August 02, 2016, 09:32:36 PM »
Tamborvong says "this game is dead but I'm pretending like it isn't lol"

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 02, 2016, 12:47:49 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive
lol um yes you most definitely are new, Mr. July 3, 2016.

Shut up nigger faggot.
wow um rude

The Flood / Re: oh my god
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:49:28 AM »
i mean it is similar to visible bear i guess

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:46:30 AM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive
lol um yes you most definitely are new, Mr. July 3, 2016.

The Flood / Re: youtube channels you enjoy
« on: August 02, 2016, 12:54:11 AM »
Comedy/General Entertainment:
Rooster Teeth
The One True Desticle
Grand Channel
Accursed Farms

Aleksander Vinter
Trap Nation
Caravan Palace
Lucien Hughes

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: August 02, 2016, 12:45:41 AM »
um Tamborvong says "hello"

What kind of play costs $40
ever been to Broadway?

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:29:42 PM »
the Rakata have begun construction of one Infinity fleet. done page 40

Rakata Infinite Empire report
     Rakata Prime


Head of Government:
     The Imprisoned One , a.k.a. Luis


     Yuuzhan Vong
     Chiss Ascendancy
     The Empire
     The Sith

     5 Infinity Fleets

Infinity Fleet specifications
     1,000 Battleships
     50,000 Mass-produced Starfighters
     5,000 Rakatan Dark Adepts
     10,000 Rakatan Warriors
     50,000 Guardian Droids
     100,000 Enslaved Feral Kwi

     Rakatan Infinity Fleets are meant to be mass-produced and highly expendable. They are relatively weak compared to the fleets of most other factions.

Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 Builders
     200,000,000,000 Enslaved Kwi
     1,000,000,000,000 General Rakatan Populataion

     The Star Forge

     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     2nd Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     3rd Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     4th Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     5th Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     Infinity fleet: Page 40

The Flood / Re: tomorrow i'll be starting my last year of high school
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:25:35 PM »
ew who the fuck starts school at the beggining of august


The Souf

In the great state of New York, we started in September.  While Georgia is a pretty good state itself, the people here are fucking dumb, and we start in August.
yeah our high schools started in  september too here in michigan

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 31, 2016, 09:20:40 PM »
+2 tamborvong clones

2 meat armadas complete

Construction of 2 meat armadas begins. done page 41.

Construction of 1 Dark Infiltration Corps begins. done page 40.

Dark Cyborgs complete. added to their respective fleets

2 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas complete.

2 Chiss Standard Defensive Armadas complete.

Construction of 2 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas begins. done page 41.

Construction of 2 Chiss Standard Defensive Armadas begins. done page 41.

CHISS MILITARY HANDBOOK UPDATED: Defensive Armadas may now ONLY defend territory. Offensive Armadas are still viable for both. (this is a nerf)

Avatar updated to reflect the Deep Space Triumvirate.

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith
     Chiss Ascendancy
     Rakata Infinite Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     20 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     8 Meat Armadas +2
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.

Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
100 Dark Cyborgs
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Kylo Ren

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - en route to Kalee
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - Zonama Sekot
     7th Meat Armada - Zonama Sekot
     8th Meat Armada - Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     1 Dark Infiltration Corps: Page 40
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 41
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

Chiss Ascendancy report

     Republican Oligarchy
     Confederacy with the Yuuzhan Vong

Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief:
     House Nuruodo

     Chiss Credits

     Yuuzhang Vong
     The Empire
     The Sith

Army and Navy:
     8 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas +2
     5 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas +2
     Flagship: The Blue Man Group, an Eclipse-class Dreadnought
Chiss Standard Offensive Armada specifications
1 Eclipse-class Dreadnought
10 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Chiss Imperator-class Star Destroyers
20,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
8,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
20,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 HS-8 Assault Tanks
400 Gunships
600 AT-HT "Crushers"
120 AT-CC Mobile Transport/Command Centers
50 ATOM Walkers
Chiss Standard Defensive Armada specifications
20 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Imperator-class Star Destroyers
30,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
2,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
50,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 YR-5 Kusha Heavy Artillery Vehicles
500 HS-8 Assault Tanks
Defensive Armadas may ONLY be used for defending territory. They may NOT be a part of any invasion. (This is meant to be a slight nerf to the Chiss's military might)
Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 General Population
     1,000,000 Scientists
     5,000,000 Engineers

     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     3rd Standard Offensive Armada - Kalee
     4th Standard Offensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     6th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     7th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     8th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla

     1st Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Defensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     3rd Standard Defensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     4th Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla
     5th Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla

Current Projects:
     2 Standard Offensive Armadas: Page 41
     2 Standard Defensive Armadas: Page 41
     Project Devastation details: Page 45
     Project Devastation completion: Page 50

The Flood / Re: tomorrow i'll be starting my last year of high school
« on: July 31, 2016, 08:59:55 PM »
ew who the fuck starts school at the beggining of august


The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:08:36 PM »
10,000 Allegiance-class battlecruisers - 100%

10 Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers - 100%

600 LNR Series I Systemary Laser Batteries (Planetary Turbolasers) - All Over Hoth - 78%

4,040 Younglings

40,000 Padawans

90,000 Jedi Knights

20,000 Jedi Masters

690 Venator-class Star Destroyers

3,000 Bakura-class Star Destroyers

6,000 Enforcer-class picket cruisers

10,000 Allegiance-class battlecruisers

10 Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers

13,000 X-Wings

100 MC80 Star Cruisers

10,000 Civilian Transport

200 LNR Series I Systemary Laser Batteries (Planetary Turbolasers) - All Over Endor

Endor System
Chalcedon System
Cerea System
Bakura System
Riffler System
Bespin System
Kaal System
Bomis Koort System
The Sith Empire demands an Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser as compensation for the death of Revan.
"bro cruisers are shit bro I can totes hook you up with some glassers", said Tamborvong. "also I'd still love to make you some clones ya feel"

"are you PICKING UP what I'm LAYING DOWN?"

"ya feel me"

The Flood / Re: Answer these 50+ questions
« on: July 31, 2016, 02:04:00 PM »
o my god im going to have to change mine to include ambient halo mp noises
For such a seemingly minor detail it makes a huge difference tbh
bro I know right

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 30, 2016, 05:51:21 PM »
The newly revamped Sith Order has turned out it's first trained Dark Jedi.
5,000 Knights
2,000 Masters
This will continue every 5 pages.
"mister sicarioous my boy would you like me to make you some clones of yourself so that you can LIVE FOREVER?", said Tamborvong, "just give me some of your DNA and my cloners will get right on it :-DD"

The Flood / Re: My hotel has a mirror on the ceiling
« on: July 30, 2016, 12:21:01 PM »
nice meme

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:31:30 AM »
"boy o boy I'm sorry for your loss sicarious" says Tamborvong, "i currently believe revan to be dead because I have no idea the Jedi captured him on the bridge of his ship"

"He should've made clones", Tamborvong muttered under his breath

+2 clones

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot
     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate
Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God
Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple
Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass
     Gungan Skins
     The Empire
     The Sith
     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     16 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields
     6 Meat Armadas
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot
Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.
Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves
     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - Zonama Sekot
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - Kalee
Current Projects:
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 37
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 29, 2016, 09:18:30 PM »
After an extensive campaign to snort as much coke and fuck as many whores as possible, the Mandalorian Empire returns to the fold as if only a year had passed. Botajef's synthetic moon is available for purchase. Progress on other moons to follow.

Phindar: 65% ~ 6.5-billion slaves, 40%/page
Botajef: 100%
Garos: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Taris: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Celanon: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page
Aquaris: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page

Botajef's slaves are moved to the Phindar system indefinitely.

5000 Magickenyans completed. 5000 more due on each subsequent page.

The Ecumene Convergence will meet in a page.

500-million Mandalorians added to population. 500-million more to be added by page 39.

300 Sith Mavericks added the Blood Guard of the Crown. 300 more due by page 39.

Statistics Updated
-Kalusta, Planet Mandalore

     Government Type
-Theocratic Oligarchal Monarchy

     Head(s) of Government (by seniority), the "Ecumene of Kalusta"
-Isolated Holy King, Kalus Halsion
-Assumed Queen, Kalus Aa'nthya
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel
-Second Son Kalus Iynef, Captain of the Blood Guard of the Crown

     Leader of Ground Forces
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel

-Natural Resources
-Military Support
-Halmad Prime

-Mando'a (Ritual Language, Political-Class Exclusive)

     Military/Transport Resources
-Entire population (4-billion) is obligated and prepared for military service in times of conquest or defense +500-million on page 39
-1,500,000 Aka'jor-class diplomatic shuttles
-1-billion Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport carriers (civilian and militaristic applications exist)
-1.5-billion Cabur-class starfighters
-1000 Kyramud-type battleships
-3300 Mandalorian Sith Mavericks, members of the Blood Guard of the Crown, +300 on page 39
-34-billion slaves of varying ethnicity[/color]
-Virtually infinite supply of Halmad Prime
-5000 Magickenyans , +5000 every page

-Planet Mandalore
-Planet Phindar
-Planet Dothomir
—Synthetic Moon Alpha

     Official Alliances
-Confederacy of Independent Systems, brokered by Holy King Kalus Halsion
-Sith Empire, brokered by The Assumed Queen Kalus Aa'nthya
-Yuuzhan Vong Empire, brokered by Dismissed Blood Kalus Jon (DECEASED)
damb family says eat tamborvongthat is wa wizard develope

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:37:21 PM »
Transportation of Snoke to Zonama Sekot complete.

+2 Tamborvong clones

The Vong have made a deal with Snoke and Ren. Snoke and Ren may be given good living conditions on the condition that they begin training a new type of unit for the Chiss, the Dark Cyborgs. However, the Vong have required that all Dark Cyborgs be trained aboard Zonama Sekot and Snoke and Ren are forbidden to ever leave. This is because use of the Force has no effect on the Vong nor their creations, meaning rebellion by Snoke and Ren would be pointless.

Force-sensitive Chiss babies are now taken by the government and raised to be Dark Cyborgs from birth.

These Dark Cyborgs will possess a mastery of both the Dark Side of the Force and Chiss military tactics.

They will be augmented by Rakata technology to make them stronger and faster.

These Dark Spartans will wield both lightsabers and conventional blasters.

100 of these will be added to every Chiss Armada, as well as every Yuuzhan Vong Dark Infiltration Corps.

The Dark Cyborg

The batch of Dark Spartans that will take their places in their respective fleets will be complete on Page 37.

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith
     Chiss Ascendancy
     Rakata Infinite Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     18 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     6 Meat Armadas (1 without Glassers)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.

Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
100 Dark Androids
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Kylo Ren

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - en route to Kalee
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - en route to Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 37
     Dark Cyborgs for each Chiss Armada: Page 37.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

Chiss Ascendancy report

     Republican Oligarchy
     Confederacy with the Yuuzhan Vong

Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief:
     House Nuruodo

     Chiss Credits

     Yuuzhang Vong
     The Empire
     The Sith

Army and Navy:
     6 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas (2 need Dreadnoughts)
     3 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas
     Flagship: The Blue Man Group, an Eclipse-class Dreadnought
Chiss Standard Offensive Armada specifications
1 Eclipse-class Dreadnought
10 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Chiss Imperator-class Star Destroyers
20,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
8,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
20,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 HS-8 Assault Tanks
400 Gunships
600 AT-HT "Crushers"
120 AT-CC Mobile Transport/Command Centers
50 ATOM Walkers
Chiss Standard Defensive Armada specifications
20 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Imperator-class Star Destroyers
30,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
2,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
50,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 YR-5 Kusha Heavy Artillery Vehicles
500 HS-8 Assault Tanks
Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 General Population
     1,000,000 Scientists
     5,000,000 Engineers

     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     3rd Standard Offensive Armada - Kalee
     4th Standard Offensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     6th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     1st Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime
     3rd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     2 Dreadnoughts Commisioned: Page 34
     2 Defensive Armadas to Rakata Prime: Page 34
     2 Standard Offensive Armadas: Page 37
     2 Standard Defensive Armadas: Page 37
     Project Devastation details: Page 45
     Project Devastation completion: Page 50

The Sith Empire questions why there are so many clones being made by the Vong.

"lol fam you know that EU story in which palpatine creates a clone army of himself?", said Tamborvong, "well fam that got me thinking, if palpatine felt he needed to create clones just in case HE died, then I definitely need clones cause HE was the most powerful man in the universe according to what I read on Wookiepedia"

"Plus this whole clone thing allows me to meme it up and kill myself off whenever I want lol" 

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:04:20 AM »
Going to bed.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:50:51 AM »
Transportation of Snoke to Zonama Sekot complete.

+2 Tamborvong clones

The Vong have made a deal with Snoke and Ren. Snoke and Ren may be given good living conditions on the condition that they begin training a new type of unit for the Chiss, the Dark Cyborgs. However, the Vong have required that all Dark Cyborgs be trained aboard Zonama Sekot and Snoke and Ren are forbidden to ever leave. This is because use of the Force has no effect on the Vong nor their creations, meaning rebellion by Snoke and Ren would be pointless.

Force-sensitive Chiss babies are now taken by the government and raised to be Dark Cyborgs from birth.

These Dark Cyborgs will possess a mastery of both the Dark Side of the Force and Chiss military tactics.

They will be augmented by Rakata technology to make them stronger and faster.

These Dark Spartans will wield both lightsabers and conventional blasters.

100 of these will be added to every Chiss Armada, as well as every Yuuzhan Vong Dark Infiltration Corps.

The Dark Cyborg

The batch of Dark Spartans that will take their places in their respective fleets will be complete on Page 37.

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith
     Chiss Ascendancy
     Rakata Infinite Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     18 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     6 Meat Armadas (1 without Glassers)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.

Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
100 Dark Androids
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Kylo Ren

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - en route to Kalee
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - en route to Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 37
     Dark Cyborgs for each Chiss Armada: Page 37.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

Chiss Ascendancy report

     Republican Oligarchy
     Confederacy with the Yuuzhan Vong

Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief:
     House Nuruodo

     Chiss Credits

     Yuuzhang Vong
     The Empire
     The Sith

Army and Navy:
     6 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas (2 need Dreadnoughts)
     3 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas
     Flagship: The Blue Man Group, an Eclipse-class Dreadnought
Chiss Standard Offensive Armada specifications
1 Eclipse-class Dreadnought
10 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Chiss Imperator-class Star Destroyers
20,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
8,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
20,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 HS-8 Assault Tanks
400 Gunships
600 AT-HT "Crushers"
120 AT-CC Mobile Transport/Command Centers
50 ATOM Walkers
Chiss Standard Defensive Armada specifications
20 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Imperator-class Star Destroyers
30,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
2,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
50,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 YR-5 Kusha Heavy Artillery Vehicles
500 HS-8 Assault Tanks
Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 General Population
     1,000,000 Scientists
     5,000,000 Engineers

     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     3rd Standard Offensive Armada - Kalee
     4th Standard Offensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     6th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     1st Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime
     3rd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     2 Dreadnoughts Commisioned: Page 34
     2 Defensive Armadas to Rakata Prime: Page 34
     2 Standard Offensive Armadas: Page 37
     2 Standard Defensive Armadas: Page 37
     Project Devastation details: Page 45
     Project Devastation completion: Page 50

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:08:58 AM »

The confederacy between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Chiss Ascendancy has now added the Rakatan Infinite Empire.

These three factions have rebranded themselves as the Deep Space Triumvirate.

Rakata Infinite Empire report
     Rakata Prime


Head of Government:
     The Imprisoned One , a.k.a. Luis


     Yuuzhan Vong
     Chiss Ascendancy
     The Empire
     The Sith

     6 Infinity Fleets

Infinity Fleet specifications
     1,000 Battleships
     50,000 Mass-produced Starfighters
     5,000 Rakatan Dark Adepts
     10,000 Rakatan Warriors
     50,000 Guardian Droids
     100,000 Enslaved Feral Kwi

     Rakatan Infinity Fleets are meant to be mass-produced and highly expendable. They are relatively weak compared to the fleets of most other factions.

Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 Builders
     200,000,000,000 Enslaved Kwi
     1,000,000,000,000 General Rakatan Populataion

     The Star Forge

     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     2nd Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     3rd Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     4th Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime
     5th Infinity Fleet - Rakata Prime

Current Projects:

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:57:15 PM »
After multiple pages of extra searching due to preoccupations with the First Order and other events, the Yuuzhan Vong have finally made contact with a hidden, ancient civilization on Rakata Prime.

Wat Tamborvong first made contact by an imprisoned Rakatan mind named The Imprisoned One.

"hi i can make you not a prisoner anymore and give you a new body and then we can be allies," says Wat Tamborvong to The Imprisoned One

"deal lol," said the Imprisoned One. "lol cool" said Tamborvong. "fug :-D" said The Imprisoned One. "I'm just gonna call u 'Luis' cause thats easier to type than 'The Imprisoned One'" said Tamborvong. "cool lol" said Luis.

Wat Tamborvong had finally found a kindred spirit in a  galaxy of normies.

"by the by ive been hiding an empire here for many moons" said Luis

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith
     Chiss Ascendancy
     Rakata Infinite Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     16 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     6 Meat Armadas (1 without Glassers)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.

Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Kylo Ren

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - en route to Kalee
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - en route to Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     6th Meat Armada arrives in Zonama Sekot with Snoke: Page 34
     3rd Meat Armada arrives in Kalee: Page 34
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 37
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

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