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Topics - Sandtrap

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The Flood / So I got mugged
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:18:35 PM »
I'm honestly having trouble dealing with yesterday. Carjacked, actually. I drove some folks to the train station in the city. Wrong side of the tracks. After I left, I got held up in traffic. I witnessed a colision. Car got reamed in the back and slid into the intersection. Nobody helped them. Piece of shit car's engine gave out from the hard knock.

I helped push their car out of traffic. I'm not feeling the best lately. That made me feel bad. I pulled my truck over to a quiet spot. Puked for a bit. Went to sleep. I woke up to two dudes banging on my door. They pulled me out of my truck, beat the shit out of me and left me there.

I spent the night at the police station. They gave me a bus ticket for home. Now I'm here. Not quite home. Elsewhere at the moment. It'd be prefferable if I just rolled over and died at the moment. But I'm really glad to see this place right now. For real.

I'm just gonna sleep. I'll see you guys around.

The Flood / Hypothetical: You own a slave
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:51:24 PM »
Let's just say for simplicity's sake, you signed some papers a while back with really fine print that legally obligates you to become a slave owner. A person at random is chosen. You have no choice in their age, sex, or health.

You reap all the benefits of owning somebody, save for three basic rules. You cannot kill your slave. You cannot set them free. If you do, both yourself and them will be killed. And they can't leave your side. That means they can't go anywhere without you.

You are now the proud owner of a slave you can't get rid of.

What do you do?

The Flood / What even is my life lol
« on: April 07, 2016, 12:34:10 AM »
I'm just sitting around in the afternoon cause I can't sleep, counting the time until Galo 5 updates and talking with Bacon, and I get a random ass phone call.

A dude I barely know beside just as an acquaintence, calls me up and says he's stuck and broke down out somewhere and I was the only person he had left to call. So I out there to him. Picked him and his stuff up and drove him home.

Talked to him on the trip back. Apparently he met some guy from the area where I live and the asshole didn't even offer a lift and just drove off.

It's just been a weird day.

The Flood / You know those "I hate Monday's" posters and shit
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:06:51 AM »

I found something Verb can put up on his wall wherever he goes.

The Flood / Go here
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:05:14 PM »

Gaming / Lol Verb got sucked into Dark Souls
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:00:55 PM »
"I kept playing, and I kept playing, and I kept playing, until eventually, just a couple days ago, I, uh... ended up accidentally beating the whole game."

Hook line and sinker.

Serious / So, I'm kinda in a spot of trouble
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:49:47 AM »
Admittedly, I don't really want to bring this up or to any attention. But I've been giving it some thought for a while now.  It's complicated to explain.

I'm in a spot of trouble, mainly because I'm on my last legs. Late last year I had some blood work done on me and it took some time for all the results to come back. But they caught me in the late early stages of leukemia. It's acute myeloid something. That means it's in my bones and my blood, and it spreads rapidly.

Since then, I was put onto drugs to fight it, obviously. But I got some news some time back, around late february. Stuff I'm on isn't cutting it. I'm starting to show signs of having problems with a few of my internal organs. More bad cell growth is showing up there.

Trust me when I say that I've had it checked and rechecked again. My body, being the partial wreck that it is, can't handle the heavy stuff I'd need to pull through. It's too toxic and damaging to me and it'd only kill me faster.

At the rate the disease itself is spreading and affecting me, I've got 3-4 months, tops. With lighter rounds of chemo, Their best estimate for prolonging this is about 6-7 months. 8-9 if I'm lucky. I was already given a choice. I could choose to have care given to me to make me comfortable for the remaining few months, or I could take the option of prolonging it.

I've been doing the official rounds of heavier drugs for a couple weeks now, and I've already gone through a couple blood transfusions to help freshen me up a bit. But it's only a matter of time. Before you say it, yes, I know. Some people still have a chance. Some folks can beat the odds. That's why I chose to prolong it.

But, let me tell you. I'm tired. So damn tired. Tomorrow I'll be headed into the clinic to get my usual fun shots and get knocked out for a day or two. This isn't a pity thread, either. I've had my time to process it all and deal with it. But even still, sometimes it's heavy to think about.

It's always on my head since I feel like garbage at all times. I'm not real big on dragging family into discussing how I'm doing or feeling. But I feel uncomfortable keeping it bottled up. I'd prefer to just do me on the forums while I'm here without feeling tied up.

Thanks for reading.

The Flood / I don't suppose anybody's seen Class around recently
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:58:02 AM »
Folks take breaks and they have lives and all that. But none the less I notice when they're gone. Last time he said a peep on here was on the 8th.

The Flood / So it's a friday night
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:18:35 PM »
And there's 19 people on.

What, did all of you suddenly develop lives and places to be?

Serious / Let's say a death clock is created
« on: March 02, 2016, 02:38:19 PM »
Laws of physics, uncertainty principles, and the notions of fate or destiny aside, let's assume for a second that a watch is created that cannot be tampered with in any way, and it is mathematically exact down to the very second that you will die.

Let's assume for the sake of things that the watch can alter it's timer accordingly based on what you do. It doesn't state what or where you will die. Just when. The watch is deemed scientifically accurate and demonstrates to be completely fail-proof.

This watch is handed out to every person on the planet.

Jokes about Jihadis watching the countdown on their vest aside, how do you think it would affect you? Do you think it would affect the world's population in any significant way? How so, do you wager?

The Flood / Drop a comment in here and get a PM
« on: February 28, 2016, 12:16:43 AM »
A little heart to heart, just between me and you. The nicest thing I can think of to say. In light of something, I've decided that I'd like to say stuff to various folks. But hell if I can remember everybody to find. So if you want something nice from me, just speak up in here.

Currently listening to a 40 something customer talking about the article they read in the newspaper about #OscarsSoWhite.

Please make it stop.

The Flood / As a Species, We Should Have Prevented This
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:13:25 PM »

The Flood / I'm really not digging the workload this year fam
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:21:54 PM »
I have no idea how I'm gonna pull it all off.

The Flood / What's your fondest memory?
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:05:09 PM »
I happened to remember nice something today. Glad I did. How about you? What's something that you can bring up at any time and feel absolutely comforted by?

The Flood / Bought myself a house trailer
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:07:59 AM »
The house part of it is a tad decayed. Which is why I'm going to have some fun demolishing it. But the actual trailer frame is in perfect condition. Once I've cleared that out I can build my house on top of it. Gonna start working in it soon, probably before spring arrives.

Got it for 300 bucks in cash and 300 worth of manual labour for a total of 600.

Trailer's 40 feet long, 14 feet wide. I'll see if I can get some pics for fun a little bit later.

The Flood / Getting needles stuffed into me eyes today
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:02:28 AM »
Truly a good start to the week gentlemen. Here's hoping sticking objects into me helps find what's wrong with my eyes.

Ya'll have a nice day now. Even if it's a boring old monday.

Serious / Depression and Anxiety Self Help Thread
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:18:12 PM »
It's no real secret that our community of people has various depressive tendencies or issues of their own that they're dealing with. The short story on this, is that for some time now, among all the various docs I've been paying visits to, one of them referred me to an online course I can take that'll teach me to manage chronic depression and its tendencies.

I would direct you to the site that runs the course, but the only issue here, is that the course only treats people in my province. However, I thought to myself, that it might be helpful if I take the information that I know and essentially echo chamber it here for any of you to use. So, that's what I'm going to do as I progress through this course of mine.

I'm no therapist or doctor, but these lessons are designed for people to do them by themselves, so I will post as much information and helpful stuff as I can, so that any of you here can look through it if you need it, practice things if you want to, or just learn something new that you haven't before.

In a little while, I'll do the first write-ups to cover for the lessons and explanations I've already gone through. Any important post will be linked up here so you can find it easily in case the thread has conversations going.

Lesson 1 Summary Link:
Lesson 2 Summary Link:

The Flood / Mild sleep deprevation hallucinations occurring, ama
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:13:29 PM »
No sleep is my equivilent to drunk I guess. I feel like talking to human beings and revelling in momentary attention so ask away cause there's no restrictions.

The Flood / It'd be nice to chat with some folks tonight
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:05:06 PM »
Fancy new meds are hitting harder than I'd have figured and I'm feeling a little bit on my own tonight. Got any stories to share? Stuff happening in your corner of the world? Plans for the future?

>Achieved high rank and old age in his decaying cripple clone empire
>Wants only to fix his cripple clone people
>Uses his intelligence to master old forgotten technology
>Finds Tenno scum and decides that he could use Tenno scum to fix his people and make them great again
>Is cast out by his people for not following orders and depromoted to shitty rank
>Is assassinated by Tenno scum


The Flood / I'm a tad late and all,
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:19:42 PM »
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Good to be back unexpectedly. Did I miss anything exciting?

The Flood / The fuck are paid subscriptions
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:30:19 AM »
And why has the admin has not yet finished setting up paid subscriptions. Please check back later.

The Flood / AMA Ask me about various experiences
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:30:07 AM »
I feel like telling some stories. But I don't feel like telling them without some reason to talk about em beforehand. It's like an ama, but strictly personal experience related. Ask me about the good shit, the bad shit, the funny, the sad, whatever, and I'll give you a story.

The Flood / Kittens
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:26:23 AM »

Found some old pictures I took in the summer this year of the wee little buggers I took care of. Figured I'd share.

Serious / Arguments against Suicide
« on: November 20, 2015, 01:11:19 PM »
Just some interesting question to ponder on some common statement often brought up when arguing against suicide.

The first and foremost being, that it's a self centered choice, so to speak, in that when somebody commits suicide they often leave behind hurt people. I use "hurt" loosely. Destroyed would be a better term.

Which is a fair point. But consider this. If you were to die suddenly, regardless of your choosing, you would still leave people behind. You would still leave people behind, hurting. And, one way or another, they would have to adapt to your absense. Which means that the only difference in the two outcomes of death, is the type of pain inflicted on those you leave behind.

Which brings up an interesting question. People argue against suicide, usually bringing up points about how the person in question could have been helped to change that view into something better and more positive.

But if either way, we arrive at the same conclusion no matter what we pick, even if we don't choose to die, then what exactly is the point of stopping somebody from committing suicide?

The Flood / I need more of this shit
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:24:11 PM »

Serious / Indonesia's Fire Crisis
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:41:33 PM »
The air has turned ochre: visibility in some cities has been reduced to 30 metres. Children are being prepared for evacuation in warships; already some have choked to death. Species are going up in smoke at an untold rate.
The fires are destroying treasures as precious and irreplaceable as the archaeological remains being levelled by Isis. Orang utans, clouded leopards, sun bears, gibbons, the Sumatran rhinoceros and Sumatran tiger, these are among the threatened species being driven from much of their range by the flames. But there are thousands, perhaps millions, more.

So apparently Indonesia's been on fire for a while now.

To such an extent that they're supposedly producing more C02 emmissions right now than the annual yearly sum of Germany in just three weeks.

Links to other articles down below.

Evacuations on warships

Smoke inhalement deaths rising in kids

And apparently the fires have been going on for months, partially unable to be stopped due to the soil conditions in the area, and the political minefield of neighboring countries.

The real interesting thing about this, is that there's been no media coverage of it whatsover. In almost any country, when it's a pretty damn big issue at the moment.

The Flood / Naaaaaiiled it
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:15:56 PM »
Lowered prices my canadian ass. Finally got myself an xbone. Went to the city with 700 bucks set aside for it and I payed 680.

Damn I called that shit goood.

Now I gotta get a TV that can work it.

The Flood / Talk to me flood
« on: November 10, 2015, 11:22:32 AM »
There's too many people snorting up Fallout 4 right now. Forum's about as interesting and fast as a snail.

What's on your mind today?

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