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Messages - Ingy

Pages: 1 ... 196197198 199200 ... 485
The Flood / Re: bunny raven (is a meme) vs. judge judy hopps
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:14:57 PM »

Judy is cute as FUCK dude

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 22, 2016, 10:01:14 PM »
Oh my God is this thread really still here?

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:18:31 PM »
So the amount of which something has a more factual and empirically verified basis is irrelevant to you?

Not when you're forcing it on others

The fact is that mental health is about improving overall emotional well-being as long as it coincides with a sustainable model and doesn't interfere with health in other areas. The fact is that transition is a well documented procedure for a well documented condition. The fact is that trans people are worse off right now if they don't try to transition.

What the fuck are you talking about
Data is still inadequate and inconsistent at best

I won't pretend that depression rate does drop after transition but it's still incredibly high
So to leave it there is not good enough
They are still suffering 

Because it isn't perfect and still needs a lot of improvement. Passability is going to drastcally effect results as people on the negative end of that spectrum are going to experience a lot of negative social repercussions that can result in them losing swathes of their social network.

Except the suicide rate is way too fucking high to pin just on social pressure

Don't act like suicide rates with transition or those who do not transition are the same. I've only seen citations on pre and post-op SRS.
Let's not neglect to mention that people who choose not to transition also probably choose not to identify as trans, and can go uncounted if they inevitably kill themselves from depression.

Data is still short
The fact still remains that the suicide rate is unbelievably high
I haven't found many papers on hormone treatment but one stated the suicide rate went from 43% to 39%
Which is still high as fuck

You were just trying to use your subjective truth as a means to say no one should care about gender in a social context.

Doesn't mean anyone has to listen to me

The Flood / Re: What's the hardest drug you have used?
« on: March 22, 2016, 12:50:19 PM »

Never again

Don't ever come back

The Flood / Re: I was wrong, losing weight is actually super-easy
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:36:37 AM »
Daily reminder that Brits put butter on their sandwiches




Even pornhub is springing popups pass my adblock

You embody the very ideals you hate

You can't be like them so you want to drag them down to your level to make yourself feel better


The Flood / Re: Literally The Best Youtube Channel
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:48:47 PM »
That wasn't funny at all.

Not all of us watch Islamic beheadings for fun
Yeah I don't find that humorous either. Shut your fucking retarded slanty eyed ass up you fucking gook.

Haven't heard that one before


๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

The Flood / Re: Literally The Best Youtube Channel
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:43:28 PM »
That wasn't funny at all.

Not all of us watch Islamic beheadings for fun
Yeah I don't find that humorous either. Shut your fucking retarded slanty eyed ass up you fucking gook.

Haven't heard that one before

The Flood / Re: Literally The Best Youtube Channel
« on: March 21, 2016, 06:52:52 PM »
That wasn't funny at all.

Not all of us watch Islamic beheadings for fun

The Flood / Literally The Best Youtube Channel
« on: March 21, 2016, 06:38:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: FUCK you
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:46:28 PM »
Don't be on the wrong side of history

The Flood / Re: More girl mind games vol 2
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:57:03 PM »

Confident would be knowing you can do something

Like if you trained, studied, or prepared a lot
You know your ability and you're pretty sure of yourself

Whereas arrogance is just thinking you're the shit at everything
Even if you are unqualified to do so

The Flood / Re: First reactions of Batman V Superman
« on: March 21, 2016, 10:00:59 AM »
Going to see it next wednesday for my birthday. I'm looking forward to it, though I'm hoping the batman vs superman part of the film gets more screen time than locke hunting chief in halo 5.

That said, I'm more excited for CA3 than BvS. I've always preferred Marvel's stuff to DC.

CA3 is going to end up being Spiderman 3

The Flood / How Is This A Real Thing
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:36:19 PM »

They're literally just earbuds that shine light inside your ear 

A beyond silly amount of repeat offenses for something. If you get ten porn bans in a row, I doubt that you are going to stop.

The Flood / Re: No Balls
« on: March 20, 2016, 09:29:24 PM »
Didn't he just get off one?

Just when I thought this day couldn't get an better, Assassin gets banned again woooo

Doesn't matter
Another ban come we come

Mods wake up

The Flood / Re: No Balls
« on: March 20, 2016, 09:00:26 PM »
Just when I thought this day couldn't get an better, Assassin gets banned again woooo

The Flood / Re: I watched my first porn movie today
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:53:38 PM »

Found it

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:04:17 PM »
Probably because transition is pretty effective and has high satisfaction.

Why the fuck is the suicide rate so high for transgender people then
cuz it's so stupid hard to get treatment?

No I'm talking insanely high
Like one of the highest suicide rate in human history

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 20, 2016, 06:38:20 PM »
I'd just like to bring up a point here. Yeah, gender dysphoria pretty much fits the bill for a mental illness. Or, at least, the qualifications for a mental instability/disorder. Specifically to Inglorious, here's something to think about.

How many mental illnesses out there are treated simply by telling them "No, stop having a differently wired brain?"

None. Dementia. Altzhiemers. Schizophrenia. Bi-polar disorder. And every other one under the sun that exists, are all treated with medication or alterations that are neccessary to try and stabilize the person afflicted with whatever they have.

Why make an exception to gender dysphoria and say "Lol no?"

You obviously haven't read this thread

Even regardless of your stance, here's something far out to think about. As we become better in medical fields, for instance. Lately, they've grown a seperate heart from scratch in a lab and they're teaching it to pump on it's own. They're getting better at natural skin reconstruction and facial reconstruction surgery, grafting, you name it.

Eventually we're going to see the day that a human body can be medically altered basically from the ground up. At that point, the age dilemma will dissappear, and not only that, but so will the barriers of base biological sex. And I'd put money down that we'll see people swapping sexes over completely. Hell, you might even get combinations of both combined, eventually.

It's far out to think about. But it's a reality that's on the way soon, either through bio-medical advances or robotic advances.

One way or another, matey, your opinion on the subject will have to shift itself to adapt with the times.

Once we get this this point, we will have all new sets of problems to deal with

Like how we deal with mental disease
How we deal with moral issues
How we deal with physical problems in general

To say that the circumstances will change so much yet the situation will remain the same is stupid 

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 20, 2016, 06:33:15 PM »
Well the difference between identifying as an attack helicopter and identifying as the opposite sex is one of these things has a much, much longer history of documentation as the other and has far more discernible characteristics.

Tbh putting otherkin on the same pedestal as transgender people is pretty insulting and trivializing. And again, one of these conditions is wanting to emulate a role that already exists in society. The other is emulating something that ranges from primal, to inanimate, to non-existent. There is a clear distinction.

It doesn't matter which one holds more merit
Choosing to value emotion over fact is harmful to society

Probably because transition is pretty effective and has high satisfaction.

Why the fuck is the suicide rate so high for transgender people then

"Personally", okay, so it is of your opinion.

"Gender is a meaningless construct in today's society", wait which is it? Is your subjective truth now the objective truth?

Don't be intentionally ignorant of still present gender roles to suit your argument.

I agree, if gender roles were completely abolished, the need for transition would be greatly diminished and for all I know could largely disappear. But bodily dysphoria can be as much a component of GID as social roles, and those exist in vacuum.

It is my subjective truth that gender roles are meaningless
Except I don't force it on anyone
I've said many times in this thread that you don't have to care whether I think being transgender is good or not

Just don't, for the millionth time, force your ideals on society

The Flood / Re: Why do people shit on virgins?
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:53:32 PM »
It's quickly becoming irrelevant in today's society tho


Losing your virginity means pretty much nothing in today's society

Except it still does socially

We're moving away from that

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:34:21 PM »
>This thread is still going on

Soon it will degrade into shit slinging insults fest before a mod posts a funny quip and locks the thread


The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:31:06 PM »
Reminder that GID is its own separate category in ICD-10; it's not a psychotic disorder and it's not BDD. Delusions are not a symptom of GID.
Gender identity disorder (GID or gender dysphoria) is not a psychotic disorder, nor is it body dismorphic disorder (BDD). It's in its own separate category, according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

Delusions are not symptomatic of GID.

All those abbreviations got to me


The Flood / Re: Why do people shit on virgins?
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:28:30 PM »
It's quickly becoming irrelevant in today's society tho


Losing your virginity means pretty much nothing in today's society

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