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Messages - Luciana

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They did that because the game is connected online so there is really no pausing it. What with the chance of being invaded, getting called to another world, etc.

Though offline yeah, that does seem like it should be a feature.

Not everything is a try hard mechanic >_>
That's true. I didn't even take that into consideration.

It definitely should be a feature offline, though. Without a doubt.
I agree with you. I remember I had to be someplace when I was fighting Manus (hardest boss imo, he's the DLC of that game) and I had to finish because, well, I was far.

Ended up killing him but my mother was annoyed I took a bit.
I really disagree with the idea of offline pause, it's done to make you feel no where is really safe, and that there is always some kind of danger. If you need to leave in a hurry the game gives you the option of returning to the menu and loading into the exact spot you left off.
If that was the case, then bonfires wouldn't exist, and neither would Firelink Shrine, along with a few other choice areas.

Gaming / Re: Starting a Fallout 1 playthrough
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:54:27 PM »
Some tips

Save often. This is an old RPG that's unforgiven. If you enter a new city, save.

Save before you lockpick someone. It's cheating, but you can often get a better gun early on that way.

Get a water caravan to them to extend the time of the game for you

And uhhh... idk, the rest you'll just have to enjoy and find yourself.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 2 No Death / No Bonfire
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:52:39 PM »
I did a no bonfire run on the original game with the maces, but that's about it. I dunno how you're going to do it with SOTFS due to new and annoying enemies, but yeah. Good thing is that you can skip a few hard zones completely, so that's all nice.

Also if you accidentally sit at a bonfire, just immediately turn your game off. Also note that you CAN light the bonfires, and obviously activate the primal ones.

Was thinking about updating the OP with my stats and whatnot, but I don't think anybody checks that shit.
They will if you update the title

The Flood / Re: Sir Ian McKellan Dead At Age 76
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:50:21 PM »
no idea who it is so lol
he played gandalf
oh. am i supposed to care if he died or not, though?
Be careful

that edge is very sharp

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls and you (spoilers allowed)
« on: January 23, 2016, 02:13:50 AM »
Dark Souls has always had amazing scenic backgrounds. Seems DS3 is doing the same.

The Flood / Re: stephen moffat has quit doctor who
« on: January 23, 2016, 12:10:25 AM »
Bring back Russell T Davies already.

My advice for you right now would be to read the things you pick up like weapons, armor, items, etc, and try and piece things together. You come into a large settlement which is abandoned and full of undead beings and chaos, so picture it like you as a detective, trying to piece together what exactly happened. Why things went downhill, who these guys are, why people are here, etc.
Yeah, that sounds like fun. I need to stress that I don't find anything wrong with the game's storytelling so far--it's just different, but at the same time, familiar.

Super Metroid is similar in a way--the prologue is all the exposition you get. All the rest of the game's story is expressed in very small, subtle, and clever ways (e.g. without any text--allowing the visuals speak for themselves). The difference, though, is that Super Metroid gives you an urgent sense of purpose and motivation right away (Ridley killing everyone at the space colony, and stealing the baby Metroid--BOOM, reason to play the game). I just don't think Dark Souls really does that nearly as well, but that's just me, I guess.

I do have fun doing that detective work, though, as you mentioned.
No, it doesn't really give you the motivation. See how I picture it is this. In the games lore, you go hollow once you lose all hope (at least in DS1. Dark Souls 2 it's you slowly degrading) and purpose. Your purpose is to find out what happened, and have that subtle hint of curiosity drive you. This place is a hell hole? Something had to go wrong. If you just look around, you can see so much of the game almost saying "something has happened here". Seeing those burned out villages and towns, dead bodies, etc. Almost like a zombie outbreak hit it.

Anyway, once you, the player gives up, then your avatar in the game has officially gone hollow. You have given up trying in the game, and are done with it, as is the player in the game. Since you lost the drive, so did the player in game, and thus it's game over. At least that's a fun way I look at it.

I'll probably start playing again soon, but GODDAMMIT what happened to me earlier sucked.
You're not the only one who's raged quit. You know how much it sucks to get so many souls, only to flub on some stupid jump and die, then try and go back and because you're running, you die to easy enemies?

Getting more frustrated at the game makes you bad honestly. But yeah I've done my fair share of rage quitting.

Gaming / Re: I'm gonna play medieval 2 for the first time
« on: January 22, 2016, 08:57:04 PM »
There is a good mod for Medieval 2 you might want. Makes everything more... in depth. Expanded.
Do you know what this mod is...?
Yeah, sorry for the late response.

It's called Stainless Steel and it does an assortment of things, such as adding in new music for factions, changing looks, graphics for better, better AI, etc.

and some more clarity on the directions here

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 08:54:12 PM »
Do you guys play it on pc? Because I see a lot of reviews saying the pc port is horrid. Should I be worried, because I was only going to get it for pc?
DS fix is a must have for PC. The port itself was absolutely horrible. Get a controller if you're playing on PC btw. Keyboard and mouse are almost always a no no for action adventure 3rd person games.

DSfix also lets you run it at 60fps, though it'll mess up in a few areas I believe. Nothing I ran into thats major so far though.

They did that because the game is connected online so there is really no pausing it. What with the chance of being invaded, getting called to another world, etc.

Though offline yeah, that does seem like it should be a feature.

Not everything is a try hard mechanic >_>
That's true. I didn't even take that into consideration.

It definitely should be a feature offline, though. Without a doubt.
I agree with you. I remember I had to be someplace when I was fighting Manus (hardest boss imo, he's the DLC of that game) and I had to finish because, well, I was far.

Ended up killing him but my mother was annoyed I took a bit.

>when you're undead and trying to leave the asylum, head to the land of the ancient lords and ring the bells.
Yeah. "Do this thing, and something will happen."

I think you're confused. I already know what my mission is--but that doesn't actually tell me anything.

What is my motivation for doing this? All I have to go off of is "something will happen."

Like... all right then?
That's the motivation really. Because this chucklefuck saved you, the least you can do is carry on what he was doing. What starts off as two bells (and I do agree with you, it isn't much to go off of at all) ends up turning into something faaaaaaar bigger. Needless to say, the story is basically "ring a bell" right now. After you ring the first bell (which isn't that far in the game), things start to open up for you. Both in terms of gameplay, areas, and story.

Edit: My advice for you right now would be to read the things you pick up like weapons, armor, items, etc, and try and piece things together. You come into a large settlement which is abandoned and full of undead beings and chaos, so picture it like you as a detective, trying to piece together what exactly happened. Why things went downhill, who these guys are, why people are here, etc.

I just noticed that there's no real way to pause this game, either.

Which is fucking stupid as fuck, and I don't give a shit what anyone has to say about that.

"But Verb! The developers did that on purpose to make the game more challenging!"


The reason the pause feature exists is because real life happens. Sometimes, you just have to take a shit. Sometimes someone wants to talk to you. Sometimes you just have to take a quick step away from the game you're playing. It's not about giving the player an unfair advantage--it's not about being casual--it's literally a fucking courtesy.

Your personal life has far more value than this game's tryhard gimmick of being challenging--and yet, the game still punishes you for having other stuff to do. Because if you can't pause when you need to, you're going to die.

"But Verb, dying isn't that big of a deal, because the game auto-saves all the time! Just get your souls back!"

Yeah--but what if you've already died once? Doesn't matter--the game expects you to sit there and put your real life on hold. Recover your souls, or lose them forever--pfft, PAUSING? What are you, a fucking CASUL? XDDD GIT GUD FAGOT LOLOL

That's pretty unforgivable.
They did that because the game is connected online so there is really no pausing it. What with the chance of being invaded, getting called to another world, etc.

Though offline yeah, that does seem like it should be a feature.

Not everything is a try hard mechanic >_>

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:44:41 PM »
Don't pick up if you dislike adapting to horrible Japanese controls.

Can't be worse than resident evil controls....
It's not. The controls are tight. Disregard that.
About as tight as you are slut
don't those two contradict each other?

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:19:03 PM »
Don't pick up if you dislike adapting to horrible Japanese controls.

Can't be worse than resident evil controls....
It's not. The controls are tight. Disregard that.

Dark Souls 1 was overall better, but there were a few things in Dark Souls 2 they did right, such as replacing the kick with the poise break for the shield. Discourages someone always holding it up. Same with backstabs I think.
Truth. DS2 improved on many things. Instant invasions, ladder controls, shield break, better weapon upgrading, warping and so forth. Disagreed on the backstabs though. Two-step backstabs are not as fun and have considerable downsides. You miss a backstab in DS1 due to latency? You just swing in the air (or even cancel it right away) and nothing happens. Same scenario in DS2? Your character does the slow and exaggerated swipe/grab move in thin air which completely prevents you from moving while your opponent can do whatever. I'm glad they're going back to the old system for DS3.
Yeah that makes sense I suppose.


easily overlooked*

Oh Verb

Never ever consume Firekeeper Souls, they're used to boost the substance of each Estus sip

Game never tells you that and once you use it, you can't take it back

Gaming / Re: [SERIOUS] Wanting to pick up Dark Souls
« on: January 22, 2016, 01:14:38 PM »
Odds are once you play it, get into it, and beat it, you'll be looking up lore stuff on YouTube like anyone else.

And I'd just say two things

Exhaust NPC dialogue. That means keep talking until they repeat themselves

and never EVER level Resistance. It's useless

Never ever consume Firekeeper Souls, they're used to boost the substance of each Estus sip

Everything else you should discover on your own

Dark Souls 1 was overall better, but there were a few things in Dark Souls 2 they did right, such as replacing the kick with the poise break for the shield. Discourages someone always holding it up. Same with backstabs I think.

The Flood / Re: A is for America, which Donald Trump will rule.
« on: January 22, 2016, 01:05:56 PM »
It's 2016 and people still unironically and incorrectly use the term 'cuck'.

The Flood / Re: Only 6 people online right now
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:43:17 PM »
I'm under my sheets in bed so cold

Da reel mvp

For fucks sake just change your username to Tohsaka already.

I enjoyed durability, to me it made some weapons a lot more interesting. Like how the Eastern weapons really required you to be bring a back up at the cost of them being fantastic dexterity weapons, or how it makes it so you can't spam special attacks on the dragon weapons and need to save them for big encounters.
Yeah a diverse arsenal is always good. I did the same thing for BB.

Yeah, a mace is almost essential for some areas in Dark Souls 2. They're cheap and when you upgrade them, insanely good.
At least they kind of fixed them now. Powerstancing maces power attack was one of the strongest things in the game like a year ago. You could infinitely stunlock most enemies and bosses, including the ruin sentinels, mytha, dragonriders, throne watcher and so on. It's what melee speedruns used to be like back in the day.
Yeah I did that for my no bonfire run for the ring to make my weapon invisible. I was proud of myself.

The Flood / Re: Only 6 people online right now
« on: January 22, 2016, 04:46:54 AM »
I'm under my sheets in bed so cold

Da reel mvp

Yeah, a mace is almost essential for some areas in Dark Souls 2. They're cheap and when you upgrade them, insanely good.

The frustration begins


we've all been there. learning the mechanics to the game is painful, but then again, challenging things should never be easy to learn and be comfortable with right away
it's really just the durability mechanic that i'm hung up on now

i just don't see the point--and that goes for any game that has any type of weapon degradation system

didn't like it in fallout 3--i'm not gonna like it here
I'm playing it again too and I honestly forgot it was even a thing. Like, I've never had a weapon in DS1 say durability is low, but I guess the scimitar is crap. Try different weapons. Long sword is always lovely.

The frustration begins


we've all been there. learning the mechanics to the game is painful, but then again, challenging things should never be easy to learn and be comfortable with right away

Serious / Re: God I really hate Clinton
« on: January 21, 2016, 11:39:38 PM »
I don't know what's more scary

The fact I know Trump isn't nearly as bad or extreme as the other candidates, so his win wouldn't be the worst thing ever

Or that I'm coming to terms with him actually having even a chance to win

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