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Messages - Luciana

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The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:05:23 PM »
It's another group. Used to be the MLP FiM group in bungie, but everyone basically purged that. If you guys wanna try it out, go ahead. It's not bad.

Yea I'll go there.
To burn it to the ground.
You can't burn what's already rubble, silly.
Oh good, someone else already did it.

Good news indeed.
I said it was PURGED >:C

Y-you don't listen!

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:02:39 PM »
Being partially Native American, I can empathise.
Well I am too, but I really don't feel I can.


It happened so long ago and we're all generally aware they got fucked over. I don't think that background really helped my opinion on the game.

Gaming / Re: The brilliant fighting game community
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:01:38 PM »
That white guy talking shit to that big black dude tho. I'm surprised he didn't get his ass beat.

Games are srs bznz

This is great news. Having recently gotten into the series, I've been waiting for Angry Joe to review this and learned about much of the flaws of Rome 2. My problem with Rome 2, among everything else, was mainly how formations just broke when you fought and it was just 1v1 fight animations rather than a group. Shield bashing was also gone, so if you rushed into enemies, they'd just... stop, rather than bash against their shields (which is back in Atilla).

Good news to hear all of this, and since I never got Rome 2 (can't run it) and am getting a new PC this summer, I will definitely pick this up. It sounds very interesting and I've watched some gameplay.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:54:07 PM »
It's another group. Used to be the MLP FiM group in bungie, but everyone basically purged that. If you guys wanna try it out, go ahead. It's not bad.

Yea I'll go there.
To burn it to the ground.
You can't burn what's already rubble, silly.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:39:30 PM »
It's another group. Used to be the MLP FiM group in bungie, but everyone basically purged that. If you guys wanna try it out, go ahead. It's not bad.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 08:34:06 PM »
Go over to Bungle.

They're nicer.


Bungie is like here, but with the dumb factor multiplied.
No bunGLE not bunGIE. I would never tell anyone to go there ;~;

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:53:13 PM »
Go over to Bungle.

They're nicer.

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:50:51 PM »
Might I ask what those personnel reasons are?

Infrastructure, yeah. We need to fix that.

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:18:51 PM »
I realized I didn't keep it short. Whatever.

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:18:16 PM »
You know what else is shit?

Assassin's Creed IV. Such a step down from III.

Please tell me you're not being serious.


But it's a running gag between Lemon and I. He loves the shit out of ACIV, I despise it. I really enjoyed 3, he hates it (for obvious reasons.)

for a second I thought you were having such a passion of hate for it. WELL, that saves me from the rant I was getting ready for. I'll keep it short.

My main reasons for disliking it is how they handled Desmond's story which felt rushed when Revelations HYPED IT UP so damn much. It fell flat and it disappointed me so much. Now in the past shit, I hate how they took the "assassinate" out of Assassins Creed. No more stealth, just all this action action action shit and it just went against the whole genre. I also disliked how they did a "Forrest Gump" style kind of story telling.

Boston Massacre? Sure, Connor was there. Declaration of Independence signing? SURE! Let's put him there for no reason whatsoever other than to be there! I also thought the supporting cast was horrible when compared to both the AC2 series and 4. Connor felt alone if you ask me. And he also felt so damn stoic and generic of a character who's voice acting was meh.

Edward was far more compelling to me because he was struggling with himself and growing up and at the end realized friends are a much better treasure than some gold. Sadly for him, they were all dead by the time he realized it, hence that sad scene.

Now for what AC3 got RIGHT? I think the relationship between father and son was great, though I think it could have gone a LITTLE better. Haythem saving Connor really showed he loved his son and its the first time Templar's vs Assassins wasn't just "GRR EVIL vs GOOD!" because both sides are KINDA good and bad. This is why I want to try Rouge. I hear it's much better than Unity.

I also like just how tank like Connor is. Every other Assassin before and after Connor was flamboyant and more agile with their moves. Edward had his swords and was agile, and Ezio/Altair were more brutal with how they disarmed and hit joints and what not. Connor? That dude was just a tank. His body had that V shape to it and he was just BRUTAL with his tomahawks. The way he just used brute strength and force like when running to two enemies and just LIFTING them up in the air and slamming them down was amazing, and how he just overpowered everyone.

I really wish we had that kind of fighting style again because it was bad ass. As cool as agile assassins are, I think combat in 3 was the best to look at simply for how the man destroyed people.

Gaming / Re: I don't like Pokemon
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:05:07 PM »
You know what else is shit?

Assassin's Creed IV. Such a step down from III.

Please tell me you're not being serious.

Gaming / Re: How hyped are you for Bloodborne?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:04:06 PM »
why not just make it a sequel?
They did. Dark Souls 2. Gameplay they did right. Everything else, not so much. B team was meh.

They basically ruined the lore of Dark Souls anyway, so if they were to make a 3rd one, it'd need to be a prequel to the 1st.

Serious / Re: Fuck you Obama! Fuck you!!
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:00:20 PM »
I would say I'm for tighter restriction on gun control
Are you saying you want limits placed on gun control, or are you saying you want tighter gun control?
Tighter control, or at least background checks and common sense.

I just dislike the NRA mainly since they're just pigs influencing the government.
Oh god, please no "NRA evil gun lobby" shit.

NRA is funded entirely by donations and membership fees, mostly the latter. The NRA represents Americans who want their rights protected, and the NRA is the most powerful method they have of doing that.

Do I think the NRA is perfect? No, I think they try too hard to appeal to old fudds and they're not doing enough outreach to younger shooters, who are more into milsurp, ARs and tacticool bullshit than "muh heritage" and hunting. They also show favoritism for American gun manufacturers like Ruger and don't do enough to fight restrictions on imports. However, the NRA, thanks to it's sheer size, does more than any other group to protect the 2A rights of Americans.
They also bully congressmen and bribe others, thus helping with corruption. They also said armed guards are the solution to schools after 20 children got slaughtered.

I don't like them, I think they're manipulative people who take an honest good intent and morph it into something more.

Gaming / Re: How hyped are you for Bloodborne?
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:57:05 PM »
Isn't it that dark souls clone?

I don't really care for it.
Nah, you could argue Dark Souls was a Demon Souls clone but DS was a spiritual successor.

Guy who did DS1 is doing Bloodborne (Miyazaki) and the only real similarities are the Soulsy gameplay. Not a clone though if you've seen gameplay videos and all that.

I dunno why people hawked on you. A simple answer explaining would have solved it, though you did make it sound like it was just a lazy clone or something kinda.

Serious / Re: Fuck you Obama! Fuck you!!
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:53:45 PM »
I would say I'm for tighter restriction on gun control
Are you saying you want limits placed on gun control, or are you saying you want tighter gun control?
Tighter control, or at least background checks and common sense.

I just dislike the NRA mainly since they're just pigs influencing the government.

Aaaaaaaand smile. Need to smile.

The Flood / Re: It's Saturday night, wat r u doin
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:27:26 AM »
Cindy and I are dancing to this, as we do every Saturday Night.

It's because they expect men to be successful at a certain age. When I tell them that I'm almost 23 and working in retail...there's just no way. They expect men to have a career and their life together at that point, not still living with their parents. So basically because the shit major I chose in college, not only did I doom myself from having a career that actually exists, I also doomed myself from ever being in a relationship. Sure, I can find a disgusting ogre that smokes and didn't go to college that will only ever work minimum wage, but I would rather be alone my entire life than to settle for disgusting just to not be alone. Women want successful men with careers like engineers, accountants, businessmen, programmers, etc...
Gee, really generalizing women there aren't you?

> they

> they

> they

women expect other women to be successful at a certain age as well.

If you say so, messiah.
who's a "messiah"

do you have any legitimate reason why i shouldn't think the way i do?
You just sound like you're thinking for the greater goal of humanity or something.

But it's basically me just saying whatever because I don't want to get into the discussion.

I see...

I say this with no intent to insult, but that kind of view sounds absolutely horrible and sounds like it'd make me want to kill myself.
of course, i'm not a happy person
but happiness really isn't all that important, when you get down to it, is it?

to be concerned with my own happiness would be selfish.
If you say so, messiah.

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:44:36 PM »

what does it even mean to "live in the moment"
for fuck's sake
Must everything be a debate and philosophical thing with you? You seem like someone who just hates his life and sees everything half empty.

everything must be a "philosophical thing" because to me, philosophy is all that really matters
getting to grips with reality

once i can get through to people with my beliefs, then i can calm down and talk about other shit
but that's not going to happen here, or at least, it never really seems that way, but i have to try
I see...

I say this with no intent to insult, but that kind of view sounds absolutely horrible and sounds like it'd make me want to kill myself.

You're asking this group about sex?

Let me ask a class of blind people about sight seeing.

Gaming / Re: Just beat Ornstein and Smough solo in Dark Souls.
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:37:57 PM »
Just killed Nito. Fukd up the spooky skeletons with the Silver Knight Spear then went to town on him with muh Claymore.
He was just sleeping peacefully and you kill all his baby skeletons and pinwheel pals, and then you killed him too you monster
Yeah the game really makes you wonder who the real bad guy is.

Gaming / Re: How hyped are you for Bloodborne?
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:36:08 PM »
Should be good. Will be my first From game.
You should try the original Dark Souls on PC or something. Or 360 if you have it. It's honestly one of the best games I've ever played.

I won't urge you to play Dark Souls 2 as much.

Gaming / Re: New Pokemon game announced
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:34:59 PM »
I think that was sarcasm, Verb.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a lol at religious arguments?
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:26:30 PM »
It stuff like this that makes me glad I'm agnostic.
It should be stuff like that that makes you glad you're not an idiot.

i've been doing it like that since b.old, and no one has ever complained about it
I actually do that too. It's a habit that I'll never break, and I never check my notifications because the damn "!" never goes away.

I feel like I'm constantly being spotted in a MGS game.

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