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Messages - challengerX

Pages: 1 ... 135513561357 13581359 ... 1398
Serious / Re: AMA me anything about my beliefs
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:00:17 AM »
Why do you dumbshits always make the title "AMA me anything"?
You do realize that you're basically saying "ask me anything me anything", right?
That's the joke. Like "RIP in pieces".

The Flood / Re: WAIT WAT
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:33:48 AM »
Still doing the stupid caps posting huh?

The Flood / Re: Help me Flood, you are my only hope.
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:31:44 AM »
Wow. This is extremely pathetic.

Go make money. How do you go to prostitution instead of drugs or robbery? Can't you just get a job in the first place?

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 04:23:51 AM »
Anti natalit ideology is retarded, yeah people around the world are suffering and it's sad but how do you expect most of us that live in first world countries to agree with you? Other than a few things our lives are generally good and if not we have the opportunity to change it whereas those in less developed countries don't. I agree with challenger, we will progress to the point where human suffering is at minimum it will just take time. Killing ourselves off now isn't going to help anyone but the few that are currently living in hardship, and I'm pretty sure the number of  people around the world that appreciate and enjoy life greatly outweighs the number of people who don't.

So while eradicating the human race may be fair to those in suffering it's not fair to those that are happy.
He isn't interested in fairness.

He's just a bitter and lonely individual in denial. I'd pity him if he weren't so fucking disgusting.

Serious / Re: Anita Sarkeesian getting absolutely BTFO
« on: September 12, 2014, 04:21:51 AM »
These people are truly disgusting.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:38:53 PM »
Life isn't perfect, god doesn't exist. I said there's nothing to explain because if you can't value life yourself, how am I going to make you value it through an argument on an internet forum?

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything about TES Lore
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:35:17 PM »
The universe I know the most "lore" about is fucking embarrassing.

Somewhere between the two.


The Flood / Re: Merge Gaming with The Flood?
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:32:14 PM »
So it isn't being merged? Lame.

The Flood / Re: I have a History exam tomorrow. Halp Flood
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:31:18 PM »
Stuff. You know, nation forming stuff. Very important I'm sure.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:28:54 PM »
Sure it does. People continue to enjoy and live their lives without legs/hands. Not to mention you can get prosthetics. The more we progress as a species, the more we can treat people.

But you of course, have no interest in that. All you care about is being a miserable hypocrite.
I'm not saying we shouldn't help these people and I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy your life. I'm saying the exact opposite. But I'm also saying that you have to recognize your position and conclude that, rationally, you wouldn't put anyone else in your position. Just because you might enjoy your life the way it is doesn't mean your life is objectively enjoyable, and it CERTAINLY doesn't justify having kids, imposing life on other people. Chances are, they might not agree that life is all that special. They might loathe you. They ought to to loathe you if they aren't satisfied with your irresponsible choice to give birth to them.

You gave them the ability to SUFFER.
I mean, that's probably the worst thing you can ever, ever do, right.
I gave them life. With it comes enjoyment and suffering. As a good person I will increase the enjoyment as much as I can and teach them how to deal with suffering and avoid it.

Other than that, that's all I can do. I'm not a god. I'm not going to feel guilty for having a kid because somebody ELSE gives them grief. I'm not going to refrain from having a kid because they will inevitable have bad experiences.

If I'm poor and the world is headed towards shit fast, I definitely won't have a kid. Otherwise I'm having a kid. That's as responsible as you can get.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:18:58 PM »
It's horrible.
But no, it isn't! Because people still enjoy their lives anyway!!! That makes it all okay!!!!!
Sure it does. People continue to enjoy and live their lives without legs/hands. Not to mention you can get prosthetics. The more we progress as a species, the more we can treat people.

But you of course, have no interest in that. All you care about is being a miserable hypocrite.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:15:02 PM »
Funny, you tell me I'm a piece of shit for not worrying about every bad thing that happens in the world yet you call people who lost their legs idiots.

2 thumbs way up
Yes. If you're incapable of understanding that not having legs is horrible, you're an idiot. I hope you get your legs hacked off.
It's horrible.

But it's two totally different things to say that losing your legs is horrible, and to say legless people are idiots who's opinions don't matter.

Again, you're a total hypocrite.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:11:15 PM »
If you think your life is worth living and you don't even have legs, you're an idiot.
If you think that person's opinion matters, you're an even bigger idiot.
Funny, you tell me I'm a piece of shit for not worrying about every bad thing that happens in the world yet you call people who lost their legs idiots.

2 thumbs way up

What the fuck is even going on here.
Pedophiles and pedophile supports upset that I'm going to report them to the FBI and kids crying that I'm trolling for standing against pedophilia.
What? There aren't any pedos here.

Seriously what the fuck is going on?
The whole forum reeks of pedophile culture.
Yeah that isn't going to hold up well with the Feds.


Feds: "Are they distributing child porn or promoting it?"

Dustbin: "WELL NO BUT"

Feds: "Are they doing anything illegal?"


Feds: "Shut the fuck up Dustbin."
Funny, because the FBI totally doesn't arrest members of NAMBLA and other political organizations that support low AoC laws.
You're damn right it's funny bitch.

If 4chan doesn't get shut down by the FBI we're not getting shut down because a few members have some opinions on age of consent.
4Chan isn't shutdown because the FBI uses it to help track down child porn distributors and other dimensions of people who support pedophilia.
LOL I'm sure.

But say you're right, what exactly is the FBI going to shut us down for? A discussion on the age of consent where nobody has said anything that makes them look like pedos?
Why do you think anyone is talking about shutting the place down?
You're threatening to report us to the FBI.

Don't play dumb.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:01:16 PM »
I wouldn't allow my child to get hurt, I'm just wise neigh to know they will get hurt some time when I'm not around. At school, on the street, wherever. I'm not supposed to have a kid because some 6 year old might bully him in 1st grade?That's exactly what you're saying.

You completely misinterpreted my post and cherry picked to suit your argument. If you were to get cancer, I'd sympathize. If someone else were to tell me they got cancer, I'd sympathize. If some random person just went to the doctor this instant and got diagnosed with cancer? I'd sympathize, but I'm not going to spend all day crying  about every murder, rake and disease. It's retarded.

People's opinions matter very much. Far more than yours especially since they lost their legs. Most I've known lost them fighting for their country. Hell, their opinion is far more important than yours on anything seeing how they lay down their lives and actually do things instead of bitching on the internet all day.

Extinction is failure. We failed to keep moving on evolving. There's bullshit and happiness. There is more of some for others in comparison to others, but life isn't perfect or fair. Accept it.

No, I want people not to commit suicide. Making it easier will lead to an increase.

You're extremely immature, and it's very obvious you haven't lived through much. You turn on the news/go outside and get depressed then bitch about it all day and wallow in self pity and hate everybody you come across. Your behavior has gotten you nothing but suffering in life, ironically.

Serious / Re: Ask a psychopath anything
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:49:05 PM »
Now I want a hotdog.
So do I.

Hotdogs are the sort of food you immediately want when thinking about.
Lol yeah.

Oh man I can almost taste it.

The Flood / Re: You caught your GF and best friend fucking...
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:47:33 PM »
They're both equally at fault. Unless somebody's getting raped, it's consensual which means they both chose to have sex.

Serious / Re: Ask a psychopath anything
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:45:44 PM »
Ketchup or mustard?
Ketchup for burgers and fries.

Mustard for things like steak and hot dogs.
Now I want a hotdog.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:41:42 PM »
Haha wow. You are one sad motherfucker.

Yes, as far as I'm concerned. I will do everything in my power to make my child's life good. But inevitably someone will do something bad to them.

I don't need to account for anything. I don't hurt innocent people, and I'm not going to cry and whine that innocent people are being hurt everyday. Tough fucking luck. That's why I said we're still very primitive and that eventually we'll overcome all this.

I know plenty of happy crippled people and people with prosthetics. Unlike you most people don't dwell on the negatives in life, because funnily enough that doesn't help to make the human species any better. And extinction isn't a solution. It's failure.

Nothing should be done to make suicide easier. It's hilarious you're more occupied with a "humane" way to end life instead of figuring out ways to make things better. There's nothing humane about taking or ending life. It's ugly.

Life is worth living. There's no way to explain that. If you can't see that for yourself, no explanation will change your mind. If you've never felt true happiness with friends and family, and real sadness to know how valuable and fragile we all are, there's nothing I can say that will change your mind.

If you ask me you have some sort of mental disorder or severe depression. I'm not discussing this further, because there's nothing left to discuss. You're not open to anything other than your own warped view of the world where the negatives far outweigh the positives, where you spend your time thinking about starving children instead if living your life. As noble as you may think that is, it's a waste of time. Either help people or forget about it. Wallowing in misery and acting like life isn't worth living because there's bad in the world doesn't accomplish anything.

What the fuck is even going on here.
Pedophiles and pedophile supports upset that I'm going to report them to the FBI and kids crying that I'm trolling for standing against pedophilia.
What? There aren't any pedos here.

Seriously what the fuck is going on?
The whole forum reeks of pedophile culture.
Yeah that isn't going to hold up well with the Feds.


Feds: "Are they distributing child porn or promoting it?"

Dustbin: "WELL NO BUT"

Feds: "Are they doing anything illegal?"


Feds: "Shut the fuck up Dustbin."
Funny, because the FBI totally doesn't arrest members of NAMBLA and other political organizations that support low AoC laws.
You're damn right it's funny bitch.

If 4chan doesn't get shut down by the FBI we're not getting shut down because a few members have some opinions on age of consent.
4Chan isn't shutdown because the FBI uses it to help track down child porn distributors and other dimensions of people who support pedophilia.
LOL I'm sure.

But say you're right, what exactly is the FBI going to shut us down for? A discussion on the age of consent where nobody has said anything that makes them look like pedos?

What the fuck is even going on here.
Pedophiles and pedophile supports upset that I'm going to report them to the FBI and kids crying that I'm trolling for standing against pedophilia.
What? There aren't any pedos here.

Seriously what the fuck is going on?
The whole forum reeks of pedophile culture.
Yeah that isn't going to hold up well with the Feds.


Feds: "Are they distributing child porn or promoting it?"

Dustbin: "WELL NO BUT"

Feds: "Are they doing anything illegal?"


Feds: "Shut the fuck up Dustbin."
Funny, because the FBI totally doesn't arrest members of NAMBLA and other political organizations that support low AoC laws.
You're damn right it's funny bitch.

If 4chan doesn't get shut down by the FBI we're not getting shut down because a few members have some opinions on age of consent.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:08:33 PM »
They're going to exist. But they're going to have a good life as far as I'm concerned. Will other people create bad experiences for them? Of course. But these things make you a stronger person.

There is no way to justify the holocaust of the Jews or any other genocide that took place and is taking place today. There's no way to justify any sort of violence on innocents. The point is we keep going and strive to one day become a unified species and grow and explore together. It WILL happen.

Life is worth living. Otherwise, why don't all the people that live in slums across the world just off themselves? Because they want better. It's how we're "programmed" for lack of a better word. We just are. I never questioned why I exist and I'm not about to right now. We deserve to be here because we're the best on the planet. Eventually we'll unify. For now, we're still very primitive. That's exactly why we have to keep going and we need as many good people in the world as possible.

What the fuck is even going on here.
Pedophiles and pedophile supports upset that I'm going to report them to the FBI and kids crying that I'm trolling for standing against pedophilia.
What? There aren't any pedos here.

Seriously what the fuck is going on?
The whole forum reeks of pedophile culture.
Yeah that isn't going to hold up well with the Feds.


Feds: "Are they distributing child porn or promoting it?"

Dustbin: "WELL NO BUT"

Feds: "Are they doing anything illegal?"


Feds: "Shut the fuck up Dustbin."

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:54:08 PM »
You aren't forcing anybody into creation because there's nobody to ask. You aren't creating something against its will. When a baby is born it wants to live. So yeah, I'm going to have kids if possible.

And there is balance. Exact balance? No. But it's not something to get technical about. What I'm saying is there is generally an equal amount of good and bad in the human species and our lives as a whole.

What the fuck is even going on here.
Pedophiles and pedophile supports upset that I'm going to report them to the FBI and kids crying that I'm trolling for standing against pedophilia.
What? There aren't any pedos here.

Seriously what the fuck is going on?

The Flood / Re: You know what day it is!?
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:48:03 PM »

Pretty much this. The only reason I know when it is the weekend is because my mother is home and being annoying.
Ehhhhh lucky you. My mums always home. I can promise you she's more annoying than yours. My dads self employed. So he's home more often than other dads. He can be bitch over dumb little things. My parents share a brain so if I upset mum, dad comes and gets pissy.
The only reason I knew it was the weekend, over the past summer was because I woke up to my parents saying "time for church". Which has been making me feel kinda shitty lately... Y'know considering how I'm not exactly on par with how a christian should be. I finally got a part time job as a cashier though. I had to put up so much of this though "when I was 16 I was working nonstop, not wasting my life away sleeping and playing video games." "Go out and look a job. We will discuss rent later." "Your 12 year old brother got his own paper route and you can't even get yourself out of bed in the morning." 
Ughhhhhh I swear to god, if they are going to heaven... Hell doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Sorry for the rant. /: I didn't mean to 1+ you or anything. It's just, your parent(s) sound much more chill than mine... Assumptions, I know.
Oh no your parents want you to work and better yourself.

How atrocious.

What the fuck is even going on here.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:41:12 PM »
I've seen people get tortured and killed. That doesn't mean I haven't seen the good in life. You think because there's bad things that happen the solution is to not even exist? What about happiness?

Looks like you've given up. Did I want to be born? That doesn't even compute. I'm here and I'm going to do everything and anything to live as long as possible and as happily as possible.

Why should I give up on existence because I'm going to have bad experiences? Why should any being do so? With bad there's good to balance it out.

The Flood / Re: My confessions thread
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:30:38 PM »
I'll never look at you the same way.
1 v 1 badminton singles scrub

The Flood / Re: My confessions thread
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:26:19 PM »
I'll never look at you the same way.

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