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Messages - challengerX

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Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:15:14 AM »
This thread is quite ._________________.

Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:11:52 AM »
Well, there's nothing to suggest that rape is inherently immoral.

Would it be immoral for a raging father to rape the paedophile who just fucked and murdered his son?
I'd prefer if he tortured or killed him, but hey whatever floats your boat.

Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:09:23 AM »
The fact is it's wrong to take away all that from a person (especially your own daughter) and then on top of that rape her.

Come on now. That's just plain wrong.
I'm not offering my own position on the matter, merely performing an experiment.

I'm not sure I'd call it immoral, but it'd certainly be illegal.
It's not about legality, it's just plain wrong.

Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:05:56 AM »
Its not consensual sex. It's rape.
Well, there's nothing to suggest that rape is inherently immoral.

The point is the consent is irrelevant; she has never been aware of anything and can't, under any circumstances, ever give or withhold consent. There is no consciousness or reasoning happening. I'd imagine a large part of why rape is frowned upon is precisely because of the relationship between consent and an active withdrawal of it.

Like having free speech but choosing to keep certain things private.

The fact is it's wrong to take away all that from a person (especially your own daughter) and then on top of that rape her.

Come on now. That's just plain wrong.

About damn time. France gets a lot of its energy from nuclear power.

Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:50:20 AM »
He's manipulating things and taking advantage of his own daughter and raping her.
How are any of those things applicable when absolutely no harm is being done to anybody? The daughter was never even really alive; never capable of cognition or (dis)pleasure of emotion.
Its not consensual sex. It's rape.

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:39:21 AM »
That's what we fucking need here, none of this liberal rehab B.S
>thinking prisons aren't run by private companies that are extremely right leaning
>thinking prisons aren't set up like that on purpose to keep the cycle of crime going
>thinking gulags are the future of prisons

What a Surprise. You realize if rehabilitation was actually taking place, people who get out wouldn't go back to committing crimes? Logic. You should try it some time.
Lol, you're an idiot. There's a total of 4,575 prisons in the U.S with only 100 of them being run by private companies. So who's the idiot here? Not me as you're the one thinking a huge number of prisons are privately tun and operated. Keep showing your stupidity

And rehab IS taking place in the justice system. It's in the form of petty book clubs, college programs in prisons, and plnty of other ways to make harden killers into normal people; they are not normal and it's rewarding them to commit criminal behavior. Transform prisons into a gulag-esque system where inmates have no chance to talk with each other and are subjected to solitary confinement nearly 23 hours of the day then they will be scarred shitless to commit a crime. Would YOU want to end up serving 50+ years under this? Hell fucking no you wouldn't
That bullshit.

What are you even saying? Would I what? People commit all sorts of crimes and the death penalty doesn't deterred it and neither does prison time really.

Rehabilitation is good. Cherry picking and acting like all inmates are hardened killers just makes you look retarded. There are plenty of people in there who have committed minor offenses who should rehabilitated instead of mingling with killers so they're even worse when they get out.

>liking gulags
>criticizes me for not reading your post
>doesn't read mine

Can you be even more of a cancerous down-syndrome fuck up?

I'm saying that if prisons were changed to where it's basically 23 hour confinement and no chances/luxuries like prisons today offer then you wouldn't want to commit a crime. Or you would but would beg for the death penalty as an alternative to spending the rest of your life alive, alone, and away from everybody and everyone

And why EXACTLY doesn't the death penalty deter criminals, nor does prison time? For one, you're allowed an unlimited amount of appeals once convicted sending the time a person spends on death row to at least 10 years with plenty of people dying from natural causes being put to death. Two, because of how restricted executions are to the public; just a little over a century ago executions were made public and it sent a fear throughout the populace to deter them from committing crimes. Three, prisons are more or less a mini vacation for people where they're given hot meals, warm beds to sleep in, the chance to communicate with other prisoners, watch t.v, etc. It's like a daycare for adults. Four, prison is where gang members go to get initiated or promoted within their group and serves as a training ground to teach gang members. Believe it or not but people commit crimes to get into prison for various reasons

Prison=people who commit felonies. Minor offenses are regarded as misdemeanors and people convicted of such are not sen to prison; they just serve a maximum year in jail dependent of the class of misdemeanor. The people who are in prison ARE career and harden criminals; they willingly commit murder, rape, child abductions, etc and don't want to be reformed, they want to continue to do this shit and being lenient on them shows them they can get away with shit without any serious consequences

Death penalty is in quite a few states. Doesn't deter anybody. In Europe there is no death penalty and there's far less crime. So as for that argument, it's total bullshit.

As for prisons being mini vacations and people committing crimes to get into prison, that is a complete lie. For somebody who reportedly "grew up in the hood" you sure don't know jack shit about why people commit crimes or the fact that NOBODY wants to go to prison.

You don't need to go to jail to get into a gang. At all. There are prison gangs and gangs in prisons because gang members get locked up. It's not the other way around. In fact, joining a gang in prison is the worst way to join. When you get out nobody respects you because you haven't put any work in or done anything for the block or gang.

Prison doesn't deter anybody from doing anything really. If somebody's going to rob a store, they're going to rob a store. If somebody wants to kill a person, they're going to kill a person. They just hope they don't get caught and try to cover their tracks as best they can. But I can assure as somebody who actually has grown up "in the hood", nobody gives a fuck. Especially since most crimes in ghettos are committed by minors.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You have this vague grasp of things and you try to act like you're an expert on it. It's seriously making me laugh.
That cherry-picking with Europe. On the other hand, you have Mexico with NO death penalty and crime FAR worse than the U.S.

Actually, it isn't a lie. It's the truth. People ultimately commit crimes because they don't give a fuck and outweigh the benefits for committing a crime and just see prison as just a small, petty thing that doesn't hurt them and just makes them stronger

Actually, for many gangs going to prison is a way to get initiated or promoted into a gang and a way to meet new people, establish more connections, and learn new things. Ever hear of MS13? The Mexican Mafia? La Nuestra Familia? Aryan Brotherhood? All infamous and well-known gangs that originated as prison gangs. Talk about nobody respect you for being part of a prison gang when these four prison gangs are highly feared, and respected by others

Finally something we agree on. Prisons don't deter crime. What you said is what I've been saying this entire time. Know why prisons don't deter crime? Because the policies and "services" offered by them do not instill fear that committing a crime is bad and will not outweigh the good from committing a crime

And I'm going to send this right back at you:
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You have this vague grasp of things and you try to act like you're an expert on it. It's seriously making me laugh.

My college degree is aimed DIRECTLY at law enforcement, the criminal mind, prison/justice system, gangs, and what motivates crime. I DO have a clue what I'm talking about and a bigger clue than you will ever have
You tell me I'm cherry picking then you bring up Mexico? At least I brought up a continent with a bunch if 1st world countries. That isn't cherry picking, it's showing that the death penalty doesn't deter anybody.

No shit. That's what I said. Point is nobody wants to go to prison which what YOU said. Don't reword my rebuttal to try and make it seem like you were saying that originally when you weren't at all.

I didn't say people don't respect you for being part of a prison gang. You're cherry picking and twisting what I said. I said members on the outside are respected more than people who join in prison. People don't go to prison to join a gang. You can do that anywhere. Thy join because they're already in prison and that way they have protection in there. If somebody messes with them they have a bunch if people that will back them up.

Prisons don't deter anybody because people are going to commit crimes no matter what. Do you have any idea how much crime there is in Russia?

Yeah, you can't say something. I told you when it's only applicable to you. "B-BUT MUH COLLEGE DEGREE". For somebody who's so anti establishment you sure a sheep that believes anything "official".

The Flood / Re: I like this place
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:14:12 AM »

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:10:32 AM »
That's what we fucking need here, none of this liberal rehab B.S
>thinking prisons aren't run by private companies that are extremely right leaning
>thinking prisons aren't set up like that on purpose to keep the cycle of crime going
>thinking gulags are the future of prisons

What a Surprise. You realize if rehabilitation was actually taking place, people who get out wouldn't go back to committing crimes? Logic. You should try it some time.
Lol, you're an idiot. There's a total of 4,575 prisons in the U.S with only 100 of them being run by private companies. So who's the idiot here? Not me as you're the one thinking a huge number of prisons are privately tun and operated. Keep showing your stupidity

And rehab IS taking place in the justice system. It's in the form of petty book clubs, college programs in prisons, and plnty of other ways to make harden killers into normal people; they are not normal and it's rewarding them to commit criminal behavior. Transform prisons into a gulag-esque system where inmates have no chance to talk with each other and are subjected to solitary confinement nearly 23 hours of the day then they will be scarred shitless to commit a crime. Would YOU want to end up serving 50+ years under this? Hell fucking no you wouldn't
That bullshit.

What are you even saying? Would I what? People commit all sorts of crimes and the death penalty doesn't deterred it and neither does prison time really.

Rehabilitation is good. Cherry picking and acting like all inmates are hardened killers just makes you look retarded. There are plenty of people in there who have committed minor offenses who should rehabilitated instead of mingling with killers so they're even worse when they get out.

>liking gulags
>criticizes me for not reading your post
>doesn't read mine

Can you be even more of a cancerous down-syndrome fuck up?

I'm saying that if prisons were changed to where it's basically 23 hour confinement and no chances/luxuries like prisons today offer then you wouldn't want to commit a crime. Or you would but would beg for the death penalty as an alternative to spending the rest of your life alive, alone, and away from everybody and everyone

And why EXACTLY doesn't the death penalty deter criminals, nor does prison time? For one, you're allowed an unlimited amount of appeals once convicted sending the time a person spends on death row to at least 10 years with plenty of people dying from natural causes being put to death. Two, because of how restricted executions are to the public; just a little over a century ago executions were made public and it sent a fear throughout the populace to deter them from committing crimes. Three, prisons are more or less a mini vacation for people where they're given hot meals, warm beds to sleep in, the chance to communicate with other prisoners, watch t.v, etc. It's like a daycare for adults. Four, prison is where gang members go to get initiated or promoted within their group and serves as a training ground to teach gang members. Believe it or not but people commit crimes to get into prison for various reasons

Prison=people who commit felonies. Minor offenses are regarded as misdemeanors and people convicted of such are not sen to prison; they just serve a maximum year in jail dependent of the class of misdemeanor. The people who are in prison ARE career and harden criminals; they willingly commit murder, rape, child abductions, etc and don't want to be reformed, they want to continue to do this shit and being lenient on them shows them they can get away with shit without any serious consequences

Death penalty is in quite a few states. Doesn't deter anybody. In Europe there is no death penalty and there's far less crime. So as for that argument, it's total bullshit.

As for prisons being mini vacations and people committing crimes to get into prison, that is a complete lie. For somebody who reportedly "grew up in the hood" you sure don't know jack shit about why people commit crimes or the fact that NOBODY wants to go to prison.

You don't need to go to jail to get into a gang. At all. There are prison gangs and gangs in prisons because gang members get locked up. It's not the other way around. In fact, joining a gang in prison is the worst way to join. When you get out nobody respects you because you haven't put any work in or done anything for the block or gang.

Prison doesn't deter anybody from doing anything really. If somebody's going to rob a store, they're going to rob a store. If somebody wants to kill a person, they're going to kill a person. They just hope they don't get caught and try to cover their tracks as best they can. But I can assure as somebody who actually has grown up "in the hood", nobody gives a fuck. Especially since most crimes in ghettos are committed by minors.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You have this vague grasp of things and you try to act like you're an expert on it. It's seriously making me laugh.

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:41:24 AM »
Yes, for crimes against children in which there is absolute and irrefutable evidence.

No. Rehabilitation is the single best option for society. Some people, however, are immune to rehabilitation.

Hanging is the only proper form of capital punishment.
I think a quick bullet to the head is better. Less suffering.
Pretty sure we removed firing squads because of the psychological impact that has on the men pulling the trigger.
Tell that to the Taliban and their public executions at the Ghazi Stadium. Apparently the Taliban would tie up a criminal at a post or whatever, set up some old Soviet machine guns, and let the family of the dead victim rain down fire on the tied up person
Jihadists have no conscience, Kinder. If they did, they clearly wouldn't be running around the middle east the way they are.
Yeah, but they just had regular families come and pull the trigger multiple times. There's no psychological effects when somebody wants revenge
LOL Once again showing your immaturity and lack of intelligence.

There are always psychologic effects if you kill someone. It changes you.
Plenty of people would like to disagree with you. If somebody killed somebody you loved deeply, you would want to see justice served on them
You don't seen to understand boyo, wanting to avenge a family member or friend is perfectly normal. Going through with it changes you forever.

Try and actually read my posts instead of assuming I'm saying something I'm not and then responding to that imaginary argument. You look like a downs kid.

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:38:19 AM »
That's what we fucking need here, none of this liberal rehab B.S
>thinking prisons aren't run by private companies that are extremely right leaning
>thinking prisons aren't set up like that on purpose to keep the cycle of crime going
>thinking gulags are the future of prisons

What a Surprise. You realize if rehabilitation was actually taking place, people who get out wouldn't go back to committing crimes? Logic. You should try it some time.
Lol, you're an idiot. There's a total of 4,575 prisons in the U.S with only 100 of them being run by private companies. So who's the idiot here? Not me as you're the one thinking a huge number of prisons are privately tun and operated. Keep showing your stupidity

And rehab IS taking place in the justice system. It's in the form of petty book clubs, college programs in prisons, and plnty of other ways to make harden killers into normal people; they are not normal and it's rewarding them to commit criminal behavior. Transform prisons into a gulag-esque system where inmates have no chance to talk with each other and are subjected to solitary confinement nearly 23 hours of the day then they will be scarred shitless to commit a crime. Would YOU want to end up serving 50+ years under this? Hell fucking no you wouldn't
That bullshit.

What are you even saying? Would I what? People commit all sorts of crimes and the death penalty doesn't deterred it and neither does prison time really.

Rehabilitation is good. Cherry picking and acting like all inmates are hardened killers just makes you look retarded. There are plenty of people in there who have committed minor offenses who should rehabilitated instead of mingling with killers so they're even worse when they get out.

>liking gulags

Serious / Re: Political compass thread? Political compass thread.
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:17:30 AM »
No shit Sherlock.

But remove the police and I'll run into your house and murder you where as I wouldn't right now because I don't want to live in a cage for the rest of my life. See the logic?
Remove the police and nothing stops my redneck relatives from hogtying you and dragging you down the road behind a pickup truck.  Maybe that'd be enough to stop you, since my redneck relatives aren't preoccupied with everyone else's problems.
You don't seem to understand.

What's to stop 10 guys running into people's houses and acting like savages? Your redneck friends will be engaged in an all out war with people. Eventually people will make explosives and just eradicate those who resist. The toughest and meanest people will get together and start raiding whole towns then cities.

Anarchy will send us back thousands of years into the past.

The Flood / Re: Winter is over.
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:59:05 AM »
fuck off m8 I've had enough of ur future weather m8

Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:49:04 AM »
So then what about people that walk around in tattoos or piercings? Some people think it's wrong and disgusting, and they're clearly showing that off to the public. Soooo terrible.
That's not even on remotely the same level as the way herms look.
Because you know, it definitely makes that much of a difference.

So, in regards to transgender people looking "disgusting"...go ahead and tell me how disgusting these people look:
That's really fucking disgusting.

The Flood / Re: Since I've gotten so famous AMA
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:35:25 AM »
I thought you didn't want attention.
I change moods a lot.

Edit: I think it's linked to why people think that I'm "special", or "unique".
You know when we say "special" we don't mean it as a compliment.

The Flood / Re: What would you do if you were at a dance and you saw this?
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:32:39 AM »
What whores.

The Flood / Re: Been thinking
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:02:10 AM »
>implying you'll get famous
>implying that if you do get famous it's possible to link this account to you

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:09:18 AM »
Yes, for crimes against children in which there is absolute and irrefutable evidence.

No. Rehabilitation is the single best option for society. Some people, however, are immune to rehabilitation.

Hanging is the only proper form of capital punishment.
I think a quick bullet to the head is better. Less suffering.
Pretty sure we removed firing squads because of the psychological impact that has on the men pulling the trigger.
Tell that to the Taliban and their public executions at the Ghazi Stadium. Apparently the Taliban would tie up a criminal at a post or whatever, set up some old Soviet machine guns, and let the family of the dead victim rain down fire on the tied up person
Jihadists have no conscience, Kinder. If they did, they clearly wouldn't be running around the middle east the way they are.
Yeah, but they just had regular families come and pull the trigger multiple times. There's no psychological effects when somebody wants revenge
LOL Once again showing your immaturity and lack of intelligence.

There are always psychologic effects if you kill someone. It changes you.

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:05:59 AM »
The death penalty is wrong, anyone who supports it is just a cunt. End off.
le hypocrisy face

Serious / Re: A death penalty discussion
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:04:35 AM »
That's what we fucking need here, none of this liberal rehab B.S
>thinking prisons aren't run by private companies that are extremely right leaning
>thinking prisons aren't set up like that on purpose to keep the cycle of crime going
>thinking gulags are the future of prisons

What a Surprise. You realize if rehabilitation was actually taking place, people who get out wouldn't go back to committing crimes? Logic. You should try it some time.

Serious / Re: Is this immoral?
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:58:11 AM »
Wow what the fuck. Of course this is immoral. He's manipulating things and taking advantage of his own daughter and raping her.

What is even going on here.

Serious / Re: I do not think going into Iraq a third time is a good idea.
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:54:13 AM »
This topic was about foreign oil, pal. You know, the entire reason these countries probably hate us in the first place.
They hate us for nation-building and policing them.

Not for buying their oil.
Actually most American and British meddling is due to getting oil at a cheap price or free.

Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:48:59 PM »
If you're born with a penis, you're a man. If you're born with a vagina, you're a woman.
Objectively incorrect.

Sex =/= gender.
There is only male and female. Nothing else is valid and are the delusions of sick people.
Tell that to people who are born intersex.

They're the exception, obviously.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:42:03 PM »
Gender and sex are two completely different things
No, not really. They're literally synonyms.
D-did you just say that?


A person can be born biologically male or female (sex) but identify the opposite of the organs they were born with (gender)
You're either male or female. Nothing is else is valid.
That ignorance
It's the truth.

You can't "identify" as anything because gender isn't learned. You're either a male or a female. You may have some sort of mental disorder or hormonal imbalance which causes you to believe such things, but it does not make them valid. It's no more valid than believing you're an animal.

Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:38:48 PM »
If you're born with a penis, you're a man. If you're born with a vagina, you're a woman.
Objectively incorrect.

Sex =/= gender.
There is only male and female. Nothing else is valid and are the delusions of sick people.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:37:00 PM »
Gender and sex are two completely different things
No, not really. They're literally synonyms.
D-did you just say that?


A person can be born biologically male or female (sex) but identify the opposite of the organs they were born with (gender)
You're either male or female. Nothing is else is valid.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:36:18 PM »
I'm not too sure what to think.

...So I'm just gonna leave this here:

The point is this psychopath Dr Money (lol) told people to reassign a kid as a female after a botched circumcision. He toted it as proof that gender is learned. He made the kid perform sexual acts with his twin at a young age and made him play the role of female. He took pictures while forcing two kids to commit sexual acts.

However, the kid stared identifying as his true sex which is male at age 15 and had severe depression, financial troubles, and a fucked up marriage which led to suicide.

This is the man which started this whole sex and gender bullshit confusing people when his prime example actually proves him dead wrong.
Ironically enough it still proves him right.
It proves that you con't force someone to live as the gender that they are not mentally aligned with.
How does it prove him right? His whole theory was that of gender being learned, when it is in fact the opposite and you are what you're born as.

Gender isn't learned. People who think they are a different sex than the one they are have a hormonal imbalance or some sort of mental disorder or something is genetically wrong.

Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:34:14 PM »
Going by proper delineation of what constitutes a mental disorder, yes, I would argue that even homosexuality is a mental disorder.

But that doesn't make it bad, wrong, "lesser", or more disgusting than any other sexual orientation/gender identification (indeed, I think they're all equally useless and disgusting).

It just means something went awry during the whole genetic makeup session, or something like that. I'm not a neuroscientist. Overall, it's entirely inconsequential and a complete non-issue to anyone of rational tutelage.
But it does make for interesting discussion.

Serious / Re: Is transgenderism a mental disorder?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:32:47 PM »
What a shame we have let the word "acceptance" become a form of social tyranny in which you are a monster for questioning why people are the way they are.

Serious / Re: Opinions on this? (Gender and Sex)
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:28:31 PM »
I'm not too sure what to think.

...So I'm just gonna leave this here:

The point is this psychopath Dr Money (lol) told people to reassign a kid as a female after a botched circumcision. He toted it as proof that gender is learned. He made the kid perform sexual acts with his twin at a young age and made him play the role of female. He took pictures while forcing two kids to commit sexual acts.

However, the kid stared identifying as his true sex which is male at age 15 and had severe depression, financial troubles, and a fucked up marriage which led to suicide.

This is the man which started this whole sex and gender bullshit confusing people when his prime example actually proves him dead wrong.

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