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Messages - ๐Ÿ‚ฟ

Pages: 123 45 ... 728
I didn't realize SecondClass was a Groomer.
Probably because I'm not. I know this must sound weird to the genuinely creepy populace of this forum, but it's possible to have healthy friendships with people below the age of 18 without any ulterior motives.

If I had kids who were teenagers I sure as hell wouldn't trust them talking to you of all people let alone being friends with them.

You're a horrible example to children.

The Flood / Re: Wait sandtrap died??
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:55:37 AM »
You clearly didn't give a fuck and posted the garbage that you still post today.

I actually miss Sandtrap. Dude was wise, he left me a lot of great advice, and on top of that we had a lot of great DMs back and forth in the early days.

He was a good guy, the world truly lost one of its best. Life really didn't treat him fair, and its incredibly fucked up with the hand he was dealt with.

I'm at least thankful that he joined Bungie and here, and got to know us.

If heaven is real I hope he's there looking down at us.  :'(

The Flood / Re: Current Objective:
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:49:38 AM »
This is legit the current objective in real life right now with Covid-19.

The Flood / Re: "Astartes" Short Film (Final Episode Released)
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:44:39 AM »
Part one is Private now  :(

The Flood / Re: Say the ร‘ word
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:43:06 AM »

The Flood / Re: Im staying up all night
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:42:32 AM »
You belong in an asylum.

The Flood / Re: Post your vehicles
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:39:56 AM »
I need to learn to drive stick as well. Automatics suck when it comes to driving up a hill, heck automatics in general take away the driving experience and make you feel less in control. They might be convenient for not shifting, but that creates distractions. If everyone drove a manual transmission, no one would be able to text and drive.
Driving a manual car is literally the only way to enjoy driving a car and automatics are for soy boy beta cucks ha ha ha amirite fellow car enthusiasts

Depends on the car, there are modern automatics that do shift faster than a standard transmission, its a matter of preference. Obviously when it comes to a Mazda Miata that car is better in stick than in an automatic.

But if you're going to refer to people as soy boy beta cucks for driving an automatic especially if its their first car, you have some serious mental issues.

You were probably joking but I'm not in the fucking mood for jokes, plus you're not even funny.

The Flood / Re: How's your dating life going?
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:14:36 AM »
i havent really made any attempts to get with someone, ever since i broke up with a previous gf like 2 years ago

im not saying i was absolutely devastated by it or something, but i just dont WANT to try

i mean, i still get interested in girls but i dont make any attempts

although, the other day my first ex contacted me outta the blue and it seems like she wants to be friends? i dont know but im wary

Friendships with an ex rarely if not ever work out, especially if you've had sexual history with them. Depends on the person sure but nine times out of ten its going to fail.

And if you're going to do Friends with benefits, better off to do that with someone new. That's probably what I'll do instead, or just casual hookups after the pandemic is over.

The Flood / Re: How's your dating life going?
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:07:42 AM »
Its dead. Don't really want another one. I'd rather kill myself than date again.

I have no fucking purpose or absolute reason to date anyone anymore and there are no more single classy women left. Everyone either has some kind of major issue or I am forced to walk around eggshells with them. Political correctness fucking ruined women.

I always thought honesty was key in a relationship but apparently that's a fucking lie now. If you can't be honest with whoever you're with, then how can you even have a strong trusting relationship?

I'd rather be alone or dead.

I think having 2 ex girlfriends in my dating history was enough, I don't need a 3rd. First one was in a fucked up love triangle (which ended really bad) and the second one just didn't work out and was impossible for it to remain stable. For the record, both of them broke up with me, and this is all individual separate times, I don't cheat, I actually hate cheaters. Regardless, I'll still be considered the fucking loser on here either way for being a decent human being.

I swear I don't know if this is just my experience but apparently women really love to fucking argue now or look for a reason to argue even if there is none, and give you shit if you don't argue back. Like what the actual fuck?

I'm tired of getting hurt and being blamed for shit that isn't even my fault to start with, and I'll admit when I'm at fault, because I know I'm not fucking perfect and am a mess, but holy fuck do I really fucking try, I thought it was all about being able to tolerate one another but clearly that's not how shit works anymore, especially with chivalry making you a sexist. Chivalry.... which is something my own mother taught me at young age.... is considered sexist. And its not like I'm romantically challenged, I have no problem with that and can do all that just fine and have actually made her day, but the negatives always seem to be more of the focus with women today, its like they look for a reason to feel and be offended.

Why the ever loving fuck should I even desire another relationship when I'm not even going to be fucking appreciated? Wanna know what makes it worse? When the person you're with will take a petty problem that shouldn't even normally cause an argument and turn it into a fucking mountain of an argument. Small petty shit.

And if all of this itself makes me a fucking incel, all the more reason to stay fucking single. I have no plans to procreate and I don't need my genes to get passed on anyway, hell, I didn't want to even be brought to this planet anyway.

I was born way too fucking late. Fuck my generation.

If you think I should still date, quote this reply and try to change my mind. Otherwise, I'm done. I don't need a woman to complete my life, I don't need ANYONE to complete my life, so no. I'm not going gay.


TL;DR version:


Song sums it up perfectly.

The Flood / Re: New Years Resolutions MEGATHREAD
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:47:12 AM »
Normally I never commit to my New Year's resolutions. This time I finally did. It was my New Year's resolution to get my car paid off this year, and I managed to do that successfully in March.

Only thing left now is to pay off my credit card which thankfully isn't so high so its only a matter of time until that's paid off too, assuming I still have my job and this pandemic didn't fuck everything else up.

The Flood / Re: This virus is literally a non issue to me
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:43:09 AM »
I'm thankfully working from home for the next week or two or however long, as long as my employer is okay with it. The thing that sucks is that it fucking wrecks older people and people with weak immune systems AND it has a week-or-more-long period where you don't always have symptoms.

I definitely don't want to get it and then pass it without knowing to my grandparents or mom, who are all immune-compromised.
Look from a good side of things: you now have more time to implement sep7agon 3.0 with print button and blackjack.
Lol I wish. Too many job-tasks to do.

I did start 3.0 though, a few weeks ago, to teach myself progressive web apps and all that jazz. Basically I just have the datastructure figured out for board view, but hey, it's a start!

If you're going to B.old this place, that's going to suck. Especially if 3.0 is completely different from this.

Remember the original reason why this site existed in 2014? At the very least sell me this current layout if you're not going to use it anymore, I'll buy it after the pandemic.

Note to people: By layout I don't mean the website, I mean the skin. I'll get my own domain and boards, hell I already have a domain registered to me yearly.

The Flood / Re: Post your vehicles
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:24:44 AM »
I need to learn to drive stick as well. Automatics suck when it comes to driving up a hill, heck automatics in general take away the driving experience and make you feel less in control. They might be convenient for not shifting, but that creates distractions. If everyone drove a manual transmission, no one would be able to text and drive.

Thinking about picking this up as a second car whenever I have the money if I don't sell my first car, or if I do sell my first car, I sell it to this dealer and get this car instead. I've wanted the Miata since I was 5 and these cars are cheap to maintain and are modifiable as fuck. Plus this one is manual transmission and is allegedly a lot fun. Its not a very fast car, but that's okay, I don't need it to be a fast car. Though its faster than the $16,000 heep of shit I currently own and drive and is overall a better fucking car because it doesn't have bullshit like auto stop/start. Someone is likely going to buy this one before I even have the chance to get my hands on it anyway.

I'll be lucky if I ever find another Miata that's in great shape or at least decent shape like this one, since most seem to be trashed up and treated like crap. I still need to test drive this sucker at least once, but I'm positive I'll enjoy it.

Regardless if this is my next car or not, I need to learn stick. Last time I drove stick shift was when I was 12 (it was an empty parking lot and I was supervised, but at least I've had experience even if I was too young and wasn't much. I didn't even stall when I got the car moving until I saw a fence and hit the brake hard forgetting to get it out of gear. Obviously I was 12 but I'm an adult now and a far better driver compared to being a kid.)

The Flood / Re: I've missed you guys
« on: April 10, 2020, 03:02:47 AM »

Well... I miss 2014, sometimes I wish I could have a do over and prevent myself from becoming a fucking target, but that ship has long sailed and I had many chances and burned it all like the dumbfuck that I was.

I'm a lot different now compared to back then believe it or not. The only thing that hasn't changed is that I'm a lot more cynical, otherwise I expect disappointment as the norm now and have been hurt enough times in my life to where I no longer get emotional.

The Flood / Re: Post your vehicles
« on: April 10, 2020, 02:41:52 AM »
Update on the Cruze
Paid off before the Pandemic took effect, got my title in the mail today (luckily) shit wasn't easy so I got lucky, I had to dip into my savings which I wasn't originally going to do since I was going to drop a thousand every two weeks of getting paid, but Covid-19 changed all that. I still have my savings but its no longer as high as it was.

The only changes I've done to the car owning it was adding official foglights and having the dealer activate them for $250 way before this outbreak happened, along with the tires replaced and tints removed at a tint shop (previous owner tinted it too dark) Tires had to be replaced because I had a flat tire and I'm reaching 30,000 miles so they were due for a change anyway, I already rotated them once. New tires are much better and don't feel like shit while driving, too bad the rest of the car can't feel like that during performance. No I'm not replacing the engine because it defeats the purpose of the car's original design. Might as well as get another car rather than a beefy engine, plus this car's computer would sperg with a more powerful engine in it.

I won't be keeping it long term and I eventually plan on selling it and get a better car, preferably a used car and paying it via check instead of a loan. Not that this car wasn't used when I bought it since it was certified pre-owned, but you get the idea. Current value of my car is $15,000 but because of what it is, mileage and how many fucking issues the motherfucker has in general (maybe not my car exactly but the Cruze in general has a bad rep) I'm probably gonna get less out of its actual value because its a fucking Chevy.

Which the only thing I could get if I sell it is a Mazda NA Miata, there's not a chance in hell I'm going back to loans, car loans give me major anxiety. I hate being in debt. I'm very lucky and thankful that I managed to pay off a 6 year loan in 2 years. That shit wasn't easy. Despite what some of you might say, I'm actually proud of myself for working hard to rightfully own a car. I had no cosigner, didn't need it because my credit is excellent.

The Flood / Re: Grocery Stores
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:53:21 PM »
I can't trust people so I just order my shit off of Amazon, I'm glad I was already stocked before shit hit the fan.

Serious / Re: friendly reminder
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:33:13 PM »
Woo-wee, the legend came back. Or someone here just remembered their password for this alt account.

Its Cheat.

I didn't realize SecondClass was a Groomer.

Makes me fucking sick.

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:25:05 PM »
I'm still working. I'm still surviving (for now) and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

I'm fucking scared.

The Flood / Re: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ 
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:23:42 PM »

The Flood / Re: i have an idea for a new multimedia discussion forum
« on: April 09, 2020, 10:37:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here still Bnet forums?
« on: March 13, 2020, 01:17:20 AM »
Most of the old members can be found on twitter.

The Flood / Re: How's everyone doing?
« on: January 29, 2020, 01:32:29 AM »
Surviving 2020.


The Flood / Re: Iโ€™ll Take The Staff Job
« on: January 29, 2020, 01:27:36 AM »

Septagon / Re: How do I delete my account?
« on: January 29, 2020, 01:23:22 AM »
Short Answer: You can't.

Long Answer: PM Cheat and request it. (He won't do it however.)

The Flood / Re: so i was just casually going down a youtube rabbit hole
« on: January 28, 2020, 01:43:49 AM »
Maybe this might give me enough motivation to get back into YouTube. Maybe this should be my nich. Original Xbox stuff. I still haven't made a video on the Debug Kit. Maybe that's something people would want to see.


Welp, got work tomorrow. Goodnight.

The Flood / Re: so i was just casually going down a youtube rabbit hole
« on: January 28, 2020, 01:40:47 AM »
How long til deci makes a false copyright claim

First off, he credited me, which is all I really ask if you use anything that I upload. Prehistoric took the music that I composed (yes composed because I did strum and play those notes and chords believe it or not) and claimed it as his and renamed the music, which is a copyright violation and isn't fair use.

This guy used the Original Xbox Dashboard video (which sadly is my most popular video to date) under fair use. I don't own the rights to the OG Xbox or its dashboard, so its not like I make money off of that, because its not really my content, and of all the things I uploaded, I didn't think that would ever be the one thing that would get so many views, its not like I was one of the first to upload the OG Xbox dashboard, so it doesn't make any sense.

Again, I don't false copyright claim. I actually gave prehistoric a fair chance to take the video down and own up to the fact that it wasn't his media to claim "as his." He refused and decided to play smartass with me so I used the reporting tools responsibility.

If you think I false copyright claim you haven't met UMG clearly.

The Flood / :(
« on: December 31, 2019, 10:46:10 PM »

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 31, 2019, 09:03:01 PM »
Honestly at this point, whatever happens happens.

I'm not going to vote for him a second time anyway. I'll be voting for myself instead. Not like my vote in 2016 did jack shit to start with anyway because the electoral college here in Commiefornia went to Hillary anyway.

Such a rebel.

Are you going to ban me?

Nah, I'm sipping wine and watching the gays on CNN

I know you'd want to. I can feel your anger. Gives you focus! Makes you stronger.

Deci pls

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 31, 2019, 08:51:25 PM »
Honestly at this point, whatever happens happens.

I'm not going to vote for him a second time anyway. I'll be voting for myself instead. Not like my vote in 2016 did jack shit to start with anyway because the electoral college here in Commiefornia went to Hillary anyway.

Such a rebel.

Are you going to ban me?

Nah, I'm sipping wine and watching the gays on CNN

I know you'd want to. I can feel your anger. Gives you focus! Makes you stronger.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 31, 2019, 08:48:32 PM »
Honestly at this point, whatever happens happens.

I'm not going to vote for him a second time anyway. I'll be voting for myself instead. Not like my vote in 2016 did jack shit to start with anyway because the electoral college here in Commiefornia went to Hillary anyway.

Such a rebel.

Are you going to ban me?

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