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Messages - Batch

Pages: 1 ... 262263264 265266 ... 271
The Flood / Re: I'm apparently incoherent at the AMA
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:23:57 AM »
Just go to sleep man, all will be better tomorrow.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: hurr durr I'm tired
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:22:31 AM »
Just fap and be done with it.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: >le went outsside
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:20:51 AM »
>mfw people still say 'le'

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: I'm apparently incoherent at the AMA
« on: February 13, 2015, 02:18:36 AM »
Why's that buddy? If it makes you feel better you're still coherent here.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So I've made my 2 weeks notice for work
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:57:04 AM »
2 weeks notice?

Pfffft, my manager fired me 2 days into the 2 weeks I had left. On the bright side, I now work a better job, better pay too.
The job you were working as a sandwich maker? Why did you get fired?
I got a call from a place that I put in my resume a month ago.
I went there for an interview, the told me they'd call me back.
On the way back home, they call me, telling me I got the job.
I tell the main manager, that I'm going to put in my 2 weeks notice, mind you, I don't know when I start working at this point.
The next day, I do the orientation, I get a schedule, and see they're putting me too work in 2 days.
I tell my manager about it, he gets annoyed, and eventually tells me, if I want to leave in his good graces(so he won't talk shit about me when a future employer calls), I'm going to have to continue working for the 2 week period. He would work around for my schedule, so I could work at both place.
Next day I tell him the exact hours I work at my new job, since I told him the wrong times the day before.
He suddenly gets pissy, saying he doesn't want to deal with my drama(there was none) and despite the fact he was willing to work with my schedule the day before, he decided to fire me.
What a white man, don't let the white man put you down.
He was a Mexican.
What a twist!
Or as they would say, a Tortilla.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: February 12, 2015, 09:07:24 PM »
A lot of people here are really salty, if we all just chill to a few degrees and don't put up the 'good fight' all the time, I could easily compliment the bunch of ya.

You all have potential of being really cool people, or being seen as that here, just need a bit less salt here and there ya?

*sips tea*

I agree

You're especially cool because you can always find a way to place your opinion without surrounding it with hostility or smartassness

You're overall really chill, never causing any bullshit or anything like that

I think that's really cool of you
I really do

Keep up the good work bud <3
Nawwww thanks :3

You're awesome <3

*sips tea*

*hands you cup of tea*

The Flood / Re: Just ran in 52 degrees
« on: February 12, 2015, 09:05:06 PM »
>be me
>Degrees Celsius
>You'd probably be melting right now

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So I've made my 2 weeks notice for work
« on: February 12, 2015, 09:02:31 PM »
4 years and that's about the jist of it for me, took a few years to weed out the shitty managers. Learnt everything myself, so hard keeping a straight face, but hey how many drunk/high/bogan-as-fuck morons did you get which would potentially just the counter to attack you because they're frustrated over how their mind can't compute the meaning of a 'meal' and a singular fucking burger......oh boy

Memories, never again.....had to clean puke way too many times.

*sips tea*
Happened to me the other day. They ordered a Quarter Pounder, I asked if they wanted a meal, no, and they went home and they came back and said they wanted a meal.

Honestly some of the most retarded customers in existence. Sadly, with experience, comes the task of doing everything yourself because the managers know your experienced.......while they go and do....other things.

Not to mention the natives in this town treat anyone with white skin like dirt...cause thats my fault, and hey I work at McDonalds why not throw abuse at them when I refuse to give them free things, because this ball of brown lard says I missed a burger, it's in the passengers seat, I can see it, I put it in there, I have OCD I check fucking thrice!

Then friday/saturday nights, if you haven't done those yet, oh the drunken bastards, hell any kid ranged between 13-18 will probably be an asshole because it's late at night, and you work at McDonalds, who doesn't love to be a cunt to those people eh?

Work for the money, but when you find something better, take it, there is no bigger relief is this shitty reality.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So I've made my 2 weeks notice for work
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:53:38 PM »
4 years and that's about the jist of it for me, took a few years to weed out the shitty managers. Learnt everything myself, so hard keeping a straight face, but hey how many drunk/high/bogan-as-fuck morons did you get which would potentially just the counter to attack you because they're frustrated over how their mind can't compute the meaning of a 'meal' and a singular fucking burger......oh boy

Memories, never again.....had to clean puke way too many times.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:49:57 PM »
I'll be working... And be alone.

Where do you work?

*sips tea*

McDonalds or something was it?
Yes, made my rough draft for my 2 weeks, gonna upload it here.
Well, you're not alone there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:47:22 PM »
A lot of people here are really salty, if we all just chill to a few degrees and don't put up the 'good fight' all the time, I could easily compliment the bunch of ya.

You all have potential of being really cool people, or being seen as that here, just need a bit less salt here and there ya?

*sips tea*
Stop being retarded and I will stop being salty.
I just don't understand?

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: Compliment Thread
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:45:21 PM »
A lot of people here are really salty, if we all just chill to a few degrees and don't put up the 'good fight' all the time, I could easily compliment the bunch of ya.

You all have potential of being really cool people, or being seen as that here, just need a bit less salt here and there ya?

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:40:47 PM »
I'd happily accept candy and sex
Too bad it will never be offered.

The mattress might offer sex, though.
Inanimate objects can't consent to sex.

However, they can't say no ether.
Neither can a person if you tape their mouth shut

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:39:57 PM »
I'll be working... And be alone.

Where do you work?

*sips tea*

McDonalds or something was it?

The Flood / Re: Is my new avatar hot
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:26:53 PM »
Nothing gets me off more than a bloody looking woman.


would get off again

My avvie is clearly the best though
She's bloody cus she bit a guy's dick off and he cut her up
Sounds like my typical Friday night.
Well, I now know not to meet up with you xD

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:25:27 PM »
No fighting guise ;(
Secretly wants to be my Valentine :3

*sips tea*

get me something then.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:20:18 PM »
No fighting guise ;(
Secretly wants to be my Valentine :3

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:19:52 PM »
I fucking hate the way you post.

It's infuriating.

Because I know you're probably an autistic neckbeard who thinks he's hot shit.
Tell me what I haven't already heard constantly? If it's the tea thing? Two words pal, it's two words xD
I like hows there's a comment about it each post I make though, I thank you for your contribution, good day now.

*sips tea*

Also I keep my facial hair trimmed and refined thankyou.
It's everything about you
Oh? Explain, so I can get a better understanding?

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:18:17 PM »
I'd happily accept candy and sex
Too bad it will never be offered.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:17:51 PM »
I fucking hate the way you post.

It's infuriating.

Because I know you're probably an autistic neckbeard who thinks he's hot shit.
Tell me what I haven't already heard constantly? If it's the tea thing? Two words pal, it's two words xD
I like hows there's a comment about it each post I make though, I thank you for your contribution, good day now.

*sips tea*

Also I keep my facial hair trimmed and refined thankyou.

The Flood / Re: SKREEEEEE
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:15:04 PM »
How Citadel completely rips off StarCraft.

*sips tea*
Kill yourself.
I think it's cool, but come on.

*sips tea*

Serious / Re: Muslims are the vilest of animals
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:12:12 PM »
You're taking those out of context or misquoting on purpose, Allah looks down on you.  Muhammad (pbuh), was being attacked by non-believers, so self defense was justified.   You can only read the Qu'ran in Arabic to truly understand it's magnificence.  It truly brings us muslims to tears.  Everything you say is mistranslation.  Allah Akbar.
Allah Akbar


*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: SKREEEEEE
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:04:54 PM »
How Citadel completely rips off StarCraft.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:03:00 PM »
Uhh... shit I dunno, m8.

It depends on what the guy wants. You could always just get him some teddy bear or something to be safe and call it day. It's supposed to be sweet so if he's not a TOTAL cunt, he'd appreciate whatever you got him.

Edit: Also, gimme some tea
*hands cuppa tea*

Yeah I guess so, it's the day to be cute and turn in the man card, but I'd be okay with that, hell you're spending the day with the person who you can let your guard down to so why not.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: Homosexuality is at least a choice for some people
« on: February 12, 2015, 08:00:47 PM »
Dustin - Taking it up the ass since 2012

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: stop and think for a moment about this
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:58:31 PM »
OH THE HORR- *throws up*

*sips tea*

The Flood / So, that money spending day again.
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:57:50 PM »
Ahhh yes, the ads about love and men buying things for women, jewellery so on so forth, hell it got me thinking, and I even asked Mrs Batch the question "What does a women get for a man", she replied "Honestly, nothing"

Cause what do you get a guy on this day? It's mainly a male targeted female appreciation day, and don't say it's targeted toward getting sex, if you're in a healthy relationship, that shouldn't be an issue.

So, what does a women get a guy on Valentines day? (heavily implied) if not anything at all?

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: My sister just came out of the closet.
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:53:45 PM »
perhaps a few of our in house homosexuals, like RC or Dustin,

Thanks asshole. I spit tea on my keyboard.
I cry for wasted tea :c

*sadly sips tea*

The Flood / Re: A peaceful encounter by the pond.
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:50:19 PM »
So many Otakus here

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: playing with her pussy
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:06:38 PM »
wonderful choice of words you fucking zoophile
No he used correct wording, it's your mind, which is mess.

*sips tea*
all right
Oh changing that are we, how original and funny.

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