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Messages - big sponge

Pages: 1 ... 229230231 232233 ... 394
Gaming / Re: Will you buy Battlefront?
« on: April 23, 2015, 12:22:11 PM »
I'm going to wait until we have actual gameplay and information before making that call.

The Flood / Re: Think of three users before entering thread.
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:49:03 AM »
unfortunately, kill Cheat.

What do you mean unfortunate? I'm pretty sure he's written into his will that I'll inherit the site if he kicks the bucket.

You can dream, I'll give you that much.

Fuck off, I got dibs.

You may be the Grandmaster, but Sep7agon is in my blood. Bitchassnigga.

So what you're saying is I need to marry cheat, get written into the will, and then have Azure kill him.

Titanfall had pretty solid mechanics. It just had a lack of content and couldn't justify being sold at $60.

Hopefully the second game is much better in that regard and an actual campaign would be great.

The Flood / Re: Think of three users before entering thread.
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:38:50 AM »
unfortunately, kill Cheat.

What do you mean unfortunate? I'm pretty sure he's written into his will that I'll inherit the site if he kicks the bucket.

You can dream, I'll give you that much.

Fuck off, I got dibs.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:38:11 AM »
how many times do we have to go through this same routine guys

You're not my real dad.

You can't tell me what to do.

The Flood / Re: Think of three users before entering thread.
« on: April 23, 2015, 02:35:55 AM »
unfortunately, kill Cheat.

What do you mean unfortunate? I'm pretty sure he's written into his will that I'll inherit the site if he kicks the bucket.

The Flood / Re: How did you come up with your username?
« on: April 22, 2015, 11:12:24 PM »
I changed my name on to make a joke and it kinda stuck since more people started knowing me as Lord Commissar instead of Mr Pinata. Eventually people started shortening it to LC so I just changed it again.

Gaming / Re: Why Star Wars: Battlefront seems limited
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:24:32 PM »
I'd like to point out that that picture is extremely misleading.

For example Battlefront 2 did not have 33 maps. It had 16 ground ones (most of which were shit) and 2 space ones. The only difference between the space ones was the ship placement and the skybox.

The classes were all basically carbon copies of each other too except for the CIS.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:19:32 PM »
And everything was so peaceful yesterday that said mods are good for games

Well that's an undeniable fact. The issue is whether or not certain people approve of it.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:17:53 PM »
Hell about a year or so after Skyrim came out the Devs released a texture pack, which clearly shows they couldnt do everything they wanted to on time.

There were also other things like the Valve collab where they had one of the robots from portal 2 as a follower and a few of the devs went and released their own in house stuff (like scenic carriages) on their own.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:13:07 PM »
If their franchise is going to continue growing they can't. Companies like Bethesda know this which is exactly why they can't slack off. Especially since they have console ports that can't be modified due to the closed nature of those platforms.
Still, on principle, the game should be good out of the gate. If the game sucks, which it does, and is only made better with mods, then the game doesn't deserve to be played. Why don't these modders just make their own games, if they have so many bright ideas?

Because not everyone has the capital or the time to do so. Modding games can also be put into your portfolio for when you apply to places within the industry. I believe the guy who made Faalskaar ended up getting a job with Bungie for example.

Besides why make an entirely new one when you can just modify the old one?

You're the only one who considers this "ruining art".
Fuck. Guess I can't have my opinion anymore, then.

I'm just saying, if the community and developers at large believe this to be a perfectly acceptable practice that does nothing to ruin their "art" then it's highly likely it's not them that the problem lies with. Especially when the developers (you know the people who made the "art") are encouraging people to modify their game to their liking and even putting out mods of their own for people to download.

If I was a developer, I would be insulted if people started modding my games.
It would be a fucking insult.

I guess it's a good thing that you're not a developer then for your sake.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:53:36 PM »
And why shouldn't I fix them if I can?
Because that's going to clue developers in to thinking that, "Hey, we don't have to put in all that much effort for our next game. The community will do it for us!"
If their franchise is going to continue growing they can't. Companies like Bethesda know this which is exactly why they can't slack off. Especially since they have console ports that can't be modified due to the closed nature of those platforms.

Mods keep things fresh so it's quite easy to spend over 300 hours over a period of 5 years on a single game. On my next run of Skyrim I'm going to do a tropical overhaul with flintlock weapons and a piracy mod installed that gives me my own ship, lets me recruit a crew, and lets me set sail to do a bunch of random events that involve things like piracy (duh) and treasure hunting.

This isn't excessive if it's fun.
It's excessive. Not to mention, that absolutely fucks up the lore, which is exactly what I mean when I say that it ruins the artistic integrity of the game.

If ruining art is your thing, what the fuck ever. But it's not mine.

You're the only one who considers this "ruining art". Even the developers support this kind of stuff.

Most of my playthroughs don't actually break lore. I'm doing the piracy one just for fun.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:39:42 PM »
You can like something and still recognize that it has faults and problems that can either be fixed or improved.
And it should be the developers' job to fix them. Not ours.

And why shouldn't I fix them if I can?

I would not be able to get this same mileage out of vanilla Skyrim.
You probably shouldn't.

300 hours of one game? I'm not saying I haven't done that before, but that's still excessive.

Mods keep things fresh so it's quite easy to spend over 300 hours over a period of 5 years on a single game. On my next run of Skyrim I'm going to do a tropical overhaul with flintlock weapons and a piracy mod installed that gives me my own ship, lets me recruit a crew, and lets me set sail to do a bunch of random events that involve things like piracy (duh) and treasure hunting.

This isn't excessive if it's fun.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:21:27 PM »
I like the original game
Obviously you don't.

If you want to see it improved, why not just wait for the sequel?

You can like something and still recognize that it has faults and problems that can either be fixed or improved. Then you have games like Skyrim that provide a good foundation to be built upon (hence Bethesda easy to use modding tools and giving support for them), and had to be watered down due to under powered consoles. And no that's not PC elitism, that's a fact. There were a lot of things Bethesda wanted to do with Skyrim (namely the civil war) that they couldn't do because they had to have content parity with the 360 and PS3 for their vanilla version.

In Skyrim's case, after about 100 installed mods I've got it to the point where I've happily spent over 300 hours on the same game. I would not be able to get this same mileage out of vanilla Skyrim.

Seeing as how the average AAA game has about 10 hours of content in it I would have had to spend over $1800 to get the same amount of time out of them that I did Skyrim.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:53:06 PM »
Why would I do that when the dev gives me the tools and support to change their game to play and look the way I want it to?
Why would you do that when you could play a different game instead, so you don't get bored?

Because I like the original game and want to see it improved?

Modding also extends a games life time way past what it would originally be and helps support the devs. The Imperial Civil War mod team essentially gave us Empire at War 2 for example and it came at no extra cost to those who already owned the base game and its expansion.
So they gave you a shitty RTS game. Great.


The base EaW is pretty shitty though as it didn't age well. However ICW fixes all of its problems and makes major improvements to the visuals, ai, and game balance while adding more content such as new factions and game systems.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:35:07 PM »
Or, you could play a different game.

Why would I do that when the dev gives me the tools and support to change their game to play and look the way I want it to?

Modding also extends a games life time way past what it would originally be and helps support the devs. The Imperial Civil War mod team essentially gave us Empire at War 2 for example and it came at no extra cost to those who already owned the base game and its expansion.

I mean I know you'll never allow your opinion to be changed so this is wasted time and effort and all, but surely you can't deny those facts.

The Flood / Re: Ask Kitsune!
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:38:18 PM »
The fuck is going on in this thread?

Gaming / Re: You can't drive the AT-AT in battlefront
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:34:33 PM »
Why are you guys outraged about something that you know absolutely nothing about yet? Jesus, at least wait for the gameplay to leak before you start having autistic seizures.

The anti-hype train has been set in motion and nothing, not even logic can stop it.

The Flood / Re: KAT or Piratebay?
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:27:26 PM »
Piratebay is a honeypot and KAT makes you download it's software for like half it's torrents so it can open a pathway for all dem sweet sweet viruses.

I'll take neither.
honest question: are you retarded?

ot: neither, private trackers ftw

Bruh, TPB was shut down by the feds and its owners jailed. Then it popped back up later all fine and dandy run by some nonprofit organization. Shits a honeypot yo.

Yeah, I'm not going to allow any sort of mandatory software from a torrent site on my computer. Especially since last I checked the software they used is riddled with holes in its security. I know not every torrent they host requires it, but there's enough to make me not want to use it as my first choice.
There isn't one torrent on KAT that requires you to download any kind of software. Wtf are you talking about m8

I went to go grab it for you, but looks like they removed it. You use to have to download this manager that was riddled with security flaws and was notorious for downloading malware in the background for a bunch of their torrents.

Regardless I avoid using both.
I think you clicked one of the fake download buttons, dude.

Nah brah, I didn't click shit. There use to be this "download with [insert software here]" button that a lot of torrents (even their verified ones) use to have.

The Flood / Re: KAT or Piratebay?
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:19:08 PM »
Piratebay is a honeypot and KAT makes you download it's software for like half it's torrents so it can open a pathway for all dem sweet sweet viruses.

I'll take neither.
honest question: are you retarded?

ot: neither, private trackers ftw

Bruh, TPB was shut down by the feds and its owners jailed. Then it popped back up later all fine and dandy run by some nonprofit organization. Shits a honeypot yo.

Yeah, I'm not going to allow any sort of mandatory software from a torrent site on my computer. Especially since last I checked the software they used is riddled with holes in its security. I know not every torrent they host requires it, but there's enough to make me not want to use it as my first choice.
There isn't one torrent on KAT that requires you to download any kind of software. Wtf are you talking about m8

I went to go grab it for you, but looks like they removed it. You use to have to download this manager that was riddled with security flaws and was notorious for downloading malware in the background for a bunch of their torrents.

Regardless I avoid using both.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:44:05 PM »

Felt like sharing some modded Skyrim in a mod thread.

Is Skyrim even Skyrim anymore?

I'd say so. Bethesda just gave PC gamers the tools and support to go apeshit with their game and the results show.
It's been almost 5 years and Skyrim is still making Bethesda dosh due to the modding community and it's consistently in the top 10 most played games for Steam.

Of course modding is terrible and devs that support it don't know what artistic integrity is though.

The Flood / Re: Can my college get any more retarded?
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:39:00 PM »
Rodney King I can maybe see being called a hero. Not because of what he did, but because of what happened as a result of what he did.

The other two I have no idea on how you could possibly call them heroes. If you want to highlight African American heroes in the US there are plenty of legitimate people to write reports about.

The Flood / Re: Dog drives tractor, causes traffic disruption.
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:29:24 PM »

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:21:09 PM »

Felt like sharing some modded Skyrim in a mod thread.

The Flood / Re: KAT or Piratebay?
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:01:33 PM »
Piratebay is a honeypot and KAT makes you download it's software for like half it's torrents so it can open a pathway for all dem sweet sweet viruses.

I'll take neither.
honest question: are you retarded?

ot: neither, private trackers ftw

Bruh, TPB was shut down by the feds and its owners jailed. Then it popped back up later all fine and dandy run by some nonprofit organization. Shits a honeypot yo.

Yeah, I'm not going to allow any sort of mandatory software from a torrent site on my computer. Especially since last I checked the software they used is riddled with holes in its security. I know not every torrent they host requires it, but there's enough to make me not want to use it as my first choice.

The Flood / Re: Google 'Earth Day' Quiz
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:35:50 PM »
You're a giant squid!

You can achieve anything to which you put your mind and/or your massive tentacles.

A-Alright then.

The Flood / Re: Had my first hangover..
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:30:31 PM »
>tfw I don't get hangovers
That might change if you spend all afternoon and night drinking hard liquor full of congeners.

Bruh, I went through a Mexican's 21st with only some vomiting about an hour after all was said and done. No hangover

Gaming / Re: dbz xenoverse dlc
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:28:07 PM »
Now how much will this cost?

The Flood / Re: Had my first hangover..
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:22:22 PM »
>tfw I don't get hangovers

The Flood / Re: KAT or Piratebay?
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:05:52 PM »
Piratebay is a honeypot and KAT makes you download it's software for like half it's torrents so it can open a pathway for all dem sweet sweet viruses.

I'll take neither.

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