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Messages - big sponge

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There's hundreds if not thousands of scholarly articles saying why lack of social interaction is terrible for children and hinders development.

except i have no issues with socialisation given the community shares the same values

in which ive already found multiple that do
I honestly have no idea what this says man

He wants to raise his children in one of those fundie compounds. There's nothing you really can say to him.


The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 07:43:17 PM »
So what? You sat there and let him hit you until he got bored and walked away?

what gave you that idea

You're only talking about how badly he beat you up.

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 07:10:46 PM »
So what? You sat there and let him hit you until he got bored and walked away?

Previous generations also grew up without electricity, running water, modern medicine, or toilet paper. I guess we should eschew those from our every day lives as well.

what the fuck? there arent good reasons to cut those out. there are for the internet.

i want my kids to learn values from me and have actual worldly knowledge. not acquire internet balls and learn keyboard swordsmanship.

Sure there are, it toughens them up, makes them learn how to actually survive instead or relying on electronics to do the work for them, and gets them out of the house. Relying on all these modern day conveniences just makes the average person weaker and less versatile than their predecessors.

Your 5 year old isn't going to be signing onto infowars to listen to the latest podcast from Alex Jones. The most they'll want to do is sign on to and play some games staring their favorite cartoon characters. If you want to make sure they only learn values from you you should keep them out of school then. Not only will they be exposed to other people and their values, but their schools and friends will have computers with internet access that they can use see and hear all the things you wont let them. What you want to do to your potential kids kind of reminds me of this kid I knew in high school. He had to keep the fact that he liked reading Harry Potter books a secret from his parents because they'd freak out if they knew he was "learning about witch craft", but every day at school or at another persons place he'd take the chance to read them because his parents weren't watching.. The only way you're going to have control over what your children see and hear is if you keep them at home their entire lives and only allow them to learn from you.

So if you're not going to go full fundie on your child and keep them in one of those weird compounds you should just accept the fact that your children are going to have more influences on them than just you when they're growing up and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I'm by no means saying let them have free reign to do whatever they want, because as a parent you do have the obligation to ensure that your child becomes a productive member of society. Just that attempting to ensure the message in a big brother like fashion will probably only estrange you from your children if you aren't prepared to go the whole hog with a compound and everything.

I also don't think whatever porn it is that you found out you liked is a good enough reason to shut off the internet. Porn has existed for as long as people have and traditional means of obtaining porn (books magazines, et cetera) still exist in your local gas stations

>I'm going to cut off internet access entirely so my potential children won't be able to see boobies on their computer screen

Now that's a new one.

yeah cuz tits are the only thing theyll see

not scat porn
not rape
not incest

besides there are many other things i wouldnt be able to control that theyll see

You generally have to go looking for that stuff to find it and even then scat is the only one you might accidentally come across. Actual rape is illegal so most places aren't going to be hosting it and incest isn't something that's common outside of the deep south and those people aren't smart enough to upload a video of themselves doing it anyway. Seeing another person poop however isn't really that big of a deal, sure it's gross, but it's not going to be a life ender.

You could always be an actual parent to your children instead of trying to indoctrinate them though. Teach them right from wrong and help shape them into responsible young adults instead of putting them in a bubble wrap suit and only allowing them to play in padded rooms.

im not indoctrinating them. the internet is not a safe place for a child to lurk. end of discussion.

every generation except ours grew up without internet. its not the end of the world. i wish i didnt have access, its much more liberating.

If your children are looking for porn we're going to be operating under the assumption that they're in their mid teens and they've got a fresh surge of hormones pumping through their body. At that age they're old enough to be making some of their own decisions.

That being said you saying you want to shut off the internet completely because you won't be able to control everything they see and hear if you don't very much sounds like indoctrination.

Previous generations also grew up without electricity, running water, modern medicine, or toilet paper. I guess we should eschew those from our every day lives as well. I'm someone who didn't actually have a consistent internet connection until I was in high school so I didn't really "grow up" with the internet either.

>I'm going to cut off internet access entirely so my potential children won't be able to see boobies on their computer screen

Now that's a new one.

yeah cuz tits are the only thing theyll see

not scat porn
not rape
not incest

besides there are many other things i wouldnt be able to control that theyll see

You generally have to go looking for that stuff to find it and even then scat is the only one you might accidentally come across. Actual rape is illegal so most places aren't going to be hosting it and incest isn't something that's common outside of the deep south and those people aren't smart enough to upload a video of themselves doing it anyway. Seeing another person poop however isn't really that big of a deal, sure it's gross, but it's not going to be a life ender.

You could always be an actual parent to your children instead of trying to indoctrinate them though. Teach them right from wrong and help shape them into responsible young adults instead of putting them in a bubble wrap suit and only allowing them to play in padded rooms.

>I'm going to cut off internet access entirely so my potential children won't be able to see boobies on their computer screen

Now that's a new one.

Gaming / Re: No mans sky
« on: August 13, 2016, 11:47:48 PM »
I mean, I wouldnt just shift the blame on Sony, the games bland because of the developers.

People like TB and Cry just simply stopped playing because it was boring as hell

I believe TB turned it off because it simply would not run at an acceptable level of performance no matter what he did. Jim Sterling and Oney have been bored to tears with the game though due to the fact that the meat of the game lacks any depth and just has you looking for materials to upgrade your timers on a bunch of samey looking color swapped planets with ps2 era visuals so you can go to other samey looking pallet swapped planets with ps2 era visuals with slightly longer timers. And you repeat said process until you reach the end of your hallway only for it to tell you good job and spawn you at the start of another hallway.

It certainly doesn't help that the animals are all made up of the same 8 or so parts in a random configuration and don't have much purpose in the game besides wandering around aimlessly like one of the animals in Starcraft from 1998. But even then Starcrafts animals were a bit more advanced because they at least had collision detection.

The Flood / Re: Hot Weather Person Or Cold Weather Person?
« on: August 13, 2016, 03:59:12 AM »

Gaming / Re: No mans sky
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:07:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: I need help! Vegan help!
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:03:47 PM »
im not offended at all, i just thought that was a ridiculously stupid thing to say
But isn't that what it is? Murder.

It's not murder if they deserve it for being filthy animals.

The Flood / Re: New student
« on: August 12, 2016, 06:57:47 PM »
All the furries and the scalies are all in the same thread, mods, you have a chance
It's sorta my things. Having a female fox as my avatar due to my last name.  I'm not a furry actually.


that belongs to me

give it back
You belong to me so its k


The Flood / Re: New student
« on: August 12, 2016, 05:29:39 PM »
All the furries and the scalies are all in the same thread, mods, you have a chance
It's sorta my things. Having a female fox as my avatar due to my last name.  I'm not a furry actually.


that belongs to me

give it back

Gaming / Re: No mans sky
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:52:32 PM »
Game is nothing but crashing. £39.99 for a game thats been in development since 2008, delayed multiple times and it still does not work, I want a refund

You're severly wrong about the minimum system requirements, replace them with this-

A computer made by jesus christ himself but it'll still struggle to hit 20 fps

i7 5820K @ 5ghz and 2 Gtx 980ti's and I can't hit a stable 60fps...

They apparently left a ps4 library in there too that you can only get from dev kits. I doubt it'll do anything for the PS4 emulation scene, but its a fuck up regardless.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:17:56 PM »
I will wait until they make one that doesn't involve a death star of any sort.

I got you fam

the death star shows up in the second one as a hologram and is actually being built at the end of the third

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One trailer
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:58:27 PM »
Looks fun.

Wish it was Katarn instead, but there was no way that Disney was going to bring back anything from the EU completely intact.

The Flood / Re: //Rant thread//
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:29:37 PM »
Dude, fat chicks are like feral cats. Feed them once and you can't get rid of them.

did you feed a fat chick?

The Flood / Re: What would you do?
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:08:27 PM »
depends on who i'm trapped with
Well, like I said, it's somebody you like.

well yeah, but that doesn't change my answer

The Flood / Re: What would you do?
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:22:55 PM »
depends on who i'm trapped with

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:19:52 PM »
DOW 1 and it's expansions aer the only good ones.

Well that's a shame. What is bad about the second one?

They removed the base building and controlling large armies. It's a much smaller and more hero focused game than its predecessor.

Gaming / Re: Gears of War 4 has Robot enemies
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:18:03 PM »
This is triggering me. I'm getting Promethean flashbacks.

No more robots please, they just aren't fun to fight.

Gaming / Re: Been playing WoW
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:47:47 PM »
Isn't that the game where you can spend like hundreds of dollars on a ship, just to have some cheeky fuck blow it up permanently?

The only MMO that keeps me wanting to play it these days is EVE.

While the ISK to real world money conversions people do are kind of neat, they really end up sending the wrong message about the game. No real world money is actually lost when you lose something in EVE. Where the conversion comes from is an in game item called PLEX that can be used to extend your subscription by 30 days. PLEX enters the market from people buying it with real money and then selling it in game. Last I checked the price of PLEX in Jita 4-4 (the central trading hub in EVE) was going from anywhere between 800 mil and 1 bil ISK.

In regards to losing the ship you pilot permanently when you die that's true. But the game simply wouldn't work without this mechanic. The permanent destruction of items is necessary to keep the player made economy of the game running. Without it you'd run into the same problems other MMOs have in their markets where there's just an absolute flood of crap that nobody wants or will ever need. There's too much loot and little to no consumption due to you only ever needing one of two of any item that isn't a consumable. So this actually makes industry (crafting) a worthwhile and lucrative skill set in this game because there will always be a large market for you to sell to.

It also helps to serve as a balancing mechanic for large scale engagements between corporations as when you take down one of their capital ships you've actually taken one down and they won't be able to pull another one out and jump back into the fight unless they happen to have another one lying around somewhere.

A small thing that I actually like about the system EVE uses as well is that I'm not stuck only being able to do one thing for the entirety of my time playing it. Provided I have the skills acquired I can swap between "classes" at any time I want if I have a ship that can fill that role. So if I feel like being a scout for the fleet on one day I can hop into an interceptor, jump into scythe or aug (depending on the fleet comp) if I want to be a healer on the next, or fly a DD cruiser if I feel like being and F1 pusher on the day after.

Never had something like that happen to me, but my first reaction to this is that he's casing potential targets in your neighborhood.

Gaming / Re: Been playing WoW
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:17:29 PM »
The only MMO that keeps me wanting to play it these days is EVE.

Gaming / Re: I've been playing Dawn of War 1 recently
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:10:46 PM »
DOW 1 and it's expansions aer the only good ones.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Saber is garbage
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:09:01 PM »
Takes about 80 hours to beat though, it's a long ride, but it's still the best way to enjoy Stay Night I think.
i was told there was lewd meme shit in stay night novel thing
I linked you the version that has the lewd stuff removed, with the patch you can put it back in, but I highly recommend against doing that.

I wouldn't because there's one scene that actually adds to the emotional gravity of what happens later on. The rest of them don't really matter though since they were obviously crapped out just to appease the publisher.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Saber is garbage
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:33:41 PM »
Should I watch fsn

The 2006 DEEN adaptation is pretty bad, but the recent Ufotable adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works is pretty good. It assumes you've at least read the Fate route of the VN though so it doesn't take the time to explain everything to newcomers.

The Flood / Re: Are Bronies still a thing?
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:28:54 PM »
Yes, but most of them died off so they don't have the numbers they use to.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that Saber is garbage
« on: August 11, 2016, 02:20:11 PM »
I'm going to file this one under oversight from Nasu.

Apparently because the smashed up snake skin doesn't work.

It was an anime original thing I believe. It's been a while since I've read the VN, but I don't recall anything about the snake skin being in there.

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