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Messages - MarKhan

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 114
Gaming / Re: Tsukihime Remake NOW (Fate/Thread)
« on: July 05, 2021, 12:23:30 PM »

Okay, I see. I'll try to reply to post above, I need to think about it more (even more than 3 days, I should eventually stop keeping stuff in my head and start fragmenting, pinning and writing it down). If you use Discord, we could try talking about stuff there too.

On unrelated note, do you know about youtuber called Bisqwit?

Gaming / Re: E3 Predictions, Hopes, and Dreams Thread
« on: July 04, 2021, 12:06:07 PM »
By the way, did it happen yet?

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: July 02, 2021, 04:18:28 PM »


Gaming / Re: E3 Predictions, Hopes, and Dreams Thread
« on: July 02, 2021, 05:31:03 AM »
I kinda hope that there will be announcement for new Yoko Taro game,  but that's unlikely

hell yeah brother get that piece of paper

what do you think of my cool idea (

also are you still living in ishpeming
i think it's the best idea ever and yes
Yea, I can even imagine how it going to look like if we going for simple portfolio One of w3schools templates.

Haha, maybe we should go super hard with programming line and craft some devious game with some big dark message about humanity or raise some important question or.. in other words influence player in a positive direction so he/she would start thinking about stuff and improving themselves.

        Okay, so let's see when was the last time you been here.. year and a half, right? My life went downhill from that big time. I haven't found a job for a year, military didn't take me cause my mom got fired and became full time pensioneer, I mostly was fucking around for around a year, but I learned Linux for the most part, but worst of all... vim became my favorite editor, so much that I actually started using vim outside of vim, like using a browser with vim shortcuts or importing vim shortcuts into VSCode, it's... ughhhhh (read: agonizing pay of joy that had come from deep arousment from oneself). By reaching this you should have noticed that I became even more sarcastic, sarcastic as I never been before.

        Nonetheless, starting this year I actually went ahead and made Linux From Scratch... and then almost never did touch it again, but I continued to use Linux. Oh yea, I forgot to say that I also set up dual boot system (pretty sure that was obvious by now tho). And few days later I got a job, my uncle helped me there, and I started working in... local rich man retail business. Building materials and tools. Plumbing. All other sort of stuff connected to that. I first been working as a programmer, even somehow managed to satisfy my boss, but soon afterwards my job became less and less programming, by now I have somehow become a marketer, a graphical designer and even a salesman out of all things. Not the worst of all outcomes, worst that could possibly happen is webdev of course. Though full time job from 9 to 6 with hour break does take a lot of energy from me. On the other hand it's in hometown. I don't know if it's positive or not tho because it's not a big town but I uhhhh was never conserned by it. Maybe my love for my town is about on same level as your love for Ishpeming.

        But enough rambling, at the end of the day as my competence grew and I got into it I started to hate it less and feel comfortableish there. Hell, even got a few friends. And I started to manage my responsibilities much better. But I can't stay there forever, I'll die as a programmer if I do and so will die any of the plans to move out of this country, so I started working on myself again when off clock with questionable results but results nonetheless. I got contacted by one company, they found out my half baked CV applying for a system administrator and umm they interviewed me and everything. I did fail test task at the end though, although I did half of it. Eventually they told me that they liked my attitude and they will contact me once they get open position, it won't be soon though. Meanwhile they gave me a list of tech I have to learn/relearn/brush up so I would fix holes in my knowledge and also I have to fix my internet too real bad. It was about month ago and while I learned something from the list they gave, I don't feel like I'm learning fast enough, so I have to pick up pace on it. Bad internet worries me more though, there are problem of lack of choice of ISPs here, there are 3 of them that can be characterized with words "shit", "less shit" and "hidden illuminati information of which is so scarce and userbase of who is so small here that I don't know what to expect" and I probably need 2 of them actually. I'm also worried about weather here becoming pretty extreme and electricity disappearing, but I can do nothing about it really. There are other work offers I consider at the moment, FatherlyNick pointed me out one company and QA line of work (with videogames!) and one of my relatives pointed me out the company where his daughter works and it's uhhhhhhhh... web development (reeeeeeeeeee). (P.S: Also Cheat if you are reading this, I'm sorry, I kinda learned Angular to some basic level, but I never helped you with Sep7 3.0 at all, I got busy with work and after work I either end up tired or playing videogames or learning Linux, and... aaaa, well I try to do something about it in short, someday)

        Now, my grandmother died on Wednesday in her age of  91 years and it was expected to happen, although death itself came quite sudden to her. I'm fine, my mom is mostly fine too, though she did break in tears sometimes these days and she also now doesn't exactly know what to do now that grandmother that she took care of died and what to do with freedom she got now, but it seems she handles it rather well, at least from what I can tell in this limited time frame. We planning to entirely move to her house at some point which is 2 houses away from our, even though we will miss our small cozy house. Need to plug in internet there first though.

        So, now that I done ranting about myself, how are you? Also how the hell do you manage to appear right after my relatives die, that's quite funny. Like some sort of angel that offers his support or something like that. Are you doing the math stuff you like still and do programming too?

Should I give you a sneek peak?

Wasn't shopko gone last time you been here though? Something about church taking it's place.
nah bro that was the shopko in my town (houghton). they all shut down at around the same time so i mightve mentioned his as well i dont remember tbh.
you are not verbatim and that is ok.

how are you my friend?
I am typing a summary as we talk here in other thread of yours, started right before you got here.

Wasn't shopko gone last time you been here though? Something about church taking it's place.
nah bro that was the shopko in my town (houghton). they all shut down at around the same time so i mightve mentioned his as well i dont remember tbh.

Hello, I'll respond later, but glad to see you here.

Wasn't shopko gone last time you been here though? Something about church taking it's place.

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: June 25, 2021, 05:39:11 AM »

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 23, 2021, 02:43:39 PM »
Localization is a scary thing, because you can have same game but with different (most often dumbed down) characters and because localization isn't only a translation, (sensitive) stuff can get censored too.

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 23, 2021, 07:46:30 AM »
I recommend GRUB2 :)

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 21, 2021, 03:27:02 PM »
The characters were all pretty okay, except for Kainé, who I loathed (and no, not just because of her incredibly stupid outfit).
I know why.
Oh lameao, that stupid bitch got hit and kinda died (but not really) again. Oh wow, she got pierced by spear few minutes after getting unpetrified (lololoool), guess she will die but not really because she can transform into shade or w/e. Oh guess she's completely fine after doing that.
Don't forget how the camera would always zoom in on her asshole every single time she got got.

There's that, and I also couldn't really jive with her personality, either. She definitely could've been cool—coomerbaiting aside, a pretty warrior lady with a surprisingly filthy mouth is certainly a fun idea, but I just don't think they did a very good job with it. The fact that she's so crude and caustic is a good thing—I don't want to give the impression that that's my issue with her. The problem is that she doesn't seem to have any brakes. ​Almost all of her dialogue gives the impression that she's just in maximum bitch mode all the time, which would be less annoying if it was intended to be funny or something, but it rarely ever seems to be. It's like hearing a song played with only one note. Every time the protagonist says something to her, I find myself being able to predict exactly what her sassy response is going to be, because she just can't stop being a surly cunt for even one second, and it doesn't help that the reasons for her attitude are never adequately explained until you've already beaten the game once.

If you think her attitude is justified by her backstory or whatever, that's fine, but I just like my characters to be a little more three dimensional.

She did have one good line, though. There's a moment when Emil is letting the protagonist know how he and Kainé pass the time whenever waiting for him outside the village, and he ends up embarrassing her in the process, prompting her to say, "Emil, that's enough! I got a fucking image to maintain!" I thought that was pretty funny, and it reveals that she's at least self-aware, which I appreciate.
Well, when I thought about her more, she reminds me partially of one character.

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 21, 2021, 09:42:04 AM »
I wonder if you would like first Drakengard... despite kinda bad gameplay

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 20, 2021, 07:14:16 PM »
damn what happened here

personally i dont think id ever get into the fate series because of its super high barrier to entry

i know theres like a billion canon spin offs and seasons and shit

but ive heard overall it’s good i suppose

You can pretty much watch any Fate series on its own and be relatively fine TBH.
The "Main Timeline" is Zero and then anything with "Fate/Stay Night" in the name. The rest are spin offs, most of which are shit anyway as far as the anime adaptations go.

Really Just watch Zero,
And then if you want to be a waifufag and or ruin your life move on to whatever version of Stay Night suits you, the Light Novel is best but you probably don't want to read the equivalent amount of text of the Lord of The Rings saga and the Bible back to back twice with hilariously bad sex scenes in the middle.

maybe someday then

Alphy do this with me

We can watch Lord of the Rings after to rinse our eyes

sorry im too busy slacking off on naruto lol

seriously it is so hard to watch naruto and not get bored, im 90 episodes into shippuden.. out of 500

actually it isnt really because of boredom, it's just that it's so tiring

my friends complain that i should be speeding thru it but i just cannot
Consider dropping it altogether.

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 20, 2021, 12:36:35 PM »
"It was about 10 years ago when we were working on the original Drakengard that I thought about the meaning of “killing.” I was looking at a lot of games back then, and I saw these messages like “You’ve defeated 100 enemies!” or “Eradicated 100 enemy soldiers!” in an almost  gloating manner.  But when I thought about it in an extremely calm state of mind, it hit me that gloating about killing a hundred people is strange. I mean, you’re a serial killer if you killed a hundred people. It just struck me as insane. That’s why I decided to have the army of the protagonist in Drakengard be one where everyone’s insane, to create this twisted organization where everyone’s wrong and unjust. I wanted to weave a tale about these twisted people.
And then we worked on Nier…We created this game called Nier, and after the world experienced the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq, we were being bombarded with updates on terrorist organizations and activities even in Japan. That’s when my opinion changed. The vibe I was getting from society was: you don’t have to be insane to kill someone. You just have to think you’re right. So that’s why I made Nier a game revolving around this concept of “being able to kill others if you think you’re right,” or “everyone believes that they’re in the right.”"

-Yoko Taro Drakengard 3 Interview
very cool stuff

nier might be my favorite bad game
For a spinoff made out of ending of Drakengard that considered by some a troll ending it does pretty good job, yea

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 19, 2021, 01:39:34 PM »
"It was about 10 years ago when we were working on the original Drakengard that I thought about the meaning of “killing.” I was looking at a lot of games back then, and I saw these messages like “You’ve defeated 100 enemies!” or “Eradicated 100 enemy soldiers!” in an almost  gloating manner.  But when I thought about it in an extremely calm state of mind, it hit me that gloating about killing a hundred people is strange. I mean, you’re a serial killer if you killed a hundred people. It just struck me as insane. That’s why I decided to have the army of the protagonist in Drakengard be one where everyone’s insane, to create this twisted organization where everyone’s wrong and unjust. I wanted to weave a tale about these twisted people.
And then we worked on Nier…We created this game called Nier, and after the world experienced the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq, we were being bombarded with updates on terrorist organizations and activities even in Japan. That’s when my opinion changed. The vibe I was getting from society was: you don’t have to be insane to kill someone. You just have to think you’re right. So that’s why I made Nier a game revolving around this concept of “being able to kill others if you think you’re right,” or “everyone believes that they’re in the right.”"

-Yoko Taro Drakengard 3 Interview

The Flood / Re: Hi hello
« on: June 17, 2021, 05:56:09 AM »
I wanted to say "your mom's pussy" but that doesn't sound mature.

The Flood / Re: Hi hello
« on: June 15, 2021, 02:22:26 PM »
Mashed potatoes

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 14, 2021, 03:01:31 PM »
Is Nier 1 = Nier Replicant™ ver.1.22474487139... ?
The latter is a remake of the former, yeah. I'm playing through the original, though, since it's what I have.
Yeah, it's 1 to 1 remake almost... though I heard there was some additional stuff added into the remake and also there is 2 separate versions of original game, Replicant and Gestalt, with 99% identical story and a slightly bit different ost.

Only main difference between two of those is that in Gestalt you play as a father who tries to protect his daughter and in Replicant you play as a brother with exactly same role really and this introduce slightly different dialog (and thus different personalities) and a different protagonist visual models. Gestalt was released on XBox 360 while Replicant was released on PS3 in Japan and only Gestalt got into West.

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020/2021
« on: June 14, 2021, 01:04:51 PM »
The characters were all pretty okay, except for Kainé, who I loathed (and no, not just because of her incredibly stupid outfit).
I know why.
Oh lameao, that stupid bitch got hit and kinda died (but not really) again. Oh wow, she got pierced by spear few minutes after getting unpetrified (lololoool), guess she will die but not really because she can transform into shade or w/e. Oh guess she's completely fine after doing that.

Gaming / Re: E3 Predictions, Hopes, and Dreams Thread
« on: June 11, 2021, 07:26:34 PM »

Gaming / Re: E3 Predictions, Hopes, and Dreams Thread
« on: June 10, 2021, 05:24:52 PM »

"This item is currently unavailable in your region" hmm
Oops, yeah forgot to mention it seems like RU and UA can't DL it.
Maybe try with a VPN? Windscribe is a free VPN (limited monthly bandwidth, but it should be at least enough to obtain it)
Yeah, I already have Windscribe.

"This item is currently unavailable in your region" hmm

The Flood / Re: Gospels of the Flood
« on: June 07, 2021, 02:52:44 PM »

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