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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: hey cheat
« on: May 04, 2019, 11:21:36 AM »
You could not have made a more cancerous post with a single word.

thanks for the CUMMIES

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: May 03, 2019, 01:23:13 PM »
You might be on to something. Having one guy who doesn't change fucking anything (JJ) work with a guy who changes too much (Rian), that's literally a perfect balance.

I can think of a certain big name Disney movie coming out this December that could definitely use a second chief in charge *cough*cough*Star Wars*cough*.
Yeah, like Rian Johnson!

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: May 02, 2019, 10:44:23 PM »
Super long wall of text
I'm gonna try and put all my thoughts together but I'm probably (like guaranteed) to miss a lot of stuff that I made a mental note of during the movie. I'm just gonna use meme arrows as bullet points because I tend to miss even more of my own thoughts when I try to condense things into paragraphs. I'll also put my joke nit picks in a additional spoiler bracket since my joke nit picks from Infinity War anally ass ravaged a few people on here. Spoilers obvious, the spoiler collapse for the length of post.

TL;DR: It was fucking 10/10 Kino

Before the movie:

>I'd like to give a shout out to Square Enix for getting me excited for seeing this movie by including a trailer for Shadowbringers FFXIV in the pre-preview advertisements. I've seen the full extended trailer well over 50 times by now, but seeing it on the big screen made me all the more happy with my ticket purchase.
>I liked all the movie previews I saw surprisingly but man am I excited as FUCK for Detective Pikachu.
>Not that many trailers, which is good. Got to the actually movie starting after a fair amount of time.
>I got recliner seats and only paid 4 bucks for an XL popcorn and XL drink so I was ready to go.

The movie itself:

>Like I said in my previous post: A five minute intermission would not have hindered this movie at all. Gone With The Wind had a ten minute intermission and that film is considered Kino by the Library Of Congress.
>Starting with Hawkeye's family getting Snapped was actually pretty rough to watch. Camera work and tone was way off from typical Marvel movies and therefore felt right for this particular Marvel title.
>Thanos telling Thor to aim for the head and then having Thor decapitate him was fucking brilliant. Didn't think the Russo brothers would do something from so small a detail but they play me like a fiddle later on in the movie with more of similar stuff.

>Speaking of Thor, his hobo scene in New Asgard was one of the funniest fucking scenes I've laughed at in years. I was holding in laughing well after the movie got serious and moved on from it, I just couldn't get my mind off it. The sheer over the top blunt silliness was just perfect.
>Seeing Tony start a family only enforced my own goal of one day wanting to start one. Everything I do in life is literally just to help one day reach it and this movie showing all that family stuff really hit close to home (Not as close as Evangelion has ever gotten to me but Evangelion was made specifically for people like me whereas Marvel is aimed at a much broader audience).
>Please tell me I wasn't the only one who caught Ant Man Baneposting in the movie. "We met at the airport....I was the big guy....I had a mask" that shit had me fucking weak.
>Having the characters make fun of the time travel mechanics is great considering at face value, having time travel mechanics in any serious film has always been....lackluster and detrimental to the plot. Luckily the Russo brothers handled it VERY carefully and it didn't end up ruining the film, even if it did leave me confused on a variety of points.
>So five years goes by, but we don't see any results of the Snap. We get one aerial view of an empty baseball field, and Scott visiting a graveyard but nothing else really. We're consistently told things are so different now but I feel like the Russo brothers should have spent a little more time fleshing that out.
>I'm kind of confused about the actual plot revolving the Space Stone/Blue Cube. I was first confused by it appearing in Captain Marvel cause it was my understanding that it was frozen with Captain America but the movies combined tend to have this particular stone all over the place.
>Having Captain America whisper Hail Hydra was a pretty great nod at the mistakes the comic books having been making as of late. I'm glad Disney can acknowledge internal screw ups and use them for positive gains.
>The time heist scenes (the second act of the three) were a little less exciting than I thought it would be, Infinity War was nonstop relentless thrill and action whereas half the scenes were kind of just nods at themselves from previous movies. I actually used the scene where Nebula fights herself to use the restroom and I was able to pick up immediately what was going on when I came back because it was kind of obvious how it was gonna play out. I wouldn't call it bad though, I couldn't see the Russo brothers coming up with a better solution given the structure of the story.
>I'd like to take this meme arrow and dedicate it to the Russo brothers themselves. More big project movies need a second person with equal command behind the wheel to help keep each other in check. All too often we get a movie with a write/director/producer with a vision which is GOOD but the movie falls flat on it's face cause no one reeled them in. I can think of a certain big name Disney movie coming out this December that could definitely use a second chief in charge *cough*cough*Star Wars*cough*.
>The final battle was straight up entertaining to watch. I normally don't get phased by pure cool/action shot porn, but I was in agreement with the applauding audience when Captain America grabbed Thor's hammer. That shit completely blew my fucking mind.
>The choreography was absolutely topnotch. Most action scenes these days have so much shit going on you can't tell what happening, so having it being comprehensible AND badass is an A+ in my book.
>I concur with Aether's post about Tony killing Thanos. Tony felt like the MC of the entire MCU and seeing him be the one to beat the big bad and end this(his) story arc was a good call. It was a perfect roundabout beginning (with the first Iron Man film) and ending (" Iron Man").

Tony Stark's death & Spiderman:

>Alright Disney, fucking fine, you win, I'm not made of stone. Seeing Peter for that split two seconds before Potts moves him away definitely hit me hard. I'm particular hard on Tom Holland's Spiderman partly because I see so much of myself in this iteration of Peter Parker but keeping an unmoved reaction from that moment would've been a struggle I knew I wasn't going to win.


>It's no fault of the movie or Marvel, but theater etiquette has really gone out the window these days. Yeah, a scene is cool, hype and all kinds of badass, but can people not screech like a animal into the ear of the guy sitting next to them? I understand getting excited and everything but this particular case was noticeably unpleasant.
>I'm glad they ended the movie with Captain America. Tony may have been the MC but the Capt was definitely the runner up. And he also drove home the point I made further up about starting a family. Fuck the naysayers, I WILL WIN! ;-;
>Not having an end credits scene was perfect. Even though we're getting Black Panther 2 and Spiderman 2 and GoTG3 and all the sequels, it feels like a clean slate. I may not be able to keep up with their new arc, I was only able to catch up to this one because of a friend but I'm still interested/invested. Especially since DC has been shitting the bed (what they're doing to Teen Titans is fucking criminal).

Joke Nitpick Time!

>How did Captain Marvel find Tony Stark? She had no idea where he was.
>Running out of oxygen? Forget that Tony, what the fuck have you been eating?
>If Thanos wanted to make his Snap absolutely permanent with no reversal why didn't he just force all the heroes to die to the Snap and THEN kill half the universe at random? He had no problem killing everyone else that got in his way, why is it suddenly different after the fact when he had enough foresight to plan to get rid of the stones afterwards?
>Having Thor play Fortnite and not do the floss dance at any point during the movie is absolutely unforgivable.
>So five years have gone by, and Captain is telling a support group to move on....but he cant. That little hypocritical shit goes back on the GOOD advice he's been giving people and does the complete opposite. If I wanted to watch a hopeless romantic go back on what he's been saying and end up dying at the end I'd rewatch Cowboy Bebop.
>Any time any writer wants to introduce Time Travel into their plot, they need to stop and ask "Can I introduce Bruce Almighty right here, right now, into this scene where I want to use time travel, and still tell the same story I want to tell?" If the answer is no (which it almost always will be), they need to put the pen down and go back to the drawing board.
>Scott's daughter was just a tiny little girl, five years would not make her the much older.
>How did Nebula know about Morag? Didn't Thanos only take Gamora to get the Soul Stone?
>Where did Loki go with the Space Stone? He literally just NOPE'D on outta there.
>They have just enough Pym Particles for everyone for a round trip. Not too many, not too few, that sure is awfully convenient for the plot of this movie!
>What the fuck was Hawkeye doing in Tokyo?
>Why would Tony think that helping bring everyone back from the Snap undo his family? We learn later on in the movie that you can do fuck all in the past and have no consequences in the future.
>Wouldn't future Nebula know that she'd be linked to Thanos's wifi-whatever and as a result risk being caught the way she did when she was on Morag?
>Should Tony and Steve had maybe told Scott there plan to go back to the 70s? What reason was there to leave him in the dark?
>I like how Tony tells everyone not to do Butterfly Effect bullshit before going back in time and HE HIMSELF doesn't keep his interaction with his father to a minimum. We're supposed to be [mildly] disappointed in Thor for going to see his mom, but Tony gets a free pass? No.
>So we see in multiple instances that they diverged from the original timeline, (knocking out Quill, Captain fighting Captain, Loki teleporting to Aldenard for all we know) yet the future is still the same? No.
>Right before all the female cast back up Captain Marvel, they say "We'll back her up" but why? Nothing we've seen from both this film and Captain Marvel would lead us to think that she couldn't handle that entire army by herself. She takes down fucking warships just by flying through them. Honestly, what realistic damage could any of that army do to her?
>Why didn't they just use the stones to bring back Tony? Or Vision? Or anybody other than Black Widow/Gamora who died for the soul stone? They're literal gods with all of them.
>Why didn't they just have Thor go back in time to right before the Snap and aim for the head? Or at any other point where they could just easily kill Thanos and prevent the Snap?
>I hope Steve understands that by spending the rest of his life with Peggy, he also has to live the rest of his life knowing his good pal Bucky is in some shitpit somewhere getting tortured. BUCKY WAS A GOOD BOY, HE DINDU NUFFIN

The Flood / Re: Do You Use A Top Sheet?
« on: April 30, 2019, 10:18:29 PM »
I have really high body heat, so living here in FL has made having anything more than just a blanket over me difficult. Whenever I get new sheets for my mattress, I generally just keep the extra sheet in the closet until winter where it gets the occasional use on really, really cold nights (well, what counts for cold in Orlando).

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: April 27, 2019, 05:29:51 PM »
One word:


Tomino may have came in and overhauled the entire genre with Gundam but the marketing strategy never really changed. Shit like Mazinger and Power Ranger mechs appealed to kids and as such sold like hot cakes as toys/figurines. I'll ne honest, five year old me didn't care much about how realistic the mech looked as long as it was somewhat-cool and had some sort of transformation into a robot tiger/jet/tank/whatever.

The Flood / Re: Rewatching Avatar
« on: April 22, 2019, 09:03:56 PM »
You ain't throwing shade at Toph are you?

everyone in the Earth Kingdom and Azula are massive cunts

The Flood / Re: What's your preferred weather?
« on: March 27, 2019, 08:08:31 AM »
When it's cloudy/slightly drizzling all day outside. MAXIMUM COMFY

The Flood / Re: What do you do in your spare time
« on: March 21, 2019, 11:07:28 PM »
Mordred is a good boy with little behavioral issues all things considered, but I can't leave pieces of a model kit or jigsaw puzzle out without him making a mess of the place.

one of the rooms be a cat-free zone

The Flood / Re: What do you do in your spare time
« on: March 21, 2019, 10:07:18 PM »
Other than video games? Browse several different internet forums mostly. I have a huge stack of Gunpla I haven't touched yet but I simply I have no space in my new apartment. When I finally get the promotion I've been shooting for, I plan on moving into a 2-bed room by myself and having one of the rooms be a cat-free zone where I can put a small desk/work bench in and finally work on the various models and puzzles I've collected over the years.

The Flood / Re: Toy Story 4 Trailer
« on: March 20, 2019, 07:04:52 PM »
Hardly surprising that they were gonna do this, I mean if the fucking Lion King wasn't sacred enough for them what made you think Toy Story was going to be?

Serious / Re: New Zealand Mass Shooting
« on: March 20, 2019, 04:17:29 AM »
This. I watch Felix's videos regularly; these are the only instances of him doing something like this. The "fucking nigger" comment is the last issue he had. He's an entertainer, he shit posts on Youtube for views and that's it, nothing more. Should he have responsibility for what people who are subscribed to him/watch his videos do? I think that's an incredibly unfair question considering entertainers such as Seth McFarland or Mel Brooks have been doing the same thing (and significantly more often than two small cases) for incredibly larger periods of time yet get a free pass. Every time there was an outrage involving them, it was largely silenced under the excuse of "it's just a joke bro" yet Felix isn't allowed that same excuse? What makes him different? Cause he's on Youtube and not TV/Hollywood?

Context is key. He deleted/apologized for/claimed ignorance for most of those things. I'm not sure how people can genuinely think he's some nazi dogwhistle channel with this in mind. I don't watch Pewdiepie, but from what I've read from his fans, he never gets political aside from these cherrypicked slip ups.

The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad 2 is gonna be a reboot
« on: March 19, 2019, 04:43:51 AM »
They should have rebooted Green Lantern and not make it shit.

The Flood / Pooh is a dick
« on: March 14, 2019, 11:02:38 AM »
Title should've been renamed Winnie The Asshole. Seriously I don't remember him being like this at all when I was little.

The Flood / Re: your love life
« on: March 13, 2019, 09:31:38 AM »
Still incredibly bitter, angry, and hurt from a year ago to try anything. There's a new girl at work that I enjoy talking to but I'm so absolutely terrified of being hurt again that I refuse to show even the tiniest bit of interest.

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 10, 2019, 04:43:18 PM »
I'm thinking now about how my grandmother got them in her 80s but no one else in my family was prone to them.

How likely is it the Kidney Stone Fairy is going to pay me an unfortunate visit?

The Flood / Re: Where are they now
« on: March 10, 2019, 04:41:41 PM »
Came back here when I was working a dead end job at Lost & Found, now I'm slamming my dick against interviewers for a promotion to no avail.

« on: March 10, 2019, 10:06:01 AM »
My damn state passed a law last year wtf

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 09, 2019, 02:43:05 PM »
A couple of my coworkers had them, like one after the other they would get it. They said it was like a sore pain in their lower back.

Do you feel anything like...coming out? That's really my biggest fear of getting them.

Gaming / Re: Rape day - removed from Steam
« on: March 08, 2019, 01:00:40 PM »
Now here's a question, if there was a game with a story that needed a single rape scene to move the plot and invoke an emotional response in the player; would that be okay? Would that be drawing the line? I think video games are also getting a stigma just for being games is also playing a role here. Movies and books and TV shows have been doing this for a while now; and while those mediums tend not to have blatant trolling situations like Rape Day, there's never any real scrutiny against them on the matter. It feels like a game with what I described in the first sentence would still get demonized to Hell and back.

The Flood / Re: Back to square one
« on: March 08, 2019, 12:46:53 PM »
Same bruh, I've been busting my ass at work more than usual all while interviewing over the past year for a promotion and nothing to show for it. All the locations either pick someone internally, or I'm interviewing against other candidates I have no chance of beating. It's a bunch of horseshit how there's always something in life that stalls you from getting where you need to go.

The Flood / Re: Can we all just stop fucking posting already
« on: March 06, 2019, 06:36:29 PM »
You’re just joking bruh like lol get real.

one more "lol" and im outta here

The Flood / Re: Reminder all gays are closeted child molesters
« on: March 02, 2019, 10:31:39 PM »
I remember Dustin made a thread back on asking for reasons why Russia was so homophobic. I prefaced my post stating that what I was about to post wasn't my opinion but a probable false notion that the Russian people have, and that was the idea that people honestly thought that homosexuals were closeted child molesters. Dustin then proceeded to go absolutely ape-shit and demanded I apologize for such an offensive comment and that I was the reason gay rights were progressing as slowly as they were.

Like dude, get fucking real, I said that wasn't my belief. Whatever, he's gone now. Good riddance.

The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: March 01, 2019, 11:06:07 PM »
Have you actually read through the threads Class is posting? It's one thing to get triggered by word, it's another thing entirely to tell someone to kill themselves because they're not ashamed to use that word to describe themselves. It would be positive influence on Class's life to literally visit any other place on the internet dedicated to transgender discussion other than there; because it would be what he(she?) wants, to never see that word ever.

Is this supposed to be an argument? Come on, now. You asked why it triggered him so much, and I explained why. It should have ended there.

The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: February 28, 2019, 11:00:03 PM »
Certainly not in this thread. However one shouldn't keep posting on a board that's obsessed with that word if it bothers them so much. That'd be like a black guy visiting Stormfront and getting pissy when they all say Nigger, what should you expect?

I'm not denying it's used as an insult, But in Class's logic, the word shouldn't exist at all which is just silly. Furthermore, looking further into Verbatim's comments, it would still be wrong to just say "You have a feminzation fetish" cause if it's a paraphilia that's incredibly different. AGP would be a pretty accurate term.

I didn't even come close to suggesting that AGP was "wrong." In fact, I said the opposite. Go back and read my post if you need to. The term was explicitly created to delegitimise the plea of trans women. Anyone can understand why those women wouldn't want the term used in their circles, and bringing it up intentionally to goad Class is what is wrong about the post. You've done it twice now in recent memory, under the guise of curiosity. You're not fooling anyone.

The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: February 28, 2019, 10:24:01 PM »
>Random dude has what appears to be AGP
>Decides he's not trans and just has a fetish
>Calls himself AGP
>This is somehow wrong
>This is somehow dehumanizing trans people everywhere

Of course what's the point? I could be arguing 2+2=4 and you'd throw a tantrum trying to prove otherwise so it's pointless.

Ian is a little bitch.

Serious / Re: Some key statements from Michael Cohen
« on: February 28, 2019, 02:54:40 PM »
Wasn't there a report a few weeks back saying the investigation was pretty much over and that there was no good evidence of collusion?

The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: February 28, 2019, 09:50:18 AM »
>Calling an extreme minority AGP would mean calling all transpeople AGP

Says who? Also, that term is only used on a regular basis on 4chan, it has almost no existence outside of that site.

No, you're the one with the trouble, because you're trying to imply AGP is a thing, when it's not. Read this post (not written by me) if you need any fucking clarification here:

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 27, 2019, 04:31:53 PM »
I see many middle-aged people in those kinds of positions; at that age very few are attempting to work on their actual career, and even fewer would do so with a company like McDicks. So it makes me wonder what the Hell are they doing there? It's one thing if you lost a previous job, but there's one guy I work with who has been doing the same thing for 40 years, just retail. Like, what the fuck? If he wasn't content in his position, he would've been gone long ago. I only spend one year in my position before I really start getting agitated about not having something harder to work on, I could never imagine doing that for 39 more.

My guess would be that few people in that position are content in staying there forever.

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:39:53 PM »
I personally plan on striving for higher end jobs so that emergency funds aren't crippling and eventually get to the point where I can handle a $10k unforeseen cost. That's just me however, I have no idea how a burger flipper at McDonald's who's content in their position plans on paying for a $10k emergency bar praying to a higher deity.

Do you guys see this changing any time soon and do you have plans to accomplish that?

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