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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: star trek > star wars
« on: June 07, 2019, 04:57:20 PM »
I'm not going to staunchly defend the quality of Legends when talking about the Sequel Trilogy because while there was some really cool stuff in Legends, there was also some really really awful stuff in there as well. Ultimately my beef with the ST movies is that it's watered down, lacks depth, has uninteresting characters, and a completely unengaging plot. What they did with Luke's character is hardly my only gripe with the ST and I couldn't give a fuck about the race or gender of the characters. Keep in mind that I'm dissing the ST and not new Star Wars as a whole, I loved Rogue One and Solo may have been flawed but it was hardly bad. I could go further into detail but it'll have to be later since I'm hanging out with friends and I only had a few minutes to type this up.

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: June 06, 2019, 05:28:07 PM »
Well this was entirely unexpected. PART 2

So the benighted harpy from a year ago was finally out of my life, unfortunately though when I officially start working in Magic Kingdom (July 14) I'm going to have to cross paths with her every once in a while. Regardless, I have no intention of letting apathetic individuals cloud my career prospects, and I have friends in Magic Kingdom to help me out. However that is neither here nor there with what's been going on these past two weeks.

>Work with this one other girl from time to time
>Made plans to go see Nausicaa in theaters two weeks ago with two other friends
>They flake out
>Invite her and another friend
>Both say yes and we go see Nausicaa
>She glues herself to me the entire time
>After work the next day me and her just go to the parks for a few hours
>Work with her on Tuesday
>Before saying hello she straight up asks me what I'm doing this weekend
>Now going to the parks with her again but for a full day this Saturday

Wat do

The Flood / Re: star trek > star wars
« on: June 06, 2019, 11:12:11 AM »
OT Star Wars = Older Star Trek > Newer Star Trek > Prequel Star Wars > dog shit > ST Star Wars

The Flood / Re: Only 1 more week until the King is back
« on: June 04, 2019, 12:35:10 PM »
What the fuck is up with the concentrated effort by seething critics to trash this movie?

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: June 01, 2019, 04:50:17 AM »
I went to go see a movie with a girl last week. We're going to the parks next Saturday too.

so you have the courage to watch a movie with a convicted cat serial killer but you won’t take a girl to see a movie with you wow

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: May 31, 2019, 03:48:12 PM »

Give me your number. I have a year pass, and we can chill somewhere.

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: May 31, 2019, 12:22:06 PM »
Was in the area two years ago so we just went and saw The Jungle Book.

We met up IRL so you know I'm not crazy like everyone says!
lol really?

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: May 31, 2019, 12:21:25 PM »
I always could get people in. We can get ourselves in whenever we want, but we get guest passes we can use 16 days a year on most days.

Congratulations! Does this mean you can get me into the parks? We met up IRL so you know I'm not crazy like everyone says!

The Flood / Re: I got another transfer (blog)
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:52:26 AM »
Very well.

I'm proud of you, Ian. Please reply to my thread. It is regarding a much more pressing issue.

The Flood / Re: Verbatim told me to kill myself
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:52:02 AM »
Why didn't you say "No u"?

The Flood / Re: gamer revolution
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:51:18 AM »
Which one? Does it start with an N or a C?

who wants to say the gamer word with me?

The Flood / I got another transfer (blog)
« on: May 31, 2019, 10:25:06 AM »
I'm moving to Magic Kingdom, into the park proper. Still retail but I'm full time now so I finally get benefits and and I can bid for what days off and what kind of hours I want. I'm going to definitely be shooting for Tuesday/Wednesday off and to work nights. Still waiting on a transfer effective date.

Came at a pretty awkward time, though not that it's not welcome. Things at the resort have pretty much gone nuclear and I need to get away from all the sociopaths that I currently work with. I did interview for Fantasyland a few days ago and I'm still hoping I get call from them cause that'd be a higher pay rate.

The Flood / Re: That's subjective
« on: May 26, 2019, 07:46:54 PM »
Did this happen recently? Why don't you be less aggressive/hostile? I learned it's best to coddle people who are mentally handicapped in comparison to yourself; I work with a bunch of retarded sociopaths at work and my mental well-being increased significantly when I started treating them like five year old children.

a short dramatization of why it is utterly impossible for me to integrate into any internet communities whatsoever

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: May 22, 2019, 10:05:21 PM »
These """leaks""" on the job changes are getting out of hand. Can't wait for the rumor shit to finally die tomorrow.

Gaming / Re: WoW Classic "bugs" and Blizz response
« on: May 20, 2019, 02:14:42 PM »
Which ones are bugs?

But some of those are legit bugs no? Is Blizzard so salty over it

Gaming / Re: WoW Classic "bugs" and Blizz response
« on: May 19, 2019, 09:08:04 PM »
Nostalrius, Blizzard shut them down long before Classic was even announced.

Wernt the community running their own WOW Classic at some point? whatever happened to that?

Gaming / WoW Classic "bugs" and Blizz response
« on: May 19, 2019, 07:27:06 PM »
Several Zoomers are reporting bugs in WoW classic that are not in fact bugs, but normal features working as intended.

As we’ve discussed before, the nature of WoW Classic sometimes invokes different memories for different players, and this leads to certain misconceptions for some about what is or isn’t working as intended.

The following is a list of commonly-reported gameplay in WoW Classic that is not actually a bug, and is working as we expect it to:

Tauren’s hitboxes and their melee reach is slightly larger than other races.
Being critically struck while using /sit to sit does not cause abilities like Enrage, Blood Craze, and Reckoning to activate.
Using the “Automatic Quest Tracking” option does not auto-track newly accepted quests. (It instead will start to track an existing quest once progress towards an objective is started.)
Warrior health Regeneration is working at the expected rate.
Quests objectives and points of interests are not tracked on the map or minimap.
Completed quests are marked on the minimap with a dot. (and not a “?”)
Feared players and NPCs run fast.
Standing on top of other players while facing away allows spells and attacks to be used.
Creature respawn rates are much slower than in Battle for Azeroth.
NPCs which offer multiple quests may inconsistently display them as a dot or a “!” on the available quests list. They were inconsistent in 1.12, and we’ve reproduced the exact inconsistency they had back then.
Quests that are too low level for do not show up as a “!” in the game world.
Available quests do not display a “!” on the minimap.
On level up, the message: “Your skill in Protection increased to 15” was added in 1.12.1, and we’re intending to keep that.
We appreciate all of your feedback!

You think you do, but you don't.

The Flood / Re: Let’s vote
« on: May 16, 2019, 05:17:59 AM »
It's the only real activity we've been having for weeks.

They’re shitting up this garbage forum with their tranny bullshit.

The Flood / Re: Solonoid actually called the Asheville PD on me LOL
« on: May 13, 2019, 03:26:21 PM »
Wait a minute, hold the fucking phone.

Solonoid’s a girl?

The Flood / Re: Still waiting on a proper sequel to Cloverfield
« on: May 13, 2019, 04:08:47 AM »
Weren’t we supposed to get answers we never got in The Cloverfield Paradox?

The Flood / Re: Which would you rather
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:35:17 PM »
Space obviously. Doesn't space mess with something in your DNA as well that makes you age slower while up there?

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: May 11, 2019, 03:38:07 PM »
So there's a gazillion different timelines where Thanos still wins in the end and we're still supposed to root for the heroes who literally risk destroying the universe or some shit for their own specific timeline?

That's why the entire point of their travel is not to go back and kill Thanos or stop him in the first place. It's to bring back the unbroken stones from different past timelines to repair our own. Changing something in the other timeline only changes the future of that one. It's the entire reason Cap brings the stones back to their respective timelines at the end.

It's called Orlando. I see a Ghibli movie once a month in theaters thanks to Fathom Events, and all the weabs applaud whenever they see a trailer for another Ghibli movie coming out in theaters next month. Like, they had to have known this is a monthly thing when they bought the ticket, why would they be spazzing out about it?

but imagine living in an area...

an area so degenerate

so out of touch with basic human decency

where the people are so as goblins

that THEY CHEER during the fucking TRAILERS

It looks good but I'm more excited for The Lion King.

The Flood / Re: Detective Pikachu
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:10:50 PM »
It was pretty decent. Not the most amazing thing ever, but it's basically just another anime Pokemon movie with an additional 30 minute run-time.

Comes with two Pokemon cards too.

The Flood / Detective Pikachu
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:34:55 PM »
Going to go see it today; it looks pretty good and I'm not really hearing any negative things about it. What are you're guys' thoughts/opinions on it?

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: May 09, 2019, 09:56:58 AM »
>Farm some HQ Chysahl Greens to sell on the marketboard
>Match the person already selling them, never undercut
>Doesn't move for a few days
>Look back at the MB
>Person is now undercutting me by the city-state tax percentage and then a few gil afterward
>"Okay, I see how this is"
>Start camping the MB and undercutting back
>Drop the price of HQ Chysahl Greens from 33k to 16k and still lowering

You sell them in stacks of three because you need three to complete the level 60 BTN quest. Some dip shit then put two HQ on the board for like 5k and I bought those and went out and gathered one more to put another stack on the board. It's free gil to me so I don't care how low the price drops.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:51:54 AM »
I don't know if I have the attention span to make a opinion post as large as yours. Lord knows my thoughts on SB have changed from two years ago. Hard to believe we're only a month and a half away from Shadowbringers.


It's not as good as Heavensward. I had such high hopes before launch considering this was all new territory essentially. Heavensward had to be an Ishgardian expansion because it was Yoshi promising a city state that was intendid to be back in 1.0, being able to add Dravania as well was just icing on an already large cake. So it seemed like they were trying to outdo expectations again by not only giving us Gyr Abania/Ala Mhigo which was also lore established in 1.0, but give us something totally out of left field as well with Othard/Doma. The only problem is they completely half-assed it. We """liberated""" both city-states but we did so with one by sinking their city icon to the bottom of a river and the other wont let us in because "WE WUZ KANGZ" and then fucking Lyse takes all the God damn credit. I would've hoped we would eventually have gotten Ala Mhigo as an explorable city either at the end or in the patch series, but no. And with 4.5 I was hoping Ala Mhigo would get gassed by the Empire and I would've been so happy since they stubbornly refused to let us in, but that seems unlikely too. Ala Mhigo should've been one expansion and Othard itself have one on its own too.

And Empire is another thing. I'm extremely disappointed with Yoshi-P's stance on the Empire. Why was Gaius and
Pre-edgelord Asahi so likable? Because they showed the Empire were more than a bunch of cartoonishly evil Nazis. I was so hyped for Ala Mhigo story line with Fordola and the theme of whether or not Ala Mhigo even wants to be saved and seeing how an entire generation under Garlean rule might oppose liberation. Because Zenos was the Legatus of the XIIth, I was hoping for more gray morality to hearken back to FFXII like all the other numbered Legatuses did with their numbered FF title. But nope, while I love Zenos he's still essentially just a batshit insane nihilist; Yotsuyu could've been a hated viceroy who only wanted what was best for her birth nation, but no, she's a batshit insane literal whore who takes out her abuse on everyone; and the Empire is just a bunch of oppressive Nazis with no moral depth outside of being controlled by the moon-liches. I'm so sick of the absolute doubling down on trying to make the Empire more and more unlikable because it really hinders the story as a whole thematically.

And the Primal just needs to stop. Just like Heavensward, the leveling Primals were nothing more than filler that slowed down the story. "We're about to liberate the Ruby Sea! ....But first we gotta kill Susanoo....." & "We're about to siege the capital! ....But first we gotta kill Lakshmi....." the community has gotten so used to the writers relying on the Primal gimmick that they think that the Four Lords were "Far Eastern Primals" too. When the writers finally decide to not cop out a boss to being a Primal the community calls them that anyways because the writers abused the fuck out of it back in ARR and HW.

And the patch series leading up to Shadowbringers was such a wet noodle too. The trailer had you believe that some serious shit went down between 4.5 part 1 and the beginning of Shadowbringers and whatever it was is what causes you to become the Warrior of DDDAAARRRKKKNNNEEESSSSSS. But no, in part 2 you're saved from Moon-Zenos off screen by Dues Ex Estinien (who I also enjoy but that was an ass-pull if there ever was one) and face-timed by a guy from OPTIONAL SIDE CONTENT to tell you you have to go The First for....he doesn't say (we the player know why but the WoL still doesn't) and that this is a collect-call with your soul. We have no reason to become the WoD and no real reason to go to The First other than "I stole your friends lol".

Daddy Gaius returning was the best thing about the story.

And Shadowbringers is shaping up to be just as much "Meh" as Stormblood was. I was hoping for some actual depth to the story between Hydaelyn and Zodiark and the balance between Light and Dark. But no, we're essentially gonna just scream at the sky as a DRK until we bring back the night. No universe-altering chaos, just filler to keep us off Ilsabard this expansion and sacrificing a cool lore point (The Sundering) to do so.

Job Stuff:

I think Stormblood is in a mostly good spot with what they did as far as job adjustments. While some jobs are a bit tedious to play (DRK & WHM) and some are absolutely crippled (MCH & MNK), the original idea they sent out to create where we're pressing a decent number of buttons while not being overwhelming and create a unique gauge to help track your actions was a success. The only problem is what I fear they're going to do with Shadowbringers. It feels like they're just going to homogenize and simplify the game even further. The removal of TP really bothers me, I know we don't know anything yet and we wont until the 21st, but what we do already know really concerns me. I don't want the game to become braindead, it's what makes the game unique and satisfying. Imagine if playing BLM just required you to hit Fire 3, then spam Fire 4 until you run out of MP and then hit Blizzard 3, hit Thunder 3, hit Blizzard 4, and then hit Fire 3, to repeat? No Enochian, no Ley Lines, No Sharpcast, Fire 1 is only used in lower level dungeons. This is just is an extreme but it feels like something SE would prefer by the way Yoshi talks about makes the game easier. Difficulty-wise it's fine where it is. This is going to sounds incredibly elitist/obnoxious but there needs to be some level of competency as a requirement in order to play at the max level or we get shitters like the ones in the OF who complain about how The Royal Menagerie needs a nerf....two years later....

Oh and I fully expect my healers to contribute some kind of DPS. Throw something ANYTHING out when you're not healing. But if you just stand there and stare off into space until you need to cast another Cure 1, you can go fuck yourself.


The Fringes is trash. I can't find much redeeming about it. It was cool being able to Castellum Velodyna from Baelsar's Wall back during Heavensward but the rest of the zone is just so shitty and unmemorable. I'd argue that Thanalan is better because at least Thanalan is a desert that looks pretty. The Peaks is alright and has better music that fits the idea of the Ala Mhigan culture. The Lochs is my favorite zone but it's also the one that upsets me the most because it represents the biggest failure of the expansion. You walk into The Lochs and go up the stairs and all you see infront of you is a giant staircase leading up to the grand bad-ass city....and you'll never be allowed in. No, the Ala Mhigan Quarter doesn't count and neither does The Royal Menagerie after you beat the main story. I want Ala Mhigo to be like the other city-states; there's no reason not to have it be visitable. Also, Rhalger's Reach is trash.


With Othard, things are a bit better. Even though Doma and Kugane are essentially Not-China and Not-Japan respectively, their zones are all at least memorable and unique. Yanxia feels just like rural China and Kugane with it's strict isolationist policy gives me that imperial Japan vibe they were clearly going for. I hope we get to see more of Bukyo/Daitenzen one day. I like The Azim Steppe cause it reminds me of the Archelyte Steppe from FFXIII, though I do wish they didn't advertise it as the game's first great plains region since that was essentially what 1.0 Coerthas was. Ruby Sea is the weakest but it's still memorable because of HoH.


Leveling dungeons were great, but not as good as Heavensward (Also Asgeirr you take back what you said about The Dusk Vigil right now it's fucking KINO). Siren Song Sea is cool lore wise but it's also the biggest example of being one giant hallway since Xelphatol (I'll get back to Xelphatol in a bit). Shisui is alright but I almost never touch it. Bardam's Mettle I get way too much in leveling roulette and I'm sick of getting a tank that thinks they can pull big on this one, stop you can't, you're going to die, STOP TRYING. Doma Castle is pretty great, bitchin awesome music. Castrum Abania is okay but suffers from the same issue Gubal suffered from being the last dungeon before max level and having it right at level 69 so it hardly ever gets touched.

Ala Mhigo, the last city state we visit in Eorzea, the poster child of this expansion (other than Not-Japan Kugane), being relegated to a shitty four man dungeon is the biggest insult to me. It shows the SE learned nothing from the discussion the community had about Xelphatol, and they do it again with The Burn. Dedicating entire REGIONS to a 20 minute light party instance is very insulting to the lore/exploration crowd of MMO players. I want Ala Mhigo to be the proud and chad meme city everyone was hyping it up to be like we do with Ishgard, everyone LOVES Ishgard, it's a real city-state. I don't want fucking Rhalger's Reach, it's a literal shit hole in the middle of nowhere (The Fringes) and no improvements were even made to it like they did with Revenants Toll and Idyllshire. I get that the Doman Enclave is supposed to be a hands-on improvement progress the player can do and that serves as a similar hub, but the Doman Enclave also feels like the liberated aspect of Doma and a fully fledged city-state (the story being about Doma becoming a self-sufficient nation once again) and not being able to have a market board there makes it suffer from the same gripe I have with Ala Mhigo.

Getting back to dungeons, level 70 ones were extremely hit and miss. Temple of The Fist is just meh. Kugane Castle is great aesthetically but the final boss suffers from the same problem Heavsnward did with Shitterreap where the game actively punishes new level 70 players learning their jobs by spamming mechanics where the boss becomes untargetable and shutting down any real rotation. Drowned City is sucks until after the second boss, then it gets good. Hell's Lid is pretty decent. Swallow's Compass is by far the best of all of them, literally perfect. Fractal Hard is OKAY, same with The Burn (still pissed about the region/dungeon thing). Saint Whatever Hard is also pretty good, and Ghimlyt Dark just flat out also appears way too much in Expert Roulette.

Heaven On High is a way better Deep Dungeon than PoTD. It's shorter, easier, less infuriating, and more rewarding. It's also more aesthetically pleasing. Not much else to say on it. Just lower the requirement for entry from level 61 to 60 and it'd be perfect.

8 Man Raids:

Omega is trash and how dare they kill off my husbando Midgardsormr.

24 Man Raids:

I love how Rabanastre was straight up FFXII Fan Service until the last two bosses, same with Ridorana. FFXII Ivalice fits better in the universe of XIV than Tactics Ivalice so having them focus geographically with XII is great. I don't have much to say about Return To Ivalice, it was very well done and it fit into the universe of XIV quite well. I wished we could've saw more of Gabranth but it seems like we're going to see more of him in Shadowbringers so meh.

Take back what you said about Mustadio right now. "MR. PRESIDENT GET DOWN!" The Boss is the best fight in the entirety of Orbonne.


It's perfect. Heavensward had a fantastic OST and Stormblood completely blows it out of the water. But for me it's still:

Answers = Dragonsong > Revolutions


It's 5/10 blue-ball. Make Ala Mhigo an explorable city state and I'll change it to a 10/10 Kino. Here's hoping Mystery Niggas is a better expansion.

The Flood / Re: Knowledge of The NBA
« on: May 07, 2019, 09:55:15 AM »
Yeah, the only thing I know is that Orlando has the Magic and that’s it.

That's basketball right?

The Flood / Knowledge of The NBA
« on: May 06, 2019, 10:27:22 AM »
So I have an interview on Wednesday for The NBA Experience, some new attraction opening up at Disney Springs to replace Quest. However I have resigned this interview to be practice for another one I have in two weeks for Star Wars Land. I would still like this one to go well though, because a full time job is a full time job and there's no guarantee that the Star Wars one is going to work out even if I can show them I have extensive knowledge of the IP. My only problem is I don't have any knowledge of the NBA at all and while I can just look up basic stuff with simple Google searches, they're probably going to want more in depth/personal opinions on the subject.

What are some things you guys know/opinions you all have on the NBA?

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