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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 03:48:44 PM »
Limited is not the same as Forbidden though. Pot of Greed is forbidden because the card advantage is OP in almost any scenario, even if you could theoretically Ash Blossom it or some other quick negation. Jinzo, despite having a strong effect, is easily counterable even including the fact that there wasn’t many cards (or legal cards) that could just straight up destroy a monster. I’d have to double check but I’m pretty sure Raigeki wasn’t forbidden while Jinzo was limited and I know it was around at the same time he was.

see though, by this logic pot of greed is one of the worst cards in the game because you can't even use one in your deck

The Flood / Re: Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 03:39:39 PM »
I’m aware of his history but actual OP cards just straight up get banned. Limited means nothing.

>Opponent summons Jinzo
>Your turn you can just Raigeki or Dark Hole him
>Opponent can do fuck all cause he can’t chain with traps either and hand-traps weren’t a thing back then.

not true, he was so good he needed to be limited to 1 in the olden days

The Flood / Re: Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 02:52:12 PM »
Jinzo was just as shit back then as it is now.

Bring back caveman yugioh and the Jinzo meta.

The Flood / Re: Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 01:03:51 PM »
People like my brother instantly turn me away from that game; I'd sooner play MTG. Part of the problem is that while Yugoh may be weeab central now, Vanguard takes it and revs that shit up to 11. It's just way too much for me.

Also Pendulums are dead (except maybe Magicians if you want to go rogue), YGO's been saved eons ago.

Game's been unplayable since Qliphort format. Y'all need to jump to Vanguard.

The Flood / Re: Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 11:07:44 AM »
That's the case for a lot of TCGs though. I played Pokemon a few years ago and and top level plays basically boiled down to getting your first prize card so you could steamroll faster and faster into more. If an opponent lost from not having a back row before you could get your last card, that's more coincidence/luck than anything else.

Not to mention there's a lot of YGO cards now to shut down the opponent from playing solitaire with their deck (such as Infinite Impermanence above) and the ghost hand traps.

unless things have changed very recently, i dislike where yugioh has gone

to my understanding, basically none of the core mechanics from the original sets matter anymore

traps? tribute summons? fusions? defense points? life points? nope, just card advantage, fishing for OTKs, and chaining special summons for so long that you might as well be playing solitaire

when people started banishing 10 to draw 2, i knew the game was dead to me

The Flood / Positive Yugioh Feels
« on: September 08, 2019, 12:37:18 AM »
>When you buy a $20 box set and you end up pulling a $40 card you needed for your deck.


>When you get ANOTHER $20 box set and you pull the one card that's broken the meta in the span of only a few days.


Yugioh is the best it's been at since I got back into it. Other than the first card above, most "meta" and top tier cards are plummeting in price and that includes their rarity. A prismatic-secret rare copy of Sky Striker - Mobilize Engage! is only like six bucks on TCG player. This is great for me.

Now if only I had the courage to go to locals.

The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:44:21 AM »
Regardless of your opinion on Eva Q (however objectively wrong it may be), that image you have there is more appropriate in the Final Fantasy XIV thread in relation to the lore/world-building.

No number of Alex Jones conspiracies are gonna make 3.33 not suck.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:28:49 AM »
Tell me how you like XII, it's the bar I set all others against in terms of quality.

The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:16:02 AM »
Additional Images with information:

Image of the Black Moon and NERV-HQ in relation to each other:


Angel glyphs on Rei-II's tube/chamber:


The nemesis series was being possibly produced/tested before the events between 2.0/3.0:


Gendo & Fuyutsuki at the end of Q are in their own version of the Wundar that's within the doors of Guf:


Parallelism with 1.0:


The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:09:03 AM »
"Angel sealing" glyphs scattered throughout both 2.0 & 3.0:


The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:07:31 AM »
Rei from the 3.0 NTP linked to the Rei we see in Eva Q:


Post from Evageeks translating a cut line from Fuyutsuki's conversation with Shinji:


If the Rei we see in Q is number 6, the ones we see behind her in the NTP could be 3-5.

The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:04:12 AM »
Image scan of the Japanese BD release of 3.33 booklet introduction page that I have:




The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:02:49 AM »
Imma just post my Eva Q info dump anyways in case anyone else also wants to look into it. I'll start with my favorite find from the movie: Professor Fuyutsuki foreshadowing Kaworu's death!

*Scene where Shinji and Fuyutsuki playing Shogi*
[1:05:19]Fuyutsuki: "You're overthinking, let your mind be still."
[1:05:20]Fuyutsuki: "You'll lose again in another 31 turns."
*31 minutes into the movie run-time later*
[1:36:00]Kaworu's head: *Splat*

Keep in mind the two were playing Shog: capturing the king of the opposite side (that's Kaworu & Gendo). Interesting is that Shogi doesn't necessarily mean "To execute" the captured pieces, but "Recruit" them. If Kaworu is indeed in Eva 13 and will be used by Gendo, Shinji lost his most valuable piece to his father.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: September 03, 2019, 12:41:54 AM »
On that note, I was wanting to watch the final cutscene before the final boss on Youtube but all the videos I found either had quiet as shit audio or their character was some degenerate glamour-slut so I decided to record and upload my own character in the cutscene with audio that isn't horrific as shit.

Final boss spoiler

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood ramble
« on: September 03, 2019, 12:40:10 AM »
She deserves all the praise she gets. One of my closest friends IRL who has played WoW exclusively for over 15 years played Shadowbringers at my behest and he says the story was the best experience he's ever had with an MMO/RPG. The lore/woirld-building for XIV has a lot of potential but I was beginning to think the the writers were just shitting the bed and squandering it, then Shadowbringers comes out and blows all my expectations out of the fucking water.

Fucking KINObringers is a more appropriate name for the expansion.

natsuko ishikawa receiving a standing ovation at pax east for her work on shadowbringers

because of my autism preventing me from playing games out of sequential order regardless of story + the fact that i have a hardline policy against MMOs means that i will literally never play FF14, but the reception of this expansion has me feeling some big-time FOMO right about now

someone tell me that it actually sucks or that i'd hate it or something so i feel less bad

The Flood / Re: Fuck Hurricane Dorian
« on: September 02, 2019, 12:54:34 PM »
It's mostly hitting the coast; Central FL (such as Orlando and Kissimmee) is just gonna get a shit ton of rain, but we get that during the summer anyways, it's nothing new.

But it looks like it's hitting Florida right now. Just not the eye.

Where is the eye supposed to make landfall?

The Flood / Re: Fuck Hurricane Dorian
« on: September 02, 2019, 12:53:30 PM »
God no. I was a NEET for six months after I graduated HS back in 2012, resolved never to live like that again. When I'm not working I'm always still out and about doing things. I can't remember the last time I had a day where I stayed at home (and wasn't forced to due to some illness).

Were you not a shut in before Dorian?

The Flood / Re: Fuck Hurricane Dorian
« on: September 02, 2019, 11:59:15 AM »
Looks like I got no choice, fate itself is trying to force me to be a shut-in.

Literally just stay home and masturbate

The Flood / Re: Fuck Hurricane Dorian
« on: September 02, 2019, 11:58:29 AM »
There's weather problems no matter where you go, but at least they don't blue ball you over there.

I'm honestly very sorry to hear that. I'm grateful that shit never happens here in California because the only natural disasters we have to worry about are occasional wildfires and earthquakes.

The Flood / Fuck Hurricane Dorian
« on: September 02, 2019, 10:56:53 AM »
It's literally going to hit NOWHERE near central FL yet every store and restaurant in the area has closed shop and abandoned ship. I can't have my usual All-you-can-eat wings Monday at Hooters with my friends because they've closed up for today and tomorrow. Grocery shopping? Lol fuck you we're closed. Out with friends? Get board games and flashlights and hold up in your room preparing for losing power (even though the last two storms hit us straight on and we didn't lose power). Want to do literally anything? Fucking ghost town.

Oh and fuck the obsessed media blowing this shit out of proportion here in FL. We have the toughest building codes in the nation and the damn thing does a hard right and wants to fuck over the Carolinas so stop fear mongering here in FL.

"B-But you're going to get one of the heavy rain bands!"

Fuck you, you know what we call that? Tuesday is what we call that.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 01, 2019, 06:33:48 PM »
I seriously hope you’re not insinuating that Corbyn has not gone on the record praising a country that lacks basic qualities of life, because he most certainly has.

Have you got any other opinions other than a complete regurgitation of a boomer Facebook page?

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:14:12 AM »
I mean, the man does use Venezuela as a country of how "socialism works" yet still lacks the necessities of toilet paper, diapers, and juice boxes. Out of all the countries in the world he wants to model Venezuela....

At least these Tories are being honest about being a group of elite autocrats, but they don't really have a leg to stand on anymore when they call Corbyn a radical who wants to undermine our democracy.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:11:20 AM »
Didn't May have three different plans that weren't "No-Deal" denied? You could say they were shitty plans, but if No-Deal is the shittiest of the shit surely hers weren't as bad? Are you saying there isn't anybody in the Remain camp in Parliament not just denying anything that doesn't involve staying?

The Flood / Re: Shin Eva June 2020 new Promo-Reel
« on: August 29, 2019, 09:02:59 PM »
If you want, I can post my info-dump when I get home and see if that might affect your views.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:59:42 PM »
Now, we have a Prime Minister elected by a vastly unrepresentative (majority old, white and middle class) 0.1% of the population getting permission from an unelected monarch to suspend democracy for an unreasonably long time so he can push no deal through despite the majority of people and parliament having already shown their rejection of the idea.

It seems that no one can decide on a deal and that your government is just continuously trying to delay Brexit until they can get a government in that will just decide to take Brexit away. At least from an outsiders perspective, it feels like Johnson is telling Parliament to quit fucking around. After reading several articles they still have a window (a very very small one I see) to get a deal passed but that remainers just want to stall cause they don't want either a deal or no-deal.

Also, the referendum isn't the fucking "will of the voters", it was never legally binding and it's already been found that the Leave campaigns broke electoral law and manipulated voters leading up to the referendum.

If they didn't have to listen to the referendum why did Cameron leave? It's dishonest to say you'll have a vote on what the country wants and after it goes through say "Well I don't technically have to follow it so up yours." It just makes the vote look like an over-glorified polling.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:02:58 PM »
>vote for brexit
>government stalls for 3 years
>obvious they're attempting to subvert the will of the voters
>elected official stops government from stalling
>omg death of democracy

The Flood / Re: The Definitive Guide to Making Anime Tolerable
« on: August 28, 2019, 12:40:05 PM »
That was it, but if you have Netflix they have it released on there. granted I'm not a fan of Netflix's release it's the only current official release where you don't have to go to shady websites to watch.

This is it right?

The Flood / Re: The Definitive Guide to Making Anime Tolerable
« on: August 28, 2019, 12:31:27 PM »
I have both movie trilogies on DVD boxed somewhere but I don't really recommend either of them. Zeta is much worse but both cut a lot of content and will leave you confused if you don't already know the basic outline.

Yeah, that's why the second idea I dad was the two Movie Trilogies of MSG and Zeta as well as CCA and Unicorn

The Flood / Re: The Definitive Guide to Making Anime Tolerable
« on: August 28, 2019, 12:28:54 PM »
In the past I would tell people to watch the director's cuts of 21-24 and then watch End of Eva before 25 & 26 but I found that people were too confused by this. The DC of 21-24 are longer so I should expect people with common sense to seek those episodes if they were on a side by side choice with their On Air versions, although I don't know what versions of NGE people are watching, the show has had an extraordinarily tedious overseas release and it doesn't help the issue that both Gainax and Khara liked making their home media releases in Japan alone confusing (ie Death in Death & Rebirth has like three different versions called Death, Death (True), and Death (True)^2).

As with End Of Eva, it's ultimately the same ending as 25 & 26 told from a different lens. Originally I told people to watch End Of Eva first because the next time preview at the end of the director's cut for 24 shows storyboard scenes from the first half of End Of Eva. However as I said before about 25 & 26 and End Of Eva being the same, there's really no point in not watching it in release order and being able to put the pieces together yourself.

genuinely kind of interested in your thoughts on this

The Flood / Re: The Definitive Guide to Making Anime Tolerable
« on: August 28, 2019, 12:22:05 PM »
08th MS Team is pretty good considering it takes place around the same time as the original MSG but if you're going to watch the other stuff like Zeta, 0083, or Unicorn it's better to watch the original since that's where most of the integral cast are introduced. The UC is episodic with it's shows so a lot of the shows rely heavily on what was established in the previous series (ie people aren't going to get the Titans in Zeta if they didn't watch 0083).

Hey Ian, How's 'War in the Pocket' or '8th MS Team' as a starting point?

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