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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / So I’m reading The Communist Manifesto/Das Kapital
« on: January 04, 2020, 06:20:01 PM »
This book fucking sucks. Talk about a bunch of ideas/beliefs that haven’t aged well. the more I read it the more I’m confused at how Marxism was taken seriously.

In chapter 2 he talks about how the ruling class only wants marriage so that they can turn their wives into working serfs. It’s funny that around sixty years later in a conservative America that the wife working was a revolutionary idea, completely at odds with what he claimed.

Or how a middle-class person doesn’t exist at all in his mind. In his point of view it’s just hopping between being some caricature of a fat cat or literally starving on the streets.

I get that I have to take into account the time period and location he was in, but all of his notions of how society would turn out is ending up false and is backed by nothing but his own opinion.

The Flood / Re: Merry 2019 Christmas everyone!
« on: December 30, 2019, 05:08:04 PM »
Nice, that’s not a Ver. K is it?

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 26, 2019, 11:11:49 AM »
Adam Driver has completely by himself carried this entire trilogy on his back.

kylo ren is officially my favorite star wars character, and it's not close anymore

The Flood / Re: Merry 2019 Christmas everyone!
« on: December 26, 2019, 12:09:32 AM »
Christmas hauls?


The Flood / Re: Sleep
« on: December 24, 2019, 02:01:06 PM »
I sleep on my side; a big problem for me though is I absolutely have to be cold in order to sleep. I tend to have really high body heat so if I'm warm under the blanket I'll sweat and never fall asleep. Summer here in FL is particularly brutal.

I also need about ten hours in order to function properly throughout the day. All those studies of "adults need seven-eight hours and have to wake up in the morning" is largely bullshit and peoples circadian rhythm are pretty unique. I did years of waking up at 5 and going to bed at 9 and I was fucking miserable. My current work schedule has me waking up at around noon and going to bed at around 2 and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.

The Flood / Re: We Miss you guys
« on: December 21, 2019, 01:33:34 PM »
And do what? I can’t post since I never played Destiny 2. Fuck Bungie anyways, soulless sellouts.

I think it would be cool for you guys to at least visit, ya know

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 08:40:28 PM »
Come now, you should already know the answer(s) for that.

Also why are social justice types throwing shit fits over Reylo happening?

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 08:14:39 PM »
Weren’t Kyber Crystals mined on that one desert planet in Rogue One? IIRC that was a semi-important plot point since those powered the Death Star.

Here's a plothole that literally nobody on Earth should care about, but will of course be blown out of proportion by neckbeards
Starkiller base was actually Illum, where  all Lightsaber kyber crystals come from. So where did Rey get hers? Are we bringing synthetic crystals back into canon

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 20, 2019, 01:23:52 AM »
Maybe one where the Senate majority leader, who would play a large role in proceedings and has flatly said that he isn't even going to attempt to be fair or impartial, can't murder the trial in its crib?

Of course he's going to biased and unfair, there's absolutely no repercussions for him doing so. Is it right? Absolutely not, but the House is bluffing to him and he's calling their bluff to their face. There is no positive outcome for them. Either they send the articles now and it gets thrown out (and let's be honest, even with a fair trial it would never get a 2/3 vote anyways), OR they delay this entire debacle all the way to the election and they risk gambling their voter-base who were led on the promise that Trump would be removed from office; meanwhile Trump's voter-base doesn't change at all.

If this was an easy process, then it wouldn't be so damn important. It must be done BECAUSE it is hard. Now is already past when these flagrant abuses of power should have been answered, and they must be stopped before it is unstoppable. Doing nothing is tantamount to rolling over and dying.

You can want him impeached, the house impeached him, everyone in the country could want him gone. That's not the problem, the problem is how they're doing it. Instead of playing political gambling when they have no good hands, they should focus on getting their candidates to parrot "where's the wall?" and "why isn't Mexico paying for it?" over and over again because THAT'S what's going to get Trump out of office the fastest.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 06:55:31 PM »
They don’t need a scheduling excuse, even Senate Democrats don’t want to go through with this. The House Democrats have shot themselves in the foot.

that they'll actually hold trial and not just find some scheduling excuse to meme it out the window.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 04:04:35 PM »
So I’m looking up why exactly Pelosi is delaying the sending of the articles. Supposedly she wants to confirm a fair trial in the Senate first? Can anyone confirm?

What counts as fair? Are we going to have to wait until AFTER the election before we even get a trial? This would be an even more foolish move.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 03:42:59 PM »
The evidence is shady, and the timing is right on the wall to boot. If they were serious about wanting him removed they would have came up with these same articles back in 2017, or even last year. But doing this at the turn of an election year when all their candidates for the office aren’t massively well received, AND they failed to make a blue wave last election when the opposing party is supposed to make huge gains, AANNDD they don’t have anything to show for opposing him at every corner?

Also adding insult to injury is that not only is the Senate more than happy to take the impeachment articles (which Pelosi is delaying for....reasons) but they’re continuing to pass more federal judge appointments from Trump. They’re panicking because they can’t keep RBG on those clothes pins forever and it’s unlikely she’ll make it to 2024 (TBH she isn’t really even fit now) and will lose the courts for an entire generation.

I'm not sure I understand the logic of criticizing impeachment when they can't guarantee removal (which has never happened). It seems pretty clear that Trump is just going to keep breaking rules; why not punish him for it? Frankly, the only people that seem to be putting on a show for the sake of their careers are the republicans.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 03:36:07 PM »
The man will be dead before the polls open, he’s way too fucking old. To be honest, a lot of them are, I can’t see many of them lasting four years in office, let alone eight.

bernie is and has been every step of the way

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 19, 2019, 03:33:39 PM »
All the leaks from over a month ago turned out to be true. I did not care for this movie and judging by the current reviews, I’m not alone in this sentiment.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:01:15 PM »
It's not going to though. A 2/3 super majority in the Senate to remove him from office? That's not going to happen with McConnell running the show. The Democrats in the House even knew it wasn't going to happen, this was just political theater so they could keep their seats next year, little do they know it wont help them win the general election, none of their presidential front-liners are simply up to snuff.

I hope it happens, for the sake of the world.

Serious / 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 18, 2019, 09:02:29 PM »
The House has approved two articles of Impeachment against President Trump.

Regardless of whether or not you hate/like him, I think this was an incredibly stupid move on the House's part. With the Republican Senate majority there is no way in Hell he is going to be convicted and removed from office. This was nothing more than a flex move for their reelection. Yes, his reputation will be tarnished but so will theirs when their constituents get angry at the fact that they failed to remove him from office.

Is he guilty? Probably. But looking back on history, Clinton was super guilty and I still think (after the fact) that he shouldn't have been impeached.

Anyways, general discussion on the matter here.

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 11, 2019, 04:17:09 PM »
If you're talking about the titles of the new movies, yeah they're kinda convoluted for no real good reason.

The Japanese titles for the films are "Prelude" for the first, "Break" for the second, and "Q"/"Quicken" for the third. It's supposed to follow the Jo-Ha-Kyu format of a typical Japanese art piece. The fourth film having the musical notation for End/Repeat.

For the international titles, that's where they add all the numbers and shit, with the subtitle being a general overall theme for the movie. 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are the theatrical cuts released in Japanese theaters; there's no way to get your hands on them and are probably locked away in a vault by Studio Khara. What everyone watches is the 1.11, 2.22, and 3.33 DVD/BD version of the films. These are the finalized version that contain scene adjustments, animation corrections, and in the case of the first two films, some small amounts of new footage.

There is another version of the first film titled 1.01 but this is an inferior version and only die hard collectors would want it makes sense that I'd have a copy of 1.01 AND two copies of 1.11.

My Eva collection

Evangelion 3.14: You can (not) understand Japanese naming conventions

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 11, 2019, 11:32:33 AM »
We learn as much as Shinji does which was a huge deal in episode 23 when we learn why she's so aloof. Rei didn't learn anything there because she already knew all that.

And she started growing less cold right from episode 6; there's plenty of heart warming moments of her in EoE too.

But they never went anywhere with it
We never learn any more about her and she never learns any more about herself

She just stays cold and aloof the whole series and we never really see more than that

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 10, 2019, 11:42:46 PM »
In the same forum I linked in my previous post, there was another thread (too lazy to find) discussing a situation in episode 12 involving Asuka taking a shower when Shinji's friends come to visit and after an exchange of dialogue, someone discovered that Asuka's actions could have implied that she wanted attention/someone peeping on her showering. This was only discovered/brought up for the first time three-four years ago or so despite the show going on 20+ years.

The show simply has a lot of attention to detail and nothing done by the creators feels unintentional (although the Colossus quote backwards in 2.0 was admitted to be an accidental coincidence). Works of art can be discussed indefinitely till the end of time, good luck getting the same discussion value out of 30+ Marvel movies.

Also what's up with Eva and people making obscenely long analysis about it
I watched a nine minute video on it and people were taking the piss about it being too short

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 10, 2019, 11:12:35 PM »
She abandoned Gendo because he treated her like a tool for his own devices and Shinji actually treated her like a person. She's exactly like Kaworu in the sense that they're both aliens that aren't really humans. Granted both of these things took a backseat to other character's development up until the last six episodes or so, but there was buildup for Rei and the show isn't perfect in its pacing.

I will admit that she wasn't really handled all that well, hence why it's hard for people to understand Rei in general. Anno himself never understood her widespread popularity which is why I guess he focused a bit on Asuka more. Even in Rei's own developmental episode there's quite a bit of Asuka in there. He clearly favored her despite some people believing he hates her or something.

There was no development
At least none that I could understand


Rei just have questions build up around her and they never get answered
She just decides to abandon Gendo and go to Shinji because the plot told her to

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 10, 2019, 06:12:12 PM »
She's a lot more subtle than the others but it was definitely there. She went from praising the ground Gendo walked on to full on hating him by the end of the series. She had to deal with her nature as both a clone to a real person and being an Angel at the same time. Throughout the series she thought she was just some sacrificial pawn to Gendo's ends until she chose not to be.

Did she tho

Rei was barely even a character tbh
She kinda was just there

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 10, 2019, 03:39:01 PM »
I don't have a problem with Asuka as much as I did when I first watched the show; she really did grow on me and I find a lot of myself in her. The problem is that she never developed beyond simply knowing her own problems.

Shinji had a problem, he went through Instrumentality, he got over it.
Rei had a problem, she went through Instrumentality, she got over it.
Misato had a problem, she went through Instrumentality, she got over it.

Asuka had a problem, she went through Instrumentality, and she continued to blame everyone else and refused to admit she might have been in the wrong at some point. "I know about your little jerk off fantasies. If I can't have you all to my myself then I want nothing to do with you!' Oh get of your high horse, you kept jumping back and forth between him and Kaji and Shinji is 100% correct in calling you out when you wouldn't let him in.

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 09, 2019, 08:59:04 PM »
Significantly better but still incorrect.

It’s Misato

Don't tell me you're a Rei fanboy

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 09, 2019, 07:56:20 PM »
>Best girl

The Flood / Re: Evangelion
« on: December 09, 2019, 01:22:59 AM »
You also never reviewed it.

probably the best anime ever made, with the movie being the best part

i need to rewatch rebuild 3.0 though because i loathed it and i need to make sure that i didn't miss the point

If you’re talking about Jono’s Discord, I believe you were kicked because not only did you use emotes others found annoying, but you literally said something along the lines of “Oh, this channel is for playing Halo? Lol let’s talk about something else.”

The Flood / Re: unpopular opinions
« on: December 01, 2019, 12:40:16 AM »
The first and last ten minutes were really good. Everything in between is mediocre.

people like rogue one?

The Flood / Re: unpopular opinions
« on: November 29, 2019, 02:31:58 PM »
Super Polymerization is more degenerate than Mystic Mine.

Mystic Mine players in Yu-Gi-Oh deserve to be strangled and beaten to death with a baseball bat and then set on fire.

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