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Messages - Ian

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Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: May 05, 2020, 10:41:57 PM »

Gaming / Re: General Persona Thread
« on: May 05, 2020, 10:38:08 PM »
Despite having physical copies of both at my parent's house, my PS2 is dead so I went ahead and bought both Persona 4 and 3 FES on PSN for my PS3. Gave me an excuse to dust off the thing from underneath a pile of cables next to all my books.

Never got to really play them when i first bought them for the PS2 because I was sinking most of my free time into FFXII, so I'm starting with 3 FES.

The Flood / Re: Today is Karl Marx's birthday
« on: May 05, 2020, 05:10:22 PM »
India has more deaths than The Great leap Forward, Ukrainian Famine, and the Red Terror combined? I most certainly would like to know your reasoning behind this.

capitalist activities have killed more people in india alone

The Flood / Re: Today is Karl Marx's birthday
« on: May 05, 2020, 05:02:43 PM »
yeah but pure marxism =/= ML, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotsky's Permanent Revolution, Juche, Nazbol gang, or Titoism

If I get uptight about people conflating Hitler's Nazism with proper Fascismo Italiano I gotta give the other side a fair deal here too.

I don't entirely disagree but socialism isn't communism. His most famous written work isn't called The Socialist Manifesto. You can't compare "socialist" UK or any European country to Communist China of the past or Soviet Russia. But you most certainly can compare those last two countries to what Marx was advocating for.

capitalism, on the other hand, has never killed anybody ever

I won't deny capitalism is flawed and that there have been deaths because of it, but it's not anywhere near the numbers communism has. I won't doubt your specific name brand Verbatim communism, but compare countries in the past (or now) that have tried to capitalist countries (including European countries because they're not communist) isn't going to make a good comparison.

The Flood / Re: Today is Karl Marx's birthday
« on: May 05, 2020, 04:23:32 PM »
My issues with Marx is entirely separate from universal healthcare. Conversely, imagine solely defending an ideology that has killed millions of people and more impoverished just because universal healthcare might be a good idea.

imagine being this terrified of the concept of universal healthcare and welfare that you let the marxists live rent free in your head

The Flood / Re: Today is Karl Marx's birthday
« on: May 05, 2020, 03:43:06 PM »
His kill count was lower.

TBH I wanted to make a thread but one of my friends has her birthday on that day so he kinda fell out of my memory that day.

Two weeks ago was Hitler's birthday but he didn't get a special thread.

The Flood / Today is Karl Marx's birthday
« on: May 05, 2020, 03:27:39 PM »
Press S to spit on his grave. Good riddance to that lazy fuckwit who created an ideology leading to the deaths of untold millions. Even his own mother thought he was full of shit, constantly asking her for gibes literally wishing for her death just so he could get money for booze faster.

Over the years he complained repeatedly that his mother did not want to help him out of his financial distress, and openly hoped for her demise in order to hasten receipt of his inheritance. Henriette's view was that he should do more to earn money, she commenting "if only Karl had made Capital, instead of just writing about it".

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 04, 2020, 10:40:41 PM »
Name one situation where this was ever the case and there weren't other factors at play.

and you're damned if you give the fans what they want.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: May 03, 2020, 12:32:58 PM »
Germany is reopening schools and Florida begins phase one of reopening tomorrow.

The CDC also has a provisional list with different numbers for US deaths (list found here). List claims numbers are lagged by weeks, only time will tell how this list updates but it hasn't been touched in two days. Will keep it around just in case.

The Flood / Re: The Movie Theater Industry
« on: May 02, 2020, 11:57:53 PM »
I want to see Shinji lose his mental shit on the big screen though!

the "authentic experience" meme only applies to video games for me

when it comes to movies idgaf, they should put literally everything on vod

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 02, 2020, 11:14:20 PM »
Get woke, go broke.

No one is buying a zombie game to see two lesbians get beat up by a tranny.

It’s not helping their case considering their approach to the hate is the same as Patrick Soderlund’s “Don’t like it? Don’t buy it” statement when people were in uproar about BF5’s controversy. People listened and didn’t buy it, why ND/Sony is trying to be stand offish with the community is suicide considering not even 2 years ago an example got made of DICE for doing the same thing.

The Flood / Re: The Movie Theater Industry
« on: May 02, 2020, 11:12:10 PM »
The universe is going to have to do some serious bullshit to revert the downward trend the virus is taking and prevent theaters from being open seven months from now.

The universe doesn't want us to watch Godzilla vs Kong

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 02, 2020, 10:55:56 PM »
I saw the leaks; what a fucking dumpster fire this game is going to be.

The Flood / Re: The Movie Theater Industry
« on: May 02, 2020, 09:22:24 PM »
In the 80s, the time between a movie ending its theater screening and its home video release was roughly six months, nowadays 3-4, the worse a movie does at the box office, the longer it takes. Ghostbusters 2016 did extremely poorly which is why it took so long to get released on home video. Evangelion 3.33 was released a little less than five months after its release day in theaters which is exceptionally early for a Japanese release considering there's adjustments and corrections made between 3.0 and 3.33 that typical western releases don't do when just going straight to home video.

i was pleasantly surprised when onward was put onto disney +, i always thought it took forever for movies to get on blu-ray/VoD, but apparently not.

The Flood / Re: The Movie Theater Industry
« on: May 02, 2020, 08:22:56 PM »
They didn't say they were going to, they said that from this point onward they will stop showing screenings of those movies. AMC made a huge flex, but it's a big mistake; AMC does not have the position to make such demands. Studios need to make back their investment, straight-to-consumer is a way to help recoup the losses. Even if movies like Invisible Man are flops, they would have been flops anyways and there's little to no data showing they would have made out better on their losses had theaters been open over having them just being available to stream at home.

Furthermore, ticket sales have gone down slightly but their price has gone up to make up for the loss. This is a case of theaters being hindered and trying to pull studios down with them into the bucket when studios have their own issues to deal with during this lock-down.

Didn't AMC tell Universal that if they continued to release movies on streaming services, they would no longer show any of their movies in their theaters. Sounds like a bluff to me, considering their financial predicament.

I wonder what the class thought while watching this.

The Flood / The Movie Theater Industry
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:51:15 PM »
I debated whether or not to put this in Serious, but I figured it wasn't super serious business technically so....

With movie theaters shuttered for a while, there's been a lot of talk about whether or not they were even viable even before lock-downs became common place and the virus has certainly gave it a blow to the knees. Big companies like AMC are rumored to be filing for bankruptcy and several big titles have made their way to VoD in time frames where they should've still been in theaters had they been open.

Disney's Onward is now on Disney+ after only a small window of being in theaters before the lock down really went into place; but the biggest movie in the discussion is Trolls 2. That movie went instantly to VoD via Amazon Prime and despite Amazon being very stingy with their revenue numbers, it's estimated that it already made back its initial investment in only a few days. The fact that this was a family movie only further creates problems for the theater business. Most families will look at streaming as a much cheaper alternative for getting to see the same movie.

Big studios like Disney, Universal, & Paramount would immediately cut out the middle-man theater business if straight-to-streaming was proven to be a viable alternative and Trolls World Tour has been a perfect example of that being the case. I don't know how to feel about this. One the one hand, most of the movies I go to see nowadays are Fathom Events, either anime screenings, classic re-releases, or art-studio plays. Those have a higher premium ticket price than the already high ticket price for a standard movie in most locations. I'm easily looking at $30 for just myself when I also take concessions into account, although using various reward programs has helped alleviate the price somewhat.

On the other hand, I'm also one of those snobbish art critics who considers seeing my Chinese cartoons on the big screen with the sticky gum on the floor and hearing the crowd go nuts at whatever bullshit happens on screen as an authentic movie-going experience. Certain movies have become social events (Hence I guess why its called Fathom Events) and you just can't recreate that experience from the comfort of your home. Going to the movies is also a social experience, I think the last time I went to see a movie by myself was Pacific Rim 2 and needless to say ignoring the fact that it was a garbage movie, it was also a lonesome experience and I've always gone with somebody to see a movie afterwards.

In my personal opinion, family movies will begin to get phased out of theaters regardless of when society reopens. It simply makes too much sense for both the consumer (budget-focused families) and the producers (cutting out the middlemen) to maximize efficiency and cost. But big KINOPLEX 9K theaters will still be around for generic Marvel capeshit #843 and college-dropout director films that are thinly veiled pornos disguised as Neo-Noir NC17 art films.

What are your thoughts?

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:45:54 PM »
God damn that thread on floor tiles was fucking great.

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:26:37 PM »
>Thread about discussing awful fetishes
>Turns into an argument about gay it is to liking traps

I think anything involving literal shit and pissing is absolutely disgusting and I will never understand it. I feel sorry for people who develop those fetishes, I'm sure they wished they'd having something a little more normal like feet or bondage or something.

"Hey babe, what do you say we make our sex life more wild?"
"Sure thing, how crazy you wanna get?"
"Please shit in my mouth."

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian.
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:24:05 PM »
There’s literally a word for that and it’s not grape soda

Theming if I had to guess. I'm not the desk-jockey who came up with the idea. When I started we were given cards that had a short message by the person recognizing us for what we did and we'd put it into a box that another desk-jockey then put into our record and we would sometimes also get put into a drawing to win things like movie tickets and gift cards. The card also had a second copy for us to keep.

iirc it's required when you end a phone call with a customer

I worked at central Lost & Found for over a year, no one really said it. However, I have been told that Vacation Services is really strict so I wouldn't be surprised if the cast there were forced to say it. They get in trouble if they don't up-sell every package that gets brought up in the conversation. This is why whenever I have friends & family tell me they're planning a vacation involving the parks & resorts I tell them to do everything online and only ever call to make dinner reservations that you can't make online.

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian.
« on: May 02, 2020, 02:54:41 PM »
have a magical day

I'll unironically say "Howdy" and "Ya'll come back now, ya hear" but I'll never say this.

You guys get grape soda?

If only, it's just the name of something we use to put recognition on somebody's record.

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian.
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:13:33 PM »
It's basically just company lingo for everything. You know how you go into a fast food place and the employee's name tag says they're a "team member" and not an employee? It's like that but on a crazy level. I'm not an employee, I'm a "cast member"; I'm not going into the backroom, I'm going "backstage". We don't give recognitions, we give "Grape-sodas". Depending on where you work it can be even more themed, we use iPads to help locate product but when we're "onstage" they're not iPads, they're "magic mirrors" and one of stores we push our cast to say "Bonjour" to guests entering because it's located in the BaTB section of Fantasyland.

As for resume building and talking about your own career growth, it's the same thing. They're not managers, they're Leaders; I wasn't helping get my team ready for the day, I was "setting them up for success". When I still worked in the campground, we had a wildlife conservation fund guests could donate any amount to. That was a pet project I gave myself because I care about animals; when putting that in my resume I had to translate that into something like "Champion of the wildlife conservation and being a leader among my peers by increasing donations in my area by over 200%". You're still expected to use the themed language from my first paragraph when possible as well; it's a big negative/disrespect to use typical corporate terms like employee or customer.

TL;DR: A lot of corporate lingo and fluff; higher-ups eat it up like candy.

Also, tf is Disney language, and why is it different from any standard professional language?

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian.
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:50:03 PM »
Lol no. Employee handbooks, policy manuals, and training guides are the same corporate/business looking as any other company. The only real difference is that everything uses Disney language; when I was working on my resume for my promotion, I had to make sure it was a "Disney" resume.

I was more so curious if that's an official Disney employee handbook.

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:29:23 PM »
If a statue of a woman makes you sexually aroused, are you a statue-sexual? What is it that the person finds sexually attractive?

The Flood / Re: Hey Ian.
« on: May 01, 2020, 08:08:13 PM »
In my six years I have never heard of anything involving couples trying to bang on rides. With that being said, I have heard of a man trying to steal Madame Leota's head from the Haunted Mansion and fell through the flooring just past the railing. You can't really see because of optical illusions and the dark in the ride but there's a fair bit of space between the ride cart and her head location.

Serious / Re: Why don't people care about the Biden allegations?
« on: May 01, 2020, 07:30:39 PM »

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha

This man is so fucked come November.

The Flood / Re: I Am Speed
« on: April 30, 2020, 11:03:03 PM »
Literally a photo finish, good work.

Gaming / Re: Picked up Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:46:35 PM »
I remember watching my brother play through Re: Chain Of Memories on the PS2 and he hated every fucking second of it. But he also praises KH2 as one of the greatest games ever made, his tastes are very....unique.

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