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Messages - Ian

Pages: 1 ... 181920 2122 ... 308
Gaming / Re: Unreal Engine 5 Revealed
« on: May 15, 2020, 08:44:48 PM »
I believe Jono was just quoting a Bungie dev on the subject of level design.

This is gorgeous but this is an absolutely awful space to fight bad guys in
I think you missed the point of the demo

Gaming / Re: Unreal Engine 5 Revealed
« on: May 13, 2020, 11:40:35 PM »
While fluid contextual animation is cool, I wonder if the character is going to putting their hand on a door/wall every time they're nearby one. That would quickly ruin the immersion IMO and defeat the purpose.

Oh thank goodness, I can go back to worrying about what shade of blue Gendo's jacket is in the later episodes.

so it's basically the same dumbass scene, don't worry


I refuse to believe they changed the dialogue from "Congratulations!"

fuckin netflix all I hear is way to go dude now


The penny press machines in our stores would break down often, they're older pieces of equipment. One of the stores is all busy, all the time. So one of my cast will usually call in between transactions for me to come and take a look at it, I'll just slap an Out of Order sign on it and call the repair people and then be on my way. We usually have a box of pennies already pressed in case someone lost their money to it, if not we just open up the register and give them back whatever they put in.

The Flood / Re: New video that I edited - life update
« on: May 11, 2020, 10:51:50 PM »
I've been throwing a lot of my time (and money) lately into FFBE and whenever I do the daily Mog Spinner, at least 3/7 ads are for this game. Let me guess, you copied the what that one Youtube Thot was shilling about the game? It sounds almost word for word to the ad.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: May 11, 2020, 07:12:40 PM »
It hasn't changed much since I was already working shifts that were typically 5pm-2:30am. A few weeks back I did do an allnighter while playing P5, I simply wasn't tired but then again I did down a whole bottle of Mt. Dew at like 2am while I was playing, that might have had an effect.

Anyone else stopped caring about their sleep pattern?

The Flood / Re: Ranking the previous decade's movies by year
« on: May 11, 2020, 05:58:47 PM »
Original Blade Runner is a classic that inspired a lot of other stories in entertainment being made, although none could really touch on the subject of artificial life like it did. IMO the new one is only good mostly because of the meme-potential in Ryan Gosling.

Can someone explain Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2O49 because I really don't understand how people love them so much

I still remember when of the first few games of Halo 3 I played, I guy was screaming at us to veto Sandtrap and we didn't do it. "Veto! Veto!! VETO!!! Ah you guys are a bunch of Niggers!" before leaving as soon as the game started.

According to Search and Destroy lobbies, everyone is required to say it at all times.
I miss mw2 lobbies

The Flood / Re: Package review: Konosuba Crimson BD
« on: May 11, 2020, 01:21:56 AM »
Here is a product overview/review for my Godzilla collection. I have FFVII Remake pictures as well, but....I don't have much of an interest in it right now since I chose to start Persona 3 over it. Anyways....

Shin Godzilla Japanese Blu-ray release & Shin Godzilla US Blu-ray release

- I won't go over the US release too much, the product is next to the Japanese release more to show a size comparison between the two.
- You can get the US release for 12 bucks on Rightstuff.
- Case is just like any other movie case w/ sleeve but it's in black instead of blue.
- Just the movie with some trailers and interview with some literal who.

- Japanese Blu-ray is way nicer; $31 on CDJapan (When I bought it back in 2017 it was like $60  >:()
- Case is similar to the Japanese releases of the Eva NTE movies. Orange peel finish but in black with just the logo, nothing on the back.
- Inner case is a fold in red that's also just the logo in white.
- Three disc set, first disc is the movie, second is trailers and TV spots extras, third is video footage of its theatrical release in Japan starring the actors answering fan questions and talking about the movie; some behind the scenes footage but not much.
- No English subtitles, Japanese script is also on the first disc.
- 20 page pamphlet included going over more behind the scenes with the practical and visual effects, as well as chapter/audio listings (showing some of the tracks are straight up pulled from Eva 3.33, not just cut and edited, it's the literally the same track title to title).

Godzilla The Showa-Era Films, 1954-1975 Criterion Blu-ray Collection

- $112, 15 movies (listed in the pictures) in a MASSIVE book.
- Size of book, think of the PS3 collectors edition of FFX/X-2 HD.
- Artwook on both the front and back of the book.
- All the discs are held in sleeves in the very back after all the pages, showing the same artwork as the very front (not pictured without the discs cause I forgot).
- Two pages dedicated to each film talking about each movie and its production along with a special promotional artwork.
- Last disc contains some special features.
- Seven discs of movies with an eighth disc containing supplements.
- One last picture for size reference.

Pictures below:

Shin Godzilla

The Showa-Era Films

The Flood / Re: Mother’s Day Plans
« on: May 10, 2020, 01:32:40 PM »
She went to jail previously?

and she might be going back to jail soon anyway

The Flood / Re: Mother’s Day Plans
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:48:53 AM »
There's really not much to do at my mom's place, so I'm hoping she doesn't ask me to come over tomorrow. I already spent time with her for her birthday a week and a half ago. If she does want me over at least I'll have an excuse to get rid of a ribeye that's been sitting in my freezer, we'd probably just end up watching anime like we normally do.

The Flood / Re: this is his wit wtf
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:30:25 PM »
It was the first video that came up after typing in "Adachi laughing". It works so I don't see the problem.

Forum Weapon? Really?

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:29:31 PM »
Never mind, I just looked it up. Don't know how to feel about this.

I didn't read much Superman when I was younger, it was mostly Green Lantern and Batman I read. Was there something after Doomsday?

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:28:53 PM »
It was close, the insane backlash was pretty damn hilarious but not quite considering he technically does appear in PQ2. It would have to be a character that makes complete no sense like Goku. I'll also except Master Chief, Doom Guy, or Saber.

You get the idea.

joker didn't sell you?

The Flood / Re: this is his wit wtf
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:24:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:21:50 PM »
Ironic, I have told my friends repeatedly that the only way I would buy a Switch is if they put some meme/joke character (like Goku) in Smash.

if they put goku in smash i'm selling my switch

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:21:10 PM »
I didn't read much Superman when I was younger, it was mostly Green Lantern and Batman I read. Was there something after Doomsday?

Are you retarded

The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 05:36:46 PM »
>Goku dies
>Comes back as a ghost lmao
>Superman dies
>That's it, he's dead

Goku > Superman

hey, it's that guy who would never beat superman in a fight


The Flood / Re: Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 05:34:58 PM »

The Flood / Today is Goku Day
« on: May 09, 2020, 03:58:52 PM »
Discuss one of the most iconic anime characters of all time.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:57:12 PM »

I'll ignore the fact that there is a clear difference between "Nigga" and "Nigger". There are still consequences for black people using the word, at least there are consequences in the setting. No black person with a brain cell would use such terminology while at work or some public setting like a restaurant. It's just an informal setting like when you're at home with friends & family, in which case I will completely agree that everyone including white people have free access to the word, because how is anyone supposed to know it's being used?

With that being said, you may or may not remember an Asian-American band went before the Supreme Court for their right to call themselves "The Slants". A study showed that groups using their own pejoratives among themselves may help lessen the impact of such terms.

This is really the crux of the debate. I have never used the word in real life nor do I intend to. I think everybody in this thread has the good sense to be reasonable in their everyday life. It's the principle of the matter where black people can say it and non black people can't. And when I say can't, I mean there are social consequences for using it. I understand where it comes from but should we should examine whether it is worth continuing if we want to get to a point where we see no differences between races.

Either everyone say it or no one say it if we want to get past it

My father was notorious for this. The man straight up had no filter whatsoever and used profanity (including saying Nigger and Faggot) constantly, it was common speech to him, probably given his poor education despite finishing college. Yet if I even said anything worse than “ass” within his earshot he’d unrelentingly scream at me for it.

Imagine you live with your parents who use curse words all the time without batting an eye.

Then during a Skype call, you drop an f bomb or something and your parents give you 'the eye' or even start shouting at you for cursing in their home.

Gaming / Re: Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 10:20:48 PM »
I haven't played ant of the ones in your Mildly Interested section, but I will say Sekiro and RDR2 were on a list of games I was somewhat interested in as well. Ironically RDR1 was not.

of the ones i'm at least somewhat interested in, are there any you've played that you'd say i shouldn't bother with

Gaming / Re: Ranking every TGA Game of the Year nominee
« on: May 07, 2020, 08:54:28 PM »
I was going to make a tier list with those games but decided not to because nearly 30 of them I couldn't care less about and Persona 5 was the only game on the list that I thought was near-flawless.

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 07, 2020, 01:53:26 PM »
It's right before the code breaker picks them up with a ship, Rose releases one of the animals:

ROSE: No. Now, it's worth it.

Your second link has her say "Go. Now it's worth it." but that doesn't really make sense since she was talking to Finn about how he said beating up the bad guys was worth it.

EDIT: Both links have her say "Go". I'm going to have to rewatch that scene to see who's she referring to.

i feel like you just made that up, or whatever the real quote is, it doesn't sound as bad as you're making it

Verb, there's a significant difference between saying Nigger and punching somebody in the face.

and you can't "choose" to be offended by something any more than you can choose not to be upset if i punch you in the face

The Flood / Re: Bring Me The Child
« on: May 06, 2020, 10:42:00 PM »
Holy shit that monkey's got some strength.

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