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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: We need to get a bear thread going.
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:29:14 AM »
>No one has posted best bears yet

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:27:29 AM »
More like glad because I don't look pedo as fuck.

mad because you don't look operator as fuck

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:23:55 AM »
Wake up to reality wannabe-Chad.

EDIT: And your mustache is fucking disgusting.

Grow some balls, sissy.

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:20:33 AM »
Rejection fucking sucks, not everyone handles it like you do.

What are you, a pussy?

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:18:52 AM »
>Implying it's wrong to be hurt by rejection for superficial reasons

Because unlike a frail and emotional woman I can handle rejection for superficial reasons.

Dr. Pepper is nasty af tbh fam.

I had a Dr Pepper a few days ago, I felt ill

All the time. I've been on Evageeks for five years and have less than 1500 comments simply because I do this so much on there.

The Flood / Re: Shin Godzilla destroying reviews and ticket sales
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:40:34 AM »
There were plenty of shitty Godzilla movies that didn't so hot in Japan (not even counting the two Hollywood adaptions), and generally speaking Disney movies have a broad appeal for families and have always done better than in-country titles. Eva Q being the most hyped anime movie in the last couple of years in Japan still couldn't beat out Wreck It Ralph two weeks later, and that wasn't even Pixar.

That's not that shocking, considering Japan is literally Godzilla's birthplace.

The Flood / Re: So the Kong: Skull Island trailer...
« on: August 02, 2016, 11:06:35 PM »
>Travel to an island inhabited by a giant ape and fucking DINOSAURS
>Bring back the ape

I never understood this about the movies.

Sunday. I saw Star Trek on Saturday (10/10 btw, Paul Feig BTFO), then on Sunday I bought another ticket for Star Trek and walked into Ghostbusters. Walked out about halfway through although the opening was cringey enough.

Did you even see it?

Certified Fresh is auto removed if overall critics dips below 70% WHICH IT DID two weeks ago, but RT unfortunately kept the rank despite the movie not deserving it. 60% of the most certified reviewers by w/e metric they go by and it gets the best score RT can possible give it? Yeah no, the movie is a shit stain on the summer 2016 box office and everyone except the shills on RT and Sony understand this.

Top critics: 59%

completely fair

Gaming / Re: What games do you have on pre-order right now?
« on: August 02, 2016, 10:05:51 PM »
I guess I see your point, keep in mind I never fully disagreed with Verb on this issue (surprisingly). Both FFXII and FFXV are the only two games I preordered in the last two years, with Type-0 being the only one before that in a very long time. Also keep in mind they were all Collector's Edition. I'm well aware the original XII had more than enough copies, I have two myself for the game, but that was also before preordering a game was a big thing. I'll admit I'm a sucker for steel cases and art books.

I guess people preorder in mass silently? I don't see people talking about it often so I assume they preorder the same way I do. I personally ain't going to touch Persona 5 until I hear praises about it (also because I have yet to beat both 3 and 4). Nor do I have World of Final Fantasy on preorder (simply because I don't have a PS4 yet and I haven't seen enough of it to make a decision on a game I [more than likely will] enjoy). However as soon as the newest FFXIV expansion is announced you bet your shiny metal ass I'll have that preordered. I have over 300 days logged and the Heavensward expansion was great (save for patch 3.1, I mean Jesus Fucking Christ) so I'm more than willing to risk w/e amount simply based off the huge satisfaction I've had with both ARR and Heavensward.

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 08:06:56 PM »
God damn it my heart strings are pulled every time.

i dont got cosplay but i have this

Explain with legitimate criticism.

bvs was ass.

>People still posting the "BvS was bad" meme

I want this false flag and blatant Marvel shilling to die. It made 3.4x its budget and 65% of the audience liked it (RT critics are legitimate cancer).

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:07:11 PM »
Das please stop.

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:06:48 PM »
Lol no I wish I was that good looking. I think what I lack most is confidence.

is this you on the right

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:00:13 PM »
Homura? It was a half-joke thing with my brother's friends on Skype last Halloween, I say half because it didn't bother me one bit and I enjoyed the night.

why you cosplaying that

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:58:24 PM »
Knowing what you look like IRL: You're scaring the fuck out of me right now.

To quote Donut, "I only eat foods that start with vowels."

And Ian starts with an i.

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:52:39 PM »
To quote Church: "Okay, there's a lot of stuff in that sentence that I didn't like."

Aw come ooooooon
who's gonna know that you're a closet homosexual that doesn't already?

Gaming / Re: Games that no one liked that you're still playing
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:50:57 PM »
Ya know, people probably wouldn't have hated it so much if Todd Howard wasn't such an arrogant ass about it.

"It's GOING to be GOTY."
"You'll buy it anyways."

Dude can fuck right off with Skyrim remastered.

Fallout 4

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:47:17 PM »
Creep on someone else you degenerate cretin.

Not until I see you in homura cosplay

The Flood / Re: How very
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:43:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:41:37 PM »
Kill yourself by swallowing one of your many knives.

No wonder you do everything wrong.

The Flood / Re: Cosplay
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:38:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: Stuck at Jury Duty
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:37:55 PM »
God damn it Kits your avatar is just too fucking cute for me to handle. I'm going to fucking explode from excess cute intake.

The Flood / Re: SAO is going to be an American Live Action series.
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:24:58 PM »
Crunchyroll :^)

are they gonna try to sell it to amazon or hulu or netflix?

Gaming / Re: What games do you have on pre-order right now?
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:23:38 PM »
How often does a game come out where it's canned like Dragon Age II? Most games come out and generally receive positive scores with most fans being satisfied with their purchase, what difference does it make whether they pay now or later? And my original question was remained unanswered on the people who preorder knowing full well they're going to enjoy it, such as me with the FFXII HD remaster.

I simply don't see enough games failing for preorders to be the underlying cause of the problem. Halo 5 was right in the middle of the preorder season last year yet it had the shittiest numbers in the series when it came to actual copies being sold. For every point there's a counter-point on preordering.

You are agreeing to pay money for a product before you could see whatever flaws it has. A great example of this is Dragon Ago II. Prior to launch, multiple sites had given it scores between 8 and 10; if you want reference on where it sits now, it has an average user score of 4.5.

Besides that, you're arguing as if a significant number of people cancel preorders. If people who place them don't cancel, they're paying money under the same condition: whether it's day -365 or day 0, you're agreeing to pay a product of undetermined quality.

Vote with your wallet. It doesn't only mean to boycott bad releases, but also to purchase when you're actually informed.

The Flood / Re: SAO is going to be an American Live Action series.
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:18:53 PM »
"Inspired by the inventive and masterful storytelling of the SAO franchise."

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