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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Big Burger Culture
« on: June 05, 2020, 08:27:33 PM »
As an Amerifat who enjoys a good Wendy's burger, presentation is the only thing their burgers fall short on.

Wait, non-americans really fall for our false adverting?

The Flood / Big Burger Culture
« on: June 05, 2020, 08:18:21 PM »
Look, look, look, look, LLOOOOKK


The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a moron
« on: June 05, 2020, 12:55:19 PM »
Come now Verb, the only thing this site has left anymore is toxic antagonism and Ingy is far from the worst offender.

are you aware that you're the only antagonistic person left on the site

The Flood / Re: Anyone here not drink caffeine?
« on: June 04, 2020, 02:33:34 AM »
It does?! I've been drinking Lemonade for YEARS solely because I wanted to slightly reduce my carbonated drink intake.

lemonade breaks down kidney stones, i guess

The Flood / Re: Got the call to go back into work next week
« on: June 04, 2020, 01:18:23 AM »
Kennedy Space Center reopened (and has been getting a lot of extra attention thanks to Elon Musk), Universal is opening this month, Disney is opening next month. I have plenty of money in both my savings and checking account so I should be able to hold out comfortably until July 11th.

I actually got extremely lucky and had been keeping up with corona news, in early March before the closures of everything I bought an entire power rack and some weights for my garage. So I have been able to exercise completely like normal. If anything I’ve been working out 10x harder just because I felt blessed to have the setup that I did and less distractions in my garage lol

Have you gotten notified about going back yet? I heard Florida signed off on something related to amusement parks

The Flood / Re: Got the call to go back into work next week
« on: June 04, 2020, 12:53:47 AM »
I see closed gyms and forced stay-at-home orders have not prevented you from keeping up with your Saiyan genetics. Meanwhile I can tell I've gained ten pounds over the last two months since the 20k steps a day and other manual tasks at work was the only workout I got.

The Flood / Re: @Das
« on: June 02, 2020, 06:05:56 PM »
Regardless of whether or not there's a track with innocents on them, the trolley conductor wasn't driving, he was traveling and they just happened to be in the way. How is running over them illegal?

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: June 02, 2020, 02:33:44 PM »
I saw that, I'm also happy to see armor customization for Halo 3. They even increased the forge budget and added new items/possibilities in Halo 3. What I really want it Halo 3 Forge with at least Reach QoL features, maybe even H4/2A with magnets. I wont hold my breath though.

Meme-team, assemble.
Its still in Design stage, but good news. Maybe in a month's time it will move up to being actually added into the game.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 02, 2020, 12:59:24 PM »
EDIT: Deleted, original tweet said:
>Popeyes is nothing without Black lives


The Flood / Re: Gunpla
« on: June 01, 2020, 06:11:09 PM »
I would've bought the Red Comet myself but I'm a sucker for Char's units. The nearest store for buying Gunpla outside Mitsukoshi at Epcot is in Downtown Orlando, I'd rather just get them from HobbyLinkJapan though since they're usually cheaper online even with my 35% discount at Mitsukoshi.

Look what I found at Hobby Lobby when I was looking for miniature basing materials.

I bought the Gouf

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: June 01, 2020, 05:09:00 PM »
I appear to be suffering from Matchmaking-Anxiety even in social matches. I can play well and rarely do I get a match where I go negative, but the anxiety isn't really tied to my performance directly, but just how garbage my teammates tend to be. I'm so sick of getting players who go -17 or -25 and I'm having to carry their pathetic asses just to make sure the enemy team doesn't get a Steaktacular. Doesn't matter if it's 4v4 or 8v8, seeing teammates grab the sniper on Valhalla (which I'm getting way too much in 8v8) and run through the man-cannon by themselves when six enemies are waiting for him is just infuriating. And that's just one common instance among many I see.

Were players really better back during the 360 era or is my nostalgia-goggles making it appear that way? I know I was pretty shit myself back then but I don't think that would've blinded me to other players being bad.

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 01, 2020, 04:36:09 PM »
What did you say?

Just a fun fact, only 0.006% of LoL players have been permabanned and I am one of them

Gaming / Re: You guys ever play LoL
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:44:08 PM »
I played one game with my brother and the only thought that went through my mind before never touching it again was:

"StarCraft died for this...."

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:33:24 PM »
Also human lives have higher value than property, end story.
I don't disagree, but the original tweet I linked talked about burning down white neighborhoods and stores, can we say that such widespread destruction to property wouldn't cause physical harm to innocent lives? Can we say that about the destruction we're seeing now?

No, corporations who care more about profit margins above all else. I'm talking about the penny pinching that squeezes every last dime out of both employees and customers so that execs can horde their wealth while the rest of the country continues to fall into disarray. I don't really think I need to spell it out for you further, you should know what I'm talking about.
If it's about executive pay and profits, I covered this to an extent with E but stopped because I didn't want to derail the thread further. I can continue such discussion with you elsewhere if you'd like though.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:23:42 PM »
If by the economic position we're in in the first place? Do you mean the massive unemployment caused by a pandemic? I don't really see how one can blame companies for what a virus did so maybe you mean something else?

Implying it's a bad thing to kick out the corporations that have led us to the economic position we're in now in the first place. Why should I feel bad for predatory companies that value profit margins over human lives?

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 03:19:52 PM »
EDIT: I will respond to the first point in another post now that I see where it coming from.

So any group of people can go in and cause chaos in these riots and wouldn't be manipulative because they didn't organize? I'm not saying that's incorrect, but that's awfully convenient considering how people are complaining on social media about such groups causing damage to the protests validity and that sources are saying BLM groups are organizing.

Also BLM and ANTIFA aren't a monolith, there are no leaders. That's were the "CEO of ANTIFA" meme comes from, because it demonstrates a ridiculous and complete lack of understanding of how any of this shit actually functions.

The Flood / Re: Gunpla
« on: June 01, 2020, 02:32:27 PM »
God damn that's one sexy design. I'm holding out for Nu-Gundam Ver. Ka but I'd drop that for this instantly.

TFW still no G-Savior Ver. ka

The Flood / Re: Gunpla
« on: June 01, 2020, 02:20:43 PM »
Two SEED kits. Regardless of the quality of the show, I find their mech designs to be pretty good given when they were released (and the waifus were alright to an extent).

Eewww a Seed kit.
Do the Gouf.

Im still debating on if I should get the two 00 Qants to mod my Unicorn with.

The Flood / Gunpla
« on: June 01, 2020, 01:41:28 PM »
After doing some cleanup in my tiny apartment room to add in some new shelving units (they're "meh") I now have space for ONE (1) (Uno) model kit at the top, but over the years I have gotten my hands on six different kits. All the ones at my mom's place are broken (I'm really bummed about the MG Turn A) so I can't use any I've already built.

Which one should I put together?

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 11:57:54 AM »
Ian you really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>Honestly if you can, burn down white neighborhoods so companies are afraid to move back there. Then after the property value lowers enough, buy the neighborhood mad cheap and rebuild it. This is a real opportunity to flip the gentrification cycle.

Excuse me while I find one more so I can fit the definition of "a few"**; unless you're saying this movement isn't about BLM/George Floyd's death at all, which it is; or that Antifa isn't involved, which they are (along with other radical groups).

**Edit: There was another Tweet that was trending last night, but the account was removed for violating Twitter's rules.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: June 01, 2020, 11:35:09 AM »
A good number of posts on social media still link it to a BLM movement for Goerge Floyd's death, but it appears to have been co-opted by Antifa which is only going to sully the original idea and render it invalid. Regardless, several posts on Twitter last night called for it to move to suburban neighborhoods, that would be an absolutely garbage idea if their intent is to hurt the idea of authoritative power, attacking innocent civilians trying to keep themselves safe at home is a complete contradiction to that.

How do you de-escalate a rioting crowd? I think that is the key question here. I doubt there is a right answer.

What will end the riots in the US now? Do people even understand what they are rioting about? I think most were just frustrated by all the other things going on at the moment and this riot just happened at the right time.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: May 30, 2020, 01:18:08 PM »
See Nick, yes you're only at 22, but you also have only 1.3k games played. No one can really fault your rank, Ken has 8k games and what does he have to show for it? He should be 40 if not 45.

Also your Halo 5 stats are significantly better than mine but I don't even have 100 games played.

God forbid someone looks up my record.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: May 30, 2020, 12:14:35 PM »
Ya know I looked up Ken's original Halo 3 service record from from 360 and it's quite sad. I only had 3k games played but I still managed to reach 37 (and would've probably hit 40 if I wasn't rank locked) yet this dude plays 8k games and could only hit 32.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: May 30, 2020, 03:06:52 AM »
Here's your Monkey's Paw Fedorekd. When I get my hands on entertainment/media products Treasure Planet 2 is #3 on my list of things I plan to get done right behind releasing Song of The South in all forms of media possible and killing Marvel Studios.

Ian can you get them to make Treasure Planet 2 for me.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: May 30, 2020, 03:04:51 AM »
Forgive me if the quotations end up messy, I don't normally reply below quotes.

They technically aren't. But they are slowed almost to the point that it's not possible, as I explained, the barriers that exist for a poor person compared to an extravagantly wealthy one are different and designed for to generate failure for one side of the coin.
I wont say there aren't barriers for entry because there certainly is. One day I'd like to try for a public office but income is certainly a big gate in my way, but I also feel that it isn't the impossible hurdle other people (not necessarily you) make it out to be.

This examples is moot because housing should be considered an essential access point for all human beings. And if it's classified as essential, it shouldn't be bottom of the barrel shit. You shouldn't have to run hoops to land "average" housing at best.
Yes I believe housing is a necessity, I guess my wording is poor. If one has the income to afford better housing I see no reason why they shouldn't go for it.

Money should not be a relevant factor in what education you should be able to access. Your ability to access education should be based off your actual ability to learn in your field. This is a moot point for having wealth.
True, education should be free to obtain, especially if you're producing good grades. Scholarships & grants help tremendously with this. What I mean though is that the money you invest in your own education can be multiplied later down the road; it doesn't even have to be college/technical school either. I mentioned in another thread how I wanted to take clarinet lessons, if I did that and wound up making money from playing the clarinet, it's the same result albeit probably on a lower scale.

Exactly. Do you see the point of failure in this scenario? If the only incentive for a CEO or for somebody, anybody, to do something because they acquire wealth of income is wealth of income alone, then it's an entirely pointless existence and exercise. Society as it exists today is not founded on what we as human beings desire or need to grow, but instead a lure that we hope grants us access to certain doorways to a better life, as well as fundamental to daily survival. This is an incorrect mode of operation.

The only actual reason to do anything, especially a job, should be for the sake of a job or task itself, and achieving the highest quality that you are able to. Requiring a crutch to bait you along into doing work you don't really want to do, for the sake of earning something that's made necessary for survival is a morally shit move and it's totally redundant. Imagine for a second if I operated on your point of logic.

Why should I bother getting up in the morning and going to do my job if the pay's not good enough when my body is falling apart? Why should I bother having compassion for human beings around me if I'm not getting paid for it? Why should I do anything at all if I don't get paid for it? Much of existence can be a pain in the ass, so why am I not being paid for it?
When you say what is necessary to grow, do you mean collectively as a species or individually? Regardless at the end of the day, someone's goal in life should be their own endeavor and that it should be what they want that makes them happy. If someone wants to become an astronaut, they're going to need a lot of studying and training on their part, but at the same time, a lot goes into making such a thing possible other than the individuals drive and money is the easiest way to obtain what's necessary for it.

I will agree that money/income is obsessed a little too much, but at the same time it's a convenient tool to help us procure not only goods & services but necessities for survival as well. Such basic necessities (at least in the first world) are also incredibly inexpensive, an average bag of potatoes is $5 and if you don't like a certain brand, then good news there's five other brands you may prefer with a marginally higher/lower price point, all still inexpensive. But securing wealth/money isn't just for you. Most of us want to start a family and maybe raise a kid, children are expensive but more so if you want to give them the things you were unable to have in life. I don't think there's anybody that would argue that it's wrong to want to raise your kids in an environment better than your own; there's probably very few people in the world (if any) that live in a manner that is completely satisfactory and they wouldn't want something better for their children.

As for drive, there's probably more to it than just money but that helps us get what we really want. I want a really really nice house for myself, and to afford several different really expensive hobbies. Well I'm gonna need money for that and getting a job and then moving onto higher positions is the one of the easier ways to getting the money for those things that I really want. For me personally, I also like the challenge that comes along with it and seeing just how far I can go. Six years ago, I didn't even have a license and I was leeching off my mom while I worked part-time, I had no idea I would even make it this far. That really drove me to see how far I can get if I took my ambition and kicked it into overdrive.

Nowhere did I say that working hard is a meme. Fucking believe me dude I know what working hard is. I spent five years on the streets and homeless and now I'm working double jobs and clocking in at 112 hour work weeks. My house is currently a truck with a truck camper. The amount of effort it's taken to pull myself back from what I came from is very real. I put the time in, and now I'm here. However, a person can work hard and still achieve nothing if they're working in a system that's designed to be counter-intuitive. Our system is designed to be counter intuitive.

These quoted success stories only exist because these people were willing to sacrifice tremendously to get to their level. And this ultimately is the problem. People shouldn't have to sacrifice their timespan, their lifespan, in a grind to achieve even moderate levels of comfort. As a human being, it should be one's responsibility to make the journey for all other lives around yours easier, not difficult. Society at large does not do this in spades.
I didn't say it was you specifically, sorry if you thought I meant you said that. But there is a notion with a lot of people that such a line of thinking is just fantasy. And while there should be a bare-minimum that everyone is entitled to when it comes to necessities like food & shelter, there should be work put in if people want more luxurious standards for themselves. Whether it be from necessity or personal greed, I don't think wanting more when it's available is innately wrong, especially if you put in the effort for it.

And I'll also say some of the ones that advocate for things like "The American Dream" and "Pull yourself up by the bootstraps" are the biggest hypocrites on the matter. President Obama is one of the biggest examples of The American Dream and the Republican right couldn't stand seeing it.

I never said slashing his pay was required. There are many other measures that can and should be taken other than slashing pay. The measures I'm talking about are a total restructuring of how our system operates. A total change in values, morals and what really counts in life.
Like I said, it's not you specifically; but not having an executive with such a huge salary is the quickest band-aid solution for opponents of the current system. I'll just say that things are great but it can always be better, and I think there's a lot in our current system that we take for granted or being completely blind to (such as cheap groceries and financial aid for higher education).

And I do agree that there's a lack of morality but there's even less common sense these days and I'd personally put that as a higher priority.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: May 30, 2020, 01:44:32 AM »
I do have an argument on this post but everything I write on it feels like it's just jargon. If I forget to come back to it, it's not because I refused to reply, it's because I don't know how to articulate it.

why does it need to be inherently wrong in order for it to be wrong in other contexts

what is inherently wrong

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: May 30, 2020, 01:39:25 AM »
How are they not allowed to achieve such status? Nepotism? Being born into a wealthy family and able to start up businesses easier? I wont deny that it's a significant bonus to have either of those things (or both), but at the end of the day, shareholders only want one thing out of their CEO and that's someone who can make growth and there's enough positions/ranks within the ladder for one to go through to learn the ins & outs of the company so that they can produce the same results. All of those positions offer higher pay and the ability to raise your standard of living.

And those positions and pay raises can give you more than just going from a mediocre apartment to a somewhat-nice house, and from going from a sandwich with a juice box for lunch to dine-in restaurant. You can go back to school and earn a degree, invest in stocks to produce some of your own wealth, maybe start a low-risk tiny business just to make a tiny bit more on the side. All of that largely depends on how you spend your money. I'm not blaming any outside factor because I chose to spend my discretionary income on entertainment I felt I deserved instead of going back to college or opening up an investment account, but I also have a savings account I would dump money into every week because I feel being fiscally responsible is a large part of getting ahead in life. I can proudly say I've never went negative in my main checking account and it hasn't been under $1k in over a year (and even with this pandemic crippling my income it still wont dip below $1.5k).

With that being said, if CEOs made shit for a living, what reason is there to even aim for that position? I don't resent my boss's boss's boss's boss because he makes six figures, especially considering he started out hourly like I did. People like to say the dream of working hard and succeeding in life because of it is just a meme and they'll drown out any evidence of someone doing so; Here's one of the people from my company doing it. Honestly, the pay is probably the only incentive to ever become a CEO anyways. Their daily grind isn't glamorous in the slightest. Who wants to work 60-70 hours a week (including weekends) on six hours of sleep with constant pressure from shareholders to make growth and all you get is mediocre pay? Nobody would volunteer for the job, let alone strive for it; and shareholders will have you removed if you just ride the wave and not produce higher results.

I'm not arguing that hourly entry-level workers shouldn't be paid a living wage, they most certainly should. But when you have a corporate business with thousands of people, slashing the millionaire's pay just to give more to all the entry-workers amounts to what? An extra $100 every year for each employee while they all see that their higher ups actually lose pay for doing a pain in the ass job? When that guy quits because the stress/workload amounts to less pay, who's going to want to replace him? No one thinks that the entry-level positions don't deserve to live comfortably, but the idea that a CEO just sits on their asses all day and makes crazy money for no reason is just objectively untrue.*

*Edit: The last sentence somehow got into the middle of your post, so I moved it to where it should have been.

I'd say that there's nothing wrong with making x amount of money that the ceo's make. Where things go wrong however is that regular average joes aren't allowed to achieve this status due to the nature of the roadblocks placed in their way by institutions in the government and corporate behemoths. There's too many drainage points for an average joe to contend with on their income levels, whereas the board becomes stacked in the favor of upper end ceo's who can generate so much income that they can never lose. They get tax breaks, insurance, and legal loopholes that average normies don't get.

And then we run into the issue of what x amount of money accomplishes in our society. Buyouts. Having some potential  troubles come your way that might put a dent in your business or actually establish some form of moral obligation? Simply invest your unlimited income in the right direction and you can buy out government officials and organizations.

Once again, I say that it's not the level of income that matters, it's the disparity between top and bottom, and more importantly, how this money is invested. Most of the money generated is only going to be invested into what will generate more monetary gain for these corporations. Instead of actually using their wealth to accomplish anything of note in our world, perhaps helping to make it a better place and fix large issues that we're faced with, they squander it on generating a bigger fictitious number we all somehow apparently agreed to abide by and borderline worship as our mythological god. This becomes a massive problem when they own the board game that is the economy. It holds us back as a species and wastes everybody's precious time.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: May 29, 2020, 08:28:34 PM »
What the fuck is your problem dude? Jesus Christ you're unbelievable.

Is lil wagie still talking? Don't worry, I'm sure the mouse will allow you those extra dollars for overtime. Massa mouse treats us goods. Wese a good slave for massa.

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