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Messages - Ian

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Serious / Re: Trump vs Hillary, Presidential Debate 2016. HERE WE GO LADS.
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:04:13 PM »
Trump is then multi-colored. Oh shit...

Nope. The color of the pills being delivered corresponds directly to our respective candidates' choice of dress.

Serious / Re: Trump vs Hillary, Presidential Debate 2016. HERE WE GO LADS.
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:00:26 PM »
Lol WTF?! "I ignored these people so I could prepare to say I'm prepared."

Serious / Re: Trump vs Hillary, Presidential Debate 2016. HERE WE GO LADS.
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:57:02 PM »
Both of them dodged the issue on the fact that black people are actually the #1 killer of black people, at least Trump tried to imply it with Law and Order (special victims unit).

Serious / Re: Trump vs Hillary, Presidential Debate 2016. HERE WE GO LADS.
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:24:07 PM »
It's hard to find a news outlet other than FOX that isn't biased towards Clinton, Google/Youtube is one the worst even if the channel isn't a part of their corporate network.

The Flood / Re: Explored an abandoned church today.
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:15:28 AM »
So this one was deserted because of a new one? Why is it so trashed then?

The Flood / Re: Always Remember
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:20:55 PM »
God's* not dead.

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread
« on: September 24, 2016, 08:25:14 PM »

The Flood / Re: who's cuter
« on: September 21, 2016, 10:34:57 PM »
You take criticism of your appearance way too hard. You look fine, significantly better than me if I say so.

sod off

Gaming / Re: What would be the game of the decade?
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:54:23 PM »
I'd agree with you, I'm still butthurt that it killed StarCraft.

ill cast a vote for literally the most popular game of all time, league of legends

salt incoming?

« on: September 21, 2016, 08:39:03 PM »
He's 100% right. Fat is flavor, and what's worse is the US government is (((subtly))) trying to imply skim milk is somehow a normal part of every person's diet.

Don't believe me? Look up the nutrition facts and calorie intakes on your cereal box. What's that additional thing they add that increases your calorie intake with what you add to cereal? Skim milk. Where's 1%, 2%, or whole milk? When you take fat out of milk and you keep the amount of milk per gallon, you're replacing it with something else. Yeah you took the fat out of that low fat cupcake but you've replaced it with so much sugar that you're one step closer to diabetes and your metabolism has slowed down even further, resulting in your weight gain.

Fucking idiots I swear. If people stopped treating words like boogeymen, we'd all be a lot smarter.

The Flood / Re: YouTube announces the next step of its censorship program
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:30:38 PM »
We should get Mister Metokur to be a Youtube Hero.

Serious / Re: Hillary canceling public appearances
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:15:40 PM »
The DON will pulverize everyone in the room.

Are you all ready to watch her crumble mid-debate?

It's a response like this that makes people want to pirate illegally. Why pay anything if they can't pay cheaply and they're not going to get what they deem is money's worth out of it while also having a hostile community? Numerically speaking, paying for an entire album for a single track doesn't make sense and that's the point I'm getting across.

Also, I Googled why album sales are down, and the first thing that came up was an article on how both album and track sales are down and how the streaming business is booming. It seems to me like your anger is misdirected.

Only because of people like you.

Serious / Re: Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:08:05 PM »
We have (by far) the largest military in the world, one of the most robust volunteer agencies in the world through the Peace Corps, and are home to some of the larger charitable organizations in the world (Not including the Catholic Church). Yes, resources and manpower is going to finite. However, that isn't to say that we aren't one of the best equipped to actually assist nations that are in need.

Not to mention we often conduct assistance alongside countries who, like us, have similar abilities in terms of military and volunteer manpower.
The needs of the people in the Middle East are not nearly equivalent to the needs of people in, say, Honduras. One requires aid that is more military based, while the other is much more humanitarian.

And again, I'll repeat that the government of the United States is massive - the point where hundreds (if not thousands) can be focused on various issues at any given moment. That's the beauty of bureaucracy.

We are mostly involved with the Middle East because it affects our people and not the people in the country. We wouldn't do anything with military forces if it didn't affect our citizens. It's why we only give humanitarian aid in Africa to feed starving children and why we don't waste military might on stopping African warlords from savagely killing each other every other Tuesday.

Nowhere did I say that the issues in the Middle East should be ignored, nor do I believe anyone else in this thread did.

I never said anyone in this thread did, I said Obama did. The whole argument was brought up from:

As well as his push to pivot America from the Middle East to the Pacific Asia region. With his push to try to get the nation to give more attention to areas like Africa and the Latin America.

If we are so massive and omnipresent we have no reason to avert attention away from the Middle East. Either it is as you say and we have the resources to be able to focus on multiple areas at once or we don't and we need to make a hierarchy of what we must focus on. What you're saying is in conflict with what Obama is doing according to what OP and the article are stating.

The problem though is that while I may really like a song, I'm not going to spend money on several tracks just to listen to one. When Eorzean Frontiers came out on iTunes, I only wanted one track out of it but it was Album Only on iTunes. I just didn't buy the album at all. I didn't pirate it either (didn't think it was worth the hassle), but I really wanted to. They would've made some money if they just let me buy the individual song. And unlike me, there are many people out their with enough resentment to illegally download a track if they're put in a similar situation.

And once again, I can't stress this enough: Artist's willingly give Apple the rights to sell their tracks like this on iTunes.

Singles almost always come out before the full album.
Artists choose the song they want you to hear and start selling it early to get people excited about the rest of the album.

Yet these artists are CHOOSING to have their tracks be sold individually with iTunes. They're not being forced to have this situation on them. If the artist really cared that much they can just deny letting Apple sell their work.

Really, my 2 cents is that albums should be listened to as a whole piece, at least most of the time. If an artist release a single they want you to just hear that song. I like adhering to their original intentions.

It was a trick question. I understand the fact that before iTunes exploded in popularity, you still had to wait for an album in order to get a single on your personal player. Regardless, your answer of an artist releasing it as a single doesn't help your point. I'm not seeing artist after artist losing money in mass over being able to purchase individual tracks. Apple is a middleman, if artists are losing money via people being able to just buy individual tracks they should come up with other alternatives that aren't going to be a hassle for casual individuals such as myself where I don't want to buy a collection and only get my money's worth out of one song.

You really don't know what a single is?

How is Costanza dead? People still post him over Oliver.

Serious / Re: Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:32:55 PM »
Simply because we only discuss problems in Country A does not mean there aren't issues in Countries B-Z that impact us. Yes, it may be less of an impact because we don't share a land border with them, but to say "There's no strife because no one talks about it!" is, to be blunt, stupid.
Or you could just spent ten minutes doing research on the Internet, studying aid efforts going on to assist, etc.
What is "Multi-tasking" for $1,000, Alex?

You do realize that our government doesn't all operate with eyes on one objective, correct? That the various branches of government are divided up to focus on multiple issues at the same time.

We don't have unlimited resources and manpower, surely you understand that. It's a pipe dream to say that we can devote our attention equally to every problem in the world. Regardless of what you think, immediate threats to us like the Middle East and ISIS are objectively more deserving of our government's concern than whatever is going on in Central and South America that's affecting them first before it affects us.

Sure, Chile and Brazil don't need our help (And even that notion is questionable).

Chile and Brazil aren't the only Latin American countries though. And once again, to stick your fingers in your ear and say the problem impacting nations to our south isn't affecting us is asinine.

I'm throwing our random Latin countries as examples. Nor am I sticking my fingers in my ears and ignoring it. I'm saying the idea that we should abandon a very real threat to us for something that isn't immediately impacting us is what's asinine. That's like saying I should ignore the guy pointing a gun to me just because I have skin cancer.

And how did you get Singles before iTunes was a thing?

If an artist wants you to buy a single track, they'll release it as a single.

The Flood / Re: Which serial killer most reminds you of yourself?
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:06:16 PM »
Isn't he the guy that got beaten to death with a broomstick in prison?

EDIT: Never mind, Jeffery Dhamer is who I was thinking of Dan, Dan just posted him.

How is it degeneracy? If an artist chooses to let you buy individual tracks why is that a problem?

You shouldn't have the option to only buy a fraction of it, it's a practice in degeneracy.

iTunes has to get the rights to sell the song though, so its not like the artists are being robbed by Apple. Fans of the artist will continue buying the album while people who only find one song catchy no longer have to spend money on an entire album only to enjoy 1/10 of it.

And what about foreign music? Should I really have to import an entire CD because my niche music isn't licensed in the US? I still do depending on what it is (Such as the Eva tracks) but I run into the same problem I run with artists here in the US, I'm paying more for less only now it's compounded with import fees.

I'd also argue the music that's being made is the art form, not its distribution.

It's about making sure that artists are properly compensated, and that the art form isn't destroyed.

That's why Prince released CDs as a single track, so people couldn't skip around and only listen to a specific part.

You don't deserve to listen to a song if you didn't get the album.

The Flood / Re: Harambe jokes are racist you white fuckheads
« on: September 21, 2016, 05:31:51 PM »
“Harambe” is also the name of a specific floor on UMass’s campus that’s been set aside for black students looking to live within a black community in a predominantly white school.

Wow, I was laughing hard up until this point. What the fuck is the point of diversity and integration if you're just going to segregate yourself?

Anyways, now I'm just going to post Harambe memes twice as much.

I don't think Apple should be blamed when those companies refused to adapt to a changing market. iTunes is not the only distributor of single tracks. I would still like my question answered: What sense does it make for me to spend more than eight-ten bucks for an album of an artist that I don't know about when I only want one track?

I literally just said iTunes is evil because it allows people to buy individual songs, how can your counterargument be "it lets me buy individual songs"

It's iTunes' fault that Tower Records and Hastings are out of business,

If you ever buy just one song instead of the whole album, you're a terrible person.

I still buy CD's depending on what it is. I bought the physical copy of every FFXIV OST from Square Enix but when it comes to an individual song, it doesn't make sense to buy an entire CD for a single track when I can just get the one song I want for literally a dollar. Also if I'm buying a disc chances are I'm going to just go get from Amazon so I of course also have to pay for shipping and wait for it to come to me whereas I get the song instantly and save significantly more money.

Also I'm pretty sure iTunes strikes a deal with the artist when they put their songs up for sale on their store. Meaning the artist doesn't lose anything from people purchasing their tracks on iTunes.

They're a tertiary middleman that robs artists and encourages buying only one song from an album, which is detrimental to art, and cuts even further into the earnings of musicians.

If you're going to pay for music, buy CDs.

What's wrong with iTunes?

Why would you ever get anything on iTunes.

The Flood / Re: My dentist will love me
« on: September 21, 2016, 04:51:44 PM »
Are you implying something here by chance?

Yeah, and based on my experience niggers are nasty, smelly, welfare monkeys, but if I say that then I'm a bigot.

The Flood / Re: My dentist will love me
« on: September 21, 2016, 04:51:08 PM »
>I'm a fruity fag for not liking fruity shit

Oh I am laughing.

Dude are you sure you're not gay?

They're pretty catchy. Too bad Naruto's best opening isn't on iTunes.



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