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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 06:41:33 PM »
Wrong, I said they are unaware of the inherent differences between the two. They only know that there are two genders but not the underlying differences between them.

EDIT: And I won't be home till 1am.

You said kids at the age of 4 don't know if they're males or females, your own link proves you wrong.

Whether not they think they can change to the other gender really only proves the point they do indeed know what gender they are, which is the only way they could even begin to have thoughts about changing gender.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:21:38 PM »

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:20:20 PM »
I like how you conveniently don't bring up the part immediately after that says they don't know anything else other than that and how they think they can switch genders at will.

Your link on page 3 said this
Children know by the time they are about three whether they are boys or girls. They can say "I am a boy" or "I am a girl".

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:17:19 PM »
If you followed the train of discussion, what I'm vouching for is nothing but another form of having it stop.

It's the idea that things are taboo that makes people do them. I gave an example of arson, it can be applied to other behaviors, cross dressing being one. Simply put, humans of all ages are less likely to engage is "negative" behavior when the idea of it being taboo isn't there.

Gaara444 desperately trying to justify crossdressing in anime costumes

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:13:54 PM »
Do you have a source on that? I provided a link either last page or the page before stating the opposite.

um yeah actually

kids learn and observe the differences between boys and girls long before they go into kindergarten not during. if a kid cant already tell the difference between a boy and girl, they're already far behind

the only reason the "cooties" thing starts is because at that point they're going into school and spending a lot more time among children of the same and opposite sex

Serious / Re: Which Political Party is Weakest?
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:58:06 PM »
Keep in mind that I'm only registered to the GOP because I wanted to vote in primaries and it was going to be a cold day in Hell before I registered with a party that hates me just for existing.

I'm more than willing to admit the GOP is declining, my issue with this on though was that I was arguing with people that thought the GOP would explode and we'd have this "Golden Age" of a Democrat Party dominating the country for the rest of history. It's why I gave up political discussion two years ago, people were so absolutely unwilling to admit any faults with the Democratic Party.

PSU the only person who would argue the Democratic Party is weaker. Maybe Ian.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:53:14 PM »
At four? No, the average age is five to six. Ya know, when the whole "They have cooties" idea starts.

it is not normal to not recognize the differences in boys and girls at that age

kids are a lot smarter and more observational than you're making them out to be

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 12:43:28 PM »
I don't know why you keep acting like he's magically just going to grow out of it

This issue arose because the boy has a lack of understanding on what boys are suppose to be
And when that happens, you're suppose to tell him and enforce what is expected of each gender

I never said that yelling and using force is appropriate
But putting him in line is not a bad thing

Because it's not magic, it's legitimate science. What proof do you have that cross-dressing at the age of four will turn a child into some sexual degenerate? There is none. It's the stigma that it's taboo that causes any form of deviancy.

He knows he's a boy already, he simply hasn't recognized the differences between them and girls, which is normal at that age. I told you why it will stop naturally but you insist it's all a bunch of strange voodoo magic wgen it's legitimate science.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 12:33:45 PM »
clearly it is, cuz it worked.

no its not

you can rip into someone and still not traumatise them

he yelled at his son. thats what i would call "ripping in to". but there was nothing abusive or traumatic about what he said or how he said it.

You made ZERO mention of the father talking to the son. Just yelling at them and not backing it up with a conversation like you implied is wrong. But since you made it more well known that the father also TALKED to the son, I yield.

Cross-dressing is indicative of some larger issues of the day, that do have negative consequences on soceity and need to be dealt with. A father can only solve the problems of the society within his home, not an entire civilisation. If every father did that we wouldn't have these issues.

How? What issue does it cause? All I would see is people throwing a fit that others wear different type of clothes because it makes THEM feel uncomfortable.


He is not going to have an easy life. His parents make absolutely no money, so there'll be nothing for him to inherent. His mother is weak and his father will die young.

Taking care of his family is his responsibility when the previous generation passes on. And this theme of femininity and weakness being acceptable to the extent that it is within men is just counter-productive to him being capable of that kind of responsibility. The last thing he needs is a mental illness fucking up his priorities.

1. You have a preconceived notion that this behavior would cause his life turmoil. If it was simply in private would life still be difficult? How would anyone know?
2. The idea that cross-dressing will turn the child into a sexual deviant is uneducated and ignorant. It goes against years of psychological research.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:06:45 AM »
He'll know it wont be appropriate when he sees other boys only wearing boys clothes and only girls wearing girls clothes. Children are smarter than we think, they can put two and two together easily. He already knows he's a boy, so he'll catch on pretty quickly that those clothes aren't "for him".

When I worked at Disney Springs, I used to be right outside the Princess Boutique where little girls would get to dress up as princesses with dresses and makeup and other overly-priced nonsense. No one ever batted an eye at the occasional little boy wanting to be Anna or Cinderella, because everyone that took a basic psychology class in high school or college knows that it's just childhood playing. The idea that those boys would grow up to become some transgender, or homosexual, or sexual deviant because of that is downright laughable.

This is not as rare as people seem to think it is, it's pretty common. Common enough that I was able to pull up that link immediately from a simple Google search, and common enough to be taught in Psychology courses. The idea that a four year old playing dress up with girls clothes is going to cause serious sexual consequences is simply uneducated.

Seeing how that article doesn't actually say what the "normal way of growing out of it" is, I'm left to assume you mean social learning

And social learning involves seeing what behaviors are right and wrong
If you just tell him that crossdressing is ok, how is he ever going to know what is appropriate or not

Gaming / Re: PC Gamers?
« on: November 04, 2016, 10:32:50 AM »
CPU: I5 4690
Mobo: Gigabyte Z97X-SLI
Storage: 1 Samsung 250GB SSD, and 2 WD 1TB HDDs

Steam ID is in profile. Should I upgrade to 16GB of RAM? Does it really matter?

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 09:29:17 AM »
He only grows out of it if there's someone there to tell him it's wrong

Or he'll grow out of it the normal way and immediately stop when he begins to develop and understand the fact that boys and girls are inherently different on some form and he'll create distance on his own through the basic practice of sticking with your own kind until he hits puberty.

Cross dressing that most children do

-Children know by the time they are about three whether they are boys or girls. They can say "I am a boy" or "I am a girl".
-A child does not understand until about the age of six that he or she will always be a boy or a girl. Before that children think their sex can be changed.
-It is usual for preschool boys and girls to dress up in clothes of the other sex as a way of trying out what it is like to be a man or a woman, a father or a mother.
-Generally this kind of cross dressing is part of all of the child's play activities, and not any more important to the child than other play, and children later go on to choose to dress like others of their age and gender.

Dressing up in play like this is a healthy way for young children to learn about and think about the world they live in.

but he didnt "damage" the kid at all. he explained to him what he did was wrong and when it was all over the kid genuinely apologised, gave his father a hug and said "i love you dad". 100% good parenting.

fuck you. dont pretend you were there because youre fucked up and want to justify your degeneracy through my nephew.

You didn't mention any of what the father did other than "He ripped him out for it" which we can only ascertain as "Chewing him out for it", Which is never good for any form of behavior the child may be doing, what you're describing now is completely different.

Furthermore, what constitutes as "Degenerate" behavior? I'm not joking anymore like I usually do about degeneracy in the way Das or Chally might. I only see degenerate behavior in something that actually has negative consequences for society, this does not. Does it really matter? Is it really worth raising an alarm? You can still go to McDonald's and buy your chicken paste nuggets, you can still go and get groceries and gas in the morning without worry. Society isn't going to fall apart over this kind of behavior. In what way is it degenerate, does a word so entrenched in personal beliefs and values have any meaning in a collective of differing views like our society? The answer is not really.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 03, 2016, 11:20:27 PM »
You must have missed the second half of my post. If the father really wanted him to stop he could've done it without emotionally damaging the child along with the risk of just having him be a closet cross dresser. There is tons of evidence on why this is a bad parenting style, the entire issue of teen pregnancy is one caused by this kind of parenting, this is taught in basic college psychology, and everyone has some form of anecdotal evidence proving this fact.

Ignoring the fact that there is nothing wrong with wearing the clothes of the opposite gender. The father could have just as easily just sat him down and calmly told him what he was doing, why it would be a problem, and explain the risks of what he's doing for his age. He could have also just waited it out because he's fucking FOUR, he is more than likely going to grow out of it as soon as he enters the "Girls have cooties" stage which is real soon.

I realize both are family to you, but objectively the father is doing way more damage and has no idea what he's doing.

actually 100% the right thing to do

he shouldnt be stealing and wearing women's underwear

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 03, 2016, 07:53:30 PM »
What the father did was wrong. Not just from the standpoint of the fact that it's not really a big deal, but also he's has the possibility of getting an inverse outcome.

When your child starts playing with fire, you try to educate them about the importance of fire calmly, just yelling at them to stop will only make it exciting. That's how arsonists are born, the father is shooting himself in the foot by being so aggressive against it.

did it again today and his dad ripped into him

dont think he'll do it again

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 02:26:22 PM »
Does Hillary not have anything to fire Comey for? He called her extremely careless and basically said everything she did was illegal and that if anyone else did this they'd be in jail. That has stuck with her campaign all the way through, she is just as much likely to fire Comey as Trump is, if not more inclined to.

EDIT: After re-reading my post (I usually don't proofread) I suppose I used vague/loaded wording in my other post, but that doesn't mean that you should jump to conclusions. Third paragraph, last sentence: I said Comey would be fired. It'd be pretty ridiculous if I held the candidates to such an inane double standard.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:41:21 PM »
>It's ridiculous to claim Clinton was responsible for the deaths of people when there was numerous investigations and hearings on the possibility of such a thing being true
>It's not ridiculous to claim Trump would kill somebody when he has no prior record of shady activity that resulted in the deaths of people

Oh I am laffin

I'm not going to entertain the ridiculous Vince Foster or Benghazi memes, if those are what you're alluding to.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:20:53 PM »
The comment about the assassination was mostly a joke, but your idea falls flat with the simple fact that unlike Clinton, Trump doesn't have a kill count.

Hoo boy, two can play at this conspiracy theory game:

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 03, 2016, 11:49:54 AM »
The state department was the one that made the FBI reopen the probe. I made a thread on this a few months ago when Comey's meeting with the House Committee ended. It wasn't his decision, and he's just trying to to damage control so Clinton doesn't have him assassinated.

Regardless, less than a week before the election and all her skeletons are falling out of the closet. I doubt it will do anything to stop the established system from giving her what she rightfully ((("Worked"))) for but this will show just how untrustworthy a person who's spent their entire life in politics is.

"We don't know how it relates or if it does, and the 2,000 emails from before didn't result in a conviction making further numbers pointless, but we just thought we should bring it up again a week before the election."

Hillary's a stinker, but this is just ridiculous.

Gaming / Re: worst part of your favorite games
« on: November 03, 2016, 09:31:34 AM »
I was going to say AR starts period but Valhalla takes the cake since it was a map that had no place being in Team Slayer with a match that only had eight people in it. It wasn't a bad map, just way too big. Still, I'd sooner vote for BR starts on fucking Valhalla or Isolation over AR starts on an actually good map like The Pit or Guardian.

AR starts on Valhalla

Except that isn't what happened. Your link proved yourself wrong; one man in the entire Japanese Official group save for the emperor who had no idea what was going on was the only sensible one out of a bunch of war mongering psychopaths.

its not my fault your terrible reading comprehension led you to the wrong conclusion

You sure were quick to criticize the use of even the first atomic bomb though with a link that even proved my own point.

1) i do not condone the imperialists' actions
2) you're also retarded

An Imperial Japanese apologist shouldn't be saying anything on other people's intelligence.

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 09:03:51 PM »
It must be nice to have a sister that helps with something like that. ;-;

i have a very strict diet and a heavy workout plan given to me by my sister yes. And general care for my skin

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:33:00 PM »
Is that what you do?

Do a workout plan that makes you thinner, squats

Heavy running within the plan

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:31:08 PM »
That only helps a little though.

diets and shaving

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:17:31 PM »
I was on for like half an hour and had no notifications.


Doesn't Jill Stein believe 9/11 was a hoax?

Because he's a fucking idiot?

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 07:59:46 PM »
How would you suggest I trap without having the perfect genes for it like you do?


I think he thinks that way because you don't say anything really negative about her, and when you do it's just a getaway to say something negative about Trump.

Uh, no. I don't. I'm voting for Jill Stein.

The Flood / Re: is liking feminine penis gay?
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:54:17 PM »

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