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Messages - Ian

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Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:26:19 PM »
To me, a good musical wouldn't have to take artistic liberties into account and exaggerate what happened.

Who gives a fucking shit about historical accuracy lmao, you fucking autistic nerd? All that matters is whether it's good or not.

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 06:58:04 PM »
Considering the fact that it's highly inaccurate, my rating for it is still very poor.

Not why I listen to it. Don't shit all over a product because of its producers or fans. Just rate the fucking product itself.

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 06:50:46 PM »
So why do the music writers talk about how it's dedicated to Alexander Hamilton who is one the most important historical figures in US history? They're using something very important as a gimmick to capture an audience that normally couldn't care less about history (you even said so right below this response). I don't hate the musical, but I do hate how there's a huge number of people listening to it that go "Wow I never knew history was so cool!" or even worse "I'm such a history buff lol!" but couldn't point out any of the discrepancies in the actual songs (Such as Schuyler knowing Benjamin Franklin but having FUCK ALL to do with key/kite experiment).

I don't give a fuck about history, and that's not the purpose of Hamilton. It's just an entertaining, gripping musical.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 19, 2016, 06:43:37 PM »
*Everything in this post in intended to be read with the image of a smug pepe*

They've cost this country so much,

Such as?
republicans are the reaction to intelligence and critical thinking.

What counts as intelligent thinking to you? Gingrich teaches history at a prestigious university, and he's a Republican. Somehow I don't feel as though he's dumb.

They're the anti intellectual portion of the population

Yes, that explains why they're all rich and powerful. Even if you were to say they're scumbags for their means of getting rich and powerful, they're surely intelligent enough to not worry about morals on their quest to making THEIR lives better.

who wants to jerk off to simplicity and familiarity

Says who?

They deserve to have their face bashed in by mike tyson.

Funny how someone who can't capitalize people's names in sentences is arguing the intelligence of people who are vastly more rich and powerful than he is.

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 05:52:05 PM »
History was always bad ass. If someone needs fucking new age rap music to make them realize that, they might have an education problem.

Hamilton is the best musical ever

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:12:55 PM »
Regardless whether or not they're correct, Hamilton is still trash that pretends to care about history.

Because they push the OPEN WORLD meme so hard it limits them in every other capacity.

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:29:53 AM »
Spam thread? Spam thread.

The Flood / Re: Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:37:20 PM »
As videos, images, and audio files get more intricate, the need for bigger and bigger RAM will inevitable increase, and there are a good number of people who choose to do video editing on an Apple. Even if 16GB isn't needed now, when it ultimately is needed we go back to Apple's #1 issue: forcing obsolescence. In the situation of a PC, all you gotta do is turn off your computer, open it up, swap the RAM, and you're good to go. Apple unfortunately doesn't work that way, you are forced to buy a brand new (probably $500-$1500 price range) computer to get a hardware upgrade that maybe might cost $200 at most.

They have a point with the RAM though. Even most PC users -- including gamers -- don't ever need more than 8GB let alone 16GB (most do simply to future-proof and because RAM is dirt cheap). And nobody is gonna try to run AutoCAD on a fucking Apple notebook.

The Flood / Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:42:03 PM »

I've argued before on here about why no one should ever bother buying an Apple product that isn't a tablet, phone, or small media player of some variety (and even then I always argued they are not the best at these types either), and there have been some that always gave comments against what I've been preaching. Comments such as "Non-Apple notebooks don't have what I need" or that "PCs don't offer that much more of an improvement for what I'm doing." however if at any point you find yourself doing more than just writing essays/papers on a computer, indeed a PC objectively WILL perform better in every regard and at a much lower price point too.

This video goes on to explain more problems with Apple as of late. For those too lazy to watch, the point is that Apple refuses to add more than 16GB of RAM to their new Notebook series, stating that it would draw too much power and that the audience they're advertising for "Doesn't need any more". Some takeaway points from this video is:

-If you are doing anything that would require 16GB of RAM (Video editing, image manipulating, etc.), than having more would only be a benefit to the consumer as it allows them to tackle bigger projects for the same price.
-Every test on other notebooks which allows for switching out different RAMs showed the difference in power usage is insignificant to non-existent.

The biggest issue in the third point which I drew out from the other two because of how major it is and shows how bad of a company Apple is.

-Apple literally GLUES their battery and hardware onto the Notebook board, preventing replacement hardware for a failing Notebook.

The tester in this video along with colleagues developed a few theories as to why this was the case, but the last theory is the only logical choice, to force obsolescence and require consumers to purchase a new notebook when their current one fails in any regard. This is hardly news coming from Apple, not being able to get the new OS on an older product has always been an issue that has stuck with them, only now it's going to both software side AND hardware side. Even with the vehement responses against MS with Windows 10, you could always swap out your older OS on an older computer for the new one provided its hardware could handle it, which the previous generation almost always could (Vista was an issue where people were trying to install on computers that were released back in the W95 days).

This entire problem Apple has created all of course boils down to another issue altogether: Who the fuck doesn't take their charger with them just in case?

TL;DR: Apple limits their hardware and intentionally manipulates it so that consumers are left with an overpriced limited computer that requires them to buy a brand new one as soon as it fails.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:36:31 AM »
Can you give me a full list of changes Halo 4's TU brought? I didn't notice as much sweeping chances as Reach had.

Pre TU was more than a fucking abomination (Fuck Meltdown especialy, whoever designed that map deserves to spend the rest of there life in Gitmo; The person who made the BR 5 bursts to kill too). Post TU it's pretty great and the game's story is still the best in the series (barring any of the books maybe)

Serious / Re: Jon Stewart is a smart man.
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:33:48 AM »
He was only correct near the end of the video when it came to the radical left making monoliths out of everything.

Trump has explained numerous times what he means by Making America Great Again and it was indeed the competition. He outright said it in his speech where he was announcing his candidacy: "We don't have Victories anymore...." and from certain important standpoints, Trump is right, America has kind of become complacent.

But Jon is wrong about our founding as a country being very multicultural, unless he back pedals and is willing to admit the term white is very broad on a number of ethnic people ("Irish need not apply" is something the left has a hard time remembering). We only became very much multi-ethnic near the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth and even then it was heavily restrictive. And it was those restrictions that allowed the country to prosper because we could focus on more important things, like a crippling depression and two world wars. We didn't have the time to worry about being "accepting" to other people's cultures when they come in; they either assimilated and only brought what would be beneficial to the country or they went back to where they came.

I really hope this reflection is sincere even if it's all for naught. The identity politics will wage on, and while the radical right was significant in helping create it, it's the radical left that intends to keep it alive for eternity.

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:19:21 AM »
I'm inching ever so closer to Marty. Even if it's slow, it WILL happen; I was Fabled on B.old, 14k in a cakewalk.

The Flood / Re: Gender equal snow ploughing
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:18:28 AM »
Can Sweden hurry up and implode on itself so we can make an example for the rest of the civilized world?

But there's a lot of EU material that doesn't conflict with any of the new stuff that Disney is adding. They could still have new Thrawn without the Thrawn trilogy and still have Outbound Flight be canon for example. Same with KOTOR and other material from Pre-Clone Wars era since Disney wants to move forward in the timeline, not backwards.

But they aren't saying "Okay, Thrawn's story is canon, but only the parts we want." None of what happened in the Thrawn trilogy is canon. They're re-introducing his character entirely to make it less of a jumbled mess to incorporate him into the story. Yes, he behaves like the Thrawn fans know and love, and he looks the same, but it would have been nonsensical to try to specify that random pieces of canon were true, while others weren't.

What happens if you want to keep Kyle Katarn canon? Then you'd have to make the Jedi Academy games canon, along with any other tangential references included in whatever media Kyle appeared in. Otherwise, you'd have a story filled with both canon and non-canon elements, and that obviously makes no sense. So, the reasonable thing to do is just wipe that character's slate clean, and start from the beginning.

Isn't that what they're essentially doing with Thrawn though?

Can you blame them, though? Arbitrarily picking random parts of old EU media to stay canon would probably result in a messy, confusing story. I'm sure a lot of the EU referenced things that happened in other EU sources and in what Disney would have preferred remained canon, so it made sense that they wiped the slate clean except for The Clone Wars, the films, and any comics released after the rights were given to them.

Disney hasn't made their own sources on the applications of lightsabers, so Legends is the best we have until then.

Disney really shot themselves in the foot with that rule on what's canon. We had books dedicated to how a fucking Star Destroyer's day to day operations went and the practicality of them, and Disney is all like "Nope! Non-canon now!" without giving anything to fill in the gaps they created.

Legends material doesn't real anymore though


The typical lightsaber hilt consisted of a metal cylinder between twenty-four and thirty centimeters in length.[4] However, the size of individuals hilts varied drastically, as the weapon was tailored to the creator's specific needs and preferences. The hilt had a pommel cap at the bottom which sometimes held a backup power cell. The lightsaber mechanisms were contained within the hilt. High levels of energy generated by a high-output Diatium power cell was unleashed through a series of focusing lenses and energizers that converted the energy into plasma.[37] The plasma was projected through a set of lightsaber crystals that lent the blade its properties and allowed for the adjustment of blade length and power output. The ideal number of crystals was three, though only one was required.[4] A power insulator was installed on the hilt to protect the wielder from any energy discharges.[38] Activating the lightsaber usually required a button of some sort.[3] A blade power adjustment knob was sometimes installed to allow the wielder to vary the power of the blade.[39] A discharge energy cell could also be installed to increase a lightsaber's power output.[19]

Once focused by the crystals, the plasma was sent through a series of field energizers and modulation circuitry within the emitter matrix that further focused it, making it into a coherent beam of energy that was projected from the blade emitter.[40] The blade typically extended about a meter before being arced by the blade containment field back to a negatively charged fissure ringing the emitter, where it was channeled back to the power cell by a superconductor, completing the circuit. This containment field also caused the blades to make contact with other lightsabers blades without passing through like other forms of energy. This trait is seen when lightsaber wielders can block and parry other lightsaber blades.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:47:16 AM »
This was actually a hypocritical concern from the fans though as they bitched SO MUCH about AR sprays and beat downs in H3.

Damage Bleed Through Shielding[edit]
Unlike previous Halo games, Halo: Reach did not possess the ability for conventional attacks, mainly melee attacks, to go through a small amount of shielding and inflict damage on a player's health meter. For example, the DMR breaks energy shielding with four shots. Firing three shots at an opponent and following up with a melee attack would only result in a player with no shielding, but full health.
The TU brought back the ability for players to inflict damage through a small amount of shielding. In the situation from above, three DMR shots and a melee would kill a player.
While bleed-through has little effect on standard DMR duels, bleed-through increased the potency of the Needle Rifle and Pistol, reducing the minimum kill shots to six for the Needle Rifle and four for the pistol (until the December update).

Septagon / Re: I've been told that the servers have moved from Utah
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:32:31 PM »
Lolis are cancer.

Y'all some NAP violatin liberal cock suckers an shit, tryina keep the good lolis down and opressed

Verb has more salt than the Pacific.

The Flood / Re: *******ANIME MEGATHREAD********
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:58:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:39:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:35:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: $18 haircut
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:35:05 PM »
With the tip I spend about 16 bucks every three-four months.

Septagon / Re: I've been told that the servers have moved from Utah
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:33:48 PM »
Formal petition to keep them banned

Sign below:

Iberian Husky

The Flood / Re: I'm finally Mythic
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:30:22 PM »
Is your avatar you?

Trap avatar not allowed

The Flood / Re: Anyone else notice how they've made Rohan
« on: November 14, 2016, 10:21:24 AM »
Everything about Jojo's story including the action and dialogue is intentionally over the top. The creator uses art styles from pretty much everywhere else except Japan and likes to use western music for the anime.

Really? I'm pretty sure it's one of the most weebish things I've ever seen.

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