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Messages - Ian

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« on: November 26, 2016, 10:42:51 AM »
Can't wait to see all the dipshit first world Marxists feel sad over this despite never knowing how shitty it is  to live under a communist regime

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 10:35:08 AM »
The Stitch ride is going seasonal and while they haven't outright said his Meet & Greet at breakfasts is going away, they said that his presence at the resort is being phased out for Moana, which includes his character meets.


fuck off are they getting rid of lilo and stitch

Canada never seemed like a country that was continuously trying to increase its sphere of influence though.

Fine faggot, Canada then. And don't tell me that Canada wouldnt have some sweet ass territory to gain out if it.

Why can Trump make campaign statements, retract them but Hillary can't?

What reason does she have to retract it? Obama isn't doing anything because it's too late in his term for it to be completed, with how close Hillary was to him, the chances of her NOT doing it was significantly low.

And if the US wants a political solution that only wants Assad out, there's two problems here.

1. Why even consider a military strategy such as a no fly zone?
2. What makes the US think the people under Assad will be any better under a different head?

I did post a response, you dodged the issue I brought up. Keep in mind whatever response you give, I'm at work, and I'm not texting a full length discussion on it.

Would you like to respond to any of the points I made or are you just going to ignore the mountains of evidence against Assad?

England isn't right next door to us, nor would it have had any benefits in doing so. These are not even close to the same circumstances.

I guess England should have invaded America during the Civil War then

>You're not Anti-Russia so therefore wrong.

Okay McCarthy.

When it comes to retards that have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, you really are in the top 3.

Even if this is true, Assad is still the lesser evil. This is Iraq all over again, you topple Assad, then what? With IS and the Rebels in the immediate area does the US think it can install a puppet state that will blindly kiss their feet? Pffffft.

When it comes to that festering shit hole you call the Middle East on the map, there's always something worse just waiting around the corner. The US intervening will not solve any problems, what reason do the Syrians have to believe the US? Because every attempt the US has made to topple and undermine a foreign power has worked out in the past right?

This guy is one of the most brutal dictators in modern history.

A sovereign nation that was falling apart, Russia ended the conflict quicker than it would have without it. And what does everyone else do? Embargo Russia so that the Russian people starve, keep in mind that the Russian people now include the Crimean citizens the rest of the world is trying to "Save".

Fucking idiots.

Russia has interests in Syria because they are allies, because it's the only thing keeping Russia from being on the brink of an economic collapse. The US has NO reason for being involved in Syria, other than that they're very Anti-Russian and they don't want Russia to escape the economic punishment that was unjustly instilled on them.

Yes, the answer to a defensive missile grid is to invade a sovereign nation.

I'm very Pro-American because an allied US with Russia will help with the Anglo-Sphere along with the UK and a slumbering Germany/France/Scandinavia that must wake up.

However Obama/Clinton and the current administration is determined to prevent this from occurring at all costs. Including triggering an international military conflict and trying to scapegoat Russia who has been pushed back repeatedly simply for existing. Didn't want Crimea to happen? Maybe NATO shouldn't have gone back on their word of "We wont move missile defenses an inch closer to your border. :^)"

Wow, didn't think Ian was one of the "Russia did nothing wrong" crowd

Trump campaigned against Obamacare and look what happened there. If you think America would go to all out war over Syria you're just silly.

What the flying fuck does Trump's comments over Obamacare have to do with international intervention? You're acting just like the Obama administration was before the election, completely blind to the obvious tension with Russia that they were causing. The US keeps backing them into a corner and you think Russia will just pipe down? Everyone knows that's not fair and it would be worse publicity for the US than it would be for Russia since they did nothing to start it.

One of them is RT so that's bs anyway, the Washington times article states there is no proof just "strong, concrete suspicions" they mention concrete but it's still a suspicion. On the other hand shortly after the attack happened in 2013 German Intel services listened in on a phone call with a Hezbollah operative and Iran where the former criticised Assads use even though Hezbollah are big supporters of the Regime

>Anti-Russian news sources claim Russia's allies are the true terrorists

Who would've thought. Even if this is true, Assad is still the lesser evil. This is Iraq all over again, you topple Assad, then what? With IS and the Rebels in the immediate area does the US think it can install a puppet state that will blindly kiss their feet? Pffffft.

Obama, Erdogan, Hollande all previously spoke about a NFZ no one did it because it means war with Russia I don't see why it would be any different with Clinton.

Obama is a fucking pussy who half-asses everything on international military concerns. Clinton went out of her way during her campaign to advocate for it in an effort to "punish" Russia just for supporting their ally.

IS and rebels are very easy to distinguish actually since IS doesn't accept the presence of any other groups in its territory, they force them to pledge allegiance and join them or they fight them. Also the rebel fighter eating an organ happened once, Assad's gas attack hurt thousands.

There's two links in this thread showing the rebels are the ones using the chemical weapons. Of course only US news will say it's Assad because anything else would be a "Pro-Russian-Ally". The current US administration wants a war with Russia so fucking bad when Russia has done nothing to instigate it.

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 26, 2016, 04:26:09 AM »
Ironically, I was just reading Cold War era stuff yesterday.

I'm not really sad though, hopefully this opens the door for better US-Cuban relations.

Now you're getting it.

yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!

The Flood / Re: Degenerate Thanksgiving
« on: November 25, 2016, 08:52:27 PM »
You look fine other than the lower lip looking a little too big.

Now I'm thinking of that one detective show with the southern old lady with fuck huge lips, fuck that show pissed me off.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 25, 2016, 08:48:51 PM »
I'm really on the fence about seeing it.

On one hand it's a Disney movie, and a Disney movie getting rave reviews, I really want to see it. On the other hand, I'm incredibly fucking bitter and spiteful about Lilo And Stitch getting the shaft and being phased out of all the Polynesian stuff here at WDW, especially since it's all Stitch has. I only got to visit him for character breakfast once and knowing my schedule, I probably wont see him again before he's replaced by some fat tan dude with a bunch of tattoos and a grass skirt.

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?

ISIS and Rebels are impossible to distinguish, I guess that's intentional on ISIS's part but it's regardless they're both enemies of Syria's state which Russia is allies with. Both ISIS and the Rebels are awful, we're talking about leaders eating the hearts of their fucking dead enemies. Oh but mean old Assad is accused of using chemical weapons when, oh look, it was the Rebels all along.

Russia is not in the wrong here.

They should. Otherwise we should attack Russia. They're bombing Syrians indiscriminately.

>Implying Russia would back down to a No Fly Zone in the region of one of their allies that they're heavily involved in.

The US is the aggressor here, there's no argument to this.


The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 07:11:27 PM »
TPM was better than AotC

TPM got better as soon as they left Tatooine, but the first half is just painfully boring. Another problem is the group we get halfway through the movie felt forced. In IV the group comes together out of pure choice (except for Leia), and they grow together because of their choices. In TPM they're just kind of awkwardly forced together. AoTC is much better since there's already established connections between characters, even if we don't see it. Also a lot of the political jargon is toned down making it more mysterious than a slog having to listen to (until you learn all the secrets are bullshit involving a character we never see).

So can Barney the Dinosaur.

Come now Verb, you're intentionally not being fair. That's a kids show, it's not meant to appeal to everyone.

It's incredibly dubious that Russia actually cheated our election. Their obsession with Not-Clinton is simply out of not wanting to go to war with us, which she would have caused. In the event that it did however occur, chances are it would go to SCOTUS who would probably determine the winner, which would just give it back to Trump since Clinton has ceded the election. This was the case in 2000, Gore could've continued fighting for FL, but he ceded leaving Bush the only candidate left and thus the certified winner.

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 06:59:24 PM »
The people at The Library of Congress don't get elected.

Empire is important because it's a timeless space opera that can be understood regardless of what age or time period you watch it in. The Prequels are only popular with people because "Dude Bush parallels lmao".

That means fuck all. It's a sympathy vote.

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 06:52:27 PM »

In 2010, the film was selected for preservation in the United States' National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant."

no it will literally only be remembered for the "i am your father" line

the prequels were better

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 06:03:42 PM »
Empire will be preserved and remembered for being culturally, aesthetically, and historically significant. AoTC will not, it was a bad movie, not Phantom Menace bad but still bad.

I know, it just makes me right.

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:41:15 PM »
Being a contrarian doesn't automatically make you cool.

Still better than Empire.

The Flood / Re: As godawful as Attack of the Clones, and Halo 5 are...
« on: November 25, 2016, 12:55:10 PM »
>Plot Holes The Movie

Pick one.

AotC was a good movie you fucking retard.

Gaming / Re: How did Locke's punch crack the MC''s visor?
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:45:13 AM »
The Answer: Dude Spartans lmao

The Flood / Re: Yet another Death Star hurray
« on: November 25, 2016, 04:42:30 AM »
Lol you're crazy if you think Star Wars was going to get more creative than that, even the EU recycles the super weapon. Need I even mention the Galaxy Gun?

When I was younger, I dreamed of new Star Wars films that would provide interesting and exciting stories and characters that would generate new awe and wonder from the audiences.

Gaming / Re: I have a Halo 3 question
« on: November 24, 2016, 06:10:06 PM »
I'm still pissed 343 never released the other armor options in Reach. The image in the defiant map pack montage was TOTALLY a different helmet 343 and no amount of saying it wasn't isn't going to make me believe it.

And yet teachers and school administrators will do nothing and still demand students simply study more while they go and make newer, shittier versions of note taking to force on students because that's easier than adopting a legitimate practice that will actually benefit the student.

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