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Messages - Ian

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Serious / Re: Moral Machine
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:41:09 PM »
I started laughing about half way through it, I'm all like "Pfffffthahahahaha who the fuck cares about a bunch of homeless bums and old people?!"

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:35:19 PM »
I wont deny what actually goes on in my mind though.

I dunno. You fit the bill.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:18:05 PM »
>People still believe in that bullshit study.

Watch out closet-dwelling conservatives!

The Flood / Re: Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:50:35 PM »
I found an image of DAS:

Kill yourselves. Pickles are great

The Flood / Re: Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:36:16 PM »
Pickles are fucking nasty though.

You should get a jar of pickles for occasions like that.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:33:54 PM »
One of the older ladies I work with is all like "JUST GIVE THEM THE PICKLE!" then tells me some story about a sandwich place that normally doesn't give pickles and how some guy just gave away a pickle and they got a whole bunch of positive recognition for it. And I'm like "I'm just going to give them this Mickey plush for free because he forgot his wallet and Disney doesn't give a shit about a $20 plush".


Apologise for it, remove the sign and honour that transaction.
I mean I get it if it's a major fuck up for a few hundred, but when it comes to the small stuff it's better to keep a happy customer (who then returns again) than to kike them out over a few shillings.

The Flood / Re: Is this okay to have as an avatar
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:24:53 PM »
23. “Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’” (Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life, 2008)

What's bad about this one?

The Flood / Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:36:25 PM »
>Black Friday weekend
>Work for Target
>Electronics area
>Fat white autistic manchild comes up to me and asks for a white ps4 controller
>Scan the shelf label
>Out of stock
>"Can you please go check in the back?"
>Tell him we have nothing located in the back, everything's out
>"Ok but can you just double check in the back?"
>Show him my scanner, says out of stock
>"Okay can you please go check?"
>Tell him again in a louder voice we are out of fucking stock
>"Dont lie to me mann can you please check, I wanna speak to your manager"

>2 hours later he returns
>Rings up a PS4
>Asks why he isn't getting a gift card
>Tell him there is only a gift card deal for Xbox
>Tells me to look at the sign
>Walk over to Ps4 display
>Gift card sign there most likely placed by someone else mistakenly
>"I want my gift card, I wanna speak to your manager"
>Manager comes over, told him he can't get a gift card because it's only for the Xbox
>"Then you shouldn't have put the sign there, I want you to give me the gift card deal the Xbox got"
>AP manager finally comes over, tells him no and to stop harassing our staff and fuck off or get kicked out
>Kid waddles his fat ass out the store and never returned

I swear it was one of you, he was incredibly autistic

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 12:30:12 PM »
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

You were being stupid though.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 12:07:41 PM »
I didn't fucking type it in all caps.

Yes, he should. Though apparently he was too focused on "SPACE" and Russia.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:42:45 AM »
The federal government wasn't enforcing bus integration in the southern states that was downright ignoring the law. Shouldn't have Kennedy brought the hammer down on bus integration in the southern states that refused to obey federal law?

How do you figure?

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:22:01 AM »
Don't you think if Kennedy had the issue on the forefront, the freedom rider* situation wouldn't have needed to happen? The whole point was that the federal government was doing jack shit to help enforce the law.

I totally originally typed "Writers" because of that shitty movie.

The only part of the movement that is "mostly remembered" from Johnson's administration is the legislation he got passed in Congress. The movement is more aligned with Eisenhower and Kennedy, because that's when the brunt of the force occurred.

Even so, that isn't the point. You said "Space!" would be a unifier today, as it was under Kennedy. Yet even then, it wasn't a unifying force - namely for many Americans who were fighting for basic civil rights. The only real times that America has ever been "united with a common cause" was after Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and that didn't exactly lead to outstanding results.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:00:08 AM »
Because they were grouped up with the entire movement which is mostly remembered from Johnson's administration. I'm not saying Kennedy didn't have a major place in these events, but under his leadership it was on the back burner while he was dealing with the Soviets, the primary trigger for his Space Race.

Tell me again how they weren't focused on or prominent because of "OMG SPACE"

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:47:03 AM »
I never said that we didn't have major issues during that time, but they weren't focused on until Johnson and Nixon were in office.

What the hell are you talking about?

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:43:31 AM »
Are you saying our accomplishment wasn't beneficial to us regardless of its intentions?

That's only because you were in a dick measuring contest with Russia and wanted to one up their first man in orbit.

In any other circumstance the moon would not have been anywhere near as much a priority on people's minds.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:42:25 AM »
All of that took a back seat until after his death.

Yes, because the late 1950's and 1960's were certainly a time of peace for Americans.

Certainly no widespread, nationwide protests on important issues.

None at all

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:15:23 AM »

It worked for Kennedy.

And what would you propose is the common goal for 300 million Americans?

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:41:21 AM »
Then you'll always be remembered on the wrong side of history.

Then I'll be "they."

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:40:42 AM »
I never said it wasn't divided. It's hard to ignore the riots and protests.

The problem is the divide was never really strong enough to cause this much strife. We all kind of agreed that mostly died out in the twentieth century, not thinking it would come back, and we thought that way up until as close as the end of 2015, we all thought Trump wouldn't even accept his party's nomination IF he won. As long as we focus on simple identity politics and not give all of us a common goal outside of that, it's going to remain this way.

But you, and others, act like the country isn't already deeply divided based on views - or that it will ever really heal. America is pretty much two very different nations between the liberal urban coasts and cities, and the rural regions everywhere else. That is how it is, and barring any shift (As in more urban areas), how it will be for the next century.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:31:06 AM »
"First they came for the socialists..."

Painting them as your enemy will lead you down a familiar path that has failed numerous times in human history.

i say GOOD

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:24:15 AM »
He hates Trump so much for scapegoating groups of people and telling them they need to get out, yet what is he doing right now? He's scapegoating everyone he doesn't agree with as "his enemy" and telling us we need to divide this country based on views. That is absolutely impossible and will only hinder this country more.

He is back pedaling on everything he has agreed with from the mainstream left. He didn't get his way and is going full blown Nazi just as much as Trump is.

Yes and no.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:38:35 AM »
Lmao aren't you like really big into globalization? Asking for divide is pretty fucking hypocritical.

Why is it a bad thing to have someone in my country who I can point to as an enemy?

Why am I obliged to associate (let alone cooperate) with the people I consider my enemies?

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 27, 2016, 09:12:20 PM »

I can not believe that Donald Trump out of all the western leaders in the world is the one saying what needed to be said about Castro.

"The world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades," Trump said in a statement issued hours after Castro's death. "Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights."

Trump, who has pledged to roll back the Obama administration's diplomatic opening to Cuba, said the nation remains "a totalitarian island," but he hopes that Castro's passing will mark "a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve."

There is nothing to mourn about, he was the one that was willing to bring WWIII and for whatever reason, other world leaders are talking about how fucking "wonderful" he is.

And undermine faith in American democracy.

I'm not saying this group is wrong, but I'm sure our faith in the system was already at the lowest possible point when the two major candidates were fucking Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 08:28:31 PM »

Ian should be banned from Disney property.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 07:53:45 PM »
How does this make you all feel?

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 07:45:23 PM »
>Not Cory In The White House


That was pretty good, but lilo and stitch still comes out on top.

inb4 "its just memes bro xDDDD"

Now you're getting it.

yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!

Twice now you've ignored the point of what happens after the US ousts Assad.

Calling the Middle East a shithole and then calling me McCarthy isn't bringing up a point.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 10:44:29 AM »
The meme potential would be real.

Hey, tell them to add a Kuzcotopia section

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