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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Lmao I got shadow banned on r/animemes
« on: August 10, 2020, 10:42:34 PM »
Honestly I was browsing r/dankmemes on my breaks at work until I learned that there was some sort of shit-show going on over on this subreddit.

Ian they def did you a favor
Go get some sun buddy

The Flood / AMA Lmao I got shadow banned on r/animemes
« on: August 10, 2020, 09:53:00 PM »
I can only guess because I criticized their decision not to undo the ban on the word trap. I wasn't even defending the word, I was just saying that lifting the ban would solve literally all of their problems.

It's pretty fun how literally the only thing they have to do to make all of this go away is undo the ban and they wont. They wouldn't even need another discussion thread, a vast majority of the shit posting would disappear instantly and they'd stop hemorrhaging subs overnight if they just undid the ban. Every time I refresh the main page the sub number goes down, and it's been going down faster to boot.

Shadow bans are literally the most cowardly thing you can do. The post was in the sticky meta discussion thread so it's not like it was just a random shit post like the literal thousands of other comments that are right now. JFC

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0 General
« on: August 06, 2020, 07:45:08 AM »
Here's your new Eva unit bro.

The Flood / Re: Can Class Get Banned Already
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:46:17 AM »
Well August is tomorrow and I still hate it soooooo.....

all month long untill you like it

The Flood / Re: Can Class Get Banned Already
« on: July 30, 2020, 09:13:58 PM »
Was your avatar always fur cancer this month or just recently? I didn't actually notice until now.

tbh I don't mind class around

The Flood / Re: Can Class Get Banned Already
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:19:30 PM »
IIRC wasn’t Dustin banned because he was shitting up the place years ago? I wasn’t around for that but that’s what I’ve heard.

The Flood / Re: Ian, are you still down to do that terrorist attack?
« on: July 30, 2020, 01:21:54 PM »
If you’re going to try and pin accusations on me you should at least put some thought into it.

The Flood / Re: Ian, are you still down to do that terrorist attack?
« on: July 30, 2020, 01:19:54 PM »
You know an individual making a blatant comment about committing a crime and trying to make an individual look like they made a comment on committing a crime are two separate things right?

The Flood / Re: Listen guys I would like to announce my plans
« on: July 29, 2020, 08:10:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0 General
« on: July 29, 2020, 12:27:18 PM »
Evangelion Q Storyboard book. There's not really anything in here that sheds some light on things we're still in the dark about. But there are some neat small things that were altered/cut from the final release. About 30-45 seconds of cuts were removed from the Wundar vs. The Nemesis Series battle. Pictured below is the original take of the background behind Professor Fuyutsuki when playing Shogi with Shinji, the Rei heads were originally just gonna float and smile at the viewer. The only real substantial change was there was a roughly 3-second cut at the very end of the film that was removed showing Rei pick up the dropped SDAT before walking with Shinji & Asuka.


Q is divided into three and a half parts. The space sequence is the half-part and is called Avant like the Paris sequence in 3.0+1.0. There is an entire section of the story (Part D) that never made it into the film but it isn't provided in this book; we'll probably only be able to see it whenever we get a 3.0 CRC (which wont happen until after the last film releases according to Anno).

EDIT: With 1033 cuts in the film, only 76 were removed/altered.

How good is HxH?

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 26, 2020, 08:15:54 AM »
A moment of silence for a fallen hero....

Edit: the mad lad who posted this to /r/halomemes got a ban.

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0 General
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:27:27 AM »
Comments that aged like FINE WINE:

Serious / Re: Ghislane Maxwell Arrested
« on: July 20, 2020, 04:51:14 PM »
They’re getting sloppy in their anxiety over getting exposed.

Jesus fuck.

Shit, apparently the gunman was found dead. Suicide or more loose ends getting tied?

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 18, 2020, 03:27:53 PM »
“jUsT lEaD yOuR sHoTs! :^)“

Literally the most cancerous comment ever made repeatedly in the Optimatch Playlist.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 18, 2020, 12:38:07 PM »
You mean OG Halo 3 or XB1 MCC? Cause people have been saying hit reg is the same as XB1 MCC which is way worse than OG Halo 3.

Better than the xbox version but still not great.

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 17, 2020, 07:52:52 AM »
Question for anyone who can answer. How fast is it to get internet setup in a new place you move into? When I moved in with my brother six years ago and the place I'm in now, they already had their internet set up and I just paid them for the usage. Whenever I do get my own place I'd have to get my own plan but I don't really know where/how to start.

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:52:08 PM »
As of right now, I live with two gay couples; so five people in total in a three bedroom apartment. My room is just me and the cat. Although the two right next door to me in the hallway are leaving at the end of the month. So it'll be just me and the two who live in the master bedroom but they're taking over the bedroom next to mine as well so my rent isn't going up.

I have no ill will towards any of them but the same time next year I want to be in my own place by myself, preferably a studio/flat but those appear to just straight up not exist here in Central FL. I found ONE studio for $1100 a month, and pretty much every one bedroom apartment in the area is around that price range so what would be the point ya know? The room is just way too small and I have a lot of shit, and I want to have enough space for all that crap and to help my mom out by getting rid of the shit I have over at her house as well. My mom has offered to let me stay at her place for a smaller amount of rent, but we both know without saying anything that I'd rather be dead in a ditch than live with my family again.

I'm trying to take over the title to my car next month and get insurance for that so I can finally be 100% financially independent from her and get a better idea on my finances so I can afford a place for myself. Right now I'm just waiting since my lease just renewed (wouldn't have been wise to kick myself out during a furlough). If I can find an actual house for rent though I'm totally up for moving in with friends of mine because I'd kill to have a garage for storage/hobby space.

Serious / Re: Ghislane Maxwell Arrested
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:30:04 PM »
Judge officially denies any bail for her. Not that it matters, she's going to be cleaned up well before the court date.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:07:23 PM »
I've never supported president Trump but if it's the jokes I make in acting like I do, I will refrain from making such jokes or at least be a bit more obvious that I'm joking. Also I've never wanted to kick people out of the country.

Ian if you ever stop being a trumpublican (which I highly doubt) then yes. That doesn’t mean I’m going to forgive you for wanting people like me out of this country. I’m not an idiot. Forgiveness is for people who change for the better and make amends.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:53:17 PM »
I sincerely hope you stand by these words 100% completely.

You see, unlike you, I don’t condemn people over something they’ve said or done for the rest of their lives. I’m a forgiving person.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:11:07 PM »
Naruto is heavy on those. Even the Chunin Exams have fights that take quite a few episodes and the best parts of the original Naruto have 5+ episode fights.

im not used to fights spanning a couple of episodes, so maybe it will get better

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 14, 2020, 01:57:28 PM »
There isn't any comments on how broken it is, even on /v/ where they actively look for failings in a game to say it flopped.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 14, 2020, 12:58:44 PM »
Are you still in the Land of Waves arc? Chunin Exams right after is good but it doesn't really pick up until immediately after that arc.

ive gotten 16 episodes into naruto

honestly i dont think it's for me. even during the 2 big fights so far, i struggle to enjoy it

i might just finish up this arc and call it quits

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0 General
« on: July 14, 2020, 09:16:51 AM »
Verb, CMD, I'm sure you guys will like this.

When I got home from work yesterday I was greeted with yet another box from CDJapan. I'll cut through the unboxing bullshit and go straight to the meaty details. It's the Archives Of Evangelion DVD Broadcast boxset.


Some comparison images with the Blu-ray Box:


These boxes track dust and fingerprints like fucking crazy though. Also, I've had the Blu-ray box for five years now and I've always been anally careful with it yet it still ends up with damaged edges so I have no idea how the Archives box is going to fair. So what's in Archives?

Archives is a Japanese Region 2 DVD box that contains all 26 episodes of NGE in their original unaltered form exactly as they were broadcast on Japanese TV 25 years ago. All other home releases of NGE were altered to some extent including VHS, Laserdisc, and first release DVD. For example, all home video releases of NGE contain a thirty second next time preview for the next episode, but the Broadcast versions in these set contain the original fifteen second preview. Here's some footage:


To further prove this is the original unaltered cuts. These episodes also have the "This episode is brought to you in part by...." cut at the beginning and end of every episode after the opening and ending.

Lastly, this boxset contains the second version of the first movie Death & Rebirth with the first half called Death (True). If anyone is aware of the release history for both D&R and EoE, they would know they have a very convoluted UNIQUE history. The first half of the first movie Death has three different versions of it. The original theatrical cut was released on DVD in Japan, the second iteration Death (True) is only available in this boxset as it was only broadcast on Japanese TV channel WOWOW back in 1998, there's no other way to get this version of Death; the third version titled Death (True)^2 is widely available in different releases and is the version used for the US release.

Because this was a widescreen movie that was released on Japanese TVs that were still the 4:3 aspect ratio, the movie unfortunately comes out both letter and pillar boxed:

All in all I'd argue that this boxset is just as cool as the Blu-ray box, however because they were never broadcast on TV it doesn't contain the director's cut of episodes 21-24 or End of Eva.

When most people get their information from these media outlets that aren't giving all the facts, it's going to affect discussion wherever you go, not just here.

Ok so your issue is with those medias painting the wrong picture. You're letting it affect you for no reason in other regards. You're bringing that shit into this discussion on sep7agon.

That is definitely not the narrative I'm hearing from news/media outlets; instead I'm being told that he died as a result of suffocation from Chauvin having his knee pressed down on his head. I completely agree that Chauvin's treatment of George only worsened the situation, but when reading the actual transcripts the situation was completely fine before he entered the picture. The initial cop handling Flyd was being polite and respectful when interacting with Floyd (Floyd repeatedly asking to open up a window because he was claustrophobic in a car and the cop repeatedly saying he'd not only do that but also keep the AC in the car on for him). The only issue was the cop was asking politely for Floyd to cooperate with him, but he wasn't being aggressive about it.

I see other reports that Chauvin knew Floyd previously. However that appears to have disappeared almost completely by now. Why do you think that is? Maybe because it would paint a different narrative that Chauvin was acting alone in abusing Floyd out of personal reasons and therefore they can't paint a racist picture against every cop on the scene (which is already incredibly dubious with these transcripts)?

What do you mean? I keep hearing he died of a heart attack or something unrelated to the knee on his neck. That doesn't really make things more easy-going or anything. The cops were in the wrong, and as a result of their rough treatment George's condition probably worsened and because the cops didn't pay him any attention he died. I don't get what you want to talk about, if you have something to say just say it, nobody's gonna talk for you, talk for yourself.


So can we talk about how he asked to lay on the ground and repeatedly says he can't breathe long before a knee was on his neck? Not saying Chauvin isn't guilty, but it's awfully convenient how no one is mentioning these facts.

The Flood / Re: Jokes and Shitposting Aside
« on: July 08, 2020, 02:53:48 AM »
I’m going on two weeks with no AC and the situation has lost its humor pretty damn fast. I really don’t understand why the office is dragging its feet over an issue that affects the place being straight up uninhabitable. This isn’t the north where the temperature outside drops to a somewhat decent range at night; it’s almost 4AM and the temperature outside is still 78 degrees and that’s the lowest for the day. There’s only so much a few fans can do; I know one of my roommates is contacting the office daily over it, but I’m going to talk with him about contacting corporate because waiting this long for a health issue like this is just unacceptable.

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0 General
« on: July 07, 2020, 09:24:49 PM »
I want you all to imagine with me for a moment,

You're a simple small Japanese family. You're sitting down watching some funny game show in your typical Tokyo home. The wife is on her way back from work, you and your five year-old daughter have just finished prepping the table for dinner, everything is quiet and peaceful. The commercial breaks begins to start and the two of you wonder what sort of paid advertisement is about to show that helped sponsor "Who can eat the most broccoli pizzas without vomiting?" and you're immediately greeted with this:


Your daughter now has a phobia for Japanese Animation; your wife opens the door and immediately assumes you two were being stabbed by an intruder; you're unsure if you're even capable of comprehending what it is you've just watched. There's only one guaranteed fact that runs through your mind,

You must thank Hideaki Anno for the beautiful work of art.

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