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Messages - Ian

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Gaming / Re: Nintendo's atttitude is rather irritating TBH
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:11:41 AM »
Wait, people actually fall for the 80 developers meme? That was never going to happen and is a steaming load of hot shit even if developers were lining up to make games for the Switch. We all know Nintendo has too much damn pride to let third party be a driving force on their console; they still think that they're good enough to carry their own console themselves. The only reason the Wii got as much shovel-ware as it did is because of its fluke sales making it more popular than was expected and Nintendo gave third parties a free pass to rake in some more dough.

The Flood / Re: How much longer is the DCCU going to last
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:08:23 AM »
Half the reviewers not liking it is not a complete canning of the film though. Somewhere in the lower 30 percentile would raise an eyebrow when the audience perception is that it's good. You literally can not trust/defend RT, they are legitimate sellouts that have become a joke in their effort to attempt to avoid the joke of "All critics are contrarian 2deep4u narcissists" not realizing they have become that in the process.

I guess RT just has an unfair Twilight bias as well.

Serious / Re: Jeb Bush at Amherst College
« on: February 03, 2017, 12:54:53 AM »
Dubya is being looked back at more fondly than when he is in office. People are starting to realize they were more upset at congress than they were at Bush and he was just caught in the crossfire. Also, Jeb's humiliation is stuck only to the internet, no one actually thinks he's a joke outside of /pol/-like websites and a lot of people find him to be an honest and reasonable man with plenty of experience just from being the FL governor alone.

Jeb will never win a Presidential election solely due to the fact he's related to Dubya. There's also the fact that Trump has humiliated Jeb to the point that everyone snickers whenever his name gets mentioned.

The Flood / Re: How much longer is the DCCU going to last
« on: February 02, 2017, 09:25:59 PM »
They gave the movies unfair reviews. One must be incredibly blind to ignore the blatant Marvel bias that is coming from """professional""" critics. When the census of these reviewers GROSSLY contradicts what the general audience feels about the same film, there's other things going on behind the scenes.

It wouldn't be a problem if the census was 50/50 with reviewers since that would be a roughly close correspondence with what the audience thinks as well. But canned by almost every critic and only praised by ones not sucking Disney's cock? Yeah, that's obvious bullshit.

What does that even mean. They gave a movie they don't like negative reviews, what's the problem?

The Flood / Re: How much longer is the DCCU going to last
« on: February 02, 2017, 07:05:54 PM »
I am chill, just because I call Marvel sellout whores on "professional" review sites out for what they are and how they actually treat a movie they don't like doesn't mean I'm enraged over the topic.

Jesus why are you so autistic

Just chill the fuck out

Serious / Re: Jeb Bush at Amherst College
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:01:57 PM »
Is it unheard of for an incumbent president to have to go into another primary in his second term election? Depending on how consistent Trump is with his behavior, I can see the GOP wanting someone to topple him and Jeb seems like the perfect person. Trump's childish insults of low energy and attacking his wife would only damage him at that point.

The Flood / Re: How much longer is the DCCU going to last
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:59:08 PM »
64% of the audience liked it. There's no fucking way the hate is universal. "Professional" Critics are canning it because it isn't the generic Super Hero sitcom with some fighting in between every three jokes and exposition. These people are the same ones trying to tell me GB2016 was pure Kino and that Star Trek Into Darkness was shit. You can't trust those sellouts.

It isn't just about net profit. It has universally terrible reviews and had terrible box office longevity. It made relatively little money after opening weekend in both domestic and foreign theaters. Audiences saw it because it's a recognizable, big-budget movie, but don't conflate that with a successful performance.

Serious / Jeb Bush at Amherst College
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:54:38 PM »

Tuesday night, while Bush did not mention Trump, he rejected any style of leadership that involves "pushing other people down to make yourself feel better." True leadership involves "forging consensus and having a servant's heart," as well as exhibiting integrity and backbone, he said.

Bush called for immigration reform that supports economic goals, not just the reunification of extended families. He spoke up for a path to legal residency for so-called "dreamers," undocumented immigrants who arrived in American as children and who are pursuing educational and work opportunities.

Most Republicans make a distinction between undocumented immigrants who commit crimes, and those who are "working hard, trying to make ends meet," Bush said.

He responded to audience questions about voter suppression, the death penalty, criminal justice reform, and affirmative action, and repeatedly returned to the themes of optimism, prosperity, and compromise.

"We need to re-energize the compromise gene; the consensus muscle," he said. "Find common ground on the smallest thing and build on it."

Will Jeb rise again in 2020? I'd vote for him.

The Flood / Re: How much longer is the DCCU going to last
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:48:41 PM »
>Current Year + 2
>Still falling for the BvS is bad maymay


Justice League will come out and rock the box office, just you wait. All those RT shills will be crying bitch tears when DC is drowning in money like they have been with every release.


Dear God what happened to Verb this past month?!

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:01:41 PM »
The difference between his quote and what's going on today though is that there is a huge vocal resistance to the beliefs of the Alt-Right. Allowing Milo to speak isn't humbling accepting his beliefs and offering no resistance. Especially since he would be in a location full of people who are more than willing to verbally attack him and his beliefs (and from the looks of it, do more than just verbal-attacks). Free Speech is a two way street and Milo doesn't have a shield from comments against him.

The point of this btw is that there were many apologists in Germany at the time going "oh free speech isn't bad", and many didn't take what he said seriously.

The moral of the story is that free speech should not = 100% unadulterated content, because a lot of the stuff you say, MUCH of which is fascism these days, is horrible and toxic, and a lot of people start believing and following this stuff.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:32:26 PM »
@Icy: She's actually pretty cute, but the piercing just kills it.

Watched about 3/4 of the video and got enough info considering how many points she's bring up per ten seconds. Some of the things I agree with, I'm glad she brought up how circumcision is wrong but there was also thing there that you can't really blame on men or a patriarchal society so I don't see why its worth bringing up.

On the topic of rape culture though, she has an uphill battle to climb and the hill was half-made by her own side with people like Sulkowicz and Zoey Quinn.


Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:15:50 PM »
I don't know who Laci Green is, but false flags like Mattress Girl has really made the topic of Rape Culture hard to stomach. What kind of speaking does she do?

Like I have to deal with Laci Green coming to my school to berate us about ""rape culture"".

You poor thing, would you like a tissue and a safe space?

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:39:18 PM »
Yeah but PSU isn't speaking at a university with hundreds if not thousands of people critiquing what he's saying.

It really isn't. Look at how it works with PSU.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:36:09 PM »
I don't know Icy, I just think it'd be easy to tear him apart if all he can do is say shitty rhetoric without facts.

Milo is not one of those people - he's a grandstander who likes to say shitty things about people, and then whines when he's banned from social media accounts, has his speaking licenses at universities revoked, etc.

Gaming / Re: I've fallen pray to microtransactions
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:07:21 PM »
Dude the mount I got was fucking awesome though.


I'm genuinely surprised by how many of you have spent money on microtransactions. I don't think I've ever bought anything other than actual DLC.

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:02:15 PM »
If you have the Marty title shouldn't you have your custom nameplate back?

I hope somebody kills Milo

Serious / Re: #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:01:24 PM »
Is this any different than when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at a university? It's the best possible place to defeat his beliefs with facts and statistics. This only gives Milo the ammo to say the rioters were afraid of losing a debate or having to counter-argue despite the fact that if he is so wrong it should be easy to do. Not letting him speak is doing more harm than good.

While I don't condone the protest turning violent and damaging, I also don't agree with Milo being invited to UC Berkley or any other university.

Serious / #MiloAtCali canceled - Violent Rioting
« on: February 02, 2017, 11:52:08 AM »

There's several videos of people speaking to a crowd before the rioting took place. Despite the fact that I disagreed with them, it didn't really bother me that much since they weren't saying anything other than their beliefs which wasn't anything harmful. But after a while the above video happened and then it got out of hand.

I'm really disappointed in the University's response to cancel Milo's speech over this. It's giving the non-peaceful rioters a sense of accomplishment and giving them the idea that they can suppress dissenting views through intimidation, which is ironically what they were advocating against in the speeches before. I don't really agree with Milo other than that one video where he BTFO someone trying to attack his anonymous supporters with Ad Hominems but if his views are so harmful and wrong it should be especially vulnerable to criticism in a debate and easy to defeat.

This riot didn't accomplish anything towards Milo, it only strengthened his resolve and did property damage to their own campus.

BECAUSE WE ARE SUPERIOR! The universe will fold under mankind's steely embrace!

Why is the "future of humans" important? Why do you care about that? Why do we have to colonize anything?

Gaming / Re: I've fallen pray to microtransactions
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:01:14 AM »
I spent around $50 bucks on FFXIV that wasn't my subscription and expansion shit. Literally just cosmetic shit and a mount from the e-shop, but so sad fucks out there actually spend IRL money for gil.

What's the most you've ever spent in a game outside of the base cost and DLC (actual micros)?

>Not wanting a live action remake of Fox And The Hound

Fucking lynch yourselves.

Better pray The Covenant come and glass us to extinction, HUMAN INTERSTELLAR EMPIRE SHALL RISE!!

I actively hope that it never happens.

Serious / Re: Politics is creeping in where it doesn't belong
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:39:18 PM »
I will bring peace, security, and magic to my new work location!


The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:37:21 PM »
I don't put people on a pedestal.

Don't put people on a pedestal. Don't try too hard. You shouldn't really have to try at all. Things just fall into place.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:35:47 PM »
What cliches do I follow?

is ian the protagonist of the internet

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:07:38 PM »
How do I have fun with the same subject Jive?

Serious / Re: Parliament officially voted on Brexit
« on: February 01, 2017, 02:13:35 PM »
Britain will leave within two years time frame after negotiating. France is one of the plausible next countries that is expected to have a referendum.

So this means the UK officially is leaving the EU now? I wonder how many more will follow.

Serious / Parliament officially voted on Brexit
« on: February 01, 2017, 01:56:46 PM »

498 to trigger Article 50 against 114.

This is to be expected but there was still straggler beliefs that the MPs would do something to either slow down the vote incredibly or to call another referendum altogether.

Serious / Re: Politics is creeping in where it doesn't belong
« on: February 01, 2017, 01:48:15 PM »
Too far bruh, I'm a model cast member.

Walt would keep your ass from working in the parks.

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