The Flood / Re: I vote this becomes the new sep7 banner
« on: February 20, 2017, 11:47:56 AM »
I'm Ian and I approve of this thread.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 3331
The Flood / Re: I vote this becomes the new sep7 banner« on: February 20, 2017, 11:47:56 AM »
I'm Ian and I approve of this thread.
The Flood / Re: Giving up on veganism« on: February 20, 2017, 11:26:39 AM »
What's keeping you occupied then?
The Flood / Re: Giving up on veganism« on: February 20, 2017, 11:06:45 AM »
Are you doing something cool?
my life has been on a constant thread of stress and business since august, and it really ramped up in december, so 3334
The Flood / Re: I am going to try and make a Sep7agon comic cover« on: February 20, 2017, 11:00:47 AM »
Use my Dragoon as me!
![]() 3335
Serious / In Honor of BHM« on: February 20, 2017, 10:37:33 AM »
There are always groups of people that say the most outlandish, far fetched, out there things. And you would think they were just trolls on the internet until you see them take it to "debates". The sad part is, there's only a small handful of individuals on this site who are as WOKE as the people in this video, the rest of us are just fucking albino non-Melanin animals.
It's time to take the REAL red pill friends, and learn the truth about your Melanin brothers and sisters. YouTube 3336
The Flood / Re: Who's the most powerful user lore-wise?« on: February 19, 2017, 09:41:26 AM »
The only thing he's good at is taking people's posts out of context and pretending all squares are rectangles because all rectangles are squares.
Inhuman destroyer of anuses, Dustin. 3337
Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*« on: February 18, 2017, 09:07:21 AM »
YouTube WE'RE GOING TO DOMA! -A whole new continent Othard has opened up -Garlamald teased unclouded in the trailer, it will be in the 5.0 Expansion New areas outside Eorzea include: -Kugane, a port town on the island chain of the nation of Hingashi, a country with a strict isolationist policy. Kugane is the only town open to trade with foreign nations. Violent acts are forbidden inside the walls of Kugane; Ironically then, Kugane is the town shown in the new Stormblood trailer where the SAM blows away a group of Garlean troops. The continent of Othard: -The Ruby Sea (similar to The Jade Sea outside Eorzea), lots of pirates here. -Yanxia, the region home of Doma, controlled by Garlamald. -The Azim Steppe, Will be the first "Expansive Plains" type area in FFXIV (Gee Yoshi, you're really trying to pretend 1.0 Coerthas didn't exist....), these are the plains where the Nomadic Au Ra tribes live, expect to interact with these tribes frequently. Samurai is a DPS -SAM will be available at level 50 -Can unlock it before 2.1 so right after completing The Ultimate Weapon quest presumably. -Can glamour different Hilts and sheaths for your weapon. -One handed melee weapon, will tentatively use Striking Gear. Other stuff: -We'll be liberating both Ala Mhigo and Doma. -New Beast Tribe the Kojin, who are tortoise like with large protective shells; also a new primal for them Susano, Lord of The Revel. -Fourth Residential Area: Shirogane, Far Eastern Housing District. -Nobuo Uematsu invited at Fanfest; new updated theme for the trailer. New song with Susan Calloway is called "Revolutions". Ans here is a VERY nice image of the updated world map: ![]() Here's what Encyclopedia Eorzea has to say on Othard: ![]() DDDDAAAALLLLMMMMAAAASSSSCCCCAAAA 3338
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 08:58:15 PM »
EDIT: Obvious trolls don't deserve attention.
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 05:23:49 PM »Like, hmm, dude, why d'ya think all those neo-nazis started latching onto them? Those Neo-Nazis are still fringe groups no one takes seriously you stupid shit. The whole point of his video was how the media cherry-picks and characterizes him, not "I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WISH DEATH ON THE JEWS WITH NO REPERCUSSIONS REEE" Good thing he's not actually wishing death on the Jews and that's not what we're complaining about. But way to go on looking like an idiot again. 3340
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 01:19:15 PM »Does that make it okay for him to make anti-semitic jokes? Should the audience primarily viewing his videos (Teens and younger) be factored in when leveling criticism - especially when dealing with companies like Disney and Google who tend to avoid controversial figures and children? Yes, it's VERY much okay for him to make these jokes. It's HIS channel and he can do whatever he wants on it, and he even admits there's consequences for what he chooses to do; that's why he doesn't care about Disney dropping him. And he is under no obligation to police himself because of the demographics of his viewer base. Quote Emailing Disney (Or Youtube for that matter) and asking for comment when a well known dude they're affiliated with is making questionable jokes and commentary hardly seems like "Pushing them to drop him." This is not the first time PDP has been in the spotlight for this kind of behavior. There is simply no way Disney didn't already know about the kind of content he's been putting up on his channel. They simply ignored it because it wasn't a serious issue until now. Disney did the smart thing and dropped him before WSJ started lambasting them. No one is attacking Disney here, but they were backed into it. If the WSJ writers didn't do what they did, he would still be with Disney. The problem we're all stating is that he's being called a REAL Nazi/Fascist/Racist because of these writers. FORTUNATELY, the only person falling for the bullshit is J.K. Rowling. Quote Is the guy that unaware of how public relations work? I can set him up with any disgraced Congressman for a run down. He's aware of how it works, but considering the fact that he's been doing this for quite some time now without any issue, it's more of a situation as stated above: Nobody cared because his videos were obvious jokes and are a non-issue. The media went after him like rabid animals for absolutely no reason. 3341
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 12:16:41 PM »
He's been doing it for almost half a year now. The media took his videos out of context and showed them to Disney, pushing them into dropping him. PDP doesn't really give a shit about that but does give a shit about the character assassination that's going with it. The media has been going out of its way to say he's a legitimate Nazi/racist/fascist.
So yeah, I'll go ahead and make the assumption that a sizeable portion of his viewing base are middle and high school students (Though I can imagine quite a few under 10, but that gets into too many factors). 3342
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 11:59:59 AM »
Roughly that age group, he started making videos playing games and acting stupid. But he's moved onto less video games and more just shit posting videos.
Should I make a wild assumption that a large portion of his subscriber base is under the age of 16? 3343
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 11:26:24 AM »
You mean the PR that was out for blood against him for no reason? And Disney only fired him because they were backed into a corner by that same PR with giving Disney out of context clips of his "Nazism". If they had kept him that same PR could have used it to slander them as well.
He doesn't. But if he was going to, he should do it seriously rather than in a whiny, flippant vlog in which he complains about his apology not being taken seriously. Why might he consider apologizing sincerely? Because that's the quickest way to calm a PR shitstorm like this and not get fired by Disney. 3344
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 17, 2017, 10:44:00 AM »
Why should he even have to apologize? "It's just a prank/joke." isn't an excuse, it's a legitimate argument because that's literally what he was doing. All his videos since he stopped playing video games has been complete jokes or down right shitposts, why does he need to apologize for the content he puts on his channel? Of course it seems half-assed and not sincere, because it's bullshit he has to do it in the first place for people who don't give a flying shit about him anyways.
This is nothing like going to Harlem with a sign with "Niggers" written on it, because PDP is doing all of this from his own channel, for only the audience that is subscribed to him. He doesn't make videos for the viewers outside of the regular audience that watches him, so why should he cater to them when they get upset over it? I'm not justifying the reporters. All I've said is that the joke was fucking stupid and his apology was hardly one at all. 3345
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 16, 2017, 10:23:11 PM »
Seems you're not really vested in it then. You may think he's rambling or whatever but that doesn't discredit what he's saying (which is absolutely correct).
Honestly, how could you get though that? I tried watching the video in the OP in the full but ended up skipping around and maybe getting four minutes of it total down. It's pointless rambling. 3346
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 09:52:09 PM »
Oh I knew that (sex/sexuality was one of the few subjects that kept my interest in Psychology back in college). But most people are honest to themselves and know (even just mentally) what flips their switch on or off.
I don't. Contrary to popular belief, sexuality is a mostly psychological thing, rather than physical. 3347
The Flood / Re: Playing Joking Hazard with friends« on: February 16, 2017, 09:43:42 PM »
Cyanide & Happiness version of Card Against Humanity.
What is a joking hazard? 3348
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 09:42:55 PM »
Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know, I really think that's still a bit of a stretch to say. Especially since research into things like that doesn't really exist.
Yeah, some people. But like I said, 99% of people are bisexual. The odds are against you. 3349
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 16, 2017, 09:40:45 PM »
I just watched the video, I don't see the problem with PDP. He apologized in here as well, and what he said was pretty much 100% correct.
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 09:23:17 PM »
I understand that, but I don't believe that can be applied to everyone though. I'm sure there are people out there that wont have their primal triggers reacted (both mental and physical) with a member of the same sex.
someone of the same sex could possess the primal triggers im talking. primal triggers arent just physical. 3352
The Flood / Playing Joking Hazard with friends« on: February 16, 2017, 07:09:23 PM »
Guys give me tips on how to win. It's me and six other people.
The Flood / Re: itt: we drop truth bombs« on: February 16, 2017, 06:57:30 PM »
What's up with RC in this thread?
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 06:48:37 PM »
Well my second point was a direct response to your original comment
![]() okay. i don't really care about your second point. i don't know why you don't believe that but it's true. deep down people (not just women) want to feel safe and protected and chad's make them feel that way. 3355
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 06:40:21 PM »
Sorry, I was thinking of another word and used that one, I still can't think of it. However, I still stand by my second point.
i'm not implying youre homophobic 3356
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 16, 2017, 06:36:08 PM »
He apologized in the original video where he actually did the act. And that video is a month old, in that time he posted a follow up blog post where he apologized again and only now is the media giving him shit.
I don't think what Disney did was wrong (even if I do think it's silly to say they didn't know his other questionable videos, there's no way they didn't know). But the media doing everything they can to actually make people believe he's a legitimate racist Nazi is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen. Did we watch the same video? He complained about "the media" nonstop and flipped off the WSJ reporter he singled out throughout the video. 3357
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 06:30:28 PM »
Yeah nah, I don't believe that.
Serious reply: Contradict my fundamental beliefs? I've said nothing on here homophobic (nor did I on B.net including that time Dustin took a response out of context). I'm not afraid to admit I have a slight curve to bisexuality but I don't believe everyone is inherently bisexual and just anybody can get somebody to question their own sexuality. of course not, it probably directly contradicts some of your fundamental beliefs 3358
Serious / Re: Love PewDiePie's response to the media« on: February 16, 2017, 06:19:27 PM »
He did apologize, profusely. In the same exact video. Everyone and their grandmother knew it was a joke, and he apologized not only in the video but in a follow blog statement somewhere else (I'll find it when I get home). But the media still went out of its way to demonize him for something everyone with common sense knew was a joke.
He was making a point about the stupid things you can do on Fiverr, but it really was just an indefensibly stupid joke. Yeah, he got beat up by the media, but maybe none of that would have happened if he'd simply apologized instead of making a 12 minute rant and flipping off the journalists that just did their job covering his fuck-up? 3359
The Flood / Re: itt: discuss why bisexuality is the ultimate redpill« on: February 16, 2017, 06:15:10 PM »
Yeah nah, I don't believe that.
He's right though, Seifuku. 3360
Gaming / Re: Recommend PS4 Games« on: February 16, 2017, 02:52:19 PM »
Well I'm not the OP but I do post regularly in there. I was the one kicked from PoTD for having the 3.5 title.
Yeah I honestly didn't really pay attention to the OP's name, more so just the post and then habit makes me post stuff. |