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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: Group project question for you guys (small rant)
« on: March 25, 2017, 10:31:01 AM »
Yeah but they're teachers/professors, they don't work in the real world so they either don't give a shit about how group projects don't reflect the real world or don't actually know that it's different.

Teachers and professors have to know how much people hate these, right?

The Flood / It's that time again! PPAACCKKAAGGEE THREAD!
« on: March 25, 2017, 10:19:23 AM »
I wonder what's inside! ~

Hint 1: Not dragon dildos
Hint 2: It's weeab media but not anime weeab media

Gaming / Re: Wish me luck, family
« on: March 25, 2017, 09:29:51 AM »
The CPU installation is the most nerve racking part, the rest is smooth sailing.

The Flood / Re: Group project question for you guys (small rant)
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:17:24 PM »
Back when I was still doing college I would drop a class where the teacher grades us individually as a group. I'd ask the teacher on the first day how group projects are graded if I saw it on the schedule/syllabus and if there answer wasn't "I grade you individually for the work you put into the group" I would drop the class right then and there, literally walk out before everyone was seated.

Only had to drop two out of the five or six times I asked.

You wanted to see it though.

Will you be doing the same for GITS?

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 04:42:56 PM »
You can agree with him on key stances or just in general but as stated in the other thread on their "debate", California does not have a strong economy solely because of illegal immigration and Japan's birth/death crisis is OBJECTIVELY not because of racism or anti-immigration. That last one is so fucking absurd to claim considering their government had been studying this for over twenty years.

I don't know if Destiny said anything that I completely disagreed with during that debate. He was pretty based throughout.

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 04:39:24 PM »
No one in this thread gives a shit whether or not JonTron was "wrong" in his debate. The problem is people who no longer want to support a company that's treating their backers like shit basically telling them "We have your money now go fuck off" in which case, the customers charging back THEIR money have every justification to do so.

God you're so transparently biased.

Sure, Destiny said some stupid shit too... but that's not fucking relevant, is it?

When the people put their money in, it was a kickstarter. It may not be now but it was then.

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:24:53 PM »
Destiny said some retarded things himself, and JonTron is the bigger man between him and Playtonic, but no they are no longer bound by Kickstarter as the project is now "funded".

It's in quotations because Playtonic will learn through chargebacks that they will be refunding people their money whether willingly or not. 

Serious / Get Rekt Shia
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:30:06 PM »

Shia shut down his HWNDU wall. He instead raises a flag that is supposed to stay up for four years. That gets taken down and replaced with a flag of Pepe, so Shia moves to a new location. THAT flag gets taken and used in a game of Capture the Flag, so Shia decides that the US "isn't safe" and moves to the UK.

Well sorry Shia, but nowhere is safe for your "project" which is nothing more than a laughing stock now. As the flag has been found in its "Secret location" and trolled by the internet again. Shia followed police advice and removed the flag afterwards.

Shia, by the time you find a "safe" enough space for your project, it will be so far removed from relevancy that no one will care anymore. They only care now because it's funny.

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:25:49 PM »
There is when they say that consumers should take heed over situation where the project can't be completed. But considering the exchange of money is solely between the customer and the creator after the initial backing is over, you are no longer bound by Kickstarter's rules when it comes to demanding a refund. Which is why Mighty No. 9 was forced to eventually offer refunds because they couldn't take a stand against it with the chargebacks they were getting.

i guess so

yes, you can ask for a chargeback, but you're in the wrong - the slice of the pie that is taken by KS is made up by the creator, so if you pledge and chargeback, the creator loses the commission fee for using KS as well as the pledge money

kickstarter is not a store, you're not buying anything, there should be a clause for that

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:12:53 PM »
Other things to note:

On Kickstarter you can cancel a pledge without give a reason at all, when signed in, just go to the page of the project you backed and there should be a blue pledge button.

Transactions after the funded goal are reached are between the consumer/customer and the creator, in which case, chargebacks are a valid source of refunds if there is dissatisfaction between the two. No punishment will come to a Kickstarter profile that chargebacks on a creator after it is funded, as Kickstarter just acts as a secondary middleman during the backing process. The creator can choose to react to the chargeback (as most companies do with one) but the creator is not entitled to your money if you do not have a product you feel is satisfactory to you (or one at all).

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:57:08 AM »
If they want a refund, they don't need to give a reason for demanding one. And chargebacks are done through their bank, which doesn't care about their reasoning for wanting a refund, the bank will always take the side of the account holder in order to prevent any precedents about the bank taking a "stance" even if it sours the relations between the account holder and the person losing the holder's money (in this case, Playtonic/Kickstarter). This ensures the bank's neutral status on any issue (especially if the amount is something tiny like a minimum backing for a video game). This is exactly what happened with Mighty No. 9; they denied refunds, got chargebacks, then started to offer them.

Not offering a refund (and doing what they're doing in response to asking for one) is only shooting themselves in the foot. This is an incredibly shitty hill for Playtonic to die on because they have no foundation, even the argument of them not having to do so isn't going to save them.

they pledged for the yooka-laylee in the project description, not the yooka-laylee with jontron as a featured VA

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:33:14 AM »
It's more tedious to get your money back but not less secure if either Kickstarter or Devs don't offer a refund, they can just chargeback, which is ultimately what's going to happen if Playtonic doesn't cave in and be sensible.

people are investing in a project pitch, not paying for a finished product; crowdfunding in itself, I dont believe to be wrong, just ignorance on the matter and people thinking they should be treated like customers when they're essentially in a less secure role than one sole investor with a lot of money and better judgement on returns

i dont like how playtonic are dealing with the issue, but as far as this goes, theyre perfectly within reason for denying refunds on grounds that jontron was never part of the game they promised in the first place

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:29:47 AM »
>Freedom of expression isn't freedom from consequences!
>N-no you can't refund you fucking shitlords!

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:22:41 AM »
Fuck you trackballs are awesome.

People like you deserve death.

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:50:42 AM »
Total Annihilation was finished but it was a shit game.

Like with no big drama or the game just being abandoned

Gaming / Re: The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:35:10 AM »
I learned the hard way with Total Annihilation and realized I couldn't even play the game because its entire gameplay focus is on a mouse wheel and I use a trackball. Luckily Steam was very flexible with refunds at the time.

Yeah, Kickstarter is very good on paper for small devs, but lacks a real PR team which helps problems like these fester.

Hopefully this will cause people learn to stop funding video game projects and other stupid shit on crowd-funding websites.

Gaming / The Yooka-Laylee Shitshow
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:00:03 AM »

Debated throwing this in Serious but decided on Gaming because it ultimately is, about a video game. Watch the video, I'm not giving you a damn TL;DW.

Before any dumb asses comes in and says "Playtonic has every right to do what they please with their product", that's not the problem. No one denies that, but financial backers have a right to their money back before a product has been given to them, and banning individuals demanding a refund isn't going to stop them from rightfully getting their money back if they go above the studio and to Kickstarter themselves.

This is Mighty No. 9 all over again, and Playtonic is 100% in the wrong when it comes to how they're handing the situation involving their "backers".

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:20:50 AM »
Patch 3.56 next Tuesday, and ending the Heavensward Main Scenario.


Yoshi-P also mentioned we'd be getting a walkthrough trailer of the new areas sometime in the near future, the only reason they didn't have it ready at PAX was because some of their assets weren't ready yet.

Serious / Re: AI defeats top Go player in the world
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:18:09 AM »
Especially considering that roboto defeated another champion soundly only half a year prior and Google already said they'll be working on making it stronger afterwards.

Chinese meatbag shouldn't have messed with grorious roboto

Serious / AI defeats top Go player in the world
« on: March 23, 2017, 12:45:15 AM »

Over the past few days, Google’s Deepmind machine-learning team secretively put its AlphaGo artificial intelligence system onto two Chinese online board-game platforms to test its skill in fast-paced games against several of the world’s best Go players. As of Jan. 4, when the test was completed, AlphaGo had racked up 60 wins and no losses. The best any of the humans could muster was merely a tie, forced when a player went offline, which required the game be recorded as a tie.

The millenia-old board game of Go had long been thought of being beyond the reach of artificial intelligence programs thanks to its notorious complexity. But AlphaGo’s sweeping wins, coming after its March victory over Korean Go champion Lee Sedol, have proved emphatically that AI could play the game at a level no human has, or likely ever could, attain.


Ke had been confident that AlphaGo could not beat him after the AI’s March victory over Lee. But after his first two losses to “Master” in recent days, he acknowledged that humans are no match for AI in this game. His edge against AlphaGo in the top Go player ranking is left at just dozens of points.

I would like to see how AI develops beyond simple board games. Seeing such swift and precise victories in RTS titles or Shooters would be a sight indeed.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:00:41 PM »
I don't trust those reviews but I find user reviews that actually have substance are more sincere than whatever the critic shits out.

so you trust people who score things with 10s and zeros and maybe 5 words to back it up if you're lucky

metacritic is shit, but don't act like the user score is any better than the critic score

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:48:51 PM »
You can't trust the Critic shills, they're the RT of video games.

>user score

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:39:35 PM »

>4.2 rating
>Barely hit 77 from Metascore in the last few hours

Is this the end of Bioware?

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:32:28 PM »'s current situation is entirely isolated from whatever else is happening with Counter-Culture on the internet. One mod did not cause all this, yes I agree but the problem is currently facing is entirely the fault of Bungie themselves and the cancerous individuals on B.old that pushed for this type of community and ran away when it didn't become what they wanted.

Individuals like Cortana5, SpartenKen, Lonepaul, Wyldfire & Coolmike (these two especially) were so fucking vehement in pushing to allow political/religious discussion on B.old (some individuals who have made their home here were somewhat guilty of this as well); advocating that threads about the supreme court on things like same-sex marriage "weren't political issues, they're social issues" completely fucking playing word games to get their way. When Daz left however, the people that supported this nonsense realized they no longer have an echo-chamber because now individuals can't be punished for wrong-think and ran away.

The issues of these types of problems on that site could have been entirely avoided if the vocal minority bitching babies would've just stuck to private groups for their discussion.'s demographics do not mix well with these types of discussions, you're dealing mostly with kids either finishing middle school or just starting high school being asked important heated subjects of our time, that's incredibly fucking ridiculous and stupid on the "enlightened minds" that wanted such nonsense to be allowed.

What you're seeing is an issue entirely contained in itself caused by consistent fuck ups by both Bungie, and vocal minority whiners in the community from B.old. Generation Z and their conservative views are just one of the ingredients in this recipe for disaster that is that site.

If what you say is true, I'm reluctant to believe a single moderator (or his absence) played a significant role in turning a forum as big as into a shithole. It's part of a much bigger societal change which I don't think anyone fully understands. Rebellious counter-culture turned zealous and often downright stupid, perhaps?

"Mary Sue" doesn't mean the character has no flaws

A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment.

It's both.

The Flood / Re: Mamoru Oshii don't give a fuck
« on: March 21, 2017, 11:32:25 PM »
I don't want to say you're right, but the whining coupled with the jarring way the promotions and advertisements are being handled I feel like it's gonna flop more because lack of interest over being a good movie.

it's still gonna fucking blow

The Flood / Mamoru Oshii don't give a fuck
« on: March 21, 2017, 09:05:33 PM »

Director of the original GiTS movie supports the casting of Johansson as Kusanagi and other comment:

If that's not allowed, then Darth Vader probably shouldn’t speak English, either. I believe having Scarlett play Motoko was the best possible casting for this movie. I can only sense a political motive from the people opposing it, and I believe artistic expression must be free from politics."


Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 21, 2017, 06:50:35 PM »
Scarred? No, I'm relieved the site is cleansed of his pestilent presence. But I am still incredibly fucking salty over it, the mods for the most part were incredibly well adjusted when it came to actually doing their job (much like on here), only bringing down the hammer when absolutely necessary. But as soon as came and we could talk politics, a complete power abuse occurred with that one in particular. There's no justification for it, I didn't break any rules, he simply wanted me off the site and attempted to do it in a quiet manner. Good riddance to that cancerous dictator.

Man that mod really scarred you for life huh

The Flood / Re: I quit my second job
« on: March 21, 2017, 06:13:28 PM »
It's starting to go away as new forms of work opens (such as YouTube and other forms of "easy" revenue) but it's still very much persistent in the workforce.

I'm not really convinced that this stigma a popular belief nowadays.

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