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Messages - Ian

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Gaming / Re: Xbox 360 Achievements anyone?
« on: May 02, 2017, 11:32:13 AM »
Fatherly Nick needs Two For One.

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 02, 2017, 11:12:32 AM »
"He was very angry at what he saw."

This seems to contradict that though. Sounding like what he meant by "If he was a little later" to be taken as "If he was President a little later" and not necessarily alive a little later.

I can't comment on the Jackson/Civil War topic itself because I know nothing about it, but c'mon now. Trump's a moron, but we don't need to be nitpicking at everything just to further solidify what we already know.

Gaming / Re: Xbox 360 Achievements anyone?
« on: May 02, 2017, 10:33:23 AM »
>Achievement boosting

Thou speaketh as though is above being a mortal.

silly humans with their silly desires

I keep telling my brothers we need to do a road trip one day.

Part of why it's considered a milestone is because you're doing it without any supervision. You're creating your own bonds and relationships outside any control by someone above you. I dunno, I kind of did it with my brothers back in high school and it's a memory I still fondly hold.

I wonder why going on vacation with your friends is considered a life milestone.

>Only three years

Try fucking eight and going.

tfw 3 years overdue of the first fukn thing.

being in debt doesn't

I agree, no one says you have to buy a house in installments.

being alone and independent doesn't

I agree with the alone aspect. I'm currently in a three bedroom house all by myself with just two cats and it's....really depressing. However I wouldn't give up my independence for anything. Having to move back in with my mom and sister would emotionally kill me.

Owning a house is a really good way to force yourself into being stuck in a single area. I wanna travel for dayzzzz man

I like to travel but having a single place I can always come back to and rely on is calming.

I dunno bruh, having your own home sounds kinda comfy.

i meant it in the sense that it's pretty much the only thing i have to look forward to in life

I'm pretty sure most people would skip the entire list to 60 if things like money and expenses didn't exist.

>tfw literally the only thing i want to do on this entire list is retire

Not have a house? If money wasn't an issue I'd like a really nice house.

Not that anybody in their right mind would want to lmao

I thought you still never had one? Guess I was mistaken.

Are you still writing a book?

- I got my first job two years late, and I hated it more than I've hated anything else in my life.

The Flood / How is your life coming along based on this scale?
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:48:32 PM »
Verb, you get two freebies and can skip 28 and 31.

The Flood / Re: 12 days remain
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:35:31 PM »
I forgot this was even a thing.

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:33:15 PM »
I asked for validation. It's easy to just say you're a professional at X on the internet without needing to back it up. That's why I would never call myself a historian and call myself an armchair one because it's just a hobby for me.

Nor would I get upset at people asking me for validation when I say I know about the film-making process. After all it's what I'm going back to school for and took some classes on art though film when I first went. You say nobody really likes you, I doubt that but maybe if you weren't so aggressive right out of the gate, I have stated many times there's only one user on here I seriously don't like and it's not you, but that doesn't mean certain users aren't difficult from time to time. Even some of my favorite users on here royally piss me off a good amount of the time they're online.

And furthermore, this is about TRUMP.

ive had history professors who would gladly join me in labeling jackson as evil. you can disagree all you want, i cant control your life, but attacking my credentials & all the hard work ive put in to understand something i care deeply about is fucked up. i know aint nobody here actually likes me but damn.

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:24:57 PM »
>I don't reply to drunk posts
>Replies anyway

Verb lmao I love you

i would've responded to this post but i don't speak to drunk people

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:22:51 PM »
This is what I was talking about half a year ago over perceived tone on the internet. I'm in a really good mood tonight, however a thread that was supposed to be about Trump being a bumbling idiot about facts is now about perception of good and evil. Out of all the history professors I've had, and all the historians that have chimed in on Jackson, including the interviewer of Trump tonight, they have steered clear of using the term "evil". Because he's not so far on the edge as Hitler. No one denies his serious wrongdoings, but controversial is a more appropriate term.

dont have the degree yet. im taking things kinda slow because of extreme depression + anxiety ruining my life. but im a senior. dunno why youre so adamant about this shit man. i know we've had disagreements in the past but you're just being petty rn

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:16:25 PM »
not in jackson's case

Would you call the majority of the country at that time evil? He was their hero and still was long after his death.

you walk around acting like you're hot shit for years cuz your degree path is english or lit or w/e and i cant say im a historian after studying history exclusively in college for the last 5 years? lol.

>Still hasn't posted proof

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:04:42 PM »
my degree is in history. lol.

Post it.

there are many forms of evil, i don't like throwing around the word in a general sense

Would you say it's a difficult word to pin on an individual that has done significant good for their country? 

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 11:01:48 PM »
Would you call him evil?

i said he was perhaps the best first president we could've asked for

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:55:26 PM »
Didn't you call him the best president last night?

what do i care

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:53:50 PM »
Tell me Verb, would Washington agree with you?

but i have, and i do

i would trade everything good our country has to prevent us from ever holocausting the native americans

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:51:21 PM »
>Hitler understood the need of unions and as a construction worker (when he initially started Mein Kampf) wanted strong social services under the control of the government for the people in times of need
>This is a far-right wing ideology

Meanwhile, you never did counter the sources I provided nor did you when I proved to you that Imperial Japan had no intention of surrendering even after the first bomb dropped. You're the revisionist here.

EDIT: No wait, you did provide a source for the Nips and it only backed up my claim that they had no intention of surrendering. The Emperor was willing but everyone else (who was controlling the emperor like a puppet) did not.

dude you thought hitler was left wing lmfao get your revisionist bullshit out of my face

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:46:32 PM »
I know that's factually untrue, because you wouldn't make such a stupid comment like that. But I shouldn't expect much from a Imperial Nip apologist, seems your idea of "Evil" is very warped and needs a reality check.

im an actual historian so i guarantee i know more about this shit than you do lol

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:45:32 PM »
I edited it out because it had no bearing on the argument but it still holds true. People whining about someone like Jackson being "downright evil" are the same people that decry Washington just for even owning slaves. They honestly don't give a shit and if they did it would require them to denounce any of the positive aspects of the country we have over such events.

it was wise of you to edit this out

you were too late though

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:39:19 PM »
>Lost his entire family to the revolution
>Forced to fight at a young age
>Political opponents attacked his wife, causing her so much stress it killed her
>Entire country wanted him to do what he did with Indians, it was a net gain for the country even though it was wrong
>Having all that happen to you and not ending up fucked up

If you're going to argue with an armchair historian, make sure you know as much about the subject material as they do. he was a controversial figure, nothing more.

a genocidal maniac="merely a product of the era he was from"

lol k

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:29:55 PM »
One can not deny the tremendous amount negativity General Jackson has caused. However "Evil" is not as black and white as you make it out to be. Jackson is controversial, but he also did a lot of net good for the country and that is also undeniable. He is merely a product of the era he was from, and one should remember that when judging former leaders.

jackson is one of the most evil motherfuckers to ever preside as president of the USA, and that's a position with a lot of evil motherfuckers.

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:27:39 PM »
>Cosplaying in-game

Serious / Re: Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:20:50 PM »
I am a seeker of knowledge.

But some knowledge is best left beyond my reach....

I remember my first dildo

it was white

Serious / Trump on the subject of Old Hickory
« on: May 01, 2017, 09:57:41 PM »

Trump: ‘I mean had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, “There’s no reason for this.” ’

According to Trump, Andrew Jackson was very upset about the Civil War and believed he would've stopped it if he was president.

The problem with this? Andrew Jackson died in 1845, 16 years before the Civil War broke out.

Now let's just say he wasn't being literal, and that this was just a philosophical "What if" on the subject of General Jackson being in charge when The South decided to secede from The Union. Yes, General Jackson was a hard believer in keeping the Union, in regards to threats of secession over tariffs. However he was also a hard slave owner, he appointed Justice Roger Taney who made the infamous Dred Scott Decision.

Point is, it's impossible to gauge what General Jackson would've done in regards to the Civil War and that's the best case scenario for Trump if he wasn't just getting his historical facts wrong.

TL;DR: Trump doesn't know history and believed president Jackson was still alive during the Civil War.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:54:00 PM »
I'm not trolling, I never have trolled.


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