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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: for all the dudes with facial hair
« on: August 16, 2017, 11:55:32 PM »
>Not growing a Fu Manchu


I literally only do that when I'm by myself.

I get the feeling people don't like to watch films with you.

I bought the first season on BD a few months back, just watched the first two episodes a few hours ago. My roommate told me he could hear me with the door closed through his headphones going "Oh what the fuck!" and "Get smoked you little shit!" in the living room.

1. The direwolf Lady did nothing wrong.
2. The king's brat son is an asshole.
3. The Lannisters are scumbags.
4. The Targaryen prince is a fucking asshole scumbag.

people are really into that series huh

Significantly later. Naruto part 1 decided to do over 100 episodes of filler before starting part 2, and they just skipped right over the Kakashi Gaiden.

in the manga the kakashi gaiden was done between part 1 and 2

when did they do it in the anime?

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 11:49:54 PM »
I do, I throw compliments her way quite liberally, and when we talk for extended periods of time I make sure to keep everything positive. When we clocked out together Sunday we stayed for 40 minutes just talking in the parking lot, and just now we finished texting from 9:30. I don't think she'd text me for three hours if I wasn't being positive...or worth talking to.

Lame. Do something fun with her. Give her constant good positive emotions and she'll become addicted to you

Any regular fella can take her to a restaurant

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 02:00:01 PM »
When we went to the parks last week I didn't suffer any serious medical conditions when I asked her other than shaking slightly. We're going with other friends for a Hibachi dinner next Tuesday because it's my birthday, and after that I was gonna ask her to a nice Italian place for dinner the week after.

Oh, did you manage to ask her out without suffering an aneurysm?

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:51:28 PM »
Recent events say otherwise but whatever helps you down that bottle of liquor on your table.


The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:39:54 PM »
I might just buy some just to prove a point that I'm not upset by what you say.

It is okay, my child. There is no reason to be upset.

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:27:00 PM »
But I am correct. I'm disagreeing with you, and I am also not offended.

You are incorrect, Seifuku.

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:22:55 PM »
Disagreeing with you =/= being offended

Then why are you so offended?

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:11:34 PM »
I don't own any makeup products though.

You wouldn't be buying makup products if you weren't a fucking elton john wannabe dicksucker haha faggot

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 15, 2017, 12:44:29 PM »
>Doesn't even have three monitors.

But you got an inside view of the PC so I guess it is.

my pc is art

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 12:43:52 PM »
That's pretty aggressive for just posting in a thread.

I'm sorry Ian but you should be thrown off a cliff

The Flood / Re: Game of Fanservice
« on: August 15, 2017, 12:09:17 PM »
I thought that show was well known for killing off important characters like its an episode of Super Jail. Same with all the abundance of sex and boobies. I don't know, I have the first season on BD but never bothered to put it in my disc tray and watch it.

The Flood / Re: I'm conflicted on @yesyoureracist
« on: August 15, 2017, 12:07:56 PM »
White supremacist rally that resulted in violence on both sides and saw one of the right extremists drive his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one one of them.

I'm not trying to say killing a person isn't equal or less wrong than just starting violence, but if both groups are being violent, aren't both in the wrong?

And like proper white supremacism / nazism too, not the "all the right wing activists are nazis", but the "chanting nazi slogans, shouting death to antifa, wearing swastikas, donning nazi flags, doing the Hitler salute" kind.

None of that is technically a problem though. Legally speaking, they have the right to do so.

The Flood / Re: I'm conflicted on @yesyoureracist
« on: August 15, 2017, 10:38:27 AM »
That doesn't stop people from taking the names from the list of people and posting the rest of the information for everyone to see. The only difference being /pol/ was mutually coordinating the information whereas with this, people can just continue where the guy left off with just names.

I don't know much about the rally. What were these people doing? If it was anything like what the guy /pol/ doxxed did like beating people with a bike lock, then yeah they reap what they sew. But if they're just shouting racist nonsense, then you'd be right in saying these two situations are not comparable because the guy /pol/ doxxed was significantly worse.

That seems like a pretty grave simplification of the situation though. I skimmed through almost two months of the @yesyoureracist guy's Twitter and haven't seen a single post of his where he did anything more than name people clearly identifiable in public marches. That's very different from doxxing an anonymous person on the internet and list (as I've seen on /pol/ and their twitter accounts) phone numbers, addresses, facebook accounts, employment details and information of the personal lives of the guy himself, his wife, his parents and his boss. You can't in good faith pretend they're the same and say there's no difference between naming someone on a picture taken in public and leaking all of their information with the clear intent that people harass them.

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 10:11:16 AM »
I don't see how, it's just another makeup product.

If you're not flamboyabt you wouldn't buy mascara.

Checkmate, faggot

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 09:12:02 AM »
Not all crossdressers that wear makeup and paint their nails are flamboyant faggots.

No, if you're a dude and youre painting your nails or wearin makup you're a fucking fairy.

Fucking queer ass bullshit that men don't do, bro. It's female culture.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 9 review
« on: August 15, 2017, 09:01:07 AM »
What you have to remember about XII is that it's an Ivalice game. Ivalice titles tend to have a story that feels like it's just a chapter in the bigger picture we can't see. XII does this with the war between Rozzaria and Archadia, Tactics did this with only Ramsa's involvement in The Lion War, XIV will also do this in a few months with the liberation of Rabanastre and Dalmasca in Otthard. What enraptured me with XII was not so much the immediate story, but the lore behind everything at that time, since the world of Ivalice drastically changes with each title.

I didn't really find 12's story to be that interesting

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 15, 2017, 08:54:43 AM »
Just because there are somethings only females tend to do, doesn't make it culture. Painting your nails is not something that is only allowed by females, even if they are the ones doing it a majority of the time, it's not exclusionary to them. Same with makeup, clothes, and other things this thread would cover on the idea. The only thing I could possibly see "Female culture" being is shit like menstruating and being pregnant.

Is it? deny that in the "west" there are tropes that cross borders when men and women are involved.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 9 review
« on: August 14, 2017, 11:15:22 PM »
I personally think IX is pure trash and it was nothing but a slog for me until I just stopped, but to each his own. I think XII was the second coming of Christ in my opinion so....

The Flood / Re: how often do you brush your teeth
« on: August 14, 2017, 09:46:28 PM »
I used to never do that, lately I've been kind of anal about my dental hygiene though. I missed one appointment at the dentist a few months back and now I absolutely can not get in contact with them to schedule an appointment, so I'm just brushing my teeth hoping everything will be alright.

The Flood / Re: Are male cross dressers appropriating female culture?
« on: August 14, 2017, 09:44:56 PM »
What the flying fuck is "female culture"? This is pure bullshit.

appropriating female culture?

Serious / Re: Good guy Donny
« on: August 14, 2017, 09:43:10 PM »
Not to defend Trump, but there's a fat little Asian man that was keeping him busy all weekend.

The Flood / Re: I hate white people ama
« on: August 13, 2017, 03:09:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: No one buys this jake
« on: August 13, 2017, 07:58:09 AM »
Did you talk to your therapist yet/start HRT?

The Flood / Re: Thank you, my research is complete.
« on: August 13, 2017, 07:56:50 AM »
>All of you fuckwits not believing him

I'm willing to give Paul a chance here. Verb was that annoying cousin you kind of hated but were forced to love also because he's family but Paul seems like a breath of fresh air.

Paul, can I pay you to probe my thoughts for an hour every other week?

Civil war when?

Not soon enough comrade.

Vroom Vroom Mother Fucker.

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:23:59 PM »
Brilliant deduction. I never realized that men had such homogeneous psyches that your emotional situation can be an accurate description of all men's emotions.

Good job missing my point.

That's what we want to investigate and see if it is possible. Your position seems to be completely dedicated to resisting any attempts at discovery of whether or not that is possible, because if it turns out it is, that would upset the natural order you have delusionally convinced yourself is innate and independent of outside influence.

What's stopping them from being interested in those fields now other than their own uninterest? They're forced to take math and science regardless, if they have a love for it they'll go into it as they progress through the education system.

I don't think there's a single person in this world who advocates pressuring people into industries they do no want to be in. This is where you've entered strawman territory.

You literally just said that men are coerced to be independent earners and that pressures them into high paying careers. This is contradiction territory.

Serious / Re: Google fired an engineer over his opinions.
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:15:47 PM »
get into field Y but is met with a lot of prejudice and obstacles. Quotas (which I don't even agree with much) can help. Few people in group A want to get into field B and are met with very little resistance when they do try. Quotas are not at all necessary, so they're not used. Apples and pears.

What actual resistances are they facing en masse outside of of their own uninterest? And quotas aren't being used not because their unnecessary, they're not being used because it's illegal. At least, its illegal to use hard numbers, for whatever reason companies and universities are still allowed to bullshit vague estimates.

I'd hardly call listening to the complaints of many of your employees and avoiding even more negative PR a "stunt" though. And who's even talking about training young girls or women not being happy in their field? Giving them more opportunities doesn't really harm anyone.

If you're in a high end office job that ISN'T HR and your only complaint is that you think there's too many white dudes working there, you really shouldn't be working there. Because that's not what you're getting paid to do.

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