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Topics - Ian
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:24:01 PM »
So a year ago I made the decision that I'd rather work through building my career than education. When I posted my decision on a year ago, I was met with quite a but of criticism, mostly because everyone thought I was being irrational in doing so. They may have been partially right.
While I do admit, I turned my back on it because of other completely unrelated matters at the time made the upkeep of work impossible. However, four years after graduating high school, I'm still incredibly bitter about how fucking uncaring the education system is to me as a student, and in all honesty? At the time I felt college was no different. I'm partially to blame though, I had no idea what I wanted to do so I just took Gen Eds part time, one or two classes a term without ever really deciding on a major. So after I while I may have felt that it wasn't the right place for me, especially when councilors and advisers had no interest in helping someone who didn't already have a plan set out.
Now I'm kind of looking back from a birds eye view and seeing things from a more objective lens. I'm significantly more happy with where I am now then I was a year ago. I [kind of] have an idea of what I would want to do, and I've been making sure to look up what paths they take to ensure I'm not stuck with any more Gen Eds than I need. It will be sometime though before I do go back, my living situation being the biggest wall to that, I have zero interest in moving back in with my mom but if I can't get room mates that aren't fucking squatters It'll be longer before I can get back into the swing of things.
Does anyone have any advice as to how I should proceed with possibly starting up school again? I don't really know where I left off outside of what core classes I had already finished.
« on: April 19, 2016, 09:47:17 AM »
The app has been made even worse after the controversial spotlight fell off. One of the more bullshit aspects that was added is that they plan on eventually making a subscription service for you to monitor negative reviews. People posting obvious false shit onto your page? Just give us money and you can take care of it. This app is nothing more than a sad joke. And don't forget that reviews can only be challenged in 24 hours if it's two stars or less. That means I can and make a review for my neighbor, give him three stars and write down underneath "Yeah, this guy's a pedophile, i'd give him four stars if he'd just stop bangin ten year olds." and there's fuck all anybody can do about it. People can not be put on a scale like this, and the fact that the two in charge of this app only got driven more to create after the criticism they faced when it was unveiled shows a lack of understanding or empathy out of them. Nothing good will come out of this.
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:38:55 PM »
Verbatimargueswithsomeone.jpg DasplayinganRTS.jpg Romanonasaturdaynight.png I have over 10,000 images on my hard drive. If you want me to find an image relevant to you, just say so.
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:48:52 PM »
I was working on a Zaku from Thunderbolt a little over a week ago, but this one has been sitting on a shelf for almost a year now.
« on: April 18, 2016, 02:20:04 PM »
Mom found my shit jugs. Got angry at me and made me get rid of them, said something about how that's not normal and how it's disgusting. As if i care what normies do. Life is so fucking unfair.
Luckily she hasn't found my piss containers yet.
« on: April 17, 2016, 08:36:35 PM »
He is literally the only good candidate out of the bunch. PROS: >War Veteran >NOT a radical (Compared to opponent Nael Van Darnus, he's is extremely tame) >Plans to solve the homeless problem >Plans to end all conflicts >Very open and progressive to other cultures >Separation of Church and State >Takes in an orphan child >Still loves his orphan child despite the boy being a traitor Cons: >Very pro-military spending >Slightly Authoritarian
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:31:38 PM »
« on: April 17, 2016, 05:20:11 AM »
He may partake in degenerate beverages like alcohol, but he is still an upstanding member of the community.
So when he asks for attention, I will give it to him.
« on: April 16, 2016, 06:38:36 PM »
Remember folks, if you ever feel like you're failing socially, there's always someone out there considerably worse at it than you are! Found this while browsing /r9k/ to see if I could find any gems of shit posting, instead I spent the next couple of minutes going "Wow really?"
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:51:22 PM »
>Attend college in the UK >Take English history class >Professors starts talking about the American Revolution >Says England won the war because their per-capita kill count was higher >I start objecting to this >Professor takes a closer look at me >He notices I have a ham sandwich next to me >I am immediately arrested by British authorities under Sharia Law for possessing unclean meat >They search my dorm room >Find a toothbrush >Having never seen such a device before they assume it to be a magic wand >They insist on putting me on a train to Hogwarts >Train just runs into the ocean >All the British kids drown >I swim back to America using superior American swimming genetics
« on: April 16, 2016, 02:45:51 PM »
So yesterday I was pretty upset because I spent the whole day either throwing up or in bed with a headache, not to mention I didn't sleep at all the night before. So I came in today pretty Meh. it was only six hours today so I wasn't too upset, then I got a letter addressed to me at work. I've worked at this location for six months now, and this is the first actual recognition of my work I've gotten. Most days, I just get people angry at me because I don't have their item, so this was a huge deal for me since I've never received anything like this before, even at DTD.
« on: April 15, 2016, 06:16:33 PM »
If you're not using three monitors for your computer you better be on a tablet in an airplane because there is no excuse in the CURRENT YEAR to not have at least three screens.
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:53:58 PM »
Is there any particular reason why people play their music to the point where their rooms vibrates?
My fucking squatter hick roommates are playing God knows what and I can feel/hear the vibrations from the other side of the house. People obnoxiously do it with their cars at a red light too. I never understood this mentality, if you want to kill your ears, but on a head set and turn the volume up all the way.
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:46:10 AM »
>Welcome to Burger King! Can I take your order?
>>Yes I'll have an Angry Whopper with fries and a drink.
>Sorry sir we don't serve the Angry Whopper anymore but right now we have the Angriest Whopper. It's even more spicy.
>>No it has too much spice. I want it to be less spicy and less delicious.
>Sir you would probably like the new Angriest Whopper better.
>>Fuck you. I'm going to force myself into your kitchen and make my own Angry Whopper and guess what? I'm not paying for it.
>I'm calling the police.
« on: April 14, 2016, 09:58:54 PM »
But I'm too busy shitposting. Convince me to go to bed. I gotta be up at 5:30 tomorrow.
« on: April 13, 2016, 09:16:11 PM »
I wasn't expecting to get this hyped for the movie.
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:33:06 PM »
Hey guys, I just finished Hyouka. Despite the fact that it put me to sleep, I wanted to watch more shows like it, I got Scooby Doo recommended to me on Crunchyroll, is it any good?
« on: April 12, 2016, 12:06:47 PM »
It's amazing what can happen in such a small amount of time. Two years ago I never had a job, took Gen Ed classes part time, and my brother who was the biggest constant in my life, disappeared for three years. I was extremely miserable and was probably at my lowest point. If I were to go back in time and tell my past self who I was now and where I'd be in a mere two years, past me would probably get angry and not believe it. Mistakes were made along the way in the career path. Running away from advancement opportunities, losing possible friendships from my own arrogance, turned down experiences that would help learn things about myself that I ended up learning the hard way later. However, with these I was able to learn what I did wrong and how I can avoid making these mistakes again in the future. And while I may be in a state of unknowing with certain problems now, every cloud has a silver lining and it looks like things are finally turning around since I graduated high school. Truth be told this job is possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me.
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:16:32 AM »
What should I blow 20 bucks on tonight since I wont be buying anything else until my paycheck for the week comes in. Chinese is delicious and I get a lot for about 18 dollars, but it's only temporary and the service is kinda rude. Bennu Mount is bad ass looking and plays From The Ashes (T12 battle theme) when riding it, but it's 24 dollars instead. Pick for me Flood. Bennu Mount pick for reference:
« on: April 11, 2016, 09:28:17 PM »
So I've only been legitimately active here since mid-January. Before that I had some posts here and there but I'm pretty sure it was about like 20-30 posts. Too lazy to check.
Despite this I have over 1500 posts, this is a complete contrast to another forum I currently frequent a lot. I've been a user there since 2011 but only have 1400 posts and I think only two threads in total made.
For me, I can't bring myself to be very active with the community there. I mean, it's not that I don't want to be, otherwise I wouldn't be there in the first place but I think the users here are a lot better than the ones over there. There's not a single one of you who I actually don't like (some of you I'm not talking to [they know who they are] right now but I don't actually hate them). Over there it's filled with people who are pretty self-absorbed and chauvinistic, taking any differing opinion as being a contrarian or ignorant (or both).
Back on I was active up until this year and was Fabled, so a post count well over 20k. I really enjoyed the community up until the last two years and everyone who I truly missed is here now which is my reason for wanting this place to be my new internet home. But I wonder about everyone else, how attached are you to an internet forum or a internet community in general?
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:25:12 PM »
So the case I'm using now (Graphite Series 760T) from Corsair came with two 140mm red LED fans in the front and one 140mm non-LED fan in the back. When prepping the case, I removed the 140mm non-LED fan on the back and put one of the red ones there instead. In it's place up front is a 120mm Cooler Master blue-LED fan and there's two more 120mm Cooler Master blue-LED fans on the top and finally one on the bottom. I put the red one in the back so there's nice mix between red and blue inside the case.
I noticed however that the red still seems to be over powering in the color scheme. The Mobo also has a small red-LED strip to the left, and I'm thinking the blue-LEDs on the fans just aren't bright enough.
Would upping the blue fans to 140mm also increase the brightness (since it has to work with making more space glow) or is it just Corsair has naturally brighter fans than Cooler Master?
« on: April 11, 2016, 04:27:52 PM »
>Go to beach >Scoop up water with bucket >No fish in bucket >"Hurr that means there's no fish in the ocean!" >Skeptic logic
« on: April 11, 2016, 04:02:30 PM »
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:13:41 PM »
Microsoft has been pathetic in their attempts at pushing their disgusting botnet onto the masses, and now they've resorted to purposely sabotaging previous OS's to get you to switch.
I've been running a half-version of 8.1 on the new computer since I put together back in February I think? About three months now, basically I have the OS I just need to activate it. Problem is I need a new product key code since I was using the old one from my previous desktop, I'm fine with buying a new code but Windows for whatever reason shits a brick if I just click the "Buy key" option when the pop up screen appears every four hours asking me to put in a key code.
Either I waste gas money going out and buying a physical disk when all I need is the code on the back, or I buy online from another retailer when I could have it solved right here and now in seconds if Microsoft wasn't being so pushy with 10. Should I just keep trying the "buy key now" option from Microsoft? Because it will be a cold day in Hell before I "upgrade" to their botnet infestation that is 10.
« on: April 06, 2016, 03:25:57 PM »
It's not my internet, every other site is perfectly fine, but it took a considerable amount of time just to create a new topic.
Can anyone give some insight as to why I'm experiencing a significant delay in loading?
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:31:25 PM »
Stopped off at Best Buy before getting groceries since I wasn't feeling all that great. Picked up some stuff, can you guess what's in the bag?
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:21:27 PM »
Got out of the shower and was greeted with non-stop meowing. He was already fed and I played with him for about half an hour before taking a shower.... I can't read that cat at all, at least Mordred is easy to understand. "Give me either food or a belly rub asshole."
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:24:18 AM »
Shafting the Mark 06. >We're going to build this thing up and subtly show it every now and then, and build so much hype for it. It's gonna be the coolest thing ever! And then throw it away in twelve seconds in Q! >Q logic Thank's Khara. Thank's for taking my favorite Eva that you created hype for in two movies and have it flail around like some Halo 3 ragdoll. Look how silly that is, hahahaha hohohoho hahah- FUCK YOU KHARA.
« on: March 31, 2016, 10:07:05 AM »
In less than an hour of waking up, morning went from shit, to great, to shit again, and now great again. Over in Japan April 1st in the start of the fiscal year, this is when most companies make announcements of some sort or do something to show they're still working on projects that may or may not be delayed. Which is why I was eagerly awaiting 11:00am EST since that equates to 00:00 on April 1st in Japan, and as such has been updated. Hiddeaki Anno has delayed Evangelion 3.0+1.0 to work on Godzilla Resurgence which comes out in only a few more months. Seeing this new picture (whatever it is) gives me hope that we're actually getting close to Evangelion FINAL finally coming out.
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:07:56 AM »
So I had a nosebleed last night right after I went to bed, was half asleep and felt my nostril running a bit only to see some red on my blue pillow. Cleaned it up and went back to sleep, just had another five minutes ago, gone now but I'm a bit annoyed.
My allergies have been going crazy this past week and a half. With my sinuses being the worst the past few days. The inside of my nostrils is severely itchy to the point where it's causing repetitive sneezing which I'm sure isn't helping since it's leaving my nostrils extremely dry.
I was wondering if this is uncommon in allergies or not, I'm not going to run over to the doctor just to find out it might be perfectly normal. Especially when my chances of being killed from loss of blood from a nosebleed is 4 to 2.4 million.