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Messages - Naoto

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Serious / Re: Reminder that Google data-mining is OK
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:17:25 PM »
tfw using duckduckgo.

Gaming / Re: Fire Emblem If changing up weapon triangle
« on: May 19, 2015, 10:07:37 PM »
Been thinking about picking up Awakening, not sure if I should.
That's the game I've put the most hours into on 3DS. Whatever the price is down to now its definitely worth picking up if you're interested in a strategy rpg.

Gaming / Fire Emblem If changing up weapon triangle
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:07:53 PM »
The iconic system has been used in the Fire Emblem series since 1996, however now we’re seeing it finally get a revamp. Instead of the usual swords > axes > lances, it’s now sword and magic > axe and bow > lances and concealed weapons. If you’re unfamiliar with the system, it’s a triangular system of balance, with no one weapon being the definitive winner in battle.

We also know that weapons no longer have durability in the game, however this changes things up as the stronger the weapon against an opponent, the greater its disadvantages will be for that particular unit. Let’s say that a sword has more attack but a debuff to your evasion, making it harder to do a pursuit attack – you can expect more things like this. Staves are the only weapon to restrict the number of times they can be used.

Nice to change things up I suppose. Will take some getting use to.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remastered
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:24:38 PM »
TLOU is insanely repetitive and uninspired. increasing the difficulty even to grounded doesnt magically make the AI clever or the gameplay nuanced, it just increases the strain on your logistic strategy, and that isnt intuitive or challenging, it's just an artificial barrier to success.
So forcing you to strategize (which for some reason spell check thinks is not a word) your approach and conserve supplies is not intuitive or challenging? And is instead just an artificial barrier to success? I guess I don't know what those words mean then. Here I was thinking that it would be representative of a survival situation where you aren't some invincible bullet magician.

The game is no more repetitive than you'd expect it to be. It has enough varied weapons, enemies, and environments to keep me happy. Multiplayer wasn't tacked on garbarge. Was rather unique and managed to carry over the stressful desperation from the campaign.

Uninspired I just disagree with. The plot may be nothing ground breaking, but the way its told and the acting are far better than a lot of the other zombie schlock out there.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remastered
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:09:39 PM »
really tho. we need to have a serious conversation about this shit. you guys know as well as i do that the AAA market is saturated with absolutely awful games because of these mindless zombie noob hordes.
There are bad plot driven games and bad gameplay driven games. Having one or the other doesn't guarantee a good game, and games can be good just focusing on one.

I wouldn't say TLOU is an example of this 'AAA noob game'. I wonder how many people who complain about its gameplay have played it on grounded? Fights get intensely stressful when you are low on ammo and supplies. That's where you get memes like this from.

As for other games. I like telltale games that are close to unlosable in some areas. Is that a 'noob' game? If it is I don't really care because I'm not desperately trying to be hardcore. I just play what I enjoy. Which also includes games like Bloodborne that are more gameplay focused. Nothing wrong with mixing it up.

End of day all you can do is vote with your wallet if you want to change the industry. Don't buy shit games. But there's also a difference between a shit game and a game you don't personally enjoy.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remastered
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:02:26 PM »
TLOU is a good example of how a solid story can carry uninspired and repetitive gameplay into "GOAT/GOTY"
So most games?
most games arent put on the pedestal that TLOU is
it wasn't put on a pedestal for its gameplay
kinda weird for a game, dontcha think?
not really
games are allowed to have things other than its gameplay be praised
ill just drop this off here


Nice 2008 video. Yahtzee sounds so young and un-jaded.

Personally I agree. Story and characters ruin games. If I wanted that shit I'd read a book or watch movie. hahahaha. Get it? Cause books and movies are the only things that are allowed to have a plot and personality. We need more games like Destiny. Solid gameplay and nothing else. They are called games after all....not video games.

Clearly the title suggests they must all be the same. I mean variety is obviously bad for the industry. Everyone knows that. Everything should appeal to my tastes otherwise its not a game and you're not a gamer.

Think I've made the point.  ;)
casual scum should be executed via firing squad
That accent is really annoying tho.
thats the point, he's poking fun at yahtzee
I know. Still old vid. Yahtzee doesn't even say that stuff nowadays...if he ever did.
Just dumb that people actually believe a lot of that.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remastered
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:55:36 PM »
TLOU is a good example of how a solid story can carry uninspired and repetitive gameplay into "GOAT/GOTY"
So most games?
most games arent put on the pedestal that TLOU is
it wasn't put on a pedestal for its gameplay
kinda weird for a game, dontcha think?
not really
games are allowed to have things other than its gameplay be praised
ill just drop this off here


Nice 2008 video. Yahtzee sounds so young and un-jaded.

Personally I agree. Story and characters ruin games. If I wanted that shit I'd read a book or watch movie. hahahaha. Get it? Cause books and movies are the only things that are allowed to have a plot and personality. We need more games like Destiny. Solid gameplay and nothing else. They are called games after all....not video games.

Clearly the title suggests they must all be the same. I mean variety is obviously bad for the industry. Everyone knows that. Everything should appeal to my tastes otherwise its not a game and you're not a gamer.

Think I've made the point.  ;)
casual scum should be executed via firing squad
That accent is really annoying tho.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remastered
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:52:29 PM »
TLOU is a good example of how a solid story can carry uninspired and repetitive gameplay into "GOAT/GOTY"
So most games?
most games arent put on the pedestal that TLOU is
it wasn't put on a pedestal for its gameplay
kinda weird for a game, dontcha think?
not really
games are allowed to have things other than its gameplay be praised
ill just drop this off here


Nice 2008 video.

Personally I agree. Story and characters ruin games. If I wanted that shit I'd read a book or watch movie. hahahaha. Get it? Cause books and movies are the only things that are allowed to have a plot and personality. We need more games like Destiny. Solid gameplay and nothing else. They are called games after all....not video games.

Clearly the title suggests they must all be the same. I mean variety is obviously bad for the industry. Everyone knows that. Everything should appeal to my tastes otherwise its not a game and you're not a gamer.

Think I've made the point.  ;)

Gaming / Re: Have you ever played Halo: Combat Evolved?
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:31:49 AM »
Yeah, in the mid-'90s...

I don't know, I think six years is kind of a long time. You can make all the excuses you want, but I'm just saying, Super Smash Bros. Melee came out the exact same year, and it's still sharp to this day.
You don't think technology changed in six years or thought to include the time it takes to develop? No learning process at all there for the devs eh? They must have all been using really old tech and not developing for a new console first of its brand or anything huh. And smash is obviously as demanding as halo. Wut was I thinking?  But I guess I'm just making excuses. Cuz everyone knows what massive halo xbox fanboy I am :P

Eh don't really care. Game was fun. Would probably be the first one I'd go back and enjoy replaying. All it boils down to is 'muh opinions' in the end.

Gaming / Re: Have you ever played Halo: Combat Evolved?
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:20:46 AM »
A game from 2001 has clunky stiff gameplay? Well I never.
There were games made in the 80s that had silky smooth gameplay, so I don't really think that's much of an excuse...
You understand there was a jump to 3D at one point ye?

Gaming / Re: Have you ever played Halo: Combat Evolved?
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:15:18 AM »
Seriously though. HCE isn't that great when nostalgia is removed from the equation.
Gameplay is clunky and stiff. The story isn't anything spectacular; it's more of the same "spoopy mysterious space stuff, kill alien bad guys, oh shit plot twist!, and blow stuff up".
A game from 2001 has clunky stiff gameplay? Well I never.

Gaming / Re: Telltale games
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:03:37 AM »
I'm not even a Borderlands fan. I only played the first one because my friend begged me, and it was like £10 for the game + all DLC.

Fucking love TftB though.
I was essentially forced to play through 1&2 with an old roommate who was obsessed with the series. Literally bothered me everyday to co-op. Writing always came off very try hard to me.

Not to mention I knew Anthony Burch from his HAWP series. His descent into a massive sjw prick really turned me off to his stuff. He ended up becoming the lead writer for 2 and assisted on the Pre-sequel. Thankfully he left gearbox, so maybe 3 might end up half way decent.

Telltale though clearly knows what they're doing.
The writing in B1 was laughable at best, god awful at worst. But the story and writing isn't really the focus, so eh.
I enjoyed playing it a lot, though. I couldn't get into B2, at all. It just bored me senseless.

I hope TellTale show something from their Marvel game at E3.
Eh, super hero'd out. I think I'm sticking to these two series for now.

Gaming / Re: Telltale games
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:45:55 AM »
I'm not even a Borderlands fan. I only played the first one because my friend begged me, and it was like £10 for the game + all DLC.

Fucking love TftB though.
I was essentially forced to play through 1&2 with an old roommate who was obsessed with the series. Literally bothered me everyday to co-op. Writing always came off very try hard to me.

Not to mention I knew Anthony Burch from his HAWP series. His descent into a massive sjw prick really turned me off to his stuff. He ended up becoming the lead writer for 2 and assisted on the Pre-sequel. Thankfully he left gearbox, so maybe 3 might end up half way decent.

Telltale though clearly knows what they're doing.

Gaming / Re: Telltale games
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:24:20 AM »
Just bought and finished episode one of Tales of the Borderlands. Wow, damn good. Slow build but ended up really taking off. Think I still like Wolf Among Us just a bit more, but gg on the recommendation. Was super long too.
Definitely buy episode 2.

Definitely listen to this advice.
Season pass'd it. Wish the writing in the main Borderlands series was this good.

Gaming / Re: Telltale games
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:16:42 AM »
It has one of the best intros I've ever seen in a game.
they've got great intro music, which is common for the Borderlands IP. i kinda want the next episode to come out so i have a new song to listen to.
Just bought and finished episode one of Tales of the Borderlands. Wow, damn good. Slow build but ended up really taking off. Think I still like Wolf Among Us just a bit more, but gg on the recommendation. Was super long too.

I'd probably move to #­gaming

The Flood / Re: So, I just had the best night like ever.
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:14:02 PM »
Drunk posting a best posting.

Gaming / Re: Have you ever played Halo: Combat Evolved?
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:18:41 PM »
Such a fun game.

The Flood / Re: what's with all this catgirl hate mods
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:15:22 PM »
I blame FFXIV

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:12:49 PM »
Well yeah but... At that point I'd be asking myself "why the hell am I subjecting myself to this?"
Why would you want to experience nothing but 'teletubbies' all the time. Fantasy allows you to explore the emotions that come from brutal circumstances. Rather than just happily ignore that part of reality like every other setting. Engrossing characters and plot are really the only reasons you need.

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:30:11 AM »
That was hard to watch. Even for me (which is why this series is so good).
Knew tumblr and twitter would lose their minds.

The Flood / Re: Book Recommendations?
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:26:27 AM »
If you want to lose the next decade of your life The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan is muh favorite.
Blood and bloody ashes!

The Flood / Re: Book Recommendations?
« on: May 17, 2015, 11:42:00 PM »
If you want to lose the next decade of your life The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan is muh favorite.

Gaming / Re: Telltale games
« on: May 17, 2015, 10:38:06 PM »
honestly, the Borderlands one is probably my favorite one ive seen but i own the GoT ones.
I'm really into Tales from he Borderlands. I need to finish The Wolf Among Us.
I'll have to watch a lets play for Tales then. I've just completely ignored it tbh.

Gaming / Telltale games
« on: May 17, 2015, 09:14:14 PM »
Just got the Wolf Among Us plat. Really enjoyed it. I'd tried the Walking Dead on 360 but just couldn't get into it. Zombie fatigue. Seen some of GoT, but it didn't grab me either, and I don't really care for Borderlands. I'm a sucker for noir though. Hyped for season 2. Might even be willing to pay full price this time. Just hope this series doesn't get shafted with all the other stuff they're picking up. Don't expect Minecraft or Jurassic Park to interest me, so it looks like I'm sticking to just Wolf Among Us.

So what are your opinions on telltale games? I know they get a lot of hate for being 'muh movie games'. Got a favorite series?

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remasterd
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:51:28 PM »
Fantastic game. Fantastic multiplayer. Strong gameplay, story, and characters. Really enjoyed it.

Gaming / Re: Blitzball
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:42:39 PM »
Almost stopped playing cuz I thought it was required throughout. X has a lot of issues, but it still manages to be an ok game luckily.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 PS4 and Xbone comparison.
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:28:58 PM »

Gaming / Re: Why are people just now getting pissy at women in MGS
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:09:50 PM »
I'm just saying.
I know I'm just messing with you on the last one. I don't paint you all with the same brush. That tends to be what happens to my side of the argument. Its shitty either way.

The Flood / Re: what would you do to be a mod on here
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:59:49 PM »
Verby every time someone interacts with you they're being diplomatic  ;)
But they're certianly not professional.
The mods here have been surprisingly professional for an independant forum. They joke, especially with the more difficult members *nudge *nudge. Being professional doesn't mean you lack a sense of humor.

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