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Messages - Aether

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Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: January 30, 2018, 02:47:16 PM »
I'm not accusing them of being abusive yet, let me just clarify that. I'm turned off by their decision mostly out of principle. Toxicity is arbitrary and the idea of a person being excluded from a game, possibly permanently, because of a decision made by a game developer taking the position of a moral arbiter for the community. . . in fact the idea of a developer taking the position of moral arbiter to begin with. .  well it just isn't something I feel comfortable supporting, and abuse is absolutely a possibility with this new policy regardless of whether or not you believe it's an overstatement.

Blizzard makes games, I don't trust them to decide on what ultimately is or is not offensive to players. I don't trust any developer to decide that. I'm willing to compromise at the level of developers banning words like 'nigger' from gamertags or taking action against players for throwing games, cheating, preventing other players from playing properly etc. That level of moderation is basically essential for online games to function well. But if some kid just generally shit talks to the other team indiscriminately when he plays and makes videos then I don't believe any action should be taken against him. That, I would say, is overreaching.

Blizzard can certainly do whatever they want with Overwatch, it's their game. We'll just have to wait and see whether or not they take it that far, and I probably won't be playing again until I know how this plays out.
I see where you're coming from, but how is it any different from just about any other online platform or service? The issue you have with this is that the developers are being a "moral arbiter" of sorts, but I don't see how that differs from what Blizzard and hundreds of others have already been doing for years. Webhosts, social media, forums and marketplaces do it. Microsoft, Sony,, Facebook, Twitter and even this very site all act like a moral arbiter and decide on what's essentially a moral code of conduct that involves the exclusion of people who don't abide. And as is the case with any kind of rule or law, this needs to be sufficiently vague to be applied to practical situations which naturally involves a certain amount of discretion. This is nothing new and companies setting and enforcing a code of conduct for their platform / service by acting as a "moral arbiter" has been around for decades, more often than not without solely relying on a report function to bring abuisve behavior to their attention. You say you're not comfortable with a developer being a moral arbiter, but many of them already are. And while not technically a developer in this instance, Valve also has its own rules of conduct for Steam and has been sanctioning toxic people in its community for years.

So I'm not really sure if we're on the same page about what their new policy is, as I don't really see how you're fine with using these other sites and services then. The only difference here is that Blizzard doesn't just rely on reports but also monitors what happens in-game through other means, which is something that happens elswhere just the same. To my knowledge, Blizzard hasn't changed their actual policy one bit. They've just made it so that they're better equipped to pick up on behavior that would have already been breaking the rules before.
Well I figured I explained the moral arbiter issue well enough. I know any platform has to enforce certain rules, and I don't think there's anything unreasonable about that. I detailed the level at which I am willing to compromise because that is the level I find reasonable. My concern is how likely is it that things will go beyond that level, to the level of abuse.

The difference for me is that they are now going beyond their own platforms to look for problems. They're going the extra mile to curb 'toxic behavior,' a very broad and ultimately subjective term to be sure, in this turbulent climate of taking offense to just about everything we currently find ourselves in.

It isn't that they've been abusive yet, it's that the potential for abuse is becoming more and more evident as these policies progress, but also as the sentiment surrounding them progresses alongside this very vocal culture of outrage. And as it has gone with so many other companies, I think the chances that Blizzard may capitulate to the demands of a minority of overly sensitive and highly vocal players (perhaps even people that aren't even players, but merely wish to exercise ideological influence over things they don't like) . . well I think they're too high for my tastes.

If this wasn't just so happening at a time when so many organizations, whether governmental, business, or academic are trying to accommodate a person's feelings, even sometimes at the expense of truth itself, then I might not have such a bad feeling about all of this.

Like I said, I'm not blaming Blizzard for any form of abuse yet, I'm just waiting to see how this plays out. Maybe they'll stay fair. Maybe they will respect the values of freedom of expression. I certainly hope so, and if they do then they'll have my respect.

I just don't want to see this morph into WOTC scenario over time, where they're banning players for posting controversial opinions on external private social media, that has nothing to do with the games they make.


The Flood / Re: Bad Luck?
« on: January 29, 2018, 09:11:14 PM »
It's not so bad nowadays, mostly because my perspective has changed, but I still get weirdly unlucky quite often. I'll have a few weeks of pretty decent luck, but then all of a sudden I'll get a string of bad things happening one after the other. I then spend another couple of weeks recovering from that, only for the cycle to continue. It'd be humourous if I didn't fuck ME over.
I try to maintain a more positive outlook, but god damn is it hard sometimes.

Yeah, it is. I've come to expect bad luck at all times, so when it hits me, I'm prepared, but when it misses me, I'm baseline. The key is to expect the universe to want you to not succeed, and then use that as fuel for your conviction to succeed in spite of those efforts. Easier said than done, though.
I'm more inclined to view my problems as the consequences of my own actions, but I guess I expect the same a lot of the time considering how things have been going for me these past few years. Mainly to spare myself of disappointment. Turning that into motivation is another story, though. That kind of drive is respectable. My resolve has been broken down over the years from illness but I haven't given up yet.

The Flood / Re: Bad Luck?
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:45:46 PM »
It's not so bad nowadays, mostly because my perspective has changed, but I still get weirdly unlucky quite often. I'll have a few weeks of pretty decent luck, but then all of a sudden I'll get a string of bad things happening one after the other. I then spend another couple of weeks recovering from that, only for the cycle to continue. It'd be humourous if I didn't fuck ME over.
I try to maintain a more positive outlook, but god damn is it hard sometimes.

The Flood / Re: Bad Luck?
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:28:49 PM »
I have my mother's family curse
My linage was actually legitimately cursed by an arch bishop back in the middle ages.

The Flood / Bad Luck?
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:09:51 PM »
Anyone ever just have bouts of terrible luck where shit just keeps going wrong for a time?

As soon as 2018 started I got sick, my pc has been giving me repeated problems every single day trying to update to a windows version that breaks my drivers and I can't play my favorite game online anymore because the servers are being blocked by some mysterious process that I can't figure out no matter how hard I try, my chronic health condition has flared up so bad I probably would've gone to the hospital if I had insurance, my last great grandparent died before I was able to visit him again one last time, I ended up getting esophagitis (and boy is that shit fucking painful) so I'm unable to toke right now which I use to help manage my piss poor appetite and consistent nausea, I somehow cracked my phone screen but don't remember dropping it at all, my truck has been broken down for over a month now and I can't afford to fix it, and a whole slew of other shitty little things on top of all of that.

Sort of feels like life is out to get me right now even though that type of thinking isn't something I am really prone to. Not asking for sympathy or anything, I'm just wondering if anyone else has periods of seemingly awful luck like this, and what you do to stay sane.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: January 29, 2018, 03:23:15 PM »
I got turned off from Overwatch when Blizzard decided to start monitoring people's social media for the ever so vague scourge of online gaming, "toxic behavior." That shit sounds ripe for abuse.

Shit talk and banter has always been a part of competitive play, and I don't have faith that video game devs are capable of understanding the nuance and context of every situation with the potential to offend someone.
This seems like a bit of an overstated issue. Seems to me like they're just going to look at controversial gameplay on YouTube and Twitch to pick up on abusive behavior that might not have been reported. I'd be very surprised if they'd care about your everyday banter. Blizzard will likely just focus on the people putting out blatantly abusive content or being in those recordings, and there's plenty of them out there. I recently saw a video on Reddit where some guy constantly harassed female players in voice chat until they stopped talking completely and followed them around as Mei to put icewalls in front of them every few seconds. We don't know enough details yet, but I'd applaud them for going above and beyond their game to pick up on that stuff and put an end to it. Cautious props to them for raising the bar of in-game moderation.
I'm not accusing them of being abusive yet, let me just clarify that. I'm turned off by their decision mostly out of principle. Toxicity is arbitrary and the idea of a person being excluded from a game, possibly permanently, because of a decision made by a game developer taking the position of a moral arbiter for the community. . . in fact the idea of a developer taking the position of moral arbiter to begin with. .  well it just isn't something I feel comfortable supporting, and abuse is absolutely a possibility with this new policy regardless of whether or not you believe it's an overstatement.

Blizzard makes games, I don't trust them to decide on what ultimately is or is not offensive to players. I don't trust any developer to decide that. I'm willing to compromise at the level of developers banning words like 'nigger' from gamertags or taking action against players for throwing games, cheating, preventing other players from playing properly etc. That level of moderation is basically essential for online games to function well. But if some kid just generally shit talks to the other team indiscriminately when he plays and makes videos then I don't believe any action should be taken against him. That, I would say, is overreaching.

Blizzard can certainly do whatever they want with Overwatch, it's their game. We'll just have to wait and see whether or not they take it that far, and I probably won't be playing again until I know how this plays out.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:49:43 PM »
I got turned off from Overwatch when Blizzard decided to start monitoring people's social media for the ever so vague scourge of online gaming, "toxic behavior." That shit sounds ripe for abuse.

Shit talk and banter has always been a part of competitive play, and I don't have faith that video game devs are capable of understanding the nuance and context of every situation with the potential to offend someone.

The Flood / Re: Hello old friends
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:15:12 AM »
everyone's gone

Seems that way, when I checked last night there had only been 2 new topics in like 3 days
It's depressing. When this forum dies, I have no other community to go to.

Better start looking for one.

Well, I hope you find one. Any reason why so many people left?
It happens with all of these small forums really. Nothing really new or different happens so people just get bored and move on. The last few remaining would probably be like me and just want some sense of community online, but haven't found many other good sources.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 28, 2018, 10:22:03 PM »
^^^That must've been a lot of work, damn. Props.

Was a pain to get my tablet drivers sorted out again. I've really gotta get back on the grind.

The Flood / Re: Hello old friends
« on: January 28, 2018, 03:52:59 PM »
everyone's gone

Seems that way, when I checked last night there had only been 2 new topics in like 3 days
It's depressing. When this forum dies, I have no other community to go to.

Better start looking for one.
buy pubg
Not really into games right now, trying to focus more on improving my drawing skills when I'm not trying to sleep the pain of my health problems away.

The Flood / Re: Hello old friends
« on: January 28, 2018, 01:31:41 PM »
everyone's gone

Seems that way, when I checked last night there had only been 2 new topics in like 3 days
It's depressing. When this forum dies, I have no other community to go to.

Better start looking for one.

The Flood / Re: Hello old friends
« on: January 28, 2018, 11:11:20 AM »
everyone's gone

The Flood / Re: Who here has traveled long distance alone?
« on: January 27, 2018, 08:10:56 PM »
If it's something you're passionate about and want to go to then don't let the fact that you would be alone stop you from doing it. You very well may meet some cool new people.

The Flood / Re: How is your 2018 so far?
« on: January 26, 2018, 08:06:42 AM »
tbh it's been hell. Especially the last 2 weeks.

Serious / Re: being offended "for" people
« on: January 24, 2018, 09:36:39 PM »
Outrage culture is quite pathetic to me.

It's perfectly viable to be able to recognize harm without taking offense. In fact, it makes you more effective at understanding the nature of harm and what you can do to combat specific instances of it. As I always say, offense is a condition of bias that hinders clarity, and clarity is essential to wisdom.

Obviously I take a offense to a ton of things because I'm just a human like everyone else, and I don't hold it against myself if it's for something truly abhorrent. I just know it doesn't help me and it's not a characteristic of mine that I respect all too well. I try to work on it, although it can be very difficult to overcome.

Truth is the most critical aspect of attaining peace in life.

The Flood / Re: Good ways to reduce stress (legally)
« on: January 22, 2018, 06:07:19 PM »
Find something you're passionate about and delve into it really deep. It can be a good distraction from the bullshit life throws at you. Especially if you can achieve flow-state while practicing your craft. At that point nothing else exists for you but yourself and the task at hand.

The Flood / Re: Good ways to reduce stress (illegally)
« on: January 22, 2018, 06:01:19 PM »
Microdose LSD.

Hero, a net gain is a net gain.
That's not gaining anything, it's just losing 10 people instead of 100.

Saving 90 peeps yo
You're picking the lesser of two loses. I don't see it as a gain in any way.
That's fine, I'm not gonna say there isn't opportunity cost in this situation, all I am saying is that you have less people than the amount you started with regardless of what decision you make. If you place value on the lives of these people then you're set up to lose either way. You would have to make a decision, and there are plenty of arguments to be made for both, but I wouldn't consider either a net gain in any form. Unless the people you would be killing are somehow a detriment to society, and that detriment somehow outweighs the value of their lives.

Hero, a net gain is a net gain.
That's not gaining anything, it's just losing 10 people instead of 100.

Saving 90 peeps yo
You're picking the lesser of two loses. I don't see it as a gain in any way.

Hero, a net gain is a net gain.
That's not gaining anything, it's just losing 10 people instead of 100.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 18, 2018, 01:15:01 PM »
I like drawing elf ears.

My GI doctor was a complete farce of a doctor. Only wanting to put me on some horrible PPI medication that would've made the condition I have infinitely worse. You could tell he just didn't know how to handle a patient like me. One you can't just give some pill too and send them on their way. The same went for my general physician.

Doctors are mostly in the business of treating symptoms and not curing people. One of the biggest reasons I respect my current doctor is because he tries to get to the root of the problem. Because he's an infectious disease doctor, he can't settle for just treating symptoms or many of his patients would simply die.

I think good doctors are few and far between tbh.

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 17, 2018, 12:28:38 PM »
I am not knowledgeable or in agreement with the tenants of any specific ideology enough to choose to subscribe to it. I just show an interest in and abide by certain ideas and values.

With that said, communism has always looked particularly unappealing to me. What with the whole starving nations thing or being worked to death in a gulag because I disagree with the state.
none of those were actually communist
Is this a real response anymore? It's become such a meme. Whatever, I'll respond.

Multiple regimes, those in charge of governing very different cultures, tried to pursue equality of outcome over equality of opportunity. What happened then? People died in numbers beyond any accurate measure. Was it just corruption? Personally I think there's a lot more to it than just that, but who is to say another tyrannical bastard wont take over the next one? It's what they do after all.

Serious / Re: Seattle's Sugary Drink Tax
« on: January 17, 2018, 10:31:45 AM »
While I do think a company should be required to be honest about the unhealthiness of their products, similar to how tobacco corporations have to be very transparent about the dangers of cigarettes, I don't think overly taxing or banning any long-term harmful food product is going to stop anything, but rather generate new problems.

People want their vices, they want to satiate their cravings. No tax is going to break that addiction. Just try to educate people better. Raise the standards for healthy eating among society and let the free market decide. One thing people could try to work on is making healthy eating more affordable.

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 17, 2018, 09:58:40 AM »
I am not knowledgeable or in agreement with the tenants of any specific ideology enough to choose to subscribe to it. I just show an interest in and abide by certain ideas and values.

With that said, communism has always looked particularly unappealing to me. What with the whole starving nations thing or being worked to death in a gulag because I disagree with the state.

Can you imagine just how dull and boring a world without potentially offensive behaviors would be? What a dystopian nightmare.
How so?
Criticism and judgement have a high degree of potential for offense, yet they are essential to personal development. We need to be able to asses the genuine feelings and thoughts of the people around us on how we conduct ourselves so we are able to act appropriately.

On top of that, comedy is critical for society as a whole to develop properly and flourish. For new ideas to form on the foundations of the old.

I think a world without the potential for offense is a world without knowing what people really believe.

Can you imagine just how dull and boring a world without potentially offensive behaviors would be? What a dystopian nightmare.

Gaming / Re: Your least favorite games
« on: January 16, 2018, 01:29:26 PM »
Team sports games. They're just not appealing to me at all. Same goes for card based games like Hearthstone.

Extreme sports games like SSX or THPS are fun though. I certainly wasted much of my life trying to be one of the best TH players.

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