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Messages - Aether

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So this is tonight's argument. . . probs gonna find another forum to lurk.
yeah this is bad drama

go stir up some actual exciting shit please
Why would I do something that isn't in my nature to do? smh.

So this is tonight's argument. . . probs gonna find another forum to lurk.

The Flood / Re: So I'm planning on starting Prozac today
« on: June 05, 2016, 06:32:55 PM »
Ftr it's best to use psyche meds to help you make mental changes, achieve a better mindset, and then ween yourself off of them (slowly but steadily) instead of relying on them entirely to keep your bad mindset at bay. Getting stuck in the trap of perpetual medicating isn't the best thing.

The Flood / Re: Retirement plans?
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:24:16 PM »
I haven't even figured out how I'm going to make a living.

tbh I feel very detached from the generic structured life that is growing up, going to school, getting a some sort of degree, finding a career, having a family, raising children, and retiring.

The Flood / Re: A guy I went to school with passed away today
« on: June 05, 2016, 09:11:18 AM »
The girl I crushed on shot herself due to an abusive relationship.


The Flood / Re: Ecigs are getting too expensive for me
« on: June 03, 2016, 09:42:15 PM »
Do heroin instead will probably feel way better
if I had a connect I honestly probably would
Wow you would willingly try a substance with an extremely high addiction potential, while you are knowingly predisposed to substance abuse. You do have any idea how horrible the suffering of opiate withdrawal is?
yeah I don't know if this is a newsflash to you but I'm probably going to live another few years at most

being a heroin junkie is fine by me as long as I can keep getting more of it
Everything you reveal about your life is a newsflash. I don't know who you really are, honestly.

What I can see at least is that, astoundingly, not only are you a fool but you willingly choose to be one as if it's somehow the best thing for you. You seem to care about nothing but fleeting happiness and throw responsibility to the wind. tbh I don't even know what you live for.

Don't know what else to say really, you always go on about some terrible thing that has happened to your life but apart from that I've never seen you explain what it is, so I suppose I can't gain any better understanding of you.
People don't like it when I get all emotional or whatever, so long story short, I have an uncurable condition that makes day to day life almost unbearable. The only thing to do, other than just die, is to fill my life with as much direct pleasure as I can. That can only last so long, though, so I'm not concerned with anything long-term, as I probably won't even be alive to see the results of my choices.
Why do you care if people don't like it when you get emotional but at the same time don't care about the more significant and impactful consequences of your actions?

Can you at least name the condition?
Um, one is short term and one is long term

I care a little bit about the short term because that actually affects me, I couldn't care less about the long term because I doubt I'll ever see those effects
It effects other people. I suppose you don't care enough about them huh?

No name? Well that's disappointing. I have an awful condition too, a couple in fact. (SIBO and Candidiasis, both severe). They're not incurable but they're both extremely difficult to cure when they're as bad as I have them, and definitely debilitating. I'm also having to be tested for Marfan syndrome which is incurable but manageable.

I'm sorry it's fascinating to me. I suffer every day of my life now with extreme exhaustion and chronic inflammation all over, my liver and kidneys take a constant beating from the overload of toxins in my bloodstream, and I can't even eat a slice of bread without suffering in pain. These conditions have sapped years of progress from my life and I have to watch my peers move forward while I remain in a stasis of illness. Despite all of that, I still don't let those things taint my outlook on life, and It's curious to me when others allow their problems to do so.
I don't really have anyone, and even if I did, who cares? I'm a selfish person, and I'm certainly not going to burden myself with a life, much less a sober one, for someone else's sake. And anyway, my condition is a mental one, not a physical one. GID. You can at least treat SIBO, that's what my aunt has been trying to do. And to be frank, just because you find the will to live despite your condition doesn't mean everyone does or even has to. The only thing I look forward to is getting high because what else is there? Yeah, I could get a career I hate and make money, get a house and all that. I could give to charity with that money, I could volunteer at some shelter. But at the end of the day, that's just going to cause me to be even more drained and annoyed than I would be if I hadn't done that. You can't take your life experiences and push them on everyone else as some lesson or proof that every life is worth living.
Yes, I have a treatable condition, but it's one that isn't taken seriously by mainstream medicine. One that doctors will scoff off as some simple 'discomfort' and prescribe terrible medications that only serve to treat a certain few symptoms and make the underlying condition much much worse in the end. (I've dealt with all of this) For someone who has such a severe case of the condition as I do, it's a very scary thing, not to be able to trust your doctor to get you well, to have them tell you have simply have IBS when there is no cure for. If I hadn't taken the initiative to understand what was happening to me, what was wrong, and what changes I could make to take charge of my life and my health, both physical and mental, I would be so extremely sick right now that I may as well have been suicidal. Certainly hospitalized. One of my organs has already failed me (gallbladder), I'm not losing another because of irresponsible and ignorant medical practices. I've gone through many phases where I felt like no one really believed that I was as sick as I was. That there was no hope to ever overcome my issues. Now I can see it, albeit it's a long and harrowing road ahead. I'm not trying to make a contest out of who is worse off, that would be meaningless, I'm only saying that because my condition is physical doesn't make the suffering I've experienced any less real, and that I haven't been hopeless. I won't soon forget any of that.

I never told you to change your ways. The only thing I've ever told you specifically was not to ignore truth and to try to observe things without bias to the best of your abilities. I've already stated you can do as you like and will simply have to face the consequences of your actions.

What I'm really doing is merely trying to understand your mindset and compare the differences between my own because it helps me to gain a better understanding of myself as well as how people become the way they are. It's something I am fairly passionate about when I have the energy.

The Flood / Re: Ecigs are getting too expensive for me
« on: June 03, 2016, 09:12:32 PM »
Do heroin instead will probably feel way better
if I had a connect I honestly probably would
Wow you would willingly try a substance with an extremely high addiction potential, while you are knowingly predisposed to substance abuse. You do have any idea how horrible the suffering of opiate withdrawal is?
yeah I don't know if this is a newsflash to you but I'm probably going to live another few years at most

being a heroin junkie is fine by me as long as I can keep getting more of it
Everything you reveal about your life is a newsflash. I don't know who you really are, honestly.

What I can see at least is that, astoundingly, not only are you a fool but you willingly choose to be one as if it's somehow the best thing for you. You seem to care about nothing but fleeting happiness and throw responsibility to the wind. tbh I don't even know what you live for.

Don't know what else to say really, you always go on about some terrible thing that has happened to your life but apart from that I've never seen you explain what it is, so I suppose I can't gain any better understanding of you.
People don't like it when I get all emotional or whatever, so long story short, I have an uncurable condition that makes day to day life almost unbearable. The only thing to do, other than just die, is to fill my life with as much direct pleasure as I can. That can only last so long, though, so I'm not concerned with anything long-term, as I probably won't even be alive to see the results of my choices.
Why do you care if people don't like it when you get emotional but at the same time don't care about the more significant and impactful consequences of your actions?

Can you at least name the condition?
Um, one is short term and one is long term

I care a little bit about the short term because that actually affects me, I couldn't care less about the long term because I doubt I'll ever see those effects
It effects other people. I suppose you don't care enough about them huh?

No name? Well that's disappointing. I have an awful condition too, a couple in fact. (SIBO and Candidiasis, both severe). They're not incurable but they're both extremely difficult to cure when they're as bad as I have them, and definitely debilitating. I'm also having to be tested for Marfan syndrome which is incurable but manageable.

I'm sorry it's fascinating to me. I suffer every day of my life now with extreme exhaustion and chronic inflammation all over, my liver and kidneys take a constant beating from the overload of toxins in my bloodstream, and I can't even eat a slice of bread without suffering in pain. These conditions have sapped years of progress from my life and I have to watch my peers move forward while I remain in a stasis of illness. Despite all of that, I still don't let those things taint my outlook on life, and It's curious to me when others allow their problems to do so.

The Flood / Re: Ecigs are getting too expensive for me
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:30:40 PM »
Do heroin instead will probably feel way better
if I had a connect I honestly probably would
Wow you would willingly try a substance with an extremely high addiction potential, while you are knowingly predisposed to substance abuse. You do have any idea how horrible the suffering of opiate withdrawal is?
yeah I don't know if this is a newsflash to you but I'm probably going to live another few years at most

being a heroin junkie is fine by me as long as I can keep getting more of it
Everything you reveal about your life is a newsflash. I don't know who you really are, honestly.

What I can see at least is that, astoundingly, not only are you a fool but you willingly choose to be one as if it's somehow the best thing for you. You seem to care about nothing but fleeting happiness and throw responsibility to the wind. tbh I don't even know what you live for.

Don't know what else to say really, you always go on about some terrible thing that has happened to your life but apart from that I've never seen you explain what it is, so I suppose I can't gain any better understanding of you.
People don't like it when I get all emotional or whatever, so long story short, I have an uncurable condition that makes day to day life almost unbearable. The only thing to do, other than just die, is to fill my life with as much direct pleasure as I can. That can only last so long, though, so I'm not concerned with anything long-term, as I probably won't even be alive to see the results of my choices.
Why do you care if people don't like it when you get emotional but at the same time don't care about the more significant and impactful consequences of your actions?

Can you at least name the condition?

The Flood / Re: Ecigs are getting too expensive for me
« on: June 03, 2016, 06:50:57 PM »
Do heroin instead will probably feel way better
if I had a connect I honestly probably would
Wow you would willingly try a substance with an extremely high addiction potential, while you are knowingly predisposed to substance abuse. You do have any idea how horrible the suffering of opiate withdrawal is?
yeah I don't know if this is a newsflash to you but I'm probably going to live another few years at most

being a heroin junkie is fine by me as long as I can keep getting more of it
Everything you reveal about your life is a newsflash. I don't know who you really are, honestly.

What I can see at least is that, astoundingly, not only are you a fool but you willingly choose to be one as if it's somehow the best thing for you. You seem to care about nothing but fleeting happiness and throw responsibility to the wind. tbh I don't even know what you live for.

Don't know what else to say really, you always go on about some terrible thing that has happened to your life but apart from that I've never seen you explain what it is, so I suppose I can't gain any better understanding of you.

The Flood / Re: Ecigs are getting too expensive for me
« on: June 03, 2016, 06:40:25 PM »
Do heroin instead will probably feel way better
if I had a connect I honestly probably would
Wow you would willingly try a substance with an extremely high addiction potential, while you are knowingly predisposed to substance abuse. You do have any idea how horrible the suffering of opiate withdrawal is?

The Flood / Re: Found this little shit. Decide it's fate
« on: June 03, 2016, 06:33:57 PM »
tf should I believe any of this for?

The Flood / Re: I miss lemon
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:53:39 AM »

The Flood / Re: Dear Cheat and LC
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:53:02 AM »
I imagine somewhat of a similar situation to mine where life takes precedence.

The Flood / Re: Dear Cheat and LC
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:13:35 AM »
Feel like we're going to be seeing less of kits now.

The Flood / Re: "Albanian people don't exist"
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:57:34 AM »
I've lived with three at the same time and they definitely do exist.

The Flood / Re: No offense, but this shit pisses me off so much.
« on: May 29, 2016, 12:36:09 PM »
Irrational anger is an inconvenience, but try not to confuse it as some inherent nature of identifying out of normal standards. (That goes for any sort of identity, really.)

Sensitive cunts will be sensitive cunts regardless of their identity.

Well I mean...

If you consider that we have no memories before being born then you can assume we have none after death. IMO (and I've thought a lot about this) your sense of time, space, and self only exists within your life's scope. This would mean, from each person's individual perspective, they, themselves, will never, ever die.

Also, God's not real.
That is if you consider the 'the self' to be the ego.

I believe the self supersedes the senses, perception, cognition, all of relativity. For all of that to arise, exist, and cease it has to have some being present to observe it. Nothing essentially relative to any perspective can be conditioned without the observer present to condition it. If the observer is not present then there is no perspective, and all relativity that may have been conditioned would not have been.

I have to 'be' before I can be something.
Ah and yet we can never be certain that there is something else observing us.

Today I learned that I'm not real, and I will never die.

Those two qualifications make me God.
God is a subjective concept that wouldn't exist without some sentience to conceive it.

The way I see it, you are and that's that. Who, what, where, when, and how you are is the result of some relative conditioning.

Well I mean...

If you consider that we have no memories before being born then you can assume we have none after death. IMO (and I've thought a lot about this) your sense of time, space, and self only exists within your life's scope. This would mean, from each person's individual perspective, they, themselves, will never, ever die.

Also, God's not real.
That is if you consider the 'the self' to be the ego.

I believe the self supersedes the senses, perception, cognition, all of relativity. For all of that to arise, exist, and cease it has to have some being present to observe it. Nothing essentially relative to any perspective can be conditioned without the observer present to condition it. If the observer is not present then there is no perspective, and all relativity that may have been conditioned would not have been.

I have to 'be' before I can be something.

The Flood / Re: Your Youtube Channel?
« on: May 29, 2016, 10:22:44 AM »
Eh no one gives a shit about THUG Pro vids, but that's what I upload from time to time.

The Flood / Re: I'm dissociated on dxm roast me
« on: May 29, 2016, 10:19:00 AM »

That's some bullshit right there
What I said?

How can anyone ever truly know yourself better than yourself? They aren't you, they don't have all of your experience at their disposal, they only have their own. It is the culmination of your experience that is you in life.

I may know someone better than they know themselves, at one point or another, but that does not take away the potential they have to know themselves better than I or anyone else do if they make an effort to reflect on themselves. To be mindful.

The Flood / Re: I'm dissociated on dxm roast me
« on: May 29, 2016, 12:00:06 AM »
Becoming an attention whore?
ive always been an attention whore
Why do you need validation from others? You're the only one who can truly reflect upon yourself.

The Flood / Re: I'm dissociated on dxm roast me
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:28:52 PM »
Becoming an attention whore?

The Flood / Re: >immensely sleepy
« on: May 28, 2016, 10:21:24 AM »
Yes it happens. I wake up consistently throughout the night, or rather the morning, as I sleep.

Now if it's the afternoon I can collapse on my bed and sleep for hours, but I have to prevent myself from doing so.

The Flood / Re: the best insult word
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:43:13 PM »

he did actually receive some furry art
but it's not a jpg
>not congo rats

Well the first time some shit popup advert thing screwed me. .

Second time hawk.

The Flood / Re: The lesson from the Trans Bathroom debate
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:46:54 AM »
And the same could be said for the other side.

If a bathroom law could stop perverts, than that means gun control would stop shootings. Yet conservatives want one and say the other is impossible.
Having a tendency to follow any specific label generally inclines people to be less open minded and thus more ignorant as a result.

The Flood / Re: Why should I not kill myself?
« on: May 27, 2016, 12:12:30 AM »
You haven't found something to live for? How am I supposed to show you something to live for if you almost certainly won't accept it as such anyways?

Do something drastic and subject anyone who cares about you with grief. .  is that reason enough to live?

I'm sick af, broke as hell, lonely as shit, completely dependent on others for survival, suffer every single day in pain and I still have the will to live and overcome the obstacles in my life. I suppose I just have a different mindset than you do.

The Flood / Re: You're 8 Years Old
« on: May 26, 2016, 10:52:42 PM »
Absolutely. A whole box if I wanted. Yep, a box.

The Flood / Re: hey
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:44:26 PM »
Shit really. Play some Battleborn I guess, maybe sketch.

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