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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 310311312 313314 ... 502
Serious / Worrying statistics about Britain's Muslim population
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:01:27 PM »
To kick things off, the UK Polling Report reported back in 2006 that 78pc of British Muslims (according to a poll commissioned by Channel 4) believed Kurt Westegaard, the Danish cartoonist who drew pictures of Muhammed, should've been prosecuted and 68pc believed those who insulted Islam should be prosecuted.

CBS News reports 25pc of British Muslims supporting the 7/7 bombers.

Pew Research shows 24pc believing suicide bombing is justified, which rises to 35pc for young Muslims.

Civitas tells us that 33pc of British Muslims believe apostates should be killed. That same poll shows us 28pc want Britain to be an Islamic State and some 60pc didn't believe the Holocaust had happened.

Pew again with statistics claiming only 7pc of British Muslims consider themselves British before Muslim, with 81pc explicitly thinking of themselves as Muslim first and foremost.

This truly does worry me, and I really do feel sorry for the large minority (depending on where you draw the line) of decent Muslims who have to live with the legacy of their barbaric cousins.

The Flood / Re: Just BTFO some dumb feminist (with pictures)
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:29:17 PM »
Question for OP if you don't know the answer >.>

What exactly does that mean? YDP and the £20 <.<

pls respond
Not a fucking clue.

The Flood / Re: RP as your current avatar in this thread
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:27:26 PM »
I generally agree with Ben Bernanke -- at least when he was writing in 2003 -- that interest rates, real or nominal, are not reliably indicators of the stance of the central banks monetary policy. As Bernanke said, inflation and nominal income, or nGDP, are usually more reliable.

Of these, however, nominal income is the most reliable and it would be my advice to the Government to consider the Bank of England adopting a nominal income level target, to make sure aggregate demand isn't depressed during the shortfalls of the business cycle. It also has the added benefit of not leading to unnecessarily severe debt crises, as we saw in September 2008 with Lehman Brothers after the Federal Reserve in America had adopted a tight-money policy to combat inflation from an oil shock.

« on: December 29, 2014, 02:07:24 PM »
So they're keeping an eye on the radicals? I certainly don't believe that we should cut out free speech like the way your country has been doing things, but I don't see anything beyond 'logic' to focus on radicals seeing as they're (probably) more likely to start riots, uprisings, terrorist actions.
Warrantless and unregulated collection of private data isn't necessary to keep an eye on radicals. . .

« on: December 29, 2014, 01:46:16 PM »
First of all^

Second of all the government doesn't think you're important enough to spend 30 minutes looking through your countless pages of search history. There's no logical reason to feel violated.
I've told you many times before that the government has collected porn history as "back-up" to discredit radicals, and I've mentioned a few times before about how Scotland Yard kept files on journalists, as well as their families' medical records.

This isn't about the government watching us, it's about stopping any sort of erosion which lends itself to a generally undesirable society.

The Flood / Re: Just BTFO some dumb feminist (with pictures)
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:40:57 PM »

that domain name just makes me cringe no offense
Don't worry.

Most of the active people there are fervent communists.

If I hadn't already given that up, using that forum would've made me.

The Flood / Just BTFO some dumb feminist (with pictures)
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:07:20 PM »



The Flood / Re: Do people really think mental illness is cool? Really?
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:21:10 PM »

When I say masochism, I'm only speaking colloquially.

I don't mean some deep-seated, pathological enjoyment of his own emotional torment.

The Flood / Re: Thar Be Dragons - An Alignment Test
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:51:01 AM »
jack the ripper
Hey, he got away with it.

The Flood / Re: Thar Be Dragons - An Alignment Test
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:23:00 AM »
You are 50% Evil.
You are 33.3% Chaotic.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

      You are compelled by greed, hatred, jealousy, and a lust for destruction. You are hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and often unpredictable. You are out for whatever you can get and have no qualms about doing so in a ruthless and brutal manner. However, your plans are haphazard. Any alliances you make or groups you form are fragile and poorly organized. Some people would describe you as “Demonic.”
      You are the stereotypical“Destroyer.” You believe in the destruction of not only beauty and life, but also the order and organization on which they stand.
      Examples of charactersand people who fit into the same alignment as you include Jack the Ripper, Saddam Hussein, Blackbeard the Pirate, Cruella DeVille, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, Khan Noonian Singh, Dr. Evil, Professor Moriarty, and Lord Voldemort.

Really, I'm the only person to have gotten evil?

You people are either all excessively boring or compulsive liars.

« on: December 29, 2014, 10:35:26 AM »
>implying I care even vaguely care enough about exercise to own a bike

The Flood / Re: Wow I feel like Meta when he's trapped in Serious
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:20:00 AM »
Did I say you could stop sucking, bitch?

The Flood / You meet an old man as you journey along the path
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:19:31 AM »
He says that all our actions and decisions are the result of free will, and we are fundamentally responsible for what we do. He asks you if you agree with this statement.

If you say "yes", he asks you to demonstrate your free will by exercising your ability to decide to now disagree with him instead.

The Flood / And here's where I'd put my sex life. . .
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:41:50 AM »


Oh, hello.

The Flood / Re: I'm triggered by this image
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:37:57 AM »
What the fuck are ear candles?
Some kind of alternative medicine practice I guess
Goddamn that's the biggest load of horseshit I've ever seen in my life.

The Flood / Re: how do I become smart to post on the serious board
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:34:56 AM »
You need my permission, first of all.

The Flood / Re: Which users are most intelligent in these categories?
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:32:54 AM »
Giant homo circle jerk ITT
Well, now we know why you're here.

The Flood / Re: Which users are most intelligent in these categories?
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:32:29 AM »
Uhhhhh too many votes for me in Math

Turkey and Piranha vastly outpace me in that field
you make me sick you goddamn MOTHERFUCKING HUMBLE LIZARD

Serious / Re: The next recession
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:09:50 AM »
Financial crises and bubbles don't matter when it comes to recessions.

What matters is monetary policy.

The Flood / Re: I can't believe how many times I see this
« on: December 28, 2014, 07:10:16 PM »
They've been having some form of outage like everyday for the past month and a half.
I honestly have to wonder what's up with them nowadays.

It's as if their quality fell off a cliff, instead of some sort of slow, sad decline.

The Flood / Re: I can't believe how many times I see this
« on: December 28, 2014, 07:06:45 PM »
I was just thinking that the other day.

Which is why I really don't go there anymore.

Verbatim and Meta should just get it over with already and fuck.
You'll have to hop off my dick first.

I think Verbatim's disdain for privacy stems from a sort of contempt for people who aren't willing to own their actions
Nailed it.
Well fuck, I completely agree with you in those terms.

The Flood / Re: What do you think about audioporn?
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:51:43 PM »
I'm occasionally privy.

I think Verbatim's disdain for privacy stems from a sort of contempt for people who aren't willing to own their actions, and engage with a sense of self-reliance which I actually relate to very heavily. I don't see privacy as an end for its own sake, merely as a safe-guard from invasive (be they oppressive or paternalistic) governments.

But that's probably because I'm more of a political thinker.

The Flood / Which users are most intelligent in these categories?
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:42:53 PM »
Given the strongly linked nature of some of them, you can nominate a user for more than one category. Yes, you can suggest more categories. Yes, the Flood is just one big circle-jerk tonight.











Current affairs:

The Flood / Re: user tiers (totally not biased at all)
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:37:46 PM »
everyone who i haven't listed already is like, C or below

either because you don't post enough

or you just started posting, and i hate your guts

You must be fun at parties.
I'd actually really love to see Verbatim at a party.

The Flood / Re: Most intelligent person here?
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:34:06 PM »
Probably me, if I wanted to actually answer honestly.
I can't tell if we're all just saying this because we're narcissists, and it turns out none of us are actually the most intelligent.

The Flood / Re: user tiers (totally not biased at all)
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:32:40 PM »
I'm happy with this.

Serious / Re: Why I supported the Iraq War
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:30:38 PM »
largely false claims of WMDs
I don't care what the public believed.

180,000 dead Kurds suffered at the hands of these weapons. If that's not enough to motivate the electorate, then fuck the electorate.

The Syriam situation is just as bad - if not worse.
You're right, it's worse.

There's no side one can peaceably support. I've chosen Assad, however, and I'll face the consequences of that in the future if I have to.

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