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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 293294295 296297 ... 502
That's why you take away all the incentives to come across illegally in the first place.
You do realise the incentive to come illegally comes from the fact that's it's complicated as shit to do it legally?

It's fuck all to do with welfare; it's the desperation to have a better life regardless. Why would you even want to remove the incentives immigrants have for coming to your country? You'd wreck the fucking economy in a heartbeat.

I don't know why you'd want to deport so many illegal immigrants regardless of whether or not you had the resources.

Just give them a simple fucking path to citizenship and let them help with the economic woes.

xenophobia and "MUH JOBS"

americans are really, really, really fucking xenophobic, which makes absolutely no sense considering the nature of our existence.
They also really, really, really don't understand economics.

Double whammy, right there.

I don't know why you'd want to deport so many illegal immigrants regardless of whether or not you had the resources.

Just give them a simple fucking path to citizenship and let them help with the economic woes.


Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:41:22 PM »
But my liege, isn't that a gross infringement on the fundamental right to one's life that us Libertarians treasure so dearly?
One of the guys who could've been responsible for civil liberties in a centre-left government over here once demanded a prison was retaken from rioting prisoners without regard to lives lost--he said they should've "machine-gunned them".

I don't think we value "rights" as much as you Amerifages do.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:36:31 PM »
the people on welfare?
Well I was just going to suggest we kill them all and then abolish welfare spending. . .
Liberals would never allow it.
We'll kill them, too.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:33:46 PM »
the people on welfare?
Well I was just going to suggest we kill them all and then abolish welfare spending. . .

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:28:50 PM »
Gotta love differences in states.
So what the fuck is Obama doing offering a nationwide solution to state problems?

Surely, if at all, it should be down to the states what they're doing with their colleges.
Like I said on the first page, states were already making steps to do this same thing. Tennessee, an absolute cesspool of ignorance and arrogance, offers to pay two years of tuition for any student who wants to go to [community] college. This isn't a matter of "If the feds don't do this, it never will." Education is already heavily regimented to an indescribable fault, and now they want to ignore the problem and move on to the next institution.
To be honest, that isn't all that unusual at the federal level.

Good policies are often co-opted by Washington--like Obama's gas mileage standards which were taken from a 2002 Californian law, or even the ACA from Massachusetts--but unfortunately Obama's been strangling that over the course of his presidency by trying to whip the states into line.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:27:00 PM »
Well, as long as nobody in this thread starts calling for wage and price controls, government works programmes and fiscal stimulus. . .

I think we'll be all right >.>

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:25:46 PM »
Gotta love differences in states.
So what the fuck is Obama doing offering a nationwide solution to state problems?

Surely, if at all, it should be down to the states what they're doing with their colleges.
I know I'm probably gonna get heat for saying this, but the legislative process has shown to be pretty slow and ineffective when it comes to bringing new things like this, because people are gonna bitch about it back and forth and ultimately just shut it down. And then nothing happens.

But uh. Again that's going a bit off topic so don't focus on this comment too much.
America's system is quite shit, I'll admit, but the good thing about conservative legislatures is that they don't go all gung-ho on you. I mean, take China--they have a really loose attitude towards policy--and it's good at the moment but it'd be really easy for somebody to fuck it up. And, in some respects, the Chinese already have have.

Some bickering is good at least, but you also need a degree of decentralisation to allow more local governments to operate in effective manners.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:22:58 PM »
Department of Education
Last time anything happened there was under Bush. . .

I think we all want to avoid anything like that happening again >.>

You mean NCLB?
Well, that and the fact that the Dept. of Education's funding increased by 165pc.

Whether it fucking even did anything to the education system, I don't even know.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:20:34 PM »
Department of Education
Last time anything happened there was under Bush. . .

I think we all want to avoid anything like that happening again >.>

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:17:55 PM »
Gotta love differences in states.
So what the fuck is Obama doing offering a nationwide solution to state problems?

Surely, if at all, it should be down to the states what they're doing with their colleges.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:12:53 PM »
The problem is, it's not nearly enough to keep up with the prices for basic goods.
So? That's inflation--that's a whole other topic.

I'm not entirely convinced that's an issue, anyway. The only reason it seems difficult at the moment is because of the Recession we're still sorta-kinda in. It has nothing to do with inflation accumulating over the years, because wages grow with it.

I mean, overall productivity of the economy--as well as labour income for that matter--are usually measured with inflation anyway.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:05:56 PM »
Guess what - prices of products have gone up, wages for entry level jobs, along with positions like managers, has not significantly changed. Great, in 1995, you could live modestly as a manager. Shit was cheaper then.
Not true, compensation for labour has been rising steadily with productivity at least since the start of the Great Moderation.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:04:55 PM »
I still say we need more (better) jobs, but that's an entirely different topic.
You can't force job creation.

Productivity and labour compensation have been rising steadily, side-by-side, since like the 1960s. It's not a case of the quality of the job, per se, but how much value you're facilitating. Taking a more macro perspective, what matters is providing a stable economy to facilitate proper expectations, not allow for debt deflation and keep inflation at around 2pc when possible.

I have my own ideas on how to do that, but it certainly doesn't involve trying to micromanage what jobs are done in the country.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:50:53 PM »
For the fat cats on top, sure.
For the general public? It means getting a decent job is that much harder.
It also means goods can be bought cheaper. Outsourcing isn't the problem, a poor welfare and educational system is.

We should want these jobs to be outsourced, because it's the kind of work that doesn't need developed infrastructure to support--it gives income to people in the third world, and increases consumer surplus for people here. It isn't just a game of wage-rates for the "fat cats", you have to consider crime and other socioeconomic factors around your business. When they outsource, it really is because American labour is too expensive.

In saying that, the solution is again to restore trust in the mandatory educational system and maintain the equilibrium between the value of qualifications. Not just shunting more people into higher education and causing their new-found qualification to decrease in value.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:44:31 PM »
I will say, however, that outsourcing is pretty much universally good.

So, yeah, that's not really debatable in the economics world.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:42:28 PM »
Sometime something "Free market"
Protectionism is the opposite of free-market. . .

I'm free-market, Kinder isn't.

EDIT: Fuck me, didn't realise what you were saying, now I look like an idiot.

The Flood / Re: When a lady squirts, is it pee?
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:29:13 PM »


I like how social media is making people like the Imams and the Aytollahs less relevant to the views of Muslims.

I may disagree with their creed and disagree with the extent of fundamentalism that exists, but it's always nice to see some grassroots upsurge. I've noticed a few of those tweets are also from Ahmadi Muslims, who I should note are unfortunately suppressed in Pakistan by Sunni/Salafist fundamentalists.

As a side-note, these past few weeks have produced the only two worthwhile hashtags I've ever seen



Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:57:47 PM »
So your point seems kind of moot.
I'm still holding out for the administration to provide more information, and I'm obviously not as knowledgeable as you about how community colleges work in the U.S.

My only point is that anything which artificially increases the supply of qualifications isn't good, and it isn't the right direction to be heading in.

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:51:21 PM »
since drug is a very broad one
I think he means anything you use to get high and distort your perception.

The Flood / Re: Can I just apologise to anybody I've pissed off?
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:47:41 PM »
Otherwise, we cool.
Like I say--bouts of insecurity.

It's probably just me.

Or you're one of them dirty Jihadists trying to trick me >.>

The Flood / Re: Hey Kitsune!
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:46:34 PM »


Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:45:16 PM »
What exactly is wrong with having more educated people anyway?
Part of the devaluation process isn't just people having more of a certain qualification, but it's the strain placed on educational infrastructure--it essentially turns it into a continuation of mass-schooling.

What really needs to be done is an improvement of primary and secondary education.
I agree with that last part but I still see nothing wrong with more people having a higher level of education.
Scarcity matters.

If more people have a masters degree, it becomes worth less. That's true in any sort of situation in which the supply of something goes up. We need to have higher levels of education as we get more and more information--of course--but we ought to do it in a way of occasionally restructuring all levels of education. Just pushing more and more people into university delays dealing with the problem and allows it to saturate and get worse and worse.

The Flood / What do you think are your own best and worst qualities?
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:42:26 PM »
Now that we've thoroughly ripped the shit out of, and complimented, each other in equal measure. Let's do it to ourselves.

So, for me:

- Intelligent.
- Capable of being motivated.
- Rational.
- Fairly objective.
- Willing to defend my views.
- I understand morality.

- Arrogant.
- Intolerant.
- Often lazy.
- Impulsive.
- Callous.
- Manipulative.
- Occasionally insecure.
- I don't act morally.

This is essentially a form of Meta-sponsored narcissistic masochism.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:37:54 PM »
What exactly is wrong with having more educated people anyway?
Part of the devaluation process isn't just people having more of a certain qualification, but it's the strain placed on educational infrastructure--it essentially turns it into a continuation of mass-schooling.

What really needs to be done is an improvement of primary and secondary education.

The Flood / Re: The best and worst qualities of certain users
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:36:11 PM »

- Obviously perceptive and intelligent.

- Very willing to defend his views. I admire it, in a sense, but I can see how it might come off as abrasive.

The Flood / Re: Can I just apologise to anybody I've pissed off?
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:32:10 PM »
You've pissed me off?
Fuck, I don't know.

I just get the impression I get on your wrong side more often than other users.

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