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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 290291292 293294 ... 502
The Flood / Re: Global warming?
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:44:59 PM »
Climate Change*

Only idiots use the term global warming.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Global warming is a thing.

Because. . .

Y'know. . .

The globe is fucking warming.

The Flood / Re: What The Fuck
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:36:53 PM »
I'm enjoying this thread, so far.

The Flood / Re: I'm looking for a very special little girl
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:32:42 PM »

The Flood / Re: The best painting I have ever seen
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:27:05 PM »
Fucking treehuggers.

The Flood / I'm looking for a very special little girl
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:26:26 PM »
A fucked up, needy little girl. Eager to please, to submit, to succumb to perversion. If you are lucky, then you are not her. If you are lucky, then you were not born with that peculiar engine that drives one to self-destruction. If you are lucky, you do not want to give up control over your life, and become a man’s whore. I am deeply sorry for what I will do to you. But I will still do it. Make no mistake, I want a dog. A slavish, sopping wet whore who lives to please me. Who clings, needs. Cries when I leave. I want to fucking ruin you so you are incapable of functioning without me. A clingy, addicted mess. It is hard to convey in words the deep perversion I want to visit on you. How hard I am, thinking about you crawling to me, ass in the air, tongue out, with love in your eyes. My loving little bitch in heat. If you want this, you will need kik or skype and and the willingness to serve me. Contact me on kik, from there message me "I am your loving slut" and we will begin. Any girl is welcome.

Thought this deserved a repost.

Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:02:01 PM »
Apparently anything that slightly hurts someone's feelings is now called "torture".
Well, no. It's torture because it's torture, not because you're upsetting whoever's confined. I imagine prison upset them in the first place. It just doesn't do anything to solve any problems whatsoever, and just engenders hatred towards the established order.

I'm fairly certain everybody does this and don't care when you do it, because they're concerned about how retarded they themselves are.

I don't have to walk around with a key between my fingers for fear of being raped, despite the fact I do exactly the same thing as a precaution against mugging.
Sorry to go offtopic, but what exactly does having a key between your fingers do for fears of mugging?
Just imagine being punched in the face with a key.

but that's what has been adopted.
And the entire point of this thread is that it's a fucking stupid adoption.
I'm not sure how you go about changing it, though.

It's like homophobia. Are homophobes afraid of gays? No, but that's the word we have.
I know what you mean, but it's the same with xenophobia. That's just really a game of semantics; it doesn't necessarily refer to any set of regular values. You can say "homophobe" or "queer hater" and get pretty much the same result, regardless of the terminology, yet the idea of "feminism" has become corrupted by first-world bitching.

I get that a lot of self-identified feminists just want the "hey, let's not be pricks approach", but they degrade the feminism that actually struggles against patriarchy, and they in turns are degraded by those who believe in patriarchy in the Western world. This value-system has become so twisted and diluted by the same word coming to be associated with radically different values.

I don't know exactly how to change it, but I think we can all agree that it's dumb--which is a good starting point.

but that's what has been adopted.
And the entire point of this thread is that it's a fucking stupid adoption.

But it's a legitimate point. People say and to some shitty things to people in the service and retail industry, and often women are more of a target than men. She's not wrong.
Be that as it may, that still doesn't make it a point for feminism. The idea has been degraded by this sort of pretentious whining to the point where almost nobody actually links feminism to efforts where it's sorely needed, such as the Arab and African world.

And while she may not be wrong, she has a history of using fairly common occurrences to justify her viewpoint. She once told me I don't have to walk around with a key between my fingers for fear of being raped, despite the fact I do exactly the same thing as a precaution against mugging.

The fact that women bear the brunt of more shitty behaviour from shitty customers in retail isn't at all consequential when you want to talk about institutionalised and widespread oppression and discrimination.

Depends on where you draw the line, and what statistics you're employing, but I've no problem saying the values of most Muslims worldwide are explicitly opposed to that of the Western world.
Holding values that oppose the western world =/= a degenerate, though.
Okay, let me rephrase that then.

Holding explicitly illiberal/immoral values.

Depends on where you draw the line, and what statistics you're employing, but I've no problem saying the values of most Muslims worldwide are explicitly opposed to that of the Western world.

They have a point. I got called all kinds of weird things when I worked retail. It's not about a men or women thing - it's about treating employees and customer service people with like...a little bit of respect.
I work in a supermarket, so I know what it's like with certain customers.

This, however, is just high-jacking problems in retail for her feminist agenda; she isn't the only one, either.

The Flood / Re: Why do you hate fat people?
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:30:32 PM »
love me some landwhales

« on: January 11, 2015, 02:23:32 PM »
Why the fuck is this in Serious?

all Muslims are degenerate tho right?
No, just most.

No doubt the final two words in the title are compromising.

I feel like putting this out there because chatting to a lot of friends in retail and after experiencing stuff myself it's coming to light that certain behaviours are starting to get way past annoying. It's also becoming apparent that we're passing behaviours down to the coming generations

People who work in customer service jobs are not your darling, sweetie, love, little angel, babe, baby, honey or your lovely. You especially so not touch these people without really really bloody good reason (and the list of reasons isn't very long)

I've got to admit that the main culprits are males 60+ but I'm really starting notice a trend appearing in younger men. The most common occurrence is having a hand placed in the small of your back as you walk past on the pretence of helping my balance or your own or just hey, maybe you feel you have to steer me in the direction you want in my own bloody shop. A few girls have told me about hands a little lower, though I hadn't experienced this personally until this weekend, it happened and it's disgusting. It's really not on

So, yeah, rant over now but seriously if you see a family member doing this or a friend tell them to stop because it isn't an acceptable way to treat people and makes us never want to come from behind the counter to help those than actually need help

u mad meta?
Well. . . No.

The copper murdered in the streets was also a Muslim, and because of these fanatics there have been instances of grenades being thrown at Mosques. These people have harmed moderate Muslims too, just not in the same way they harmed the satirists.

Serious / Re: Could companies sponsor a school and/or district?
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:37:34 PM »
There's no profit to be made off education.

Serious / Re: ISIS has a new unexpected enemy
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:57:34 PM »
I think it's time to postpone my advocacy for legalisation.
Why? If certain drugs were legal then these groups wouldn't exist or have the money or power to fight
Yeah, that's exactly the point.

I want these Lebanese drug lords to fight ISIS.

Serious / Re: ISIS has a new unexpected enemy
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:51:13 PM »
I think it's time to postpone my advocacy for legalisation.

Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:44:36 PM »
What the fuck is even going on.

OT: Yes it's torture.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:27:23 AM »
But do the ends not justify the means? If society is much better after that, then how could it not be worth doing?

First of all you have no proper way of calculating that, and it seems fairly clear to me that it's a cop-out course of action. There are things you could do with these poor people from a governmental perspective which allows them to facilitate more value as a whole and improve socioeconomically--without murdering them all.

There is a difference between theoretical morality and real morality. In theoretical morality you never have to make an immoral choice to satisfy a moral outcome. But in real morality you're forced to make choices that will have you act immorally whether you like it or not.
This is just a non-assertion. There's no such thing as an "immoral choice" which facilitates a moral consequence; all moral choices are judged by their circumstance and consequences.

Serious / Re: Romney 2016
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:51:08 PM »
Agreed. Friggin Dems and their Keynesian economics...

Let's not forget the best two Federal Reserve Chairman have both been Republicans, not Keynesians and appointed by Republican presidents.

Fucking Democrats.


He manages to fool people into believing this shit by either willfully ignoring important pieces of information, or being ignorant himself about important pieces of information.

Also, since Kinder (also Door) know a fair bit about guns--can you tell me if this comment is accurate?
Pretty weak SCG, pretty weak. You talk about the rifle, but fail to mention the more active object, the bullet. A 7.62 FMJ is very different than a 7.62 EHP, one will penetrate with little to no expansion causing very little hydrostatic shock and a smaller wound channel, an FMJ round at max velocity that close could very well have passed through the head fairly cleanly and sometimes without a blood plume. A 7.62 EHP is a very different creature and is designed to cause maximum trauma via massive hydrostatic shock and an equally massive wound channel, an EHP would have done what you are talking about, an FMJ not so much, the video really wasn't long enough to let us see if there was any blood pooling from the head wound, which could be very easily concealed by his body from the angle we are looking at.

Brief summary? Can't watch the video right now.
He's chastising a caller for trying to equivocate the Charlie Hebdo attacks with things like CIA-sanctioned torture and the Invasion of Iraq. He's also saying that the right to expression necessarily confers the right to offend.

The Flood / Re: Dogruk went to pinkface market
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:01:51 PM »
This is probably the only worthwhile RP account ever.

I do enjoy your stories Dogruk.


I've got to give him credit for that.

Anecdotal: Referring to a single individual
Umm. . . No. Anecdotal means a person story of some kind; something which isn't necessarily representative or statistical.

The fact that your family has that attitude, and a couple of Hispanic politicians, isn't evidence for for this attitude forming even a minor part of the Hispanic population's values.

If you want to present actual evidence, then I'll be willing to take you seriously.
That's better, you should do this more often.

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