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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: The big bang and the origins of the universe
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:49:14 AM »
I'm not smart enough to debate this
If there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here, there's no way for us to be here because that infinite amount of time, by definition, couldn't have passed.
Why do you assume we couldn't be here?
I'm not assuming. If there is an infinite amount of time before the occurrence of something, that something cannot occur because the time logically couldn't have passed yet--and it never would pass.

Serious / Re: The big bang and the origins of the universe
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:47:42 AM »
I'm not smart enough to debate this
If there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here, there's no way for us to be here because that infinite amount of time, by definition, couldn't have passed.
Yes. But what if you introduce entropy into the equation? What if the respective bubbles(universes) are pockets of imperfection? So because of that entropy, because of the fact that our universe exists as a sliver of imperfection, time can, by our viewpoints pass because in this bubble things are warped.
What are you talking about?

I'm saying if there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here,  we would not yet be here--that's all I'm saying.

And just like that my mild appreciation of him disappears.

Serious / How would you vote in Germany and France?
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:52:50 PM »
The Christian Democratic Union
- The CDU is a centre-right political party.
- They supports Christian democracy, although its membership includes atheists.
- It has advocated a mild social market economy, similar to Clinton's third way.
- They have, however, become more fiscally conservative since the Chancellorship of Helmut Kohl.
- They are committed to European integration, but they oppose Turkish membership.
- They favour a strong relationship with the USA.
- They also favour integration of immigrants via language courses and other means.
- The current leader--and Chancellor of Germany--Angela Merkel's approval ratings sit at 77pc.
Social Democratic Party
- The SDP is a centre-left party.
- They advocate social democracy through a strengthened and co-ordinated social market economy.
- They support the distribution of wealth and an extensive social safety net.
- Although, they try to balance this with responsible fiscal policy and the elimination of budget deficits.
- The party is split between the moderates and the Keynesians ever since deeply unpopular welfare cuts in the early 2000s.
- They support European integration.
- As well as economic regulation to limit the potential losses of banks.
- The party also supports a common EU economic policy, as well as environmental regulation.
The Left
- The Left is the main left-wing federal party in Germany.
- It argues for democratic socialism to replace capitalism.
- Although current policies rely on Keynesian economics; they believe the government should combine expansionary monetary and fiscal policies during a downturn.
- The Left also argues for increasing government spending in a wide number of areas, from infrastructure to culture.
- They completely oppose privatisation.
- Support increased corporation and inheritance taxes, empowering co-operatives, banning oil and gas fracking and a federal minimum wage.
Free Democratic Party
- The FDP is a centre-right, classical liberal party.
- Supports cutting the bureaucracy down, privatisation and ending subsidies.
- They also support reforming social security along the lines of personal savings accounts.
- They believe the government should have a minimal social role, and have traditionally supported LGBT rights.
- However, as of the last election they have been ousted from the federal parliament. They can't shake the image of the party of the rich.

The Union for a Popular Movement
- The UMP is a broad-church, centre-right to right-wing political party.
- Their ideas range from Christian democracy to classical liberalism.
- They believe strongly in self-sufficiency, and value things like merit and innovation.
- However, the party also promotes the rule of law and adherence to authority for the sake of social cohesion.
- The party has sometimes taken a tough stance on immigration and strongly supported cultural assimilation.
- Under Nicolas Sarkozy, several thousand Roma were controversially expelled from France.
- They have, historically, tried to balance support for European integration with nationalism.
- Under Sarkozy, the government promised to make overtime hours tax-exempt.
- He also tried to strengthen ties with the US by sending 1,000 troops to Afghanistan.
The Socialist Party
- The PS is a broad church, centre-left to left-wing party which currently controls the Assembly and the Presidency.
- It has factions ranging from socialism to social democracy, although the current president is considered a moderate.
- It has, historically, been compared to the UK's Labour Party before Tony Blair.
- Under Hollande, the government has wanted to separate investment and retail banking.
- They also favour phasing out nuclear energy in favour of alternative renewable energy.
- Hollande also sought a top rate of income tax at 75pc.
- The party has also pledged to eliminate the deficit by 2017.
- They supported the removal of French troops from Afghanistan, although they began a very successful military operation in Mali in 2013.
- Hollande's approval ratings sit at 12pc.
National Front
- The FN is a socially right-wing but economically left-wing party in France.
- The party takes a 'zero-tolerance' approach to crime, and supports harsher sentences with increased prison capacity.
- It has historically been opposed to (particularly Islamic) immigration.
- Marine Le Pen has criticised Muslim immigrants for their threats against the values of France.
- The party is also protectionist, and opposed to globalisation.
- They seek to nationalise healthcare, education, transportation, banking and energy.
- The party now seeks to leave the Euro and establish French customs borders.

I'd probably vote for the CDU in Germany, and the UMP in France.

Serious / Re: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:11:23 PM »

"Good religion" is an oxymoron.

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:50:09 PM »
This is exactly why it should be legalised.
Social darwinism?
. . .

No, because you can fucking regulate it when it's legal.

The Flood / Re: oh my lol. So much salt
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:49:19 PM »
What even happened with PSU?

The Flood / Re: Greatest historical blunders?
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:13:14 PM »
Not taking the U.S. off the Gold Standard in the early 30s.

The government causing the Recession in 2007/8.

Pulling out of Iraq in 2011.

Three which immediately spring to mind.

The Flood / Re: I didn't do it to kill your fun
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:00:46 PM »
Whoever wrote my page on the proper wiki ought to be shot for being shit-tier.

At least copy the one about me from SC's wiki over.
Fine, but I'm leaving out the last sentence since you obviously wrote it
I wrote all of it you dense fucknugget.

The Flood / Re: I didn't do it to kill your fun
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:58:37 PM »
Whoever wrote my page on the proper wiki ought to be shot for being shit-tier.

At least copy the one about me from SC's wiki over.

The Flood / Re: I didn't do it to kill your fun
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:58:13 PM »
No one gives a fuck because Icy reported it last night already anyway.
Because apparently Kinder's page angered him enough to do it. lol
Ha, what a faggot.

« on: January 14, 2015, 12:49:57 PM »
I just edited my own to make it more factually accurate.

The Flood / Re: Who do you respect in Sep7agon?
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:42:11 PM »

You're all pig-headed cunts.

The Flood / Re: There's a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:40:42 PM »
Loving my page, by the way.

Serious / Re: Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:28:20 PM »
I know jobs will be lost and shit, but even if the army did want them it wouldn't necessarily be a good idea. We're in a state perpetual conflict--the crux of which is covert operations and intelligence. Tanks are only useful if you need to topple a government.

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:23:43 PM »
This is exactly why it should be legalised.

Yeah, I posted about this the other day.

It's just fucking tragic, to be honest. It's made worse by the fact that there's no 'good guys'--much like Syria--as the Christian-Animist group anti-Balaka doing these attacks is retaliating to a coup by the Islamist group Seleka.

Serious / Re: Peshawar School Reopens after December Massacre
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:16:41 PM »
I think one thing we have to realise is that there's a difference between condemning the religion and then condemning militancy--I do both, but there's a distinction.

Even radical Islamists are capable of at least distancing themselves from certain sorts of militancy and I'm fairly certain another country's Taliban wing condemned the Pakistani Taliban for what they had done. In the same way we have a sense of proportionality between religions, we must have a sense of proportionality within them. This is monstrous to the first degree, and anybody who even tries to blame it on the West in a roundabout way is delusional.

Political actors have a choice between talking and war--faith cuts the conversation short.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:09:18 PM »
Why wouldn't this escalate to that? What else could that mean? When Bush announced the war on terror in the days after 9/11, I don't think anyone expected that "war" to take us into Iraq, but it did. Expecting France to establish a presence in the Middle East considering this announcement isn't unreasonable.
The point is that, unlike you, I'm not pretending to know what the French government is planning. Although, given their success in Mali, I'd trust France to fight an insurgency better than the U.S. or the U.K.

The exact number isn't important, but the low end of 100,000 deaths is a lot, and for what? What's been gained from this conflict? Certainly not the seizure of WMDs, which was the goal in the first place, and certainly not stability. So, what?
Actually, yes, the seizure of WMDs is one thing. Not just about 5,000 chemical weapons in Iraq, but the entire stockpile of Libya, too. Through which, by the way, we were able to trace the A.Q. Khan network. We removed a vital gulf state from the ownership of a genocidal, mass murdering psychopath and his Nazi-linked party; unearthed the international criminals he was harbouring; and turned Iraq into a secular republic, rather than a fundamentalist Islamic state.

Our original mistake was leaving him in power in 1992.

Serious / Re: Intelligent people, how do you know you're not stupid?
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:56:37 AM »
If I'm stupid then everybody else is brain dead.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 06:28:18 PM »

Hundreds of thousands, approaching millions, of civilian deaths in Iraq alone since 2003. What the west is doing there isn't helping.
then Saddam killed around 180,000 Kurds with WMDs
Wasn't the Halabja massacre the only time Saddam gassed the Kurds?
No, I'm talking about the al-Anfal Campaign, which was ongoing at the time of the massacre but recognised as a separate event.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 05:59:10 PM »

Hundreds of thousands, approaching millions, of civilian deaths in Iraq alone since 2003. What the west is doing there isn't helping.
So first of all you criticise France for sending more soldiers to die, when there's no evidence for them even planning to do that, and now you're trying to make a tenuous link to Iraq? You know you're misrepresenting the statistics, too, given the obviously controversial nature of the numbers which, as your source states, ranges from around 100,000 to 1,000,000; if you want to try and claim some authority between there, you have a heavy burden.

This still doesn't prove anything, though. If you want to dumb it down so much as to play the numbers game, then Saddam killed around 180,000 Kurds with WMDs, at least the same number of Shi'a Muslims, raped Kuwait and drained the Mesopotamian Marshes--one of the greatest ecological disasters of our time. Not to mention goons under Saddam's protection murdered Said Hammami and further radicalised the Palestinian population, and the man who founded ISIS was living under his protection.

Iraq is in its position now because of Nouri al-Maliki's sectarianism and his unwillingness to incorporate the Sons of Iraq into the country's security apparatus, as well as the Coalition pulling out when they did which allowed ISIS to capture Syrian oilfields in the east of the country.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 05:41:28 PM »


Fucking pathetic, france.
Did it escape your razor-sharp perception that people are already dying and will continue to die if something isn't done?

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:46:25 PM »
Fucking pussies. It took 3000 to get us going. 12 is nothing. We lose that to diabetes every day.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:43:13 PM »
That's what they said (and still say) about US domestic spying, and we know how that turned out.
Except we know this to be the case with the U.S.

Show me some evidence that France is equally unscrupulous in its intelligence applications and then we can get down a cost-benefit analysis.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:19:59 PM »
Oh wait, not so fast.
Were you under some illusion that the French don't do this? Fuck, the Swedish do it, too.

The difference is that the French don't make a watch-list which is nearly half full of people not connected to terrorism in any way, use porn to discredit radicals or collect the medical histories of journalists' families. . .

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:56:24 PM »
No, but it's a reason for countries to stop saying "We're going to fight terror!", and then just simply continue bombing places with no concrete plan as to how you will assist the nation's government in continuing to fight extremism.
I didn't know you had access to France's plans and blueprints.
What always seems to happen is that the politicians and military folks forget that "no plan survives contact with the enemy." I'm not saying all plans are destined to fail, but these things are declared in haste without much thought put into it. It's reactionary, it's emotional, and it's fatally flawed.
I've said before how there's little appetite for a French Patriot Act. The French intelligence services, as Raptor said, are exceptionally competent. I have more confidence in the French than I do in the British or the Americans.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:48:09 PM »

I suppose the US and UK will follow up with this "extra surveillance" shite as well.

If we really want to combat terrorism then we shouldn't be giving these cunts what they want. Privacy gets chipped away in the name of public safety and the terrorists will still find ways to kill people irregardless of how intrusive the government becomes.

Standard procedure I suppose.
Surveillance can be done right--I hope the French government manages to do it.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:47:14 PM »
"We just need to keep bombing them into submission!" won't work to finally eradicate extremism.
Literally nobody here or in France's National Assembly is claiming that it will.
Where did I say that it was limited to solely those two groups?
Okay, so what's your point?

Kupo says the last time a country did this it ended in embarrassment, which led to you saying the War on Terror hasn't exactly worked despite the fact the insurgencies you mentioned are largely unrelated and then you claim this 'malfunction' of the War on Terror is a reason to not bomb indiscriminately.

Serious / Re: France declares war on terror
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:42:55 PM »
"We just need to keep bombing them into submission!" won't work to finally eradicate extremism.
Literally nobody here or in France's National Assembly is claiming that it will.

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