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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 278279280 281282 ... 502
The Flood / Re: Where's the proof?
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:11:44 PM »
I hate all of you.

Says the guy with the beige nameplate and government shit.
Why don't you suck my cock, you fucking sexy whore you.
Meet me for a drink already motherfucker.
I've got like 2.5 weeks before I'm 18 tho

Says the guy with the beige nameplate and government shit.
Why don't you suck my cock, you fucking sexy whore you.

The Flood / Re: Give me evidence
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:08:32 PM »
Oh for fuck's sake. We're not having parodies in Serious now.

Fedora-wearing virgins have already chosen their ungodly path, brother. Ignore them; they feel the Reckoning soon.
Your nameplate makes me want to kill myself.

dat pyrrhonism doe

Serious / Re: So, about Jesus
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:02:13 PM »
Oh my fucking God if you derail another fucking thread I'll hunt you down.

Studies have been done on rats--and on terminally ill human patients, if memory serves--which shows a sharp spike in neurological activity seconds prior to death which is experientially similar to regular religious experiences and the effects of psilocybin--the key ingredient of magic mushrooms.

It has nothing to do with the truthfulness of religious claims, and nothing to do with some sort of exogenous variable like cerebral hypoxia or anaesthetics; we're essentially programmed to have these sorts of experiences.

Serious / Re: So, about Jesus
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:41:20 PM »
They could have been different 2000 years ago allowing for these things to happen, who really knows.
Either way he wasn't divine.

Serious / So, about Jesus
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:36:17 PM »
The idea of the Messiah was one of military kingship, who'd command respect from Jews and gentiles alike. Considering this, it doesn't seem altogether unreasonable that the apostles were--essentially--Iron Age, Palestinian revolutionaries. Wouldn't it be more probably that such a group of people would turn their Messiah into a deity, rather than actually seeing him raise from the dead.

Reagan, too.

The Flood / Re: Moving to colorado, parents got me a new laptop...
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:37:53 PM »
Oh hey, I have the same mic as you.

Yes. Both Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke get stuff probably wrong when it comes to monetary economics.

Had I been politically aware prior to his Presidency, Bush would've let me down a lot. The current Coalition government is also a fucking let-down.

Fuck, Obama's a let-down too.

The Flood / Re: Why is Door's imaginary girlfriend's brother a rapist?
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:24:19 PM »
Probably because he raped a person
Was it legitimate rape or feminist rape?
the kind with sober nonconsensual penetration
That's the best kind.

If someone takes it upon themselves to be intentionally insulting for no good reason, they deserve to get hit. And if they cry that I hurt them, it's their own fault; they walked right into it. Point is, don't be a dick to people and you wont get hurt.
Or you could not give them the reaction they're looking for, deflate your raging testosterone-filled penis and walk away.

Serious / Re: The housing bubble really was irrelevant
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:09:05 PM »
When the housing bubble burst, it was a symptom of a irresponsible banking system
No. It wasn't.

Lenders knowingly lent low-interest loans to households who wouldn't be able to pay off the loans
Companies like Freddie Mac sold security packages (which included these bad loans) to investors and foreigners

^^^symptoms of an irresponsible banking system, if I can use that terms loosely

I don't really see how this doesn't coincide with your conclusion in some way
The sub-prime mortgage issue wasn't the same as the housing bubble. Even so, however, the sub-prime crisis was itself caused by a mixture of irresponsible banking and misguided legislation.

Not to mention, Freddie Mac is a government bank.

It's very possible, especially since the collapse is near.

Sorry, this is a 'no fear-mongering' zone.

as the debt still grew massively..

You're just completely wrong.

Serious / Re: The housing bubble really was irrelevant
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:34:17 AM »
When the housing bubble burst, it was a symptom of a irresponsible banking system
No. It wasn't.

The debt has been my main point all along
Which came under control during Clinton's administration due to FISCAL discipline. You clearly don't understand monetary policy.

I've said many meaningful things
Sorry, you just fucking haven't.

Would you also consider the problems that would arise from water shortages under that as well?
Not especially, I don't think water shortages will be especially consequential. Technology which allows on-the-go sanitation of water, as well as developing desalination capacities, will remedy most of it.

Well that's a fair point. But to counter that, you would then be faced with the problems offered by shortages of minerals and fuel to create and operate such technologies, right?
Not especially; resource shortages are always overstated. One of the mechanisms of the market is that it replaces gradually more expensive resources or operations with cheaper ones--it did this with silicon and fiber optic during the shortages of copper. And, of course, the development of more sustainable energy sources like solar and nuclear will become more attractive as they get cheaper and oil gets dearer.

Would you also consider the problems that would arise from water shortages under that as well?
Not especially, I don't think water shortages will be especially consequential. Technology which allows on-the-go sanitation of water, as well as developing desalination capacities, will remedy most of it.

No. If something like that were to happen, it probably would've happened during the Cold War. Warfare and international conflict is changing to the point where it occupies cyberspace, is focused around espionage and is removed from the need of bayonets or trench shovels.

Our greatest threats will come with our advancements. Whether we will properly respond to techno-socio-economic phenomena like unemployment-causing automation and the development of an artificial general intelligence, as well as things like nuclear terrorism and divergent cultures.

. . .
You keep espousing this idea that your arguments are based on history and experience, and are appreciative of facts, but I'm yet to lay witness to this awe-inspiring rationality. I'm still waiting for you to say some even remotely meaningful when it comes to what we know about the economy. Now, the fact that you want to claim some sort of epistemic authority while making cryptic statements about picking up a 'bigger stick' and robbing from the entire world, then all it does is demonstrate your sheer lack of understanding.

Inflation was stable during Clinton's tenure, and the economy did grow. If you had the appreciation of facts you claim to have, you'd know this and understand that everything I'm telling you is based in evidence and looking at prior monetary policy to see what works, and what economic indicators actually tell us what is working.

So far, however, nobody has been fortunate enough to lay witness to your clear superiority on this issue. So--much like God--you must forgive us when we question its existence.

Of course you want to think that because you realize you're wrong.
No. . . There's a reason the graph represents the debt-to-GDP ratio in the first place: because that's what matters.

The economy didn't "grow" under Clinton, we simply lived a bigger lie as our money became even more worthless.
Again, no. The economy grew at an average of just over 3pc per year. And inflation was stable under Clinton.

After he baselessly questioned my intelligence after I was correcting him and explaining why he was wrong
I didn't baselessly question your intelligence. You're just spouting ideological rhetoric without appreciation of economic facts, which isn't surprising when you quite clearly stated you don't even care about money demand. And all your "correction" amounts to is:
I care about problems and desire actual solutions to them that won't make things worse. It's blatantly obviously you have no grasp of economics which is why you're not even beginning to see reality here.
Nothing rational, statistical or empirical. . . Just a lot of emotional, 'you can't even begin to understand my superiority'-esque narcissistic nonsense.

That is different then increasing the overall debt.
Thinking about the debt in absolute, numerical terms is pointless. . .

A $3bn debt is a lot worse if its 80pc of your economy instead of just 5pc. The fact that the economy grew during Clinton's tenure matters. The debt shrank in relation to the size of the economy--which is the only proper measure of the situation of the national debt.

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