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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 277278279 280281 ... 502
Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:39:49 PM »
Eh I could argue far more people suffered due to the America invasion but any who
I know you don't want to get into this, but I really can't let that slide.

The Coalition's invasion, while poorly handled, was simply the best course of action for Iraq's future. Saddam Hussein may have kept the situation contained--at a very high human and environmental cost--but he wasn't immortal. He would've died, and a horribly violent schism would've occurred. Or, even worse, one of his sons like Uday Hussein would've taken over.

Just look at nominal income growth since the invasion. Iraq was on a stable path of growth prior to the rise of ISIS, precipitated by the Coalition's withdrawal and the sectarianism of the then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who excluded the Sons of Iraq who had enforced security in Sunni-majority areas.

The Flood / Re: GAMERGATE: Keep fighting, keep winning
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:29:18 PM »
>thinking art is subjective


Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:24:42 PM »
didn't I make a thread about him a few months ago in which you called him an idiot for his science-denial antics?
Yeah, he was an anti-Darwinist and didn't believe in evolution. A prohibitionist, too, I think.

When it comes to economics however, he probably was correct with the Panic of 1893 and this advocacy of bimetallism. He was on-the-mark with the gold standard.

Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:17:35 PM »
Yeah Saddam was crazy but life for the majority was much better with him in power
Tell that to the tens of thousands of gassed Kurds, the tens of thousands Shi'a Muslims in mass graves we are still finding and to the Marsh Arabs who had their home destroyed in one of the biggest ecological disasters in history.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:14:45 PM »
Something something on a cross of gold
WJB is mah nigguh

Serious / Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:05:22 PM »
There's been something of a resurgence of goldbugs since the failed primaries of Ron Paul and the rise of the Tea Party. Of course, this idea has always existed, especially in America, but the Gold Standard really is a poor--and potentially damaging notion--in terms of economic impact.

A 2012 poll showed none of the polled economists supported the idea that a return to a gold standard would result in better "price-stability and employment outcomes". In my own opinion, and that of several similarly-minded economists, the biggest problem with this is the removal of monetary authority from the government. It takes away a government's ability to fight recessions via monetary policy, and gives it to our balance of trade, gold reserves and gold mines.

In terms of advantages, one of the big ones offered to us is price stability. While removing authority over the money supply might reduce our ability to fight recessions, it makes serious swings in inflation improbable and helps induce economic stability by smoothing out the value of the currency. While it's true that long-term price stability is a virtue of the gold standard, and that significant--or even hyper--inflation are rare, it just isn't true that the gold standard induces stability in any meaningful way.

Inflation under the GS
That is the sheer amount of inflationary volatility under a gold standard. Short-term fluctuations in inflation are drastic under a gold standard. The idea that pegging the currency to gold--or any other sort of metal specie-induces price stability is a sick joke.

Inflation under QE
Now that is inflation under the quantitative easing programmes. QE is essentially a form of monetary stimulus used when interest rates hit zero, and it has been decried as "hyperinflationary" by the libertarian-goldbug crowd. Look at the graph up there, and then look at the graph here. You tell me which is more inflationary--and deflationary, for that matter--than the other.

As Milton Friedman noted: inflation is, always and everywhere, a monetary phenomenon. There has never been a fiat money system, under which, the central bank has not had the power to control inflation. In addition to this, as Ben Bernanke noted, there has never been a fiat money system, under which, the central bank has not been able to control deflation.

So, yeah, if you're in favour of a gold standard. . . stop it.

tl;dr--gold standard doesn't actually stop inflation

Serious / Re: Can we discuss how much of a faglord Michael Moore is?
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:33:54 AM »
So? Does she not have a right to attack people who invade her country?
Not if she's an Islamist.

Serious / Re: My best arguments for technocracy
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:14:14 AM »
Yeah, I completely agree, especially when it comes to the democratic attitude's effect on culture.

I don't completely agree on getting rid of politicians; there still needs to be a degree of representation in the legislature, they should just be unelected and largely subservient to the executive and judiciary. As long as things which can be devolved to a local level efficiently are, then a technocracy could work.

Serious / Re: Does the soul exist?
« on: January 19, 2015, 08:35:25 AM »
To determine if the "soul" exists, you much first define what a soul is.
Oh my fucking God, what's wrong with your font?

The fact you think debt doesn't matter shows how naive you are, exactly.
See you're not even paying attention--I didn't say that. I said the only proper way to measure the importance of the debt is in comparison to GDP; I actually think the debt at the moment is too big.

All you're doing is making wild claims with no evidence--no, common sense doesn't count,  you economically illiterate dope--and making unfalsifiable claims. . . How has the economy become artificially inflated? How come we've actually seen real growth since then? How come nothing bad has happened over the course of this century-long, monolithic artificial inflations when we've seen throughout history that it doesn't take that long? You can't answer these questions properly because you're just presenting false of even insignificant propositions.

How come all of the reliable indicators from 1992 to 2006 show a near-perfect monetary framework that was, if anything, actually tight, from 2001-2006.

You seem to think the massive debt somehow isn't a big deal when it has already destroyed the economy. The fact is Clinton did nothing to help, there was just more of the same theft, borrowing, "printing" and debt.
Except Clinton made the debt smaller in terms of the whole economy. . . What about that are you finding so difficult to grasp. The economy grew under Clinton because of agricultural and telecommunications deregulation,  lowering the tax rate on the middle class and--most importantly--sound monetary policy. Nominal income remained on track for pretty much all of Clinton's administration thanks to Alan Greenspan; there was no excessive printing of money.

You're only further proving yourself wrong. Inflating the economy at the time was an awful thing to do, and at least you are now admitting he increased the national debt. Nothing about the government's monetary policy is sound.
You're just making assertions with no evidence. The economy wasn't artificially inflated, it was growth, the pure numerical value of the debt doesn't matter and all reliable indicators point to an incredibly stable monetary regime. . .

I have facts and evidence for my positions, and have presented them accordingly. You, however, have not.

You seem to think the massive debt somehow isn't a big deal when it has already destroyed the economy. The fact is Clinton did nothing to help, there was just more of the same theft, borrowing, "printing" and debt.
Except Clinton made the debt smaller in terms of the whole economy. . . What about that are you finding so difficult to grasp. The economy grew under Clinton because of agricultural and telecommunications deregulation,  lowering the tax rate on the middle class and--most importantly--sound monetary policy. Nominal income remained on track for pretty much all of Clinton's administration thanks to Alan Greenspan; there was no excessive printing of money.

Nothing you posted contradicted me. Also, you just insulted me after a warning, great job.
No, I'm not insulting you. You believe something which is irrevocably wrong in light of the evidence. This is the schizophrenia of economics. It's self-imposed delusion.

You don't seem to understand that the dollar value increase of the debt under Clinton is irrelevant when the economy grew enough to shrink its overall relative size.

The Flood / Re: Cun7agon
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:23:00 AM »
You're obsessed. Not sure why some people take this site so seriously.
Shut it, iota cunt. Ain't nobody asking you shit.

as the debt still grew massively..

You're just completely wrong.

Why do you keep posting irrelevant graph? The debt still grew massively, they just didn't spend everything they stole. How are you not getting that?
Is calling evidence which clearly contradicts you "irrelevant" a normal practice for you?

You're fucking delusional.

The Flood / Cun7agon
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:20:12 PM »
Lo and behold, thine cunts!

Cheat, the alpha cunt--the first of cuntkind, who sits at the throne.
Nuka, the beta cunt--the second of cuntkind, with a will as strong as stone.
And of course, Kinder, the gamma cunt--third-rate, and truly lowly.
Slash, the delta cunt--a lone wolf, independent and with utter focus.
And then Dustin, the epsilon cunt--the centre of our community, the genetic locus.

Turkey, the lambda cunt--truly radioactive, in a sense, his half-life confirmed.
Rocket, the upsilon cunt--transcendent and immaterial, brilliantly holy.
Mr Psy, the tau cunt--forsaking the imperium, to fight on the xeno fronts.
And then I? I am the omega cunt--the cunt to end all cunts.

The Flood / Re: Why does cheat even run this site
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:00:38 PM »
Because he's alpha cunt, the first of the cunts.

Nuka is beta cunt, the second of the cunts.

Kinder is gamma cunt, the lowly cunt.

Mr Psy is meta cunt, the cunt who transcends cuntishness.

And I?

I am omega cunt, the cunt to end all cunts.

The Flood / Re: Doctor Pavel
« on: January 18, 2015, 04:57:33 PM »
I'm Em Eye Sex.

David Hume in some respects, too.

The Flood / Best cover of Midnight City ever
« on: January 18, 2015, 04:48:42 PM »

Lyrical genius.

Also, a kid recently came out and said his claims of going to heaven following a car accident (the claims were then published and made his family a lot of money) and said he made up his claims just for attention.
Was that that one heaven something movie that came out last year or something?
Well there was a book, "Heaven is for Real" (not to be confused with the movie God's Not Dead" IIRC there was apparently something about the kid not even having been unconscious during the ordeal. Basically, the dad pulled it out of his ass.
Colton Burpo was his name.

Biggest load of utter shit I've ever laid witness to.

Serious / Does the soul exist?
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:39:54 PM »
When it comes to philosophy, I'm quite vehemently opposed to the idea of the soul, or some transcendent 'mind'.

The Flood / Re: Anybody interested in cosmology
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:24:50 PM »
How did we get from cosmology to grammar.

The Flood / Re: Anybody interested in cosmology
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:08:50 PM »
go out of his way to be an ass
That's one of my favourite things about him.

The Flood / Meta's a cunt
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:08:15 PM »
hurr durr bandwagon


The Flood / Re: Meta's sex issue
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:06:36 PM »
Love it.

The Flood / Anybody interested in cosmology
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:04:45 PM »

Love a bit of Lawrence Krauss.

The Flood / Re: hey meta
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:03:35 PM »
It's okay, I prefer Alan Greenspan.

Serious / Re: So, about Jesus
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:48:27 PM »
Except there were some Roman soldiers guarding the tomb.
Why would they have Roman soldiers guarding the tomb? That doesn't make sense.

Not to mention, that doesn't discredit the idea that the apostles could've just made up his resurrection.

Serious / Re: So, about Jesus
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:44:35 PM »
The Jews were expecting a conquering King who would come in and "save the day", so to speak. They basically expected what the Christians expect on the 2nd coming of Christ: a King conquering His enemies.

So imagine their surprise when they encounter Jesus. He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey(which means He comes in peace) instead of a horse(He comes to conquer).

He is a carpenter, and washes the feet of others. He doesn't have wealth or riches.
He's a Servant King.
Okay, so do you want to actually answer the question in the OP?

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