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Messages - More Than Mortal

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Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:13:15 PM »
Big female booties
( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)

That's something we can agree on.

The Flood / Re: Who's going to watch the State of the Union address?
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:11:28 PM »
TIL I'm an Obama Drone
That's not a good thing. The only drones Obama cares about are the one's he'll use to bomb your house.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:09:10 PM »
The fact is our economy is not healthy or improved when we are this far behind on debt.
For the third time--I'm concerned about the debt. I just have no illusions about monetary policy and its efficacy to improve the economy. You can't pay down the debt in a dead economy.

The Flood / Re: Who's going to watch the State of the Union address?
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:05:51 PM »
It's Obama.

If the past is any indication, he doesn't have anything interesting to say.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:04:07 PM »
The only stupidity is your own if you think this is an improvement. You lack any sort of sense.
Come on, Cam. I don't need to explain the difference between monetary and fiscal policy again, do I?

That's not even Econ 101, I'm pretty sure most people are born with an innate understanding of the distinction. I've already told you before how I'm concerned about the debt.

The debt has only begun a continuous increase since 2000, by the way. Or, if you really don't want to count Clinton, 1980.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 05:00:16 PM »
Because many actions by the government give the illusion the economy improves when it truly doesn't.
To think that the economy hasn't improved in the past 100 years is just nonsense of the highest order. I can't explain to you just how truly stupid it is.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:53:08 PM »
Your graph is irrelevant and solidifies your lack of understanding here.
How is nominal income not relevant to the economy? It's essentially a measure of aggregate demand.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:35:48 PM »
That's completely untrue.

Sorry, what?

You really need to start backing up the 'refutations' you're trying to make. It's pitiable.

The Flood / Re: Body cam shows events leading up to rookie cop's death
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:32:52 PM »
The thing is, they should have known what they were getting in.

It's the same with Charlie Hebdo. They should've expected to be brutally murdered for printing cartoons.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:31:52 PM »
Realtalk here, apart from the troll personas, does anyone on this site actually think the gold standard is a good alternative?
The only two people I know of are Kinder and Cam. But their grasp of economics is tenuous, at best.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:28:30 PM »
The evidence is on my side, as the debt increased exponentially during that time and prices of goods and services skyrocketed.
No. . . No they didn't. The size of the debt fluctuated and inflation averaged around 2pc for the entire period, and nominal income was pretty much exactly on trend. Monetary policy during the 23-year Moderation was as close to perfect as you're likely to get.

Among many reasons, such as completely incompetent policies and criminal wars.
That has nothing to do with monetary tightening.

The fact the size changed so dramatically proves there was a problem.
Except the administration averaged something like a stead 3.5-4pc annual growth rate. . . That's not dramatic.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:22:04 PM »
Except reality has proven it's not reliable and only enslaves future generations.
Again, you've got about 23 years of evidence against you.

The fact there was tightening is due to corruption.
Where did that come from? There was a tightening in response to an oil shock.

Except it hasn't worked, which is why the debt increased by over a trillion under Clinton.
Again, I'm actually being reasonable and talking about relative to the size of the economy.

It's increased even more rapidly than that under George and Barack.
I know, and that's due to disgusting policy decisions and fiscal profligacy on both their parts.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:14:13 PM »
The fact that there had to be "easing" proves the system wasn't reliable.
No, it proves there was a prior tightening which necessitates the easing. It has nothing to do with any sort of inherent unreliability of fiat currency which--as I've demonstrated in the OP--is more reliable than a gold standard anyway.

The "solution" you propose doesn't work
Well it does, because it worked during the Clinton administration, it worked throughout the entirety of the Great Moderation and it has been working--although in a stunted manner--in response to the current Recession.

We're just delaying the inevitable.
Again, more fearmongering. We've talking before about how Clinton managed to control the size of the debt relative to the economy.

Sorry, but I have common sense on my side.
Unfortunately for you, however, you don't have the economics on your side.

And the economics, funnily enough, strikes me as more authoritative than your conception of common sense.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:05:31 PM »
It would if it showed a steadily increasing rate of per capita GDP.

Or had anything on the axes, for that matter.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:04:21 PM »
At least when I call you naive I'm being honest and not lying like you.
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°).

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:03:22 PM »
The system we currently have has failed
Where, exactly? Don't get me wrong, the current Recession is the fault of poor governmental policy, but the solution isn't to throw out that policy. Not only do you reject the efficacy of a good monetary regime--wherein you have about 23 years of solid evidence against you--but you reject any sort of monetary easing in response to the current Recession--you have about seven years of solid evidence against you, there.

Sorry, but I'm the one with the empirics on my side.

Innovation is irrelevant to the economy.
There's no way you're that ignorant. This is where the conversation ends.

The Flood / Re: Courtesy PSA - Serious litebans will now be enforced.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:56:31 PM »
Meta's claims were obviously untrue.
What? I'm not the one claiming there's been no economic growth for the past century.

The Flood / Re: Courtesy PSA - Serious litebans will now be enforced.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:55:52 PM »
The only obsession is your own. Calling someone delusional and naive are both insulting. I'm merely pointing out how horrid the site is in rule enforcement. Kinder had one of his posts edited in serious after a monitor told me it wasn't against the rules to insult others, Icy claimed this as well.
"Naive" and "delusional" are qualitatively different to "piss-poor mad asshat".

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:54:06 PM »
And made everything worse.

Sorry, what?

The Flood / Re: Courtesy PSA - Serious litebans will now be enforced.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:51:44 PM »
Meta wasn't banned after insulting me after being warned just yesterday.
Oh my God, talk about obsession.

This must be the fifth time I've explained I didn't even insult you. If calling you fucking delusional is an insult, then so is you calling me naive. . .

There hasn't been growth

40 years ago the Internet didn't exist.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:42:50 PM »
when Meta insults me after already being warned, nothing.
I didn't insult you. I called you delusional because you cling to beliefs in the face of insurmountable evidence. If that's an insult, then you calling me naive and 'squirt' all the time also crosses the threshold. You can't have it both ways.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:41:38 PM »
It's definitely better when your currency is backed by actual value rather than empty promises and threats.
>actual value

I'm sorry, is the value of gold somehow not dependent on other people's valuations of it--that is to say, faith. I've demonstrated how the fiat currency system we currently have is far superior to gold--and by extension, any commodity specie--without even getting into the 20-odd year period of the Great Moderation.

If you want to present some real arguments and evidence for a change, then I'm open to it.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:32:59 PM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
Ted Bundy had balls.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:51:56 PM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from towel head scum
And. . . Reported.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:39:39 PM »
All of those brushfire wars in irrelevant shitholes on the other side of the world? They exist so the ruling class can either profit from the use of very expensive consumable objects or use that war as a means of justifying their position as protectors that need to be there for your own good.

Yeah, because the government liked the idea of running around Tora Bora looking for bin Laden. Give the military some moral credence; they removed two fundamentalist Islamic governments in two keystone states.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:29:14 PM »
Le ebin maymays xd
bad psy

complicit in the derailing of my thread

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:11:38 PM »
I think getting rid of it and adopting the Federal Reserve was the single biggest mistake in America. But this is just one man's humble opinion.

I wonder how autistic you would look when a mod shows that isn't my account. Stay a piss-poor mad asshat
It's like you want to be banned again.

Serious / Re: Why the Gold Standard is a shit-tier idea
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:42:49 PM »
humble opinion.
Is humble a code-word for "baseless" and "unsupported"?

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