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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 255256257 258259 ... 502
Whoops. My bad, I completely forgot that all outsourcing of both manufacturing and services jobs has taken place in the last four years.

>"the economy isn't getting worse, look at this outdated chart"
I said the economy isn't getting worse as a result of outsourcing or internal labour competition, which the graph supports.

>"if the economy is getting worse, it's because it's in trouble"
No, I said if the economy is showing a disequilibrium in various sectors of employment there is most likely a supply-side issue causing it.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:18:23 PM »
(I'm assuming that's what's inspiring you)
Ha, actually no.

This is pretty much entirely personal interest. Like, I take philosophy classes. But fuck me.

We're doing the problem of evil and the ontological argument at the moment. . .

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:12:45 PM »
Hey Meta, have you read anything by Douglas Hofstadter, and if not, why?
I've been wanting to read GEB for ages.

By the way, it's a myth that American manufacturing has been destroyed by free trade. I mean, come on, it rose by like 40pc between 1994 and 2007.

It's the reason our economy is FAILING
Since when?

Present me with a single shred of evidence which shows labour competition is destroying the economy.

I won't stand for this Darwinistic bullshit. It's destroying our economy.
It's the reason ours is the strongest.
Well, no, because it isn't Darwinistic.

Voluntary exchange is by definition win-win.

It's destroying our economy.
Obviously not:

If these workers end up in jobs which generate less value than their former jobs it I) doesn't negate the consumer surplus of the replacement labour and II) is actually indicative of structural, supply-side issues in the economy.

Hey, wage competition. Consumers get a service for cheaper, and the labour of the (now) unemployed workers will get shifted to something more valuable.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:30:42 PM »
you got it

it matters, in meta's case, because anyone who makes axiomatic truth statements like that can also make axiomatic truth statements about other, bigger things, as well--like the existence of god, for example

i think the idea of an unquestionable truth simply rubs meta the wrong way
Essentially. The only epitemological system which you can use to judge truth, which has any value, is one which is functional. One which uses valid axioms to judge propositions.

Schools like Presuppositionalism and Reformed Epistemology are just fucking worthless.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:04:32 PM »
I'll be honest, this is the kind of philosophical study that just makes me question when it will ever pertain to every day life and just walk away.
doesn't it matter whether shit exists or not?
Yes and no, depending on the subject. This is definitely a no.
It literally comes down to a question of what constitutes truth.

Disagreeing with my assertions necessarily leads to a non-empirical, non-naturalist form of epistemology.

Serious / Re: There was a shooting at my university...
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:01:51 PM »
Well, as long as it was a murder-suicide at least the situation didn't have any excessive risk.

The Flood / Re: The Dawkin's Scale
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:57:12 PM »
let him believe what he wants to.
I'm not one for platitudes.

If we can criticise how people act, we can criticise the propositions that motivate them to act in the first instance.

The Flood / Re: The Dawkin's Scale
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:53:04 PM »
dat blatantly flawed epistemology tho

Already been posted. I'll put my response here, too, though:

Researchers can't prove their theory about Putin and Asperger's, the report said, because they were not able to perform a brain scan on the Russian president.

However, Porges said Wednesday he had never seen the finished report and "would back off saying he has Asperger's."

they are also observed in individuals who have difficulties staying calm in social settings and have low thresholds to be reactive.

Putin suffered a huge hemispheric event to the left temporal lobe of the prefrontal cortex

U.S. officials should present "the information-craving" Putin with "meaty policy research and white papers," Connors recommended.

I highly doubt he's autistic. He comes across more as a slightly neurotic psychopath/narcissist.

The Flood / Re: So, today is my 18th birthday
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:23:56 PM »
The amount of people expecting me to be older in this thread is disturbing.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:21:24 PM »
just thought i'd set it straight then

i would say you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who thinks numbers are anything more than adjectives, or properties, but apparently william lane craig does?
The problem is that anybody not well versed in philosophy (specifically epistemology and ontology) could easily be taken in by Craig because it seems reasonable enough on the face of it.

Not to mention, Platonists and other substance theorists tend to go batshit insane when you disagree with them >.> Better to keep their numbers thin.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:09:26 PM »
i'm arguing for the existence of the adjectival nature of... numbers
Well in that case I don't disagree. Prime's formulation of your position on the ontological nature of numbers wasn't exceptionally obvious, and I just felt like laying this out as a sort of "foundation" for thinking about numbers and then move from there. I wasn't explicitly criticising what I thought was your conception of the philosophy of mathematics.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:02:56 PM »
do we exist, as people?
That depends on what you're really asking. Do people have some sort of immutable substance in which their essence inheres and defines them? No, like everything else the essence of a person exists in the empirical togetherness of certain properties.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:46:51 PM »
The very fact that you can make up this example shows that numbers do exist as abstract objects, at least to some degree.

Time for more word games.

I'm not denying the existence of abstract objects as some empirical bundle of properties that engenders a kinda, sorta substance. Tennis, indeed, is an abstract object but only because its empirical properties make it so. I'm not arguing against abstract objects in this sense. I'm arguing against the concepts of metaphysics and ontology and epistemology which seek to show the existence of literal objects which simply lack spatiotemporal extension.

Serious / Re: Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:24:09 PM »
The idea that numbers really, actually exist as abstract objects is often a staple of things like Christian apologetics and more Platonic/Schopenhauerian philosophies.

Where in apologetics or Plato's metaphysical ramblings do either say that numbers are real objects?
William Lane Craig, specifically, for Christian apologetics.

Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy:
Platonism about mathematics (or mathematical platonism) is the metaphysical view that there are abstract mathematical objects whose existence is independent of us and our language, thought, and practices. Just as electrons and planets exist independently of us, so do numbers and sets. And just as statements about electrons and planets are made true or false by the objects with which they are concerned and these objects' perfectly objective properties, so are statements about numbers and sets. Mathematical truths are therefore discovered, not invented.

Serious / Numbers don't 'exist'; there is nothing special about them
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:02:08 PM »
The idea that numbers really, actually exist as abstract objects is often a staple of things like Christian apologetics and more Platonic/Schopenhauerian philosophies. I think, however, that this is false.

The idea generally goes that mathematical objects exist; mathematical objects are abstract; and mathematical objects are independent of intelligent agents. Essentially, if humans were extinct then these abstract mathematical objects would still 'exist'. There is, in essence, a transdimensional holding pen of numbers which isn't spatiotemporal. Numbers, under this paradigm, are discovered and not invented.

However, I can quite easily define a mathematical set and label it. If I label a set as the "set of all Huragok". A property of this set is that there is an individual Huragok named Virgil, so whenever we speak of a set of Huragok then Virgil is necessarily included. For any existing Huragok, also, there is another Huragok which constructed it: the constructor.

The constructor of Virgil, however, must also be a Huragok to fit the definitions involved in the set. So for every constructor, there is another constructor. So:
- Virgil
- Virgil-constructor
- Virgil-constructor-constructor
- Virgil-constructor-constructor-constructor
- So on, so forth; we have essentially defined a never-ending train of Huragok.

Now, I'm just making this up (well, Bungie made it up). It was pulled out of somebody's ass. We could've defined two Huragok as necessary for the construction of a single, resulting Huragok, and we'd see a two-stemmed branch extending from Virgil. It's entirely up to me what defines a mathematical set.

Are the Huragok an invention, or a discovery? Do Huragok exist in their own abstract transdimensional way? If the answer is yes then any arbitrary set of elements I define also necessarily exists in their own abstract, transdimensional way. If the answer is no, then numbers too do not exist.

I have literally just demonstrated the process involving the creation of numbers, and all we need to do is alter just how we've defined the set and the elements within. Changing it from a set of Huragok to a set of integers, and changing Virgil to one and constructor to addition (denoted by +). So we get:
- 1
- 1+
- 1++
- 1+++
- 1++++ (ad infinitum)

Counting is just the process of streamlining the informational transaction of additions/increments to the original. So it just becomes:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5

This is arbitrary; I've defined this into existence. That is the entirety of mathematics, rules and definitions and axioms. If we're going to say that this exists, then all forms of rules and definitions exist too--such as the rules of blackjack. Following the rules of blackjack just means you're doing blackjack, and it's the same with mathematics.

Even assuming the existence of numbers in this Platonic way, how would you even demonstrate this? There is no metaphysical three which governs the threeness of a collection of oranges. In the same way the empirical togetherness of the properties of oranges define the substance of an orange, it is the same with numbers and a collection of oranges; three is an empirical property of an orange and another orange and another orange.

Math is literally just a conceptual framework for managing information.

Serious / Re: So, Putin has autism
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:26:01 AM »
Researchers can't prove their theory about Putin and Asperger's, the report said, because they were not able to perform a brain scan on the Russian president.

However, Porges said Wednesday he had never seen the finished report and "would back off saying he has Asperger's."

they are also observed in individuals who have difficulties staying calm in social settings and have low thresholds to be reactive.

Putin suffered a huge hemispheric event to the left temporal lobe of the prefrontal cortex

U.S. officials should present "the information-craving" Putin with "meaty policy research and white papers," Connors recommended.

I highly doubt he's autistic. He comes across more as a slightly neurotic psychopath/narcissist.

The Flood / Re: Prove That You're Not A Fag
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:18:24 AM »

do u even null hypothesis

The Flood / Re: So, today is my 18th birthday
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:07:18 AM »
Its amazing you haven't died yet
I know right.

The Flood / Re: So, today is my 18th birthday
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:04:26 AM »
So you're telling me you really are just a edgy teen acting smart online?
As if I've ever hidden that.

The Flood / So, today is my 18th birthday
« on: February 05, 2015, 10:52:55 AM »
Got an engraved tumbler and a bottle of whiskey from my parents, alongside some chocolate and information about skydiving (I plan on going skydiving before I go to university).

I got eight books in total:
- The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell.
- Logic: an Introduction to Elementary Logic by Wilfrid Hodges.
- The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty by Simon Baron-Cohen.
- Sense and Goodness Without God: a Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism by Richard Carrier.
- The Little Book of Economics by Greg Ip.
- A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence Krauss.
- The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis by Ben Bernanke.
- Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom.

So yeah, all in all a decent day. How're you guys?

The Flood / Re: The Dawkin's Scale
« on: February 05, 2015, 10:48:09 AM »
I don't necessarily agree with this scale, but I'd place myself at 6.

The Flood / Re: Most noteworthy members here?
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:09:27 AM »

Serious / Re: King of Jordan to Personally Bomb ISIL
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:04:16 AM »
Holy shit what a badass.

I wish our Queen did this.

Absence of proof isn't proof of absence, though.
Evidence, mang, evidence. Let's not throw the word proof around >.>

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