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Messages - More Than Mortal

Pages: 1 ... 254255256 257258 ... 502
Serious / Re: Did The Past Really Happen?
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:02:25 AM »
This sort of scepticism is nice to entertain yourself with, but it really is meaningless when we approach any substantial branch of philosophy from ontology to epistemology.

The Flood / Re: What part, if any, of my personality is "Flanderised"?
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:17:00 PM »
I love TvTropes.

also, *flanderized
Suck my English willy.

The Flood / What part, if any, of my personality is "Flanderised"?
« on: February 06, 2015, 03:24:22 PM »
Flanderisation is the process of a certain characteristic coming to be incredibly important, or effectively the definition of, an individual's personality.

Legit question.

Serious / Re: Is the moon there when nobody looks?
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:58:03 PM »
Sorry, but why would behaving to such a degree of scepticism about the external world be even remotely reasonable or helpful?

The Flood / Re: Ultimate first-world problem
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:55:45 PM »
Complaining about the existence of first-world problems is the worst of all first-world problems.

The Flood / Re: I sprained my ankle while Skiing today
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:16:23 PM »
Well if you didn't do faggot sports. . .

The Flood / Funniest thing you've seen on here?
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:14:48 PM »
The first time I saw Ember call this place Sep7fuckmeraw made me laugh a lot.

No Meta, I'm pretty sure they had giant meetings where they figured out how to screw over their kids. They twirled mustaches and stroked white cats while lounging on luxurious high-backed leather chairs. They very carefully orchestrated everything that has gone wrong over the past 60 years.
Goddamn it, you're right!

I forgot that Bill Clinton bombed those pharmaceutical factories in Sudan in order to decrease competition against America, and preserve Big Pharma and their cancer profits!
Wait, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not because that sounds like something we might have done...
Well, Clinton did bomb Sudanese pharmaceutical factories. . .

"I'm not going to do something I have nothing to do with" is notable how...?
It isn't, that's my point.

I don't like Max jumping on this guy's dick for not doing something which isn't necessarily included in his duties as a government employee.

That proves my point...?
No, because this judge did not have the duty of performing marriage ceremonies.

That was a privilege extended by the judge. . .

Any agent of the government, up to and including the president, is individually obligated to uphold the Constitution.
This is just patently ridiculous.

Talking about the jurisdiction of the government as a whole doesn't equate to an obligation on every single government employee. I mean, just think about what you're saying.

And if the Constitution does imply that, I have no qualms with calling that out for the sheer retardation that it is.
Every government employee is bound by the oath of office they took when they were hired.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution, and laws of the United States.

Any agent of the government, up to and including the president, is individually obligated to uphold the Constitution.
This is just patently ridiculous.

Talking about the jurisdiction of the government as a whole doesn't equate to an obligation on every single government employee. I mean, just think about what you're saying.

And if the Constitution does imply that, I have no qualms with calling that out for the sheer retardation that it is.

The government literally does not have the capacity to do what you're saying, because the Constitution forbids it.
The government is a collection of different individuals in different institutions which form an aggregate.

Some bureaucrat on the Council of Economic Advisers is not obligated to marry two gays if that's hypothetically the only way to exercise that specific right. There's a reason we have different positions within the government, and you can't take about it as a single monolithic entity with a united agency.

Individuals within it cannot pick and choose which laws or rights they want to uphold.
They can when it isn't actually their job to uphold a certain right.

The Flood / Time to see how far b.fukt has fallen
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:04:28 PM »
Feel free to make some controversial statements about how the Earth is 10,000 years old. The responses of both retards and the easily-baited will be enjoyable alike.

No Meta, I'm pretty sure they had giant meetings where they figured out how to screw over their kids. They twirled mustaches and stroked white cats while lounging on luxurious high-backed leather chairs. They very carefully orchestrated everything that has gone wrong over the past 60 years.
Goddamn it, you're right!

I forgot that Bill Clinton bombed those pharmaceutical factories in Sudan in order to decrease competition against America, and preserve Big Pharma and their cancer profits!

The Flood / Re: dazarobbo is doing another survey
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:34:11 PM »
b]Please don't interpret this as an invitation to fuck with the survey.[/b]
Too late.

The Flood / Re: Autism quiz
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:31:51 PM »
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 48 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 146 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical

People have occasionally commented on my somewhat 'autistic' outlook, but I honestly think it can largely be put down to some sort of latent narcissism.

I love correcting people and making them look stupid.

Yes, I read your whole post. It doesn't change my opinion at all.
I'm criticising the fact that your title makes it seem as if the Alabama Legislature rose up in some homophobic wave to ban all marriage just to spite gays. No, it's one judge operating on the basis of his own values, as we all do, and choosing to cut off a voluntary service. It really doesn't hurt anybody; there's quite a clear difference between not giving a service and then imposing something on somebody. Are his values, in some way, wrong? Yes, I believe so. Is this a cunt move? Yes, I believe that too.

But for all I know he's a damn good judge and I'm not going to bash him as some homophobic Christfag on the basis of him not doing something he isn't even obligated to do. And I'm especially not going to phrase my objection to it in such a way as to implicate the rest of the Alabaman government.

How misleading.

One judge isn't performing marriage ceremonies because of his personal beliefs.
...which shouldn't be an option. If he's uncomfortable with being a public servant, he shouldn't be in the position.
Hence the very next sentence:
Not to mention, he isn't even required to perform such ceremonies during his responsibilities as a judge.

Serious / The problem with big governments
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:25:58 AM »

It frustrates me when people take our liberties for granted.

I'm really struggling to see how people are forgetting two exceptionally important facts:

- The Baby Boomer generation is made up of individuals.
- They were, all of them, a product of their time.

How misleading.

One judge isn't performing marriage ceremonies because of his personal beliefs. Not to mention, he isn't even required to perform such ceremonies during his responsibilities as a judge.

Serious / Re: Chomsky on Marxism.
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:11:22 AM »
Noam Chomsky is one of those smart idiots. 

But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.”

-John Maynard Keynes

Fuck the next generations, right? We're dead anyway.
So, what you're saying, is that it's all Keynes's fault and we should convert to the glory of Milton Friedman?

Serious / Re: So, Putin has autism
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:28:07 AM »
a slightly neurotic psychopath/narcissist.
Do you think Sam Harris is a psychopath?
Why the fuck would I think Sam Harris is a psychopath?

It gets tiring to see people promote this sort of intuitive--but nonetheless false--economics.

In the same way removing barriers to capital and goods increases well, so would removing barriers to labour, by orders of magnitude which could literally double global GDP. Not only this, but decent levels of immigration help with the government's debt burden and, most importantly, there's probably no statistically significant effect on native wages, so any deficiency in creating jobs is a supply-side issue.

The only study I've seen which did find a statistically significant effect on wages was this one, but it's from 2009 so you probably won't like it. Despite this however, the effect measured is small, temporary and only impacts un- and semi-skilled service jobs.

But, you know, it's by no means solved and more recent studies have challenged the idea of significant wage compression.

Competition between labour is a good thing. The service sector of the American economy won't die out because of this, just as the manufacturing sector didn't.

I'm just saying that it's shitty, but a consequence of having a "free" market.
It really is only shit if you take a narrow, short-sighted view of the economy. Pretty much all of the literature I've seen points away from significant disadvantages arising from labour competition and outsourcing.

Also, you have to show the amount of people below the poverty line has increased pro rata with the general population growth. A growing population will lead to more people below the poverty line because. . . Well, y'know, that's how counting works.

An increasing wage gap and more people under the poverty line is beneficial to the economy to you?
I said evidence, not assertions.

And evidence that, if those assertions are true, they're actually caused by labour competition. . .

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